Awakenings Ch. 25


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"Would you please come with me."

"Is there a problem?"

"It will be easier if I show you."

"Okay." Jeanne and I stood up and followed Richard across the lobby to a closed door behind the bell stand.

"Mr. Nolan when guests have to check out of their rooms before its time for them to leave for their travel arrangements they can store their luggage in this room. There's also a couch in here for the bell staff when we're taking our breaks."


He opened the door. The three of us stepped into the room. Paul was sound asleep on the couch. Richard said, "He's slept here for the past three nights. You're daughter locks him out of their room. Apparently she's been entertaining a male friend and wants privacy. He tried to sleep in the lobby. Mr. Nolan, I hope you understand, we can't allow that."

"Yes, of course I understand. Thank you for providing him with this option."

"Mr. Nolan during your stay here you've been very generous with the hotel staff. We're willing to try to do anything we can to accommodate your needs. Paul made us promise that we wouldn't tell you, but Mr. Nolan he's such a nice young man. None of us can stand to see him treated this way."

"I agree. I don't like it either."

Jeanne said, "Our oldest daughter is not acting like herself right now. We've been trying to let the two of them work all of this out, but clearly it's time for us to step in and take action. This isn't an acceptable way to treat anyone."

I took out my money clip and peeled off five twenty dollar bills. As I handed the money to Richard I said, "Please divide this among the night bell staff."

"No Mr. Nolan, that's not necessary. You've already been very generous with us."

"Richard, Jeanne and I appreciate what you and your staff have done for Paul. Just saying thank you isn't enough. Please accept this as a small token of our gratitude."

"Very well sir. The hotel staff is having a holiday party Thursday night. I'll put it into the drink kitty."

"Very good, now I have a favor to ask."

"Go ahead."

"I know the hotel is full, but is there any chance we might be able to get a small room somewhere so that Paul can spend the rest of the night in a bed and take a shower in the morning?"

"Actually there is. The hotel always keeps two rooms vacant in case there's a mix up in reservations. One of those rooms is still available. At this time of the night it's highly unlikely that the hotel will need it."

"Can you get that room for us?"

"Certainly, but because it will have to be cleaned tomorrow you'll have to pay the minimum rate for it."

"That's fine. Please get the room for us."

"Yes sir."

Richard turned to leave. As he was about to walk out the door I said, "Richard I have one more request."

"What is it?"

"Please tell the front desk that regardless of what she demands, my daughter is not to be told where Paul is staying."

Richard smiled. "Yes sir, I'll be happy to relay that message to the front desk staff."

"Thank you."

Richard left.

I said to Jeanne, "We have to wake him up."

"Let me handle this."


Jeanne sat down on the couch next to Paul. Gently stroking his hair, she said, "Paul we need you to wake up."

"I'm awake."


"Yes, I heard the entire conversation with Richard."

"Paul will you sit up so we can talk to you."

"Yes." Paul sat up.

Jeanne put her arm around him and held him close to her. "Baby this isn't okay."

"I know, but I don't know what to do about it."

I asked, "what do you mean? Why don't you just leave?"

"Mr. Nolan, I was raised in a series of foster homes."

"Yes I know that."

"Mistress Patricia is the only family I have. I don't have a job and I don't have any money. She's made it very clear to me that if I try to leave her I'll be homeless."

Jeanne said, "Tricia told you that?"

"Yes maam."

"That's awful."

I said, "It's also not true. Paul you do have family. Jeanne, Jodie and I are also your family."

"I can't live with Ms. Jeanne or Ms. Jodie. Mistress Patricia would constantly hound them."

Jeanne nodded. "Michael he's right. She wouldn't leave either of us or Paul alone."

Looking at me, Paul said, "Could I go with you? You could teach me how to play golf."

"Paul I'd like that very much, but I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to be gone. I think Tricia needs to experience life without you for an extended period of time."

Jeanne said, "You once said that same thing to me."

"And it worked, didn't it."

"It certainly did. It was a major wake up call for me. Michael, what are we going to do? Paul needs to be away from Tricia for months, maybe even a year."

"I have an idea."

Richard returned. "Mr. Nolan, the arrangements have been made for the room. I've even arranged for a late checkout. Paul can stay there until 3:00."

"Jeanne will you take Paul up to his room and get him settled? I need to make a telephone call."

"Of course. Michael are you thinking what I think you're thinking?"

"I believe so."

"That's a wonderful idea." Jeanne stood up and pulled Paul to his feet. "Come on baby, let's get you up to your room so you can get a decent nights sleep. Michael is going to take care of everything for you."

Jeanne led Paul out of the room. I took out my cell phone. It was 1:15. That meant it was 12:15 in Tucson. It was late, but that couldn't be helped. I dialed. After four rings Mel answered. "Michael, is everything all right?"

"Kind of, no one's hurt or anything like that, but we do have a problem."

Amy said, "I'm here too. We have the speaker on. Tell us what's happened."

"You remember the situation with my daughter Tricia and her boyfriend Paul."

Mel said, "Of course we do. They were in a dom sub relationship. You were worried that it might not be mutually beneficial."

