Awakenings Ch. 09


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Mel said, "He appears to be alone."

I nodded.

Picking up her cell phone, Mel pushed a button. A moment later she said, "Mike Patrick's on his way in. Everything looks good. Have fun." She switched off her phone.

As she set it on the table next to her, I said, "This might be a dumb question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. Do you like big cocks, I mean are they better? Are they more exciting?"

Mel looked at me. Realizing that I was asking the question seriously, she took a moment to consider her answer. Finally she said, "Michael all cocks are wonderful and the skill and attitude of the man wielding the cock is a lot more important than it's size. That said, if the guy is a good lover, if he understands when he has to be slow and gentle and when he can be aggressive and demanding; a big cock can be a very exciting experience."

"I see."

Noticing the somber tone in my voice, Mel said, "You're worried that Jeanne's going to leave you for a man with a bigger cock, aren't you."

"I'm not sure it's a rational fear, but yes I do worry about that."

"Michael, please listen carefully to what I'm going to tell you."


"Now that Jeanne is dating she is going to find other men that are better sex partners than you are. Don't misunderstand me, you're good, you're very good; but there are men out there who are great. Jeanne is bound to encounter some of those men and she's going to enjoy them. When that happens you shouldn't be jealous, you should be happy for her. You've told me enough about Jeanne to convince me that she's not a shallow person. She's not going to leave you for a man who's better in bed. Most people don't enter into relationships just for sex, especially women. We want a mate who's interesting, understanding, reliable and comforting. We want someone who has inner strength and intelligence. We want someone we can trust. Do you understand?"

"I do."

"Michael, I'm going to tell you a little secret. Both Amy and I are heterosexuals. We prefer men, we like cocks. We're open enough about sex that we can enjoy making love with each other and we do that frequently, but that's because we love each other. While I enjoy sex with men I would never leave Amy for a man. She's my soul mate. I trust her. We take care of each other. I want to spend the rest of my life with her and I'm confident that she feels the same way about me."

"You're telling me that sex isn't the foundation of your relationship."

"It's certainly part of our relationship. We do enjoy sex with each other, but it's not the foundation. The foundation of our relationship is a mixture of love, trust and mutual concern. That's why we can have sex with other people without threatening our relationship. Our relationship isn't based on sex and you know what?"


"I don't think any healthy relationship is based on sex. Think about it. You and Jeanne had years of happy marriage with what you have described as a very mediocre sex life. If your daughters hadn't incessantly challenged Jeanne's inhibitions about sex you would probably still be blissfully cohabiting, content with lots of cuddling and very little fucking and sucking."

I nodded.

"Michael, what I'm trying to say is that if Jeanne meets a man who has a big cock and knows how to use it don't feel threatened, be happy for her. She's having fun. She might go through a brief period of infatuation, but she isn't going to leave you for him. Sex is a lousy foundation for a relationship. Hell, that's why the fucking divorce rate in this country is fifty percent. Relationships based solely on sex never last."

"What if she meets a man who's handsome, has a great personality, earns a huge income, has a great big cock and knows hows to use it?"

Laughing, Mel said, "I'll pay you ten thousand dollars for his telephone number."

"You're telling me that it isn't very likely."

"I think if that man exists he's either already in a committed relationship or he isn't interested in one. Michael, the men who are attracted to Jeanne aren't interested in marriage."

"She told me that too."

"Did she explain why?"

"Yes, she told me that younger men want a young wife so they can have children."

"She's right. What did she say about older men?

"They want a wife they can trust and she's already demonstrated that it's likely she'll cheat."

"She's exactly right. Amy and I have the same problem, but it's magnified because we're prostitutes. Men are even less likely to trust us."

"Have either of you ever had a boyfriend?"

"We've both had a few, but they never lasted long. Most guys have a hard time accepting our profession. The guys who have tried all wanted to reform us. We were a challenge to them. You know, I'm so hot that I turned a whore into an honest woman. Of course once they've reform us they lose interest in the relationship."

"That's happened?"

Mel nodded. "To both of us."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, it's part of growing up. Sometimes people have a hard time accepting who you are."