"That's right." I filled them in on everything that had happened with Paul and Tricia while we were in San Antonio.

When I was finished Mel said, "You need a place for Paul to stay for awhile."

"Yes I do, but I also need a loving environment that will help restore his self esteem."

Amy asked, "Will he be willing to earn his keep?"

"You mean spot for you on cottage days and work behind the bar at Danny's Lounge?"

Mel said, "Yes, but he also has to help Amy with the dishes and he has to help me cut up vegetables. You know I hate doing that."

"Yes Melody, I believe he will be eager to help you."

"I love it when you call me Melody. I get all squishy between my thighs."

I laughed.

Amy said, "Focus Mel."

Mel said, "Okay. Michael, we'd love to have him stay with us."

"I'll make the travel arrangements tomorrow and call you."

Amy said, "Have him fly to Phoenix and take the shuttle bus to Tucson. It's cheaper and quicker. We'll pick him up at the shuttle station. Does he have a cell phone?"

"I don't think so, the poor guy doesn't have anything. I have the extra phone I bought in San Francisco to use with Jeanne. I don't need that anymore. Jeanne and I stay in daily contact now. I'll give that to him."

Mel said, "Put all of our numbers into it, my cell, Amy's cell, our work cell and our home phone.

"Your work cell?"

"It's the phone we monitor most closely."

"Of course. I'll call you tomorrow after I have his airplane ticket. Thank you for doing this."

"You're welcome Michael." Amy laughed. "But frankly we should be thanking you. Having a young submissive man in the house is going to be fun."

Giggling, Mel said, "It will be. We get to teach him how to eat pussy."

"You did an excellent job with me. Jeanne has been very pleased this week."

Mel asked, "How was your New Years Eve?"

"Interesting, I'll tell you about it when I call you tomorrow. Right now I'd better check on Jeanne and Paul."

Amy said, "You're right. Goodnight Michael."

Mel said, "Goodnight Michael, don't worry, we'll take good care of Paul."

"I know you will. Thank you very much." We ended the call.

The front desk clerk told me that Richard had taken Jeanne and Paul to room 522. I took the elevator up and joined them. Richard opened the door. Jeanne was sitting on the bed with her arm around Paul.

I sat down next to them and said, "Paul, how would you like to go to Tucson"

He looked at me.

I said, "I have two close friends there."

"The prostitutes."

"Yes, that's true, they are prostitutes, but they're also my good friends. I prefer that you think of them as Amy and Mel."

"Are they nice?"

"They're very nice. They'll be kind to you and they'll take good care of you just like they took good care of me."

"I don't know them."

"But they know you and they know you're coming. When you get to Tucson they'll be there waiting for you."

"Mr. Nolan I've been passed around all my life."

"Not anymore. You're now part of our family. I will always take care of you. Amy and Mel are part of our family too. Right now I would like to entrust you to them. Will you let me do that? I promise that they're very nice. Tomorrow I'm going to give you a cell phone. If you decide you don't like them you can call me and I'll come and get you. I'll come immediately."

"Do you promise?"

"Yes Paul, I promise."


Jeanne kissed his forehead. "Baby it's time to sleep. We'll come get you in the morning. You're safe now. We'll protect you and we'll take care of you."

"Okay." Paul was exhausted. His eyes closed. He drifted into sleep. Jeanne, Richard and I stepped into the hallway.

Jeanne said, "He's never had a real family."

I said, "He will now."

The next morning Jeanne and I went down to breakfast as usual. It had been a late night, but Jeanne and the girls had to catch an eleven o'clock flight. We'd just sat down at a table when Tricia stormed into the coffee shop.

Hurrying over to our table, she said, "Paul didn't come back to the room last night."

"Don't you mean he didn't come back to the room this morning? You locked him out of your room last night?" Jeanne's voice was calm, but there was an icy edge to it.

Tricia sputtered. "I...How...? Yes, but..." Finally collecting herself, she defiantly answered, "Steve and I wanted some privacy. Paul understands. Remember, he is my servant."

"This was the third night in a row you locked him out without any concern for his well being." The iciness in Jeanne's voice was turning into anger.

Tricia bristled. "That's none of your business. Now where is he? He has to pack my bag."

Jeanne's temper flared. "Tricia, how can you possibly be that callous? You must not have any feelings at all for that sweet young man."

Tricia yelled, "You don't understand!"

Deciding it was time to intervene, I said, "Paul has been sleeping in a room behind the bell stand. Last night the head bell man kindly informed us about what was happening. We got Paul a room of his own. We also asked the hotel staff to refuse to give you his room number."


"Paul asked us to help him get away from you."

"What? I don't believe you. You're making this up. Where is he? I need to talk to him."

Now calm, Jeanne said, "Tricia your father is telling you the truth. Paul did ask us to help him. Baby, you were holding him against his will. You deliberately withheld money from him so he'd be totally dependent on you. Last night he told me that you told him if he tried to leave you you'd make sure he was homeless."

"I..." Suddenly defeated, Tricia's voice trailed off and her face went blank.