Mel paused for a moment and then she said, "Michael, that's why we like you so much. You do accept who we are. You haven't tried to change us. You haven't cross examined us about our profession. All you've done is listen to us and occasionally ask a question. When you did ask questions they were appropriate. You didn't ask us if we were sexually abused when we were children or if we were neglected or emotionally deprived. You just accepted that we are who we are. Baby, that's admirable."

I shrugged.

Mel continued. "We were also impressed by the way you handled your problems with Jeanne. While you did leave her, most men would have kicked her to the curb before they left. Before you left you took steps to make sure she was financially secure. Since then you've actually tried to understand what she's doing and why she's doing it. Michael that makes you a truly amazing man."

"I don't believe most people would consider me an amazing man. I'm certain most people would think I'm a cuckold wimp."

"I don't agree with the wimp part, but you certainly are a cuckold." Mel paused for a moment and then she asked. "Is that really bad? Michael, I'm a cuckold too. At this very moment the woman I love is most likely unzipping a man's pants so she can suck his cock. This morning a man fucked me for at least thirty minutes. That means Amy is also a cuckold. Hell, right now this is a house full of cuckolds. You know what Michael, tonight I think that we should drink a toast to that. The three of us love our mates enough to allow them to enjoy all of the pleasure that can life offer."

"You make it sound so reasonable."

"Because it is reasonable. If Jeanne goes to that bar tonight, you know the one I'm talking about, the one where married people go to meet other married people for a quickie on the way home from work."

"Brady's Pub."

"Is that the name of the place?"


"If she goes to Brady's, picks up some guy, goes out to his car with him and sucks his dick will she be hurting you? Even if you were at home with her and you had to wait an extra hour or so to have dinner, would she really be hurting you?"

"No, not really."

"And she'd be having a whole lot of fun. Michael, sucking dicks is one of the great pleasures of life." She paused. "I suppose that might be a little hard for you to understand, although I don't think it should be. Personally, I love to eat pussy."

Laughing, I said, "That I can understand."

"You mean that eating pussy is fun."

"That's right."

"For Jeanne sucking a cock is just as much fun. Michael honey, genitals..." Mel laughed, "That's kind of a stuffy word, but it's the one that fits so I'm going to use it. Genitals are fun. They're exciting, alluring; hell, they can even be mesmerizing. Burying your face in a sopping wet cunt is thrilling, isn't it."

I smiled. "Yes it is."

"Playing with an erect cock is just as thrilling for a woman. Holding it, stroking it, rubbing it against your cheeks and lips and most of all putting it in your mouth and sucking it is incredibly exciting. I envy Jeanne. I wish I knew about a place like Brady's Pub in Tucson. Amy and I would go there several evenings a week. It would be so nice to occasionally be able to enjoy a little anonymous play without any entanglements."

"Don't you get that from your dates?"

"Somewhat, that's one of the reasons we're in the profession; but when were with a client he's paying us. That means his pleasure comes first. Once in a while I'd like to be able to enjoy a cock without worrying about whether or not its owner is having fun. At a place like Brady's a woman can do that."

Shaking her head, Mel said, "I suppose that sounds selfish, but I don't actually think it is."

"It's not. The men are getting a blow job. That's going to make most of them so happy that they aren't even going to consider the possibility that you might not be focusing all of your attention on giving them pleasure."

"I think you're right."

"What you just told me gives me a little better understanding of what Jeanne is doing, but it's still hard to understand how she can be content about not getting anything in return."

"Michael, that's the point. Sometimes a person doesn't need anything in return. The act itself is the reward. Sexual arousal is fun. Men go to strip clubs just to look at women dancing naked. You like to watch porn. Those movies don't give you pleasure. You get pleasure because they arouse you."

"And then I give myself pleasure." I was grinning.

"That's right and that's exactly what I'd do if I went to a place like Brady's. I'd find a nice hard cock to play with and then I'd go home and rub myself to several orgasms. A full session of hot passionate sex with a partner is fun, but it can also be taxing and time consuming. Sometimes a person just wants a little quick uninvolved excitement."

"I guess that makes sense."

"I know exactly how to explain this." Mel stood up, "Come on, lets go inside the house."

I followed Mel into the living room. She walked over to the chairs in front of the fireplace, unfastened her jeans and pushed them down to her ankles. As she was stepping out of them she said, "Take off your pants but leave your boxers on."

Curious about what we were doing, I took off my trousers. I already had an erection. Mel is a beautiful woman. Seeing her in a pair of lacy white bikini panties is exciting.

There was an arm chair at each end of the couch. Pointing to the one closest to me, Mel said, "Pull that chair around so it's facing me."

As I was moving my chair Mel pulled her chair around so it was facing me. "Sit down in your chair. I'm going to go first. If you have an accidental discharge that will give you time to recover."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to enjoy your cock and when I'm done you're going to enjoy my pussy. After we've both had a chance to enjoy each other we're going to sit in our chairs and watch each other masturbate."

"You're kidding."

"No I'm not and if you relax and give it a chance I think you'll find out that it's fun."

Chuckling, I said, "Okay, I'll give it a try."

"Pull down your boxers and sit down."

I pulled down my underwear and sat in my chair. My six inch penis was sticking straight up."

Mel walked over to me and kneeled between my legs.

As she wrapped her fingers around my cock I asked, "Aren't you going to take off you tee shirt and your panties?"

Shaking her head, she looked up at me and said, "No, this isn't for you; it's for me. When I'm finished you'll get your turn. Now try not to cum, but if you do relax and enjoy it."


For the next fifteen minutes Mel played with my cock. She stroked it and sucked it. She studied it, kissed it, twisted it and turned it. She rubbed and kissed my balls and then she played with my cock some more. A couple of times I had to close my eyes, bite my lip and count backwards from a hundred to keep from cumming, but I managed to do it.

Finally she looked up at me and said, "Thank you, that was wonderful. Now it's your turn." She stood up, walked over to her chair, took off her panties, sat down and spread her legs."

Still amazed by the game we were playing I stood up and walked over to her.

As I kneeled between her legs, she said, "Enjoy yourself." And then she winked at me.

The previous weekend in San Francisco had been the first time that Jeanne and I had ever had uninhibited sex. In the past she'd occasionally allowed me to go down on her, but only with reluctance and restraint. Now Mel was freely offering herself to me; not for her pleasure, but for mine. I'd just done the same thing for her. I'd given her my cock for her own personal enjoyment and now she was giving me her pussy for my enjoyment.

I started to eat Mel out in very typical fashion; but then realizing that wasn't really what she was trying to get me do do, I stopped. Instead I sat back and for the first time in my life I looked closely at a woman's cunt, not on a video; but in real life. As I studied Mel's pussy, I had to agree with her. They really are beguiling.

I gently touched Mel with my fingertips. She was wet, that made it even more exciting. Leaning forward I kissed her and then I licked my lips and tasted her. Wanting more, I extended my tongue and tasted her again.

Above me, Mel cooed with delight. That made me smile. While I realized that giving her pleasure wasn't my task, knowing that she was enjoying this made it even more enjoyable for me.

I spent the next ten minutes kissing, tasting and playing with Mel's sex. When I moved up to her clit I decided to be a little adventurous. I kissed it and licked it, but then I blew on it and flicked it with my nose. That made Mel laugh. When I sucked it into my mouth she gasped. For a moment I held it there savoring it's presence between my lips and then bursting with excitement I moved down and licked her with a frenzy that revealed my burning lust.

Laughing, Mel reached down and pulled me up.

I smiled at her, my face glistening with her moisture. "That was fun."

Mel giggled. "Yes it was. Go sit in your chair. It's time for us to jack off."

As I sat down I asked, "Can girls jack off?"

In a voice filled with mock indignation, Mel proclaimed, "Damn right we can, in fact I'll bet I can jack off better than you can."

"Are you making this into a contest?"

"Hell yes, but it's not a race. Jacking off should never be a race. It needs to be savored and enjoyed."

"Okay, but if it's not a race what criteria do we use to evaluate the quality of our efforts?"

"The intensity of the pleasure derived from the experience. For that we need an impartial judge."

"And I just arrived." It was Amy. She was standing immediately behind me.

Mel asked, "How was your session with Mike Patrick?"

"It was fine. Mike's always a gentleman, but he's a glutton for head. My lips are in a state of total exhaustion."

Laughing, Mel said, "A hazard of our profession."