I said, "Tricia, Paul will not be returning with you. We're helping him get a fresh start. You don't have to worry about him. He will be safe and well cared for."

"No, I need to talk to him. I can make this right."

Shaking my head, I said, "No Tricia, you're not going to talk to him. Paul needs to be away from you for a while and you need to learn what life is like without him."

"Like you and mom?"

"Yes, your mother and I are doing something similar, although we're nearing the end of our separation."

Tricia stared at both of us. After a moment she sighed and walked slowly out of the coffee shop.

I turned to Jeanne. "I'm suddenly hopeful. I think she may already have an inkling about what she's done."

"I hope so. Tricia has always been a little head strong and full of herself, but at heart she's a good person."

"Yes, she is. I fear that when she begins to grasp the full magnitude of what she's done she's going to be in for some very difficult times."

"Jodie and I will be there to help her."

"And Mel and Amy will take good care of Paul."

"It was certainly an eventful New Years Eve."

"And in the long run, I think a good one."

Jeanne shook her head. "Except for M the monster."

"No, while he was certainly a traumatic experience, we survived him. No one was harmed."

"Okay, I'll grant you that, but it still doesn't make it a good experience."

"I think it was."

"Tell me how."

"It reinforced our trust in each other. It reassured both of us that regardless of what happens I will always have your back and you will always have mine."

Jeanne smiled. "That's true and you're right it is reassuring."

We ate our breakfast and went up to our room. After we finished packing, Jeanne took of her slacks and panties and lay down on the bed with her legs spread. "Michael, I want you to kiss me good bye. When you're finished I want to kiss you good bye. Last night we didn't have an opportunity to do it properly."

Smiling, I crawled between Jeanne's parted thighs and kissed her. She was dry. I understood. I closed my eyes and kissed her again, gently. I felt her moisture on my lips. I kissed her with passion. Jeanne's breath caught. She stroked my head with her fingers and whispered, "Micheal, I love you so much."

I extended my tongue and tasted Jeanne. I savored her. But when I started to lick her vigorously she stopped me and sat up. I looked at her with a puzzled expression.

She said, "Michael, I don't need to cum. In fact right now I don't want to cum. For me this isn't about orgasms. I want to remember the feel of your lips and tongue in my pussy and I want you to remember how I taste. I want you to remember the feel of my moisture on your lips."

Understanding, I said, "I will. Thank you."

"Now it's your turn."

I lay down with my head resting on a pillow. Jeanne unzipped my pants and freed my erect cock. For a moment she held it and studied it as if she was committing it to memory.

She whispered, "I know you might not think this is fair, but I want you to cum. I want you to cum in my mouth. I need to taste your seed one more time before we part."

Again I understood. I lay back and closed my eyes while Jeanne worked her magic. It didn't take long. The orgasm was bittersweet. We both knew it would be weeks or even months before our next opportunity to enjoy each other.

Jeanne licked me clean and put my now flaccid penis back in my trousers. After zipping me up, we both stood. Jeanne quickly put her panties and slacks back on and fixed her hair and makeup. Once she was ready she said, "It's time to go."

Nodding, I picked up our bags. Jeanne held the door to our suite open for me. I carried our bags into the hallway. She closed the door behind me and together we walked silently to the elevator.

Jodie and Tricia were waiting for us in the lobby. While I checked out at the front desk Jeanne had the bell men load their bags into the Escalade. They stored my bag in the room where Paul had been sleeping for the past several nights.

During the trip to the airport Jodie, Jeanne and I talked quietly while Tricia stared silently out the window. I think she was beginning to grasp that it was possible she may have lost Paul forever.

At the airport the porters took Jodie, Jeanne and Tricia's bags to curb side check in while we hugged and said our good byes. When Tricia hugged me I told her that I loved her. She told me that she loved me too.

I waited at the curb while they checked in. When they were finished they waved to me. I waved back and then they disappeared into the airport.

As soon as they were gone I got into the Escalade and drove back downtown. I returned the big SUV to the Hertz office and walked quickly to the hotel. Paul was waiting for me in the lobby. One of the bell men had helped him retrieve his bag from Tricia's room. While the valet brought my Escape around I settled Paul's bill with the front desk and picked up my bag at the bell stand.

On the way to the airport I gave Paul the extra cell phone I'd bought in San Francisco and told him that I'd continue to pay the monthly bill. I explained that he'd be flying to Phoenix and taking a shuttle bus to Tucson. Amy and Mel would meet him at the shuttle station. All of their telephone numbers were in the cell phone I'd given him. I told him call their home telephone and let them know when he boards the shuttle in Phoenix. When the shuttle passes Pacacho Peak I told him to call them again. That will allow them to get to the shuttle station at about the same time his bus arrives.

Paul told me that he understood.

After I dropped Paul at the airport I stopped at a Bill Miller's barbecue for lunch. While I ate I called Amy and Mel and told them that Paul was on his way.

As soon as I was finished eating I got back into my Escape and headed east on Interstate 10. San Antonio has a number of outstanding golf courses. I'd originally planned to stay there for several weeks and play golf. That morning I changed my mind. The city now held too many memories for me. It was time to move on.

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