Grinning, Amy said. "It is, but enough about that. I want to know what's going on here. You're both sitting in chairs that have been moved so that they're directly opposite from each other. You're both naked from the waist down and you're arguing about who can jack off better. I've clearly missed something."

Mel told Amy about the discussion and activities that had led up to the current situation.

When she was finished Amy shook her head and said, "And now you're having a contest to see who can jack off the best."

Mel nodded. "That's right."

"And you want me to judge the contest."

"That would be nice."

"I just spent the last hour sucking Mike Patrick's cock. I'd rather be a contestant."

Mel said; "That's an even better idea. When we're done we can vote to decide who won."

Amy said; "You do realize that it's likely that method will result in a draw."

"I know and that will be okay."

"All right then, I'll take the couch."

I stood up. Shaking my head, I said, "No, that won't work. If the contest is going to be fair we all have to compete in same conditions. You might decide to lie down on the couch. That would be an unfair advantage."

Giggling, Mel said, "He's right Amy."

I walked across the living room, picked up one of the arm chairs from the grouping in front of the television and carried it back to the fireplace.

As I set it down Mel said, "Since we can't be opposite each other anymore I suggest we sit in tight triangle."

Amy said; "Good idea Mel."

I agreed too. It seemed like a perfectly reasonable suggestion.

We carefully positioned the three chairs. Amy took off her skirt and panties.

Once the three of us were settled Mel said, "Is everyone ready?"

Amy and I nodded.

Mel said, "Remember, this is not a race. We're looking for orgasm intensity and excitement. The competition continues until all three of us have cum at least one time."

Amy asked, "Can we earn extra points for multiple orgasms?"

I protested. "Hey that's not fair."

Shaking her head, Mel said, "I disagree. You have the advantage of being able to ejaculate into the air. That will be impressive. Multiple orgasms provide Amy and me with an opportunity to offset that advantage."

We were all laughing.

I said, "All right, I'll go along with extra points for multiple orgasms as long as I get points for height, distance and amount."

Amy raised her eyebrows. "Amount?"

"I can dream."

Mel and Amy both giggled. Amy said, "Yes you can."

Suddenly Mel said, "Just a minute." She stood up and hurried into the bedroom. A moment later she returned carrying two bath towels. As she spread them out in front of me, she said, "We don't want to make a mess on the carpet."

Amy said, "Good thinking Mel."

Mel sat down. Once she was settled she asked, "Is everyone ready?"

Amy and I both nodded one more time.

Mel said, "On three. One, two, three."

We began.

Mel and Amy both started slowly. I understood immediately. This wasn't a race, it was a contest of intensity and gratification. I followed their lead and slowly stroked myself while I watched their fingers deftly massage their slippery cunts. As we masturbated our excitement grew, our speed and intensity increased and our interest in the contest dwindled.

Amy was the first one to cum. As she was recovering from the thrill of her climax Mel said, "She's always been able cum more quickly than I can."

Amy said, "Yes, but when you come you always scream louder than I do."

"That's because I'm from Chicago. All the women from Chicago are screamers. It's in our genes."

Amy and I both rolled our eyes.

Mel started vigorously rubbing her clit. After a moment she began to pant.

Amy said, "She's getting close. She always pants before she cums."

Suddenly Mel arched her back and emitted a blood curdling scream and then she started to shake. It was a monumental orgasm.

Laughing, Amy said, "When it comes to orgasms, my baby is a pro."

Mel, who was starting to regain her composure said, "I told you, I'm from Chicago. It's in my genes."

Amy shook her head and then she closed her eyes and refocused her attention on the pleasure she was giving herself with her fingers.

Mel was still quietly reclining in her chair, but I noticed that her fingers were already beginning to move again. I kept pumping my erection at a steady pace. I was enjoying this game. I didn't want it to end quickly.

Amy and Mel both came again, first Amy and then Mel. As Mel orgasmed I felt my own excitement beginning to mount. I pumped my cock harder and faster.

Amy said, "He's going for it."

"Yes he is. It's fun to watch, isn't it."

Feeling the sensations of pleasure building in my loins, I realized that I'd reached the point where an orgasm was both imminent and inevitable. I slowed my pace. I wanted to savor the next few moments.