Baaad Uncle Pt. 02


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"It wouldn't be a very smart idea to tell your mom ... or your dad for that matter. I think this should remain our little secret. You wouldn't want them to see what you did in front of the cameras ... and you'd have to explain that you're still trying to become a model in spite of their strong feelings against that."

"They will have to know soon, particularly if you're being honest with me and the man from the lingerie company really does want to use me ... although I don't know now."

"Yes, that is true sweetie, he does."

I was in a state of confusion, what was going to happen now? Would I be able to extricate myself from this awkward situation? He'd been forced to use the hand that had held my bare belly to cover the keyboard on his laptop so I didn't turn off the video, but his left hand still softly caressed my inner thigh. I needed to stop that so I promptly clamped my thighs together, trapping his hand at mid-thigh.

"Oh!" his exclamation summed up his disappointment so eloquently, "I thought you might..."

"Don't even suggest it Uncle Robert," I told him sternly.

"How do you know what I was going to say?"

"It was pretty obvious. No, I am not going there with you."

"You disappoint me Emily, I thought it was the least you could do after teasing me like that, getting me all horny."

"I didn't set out to tease you. I was simply having some fun on my own. I would never have done it if I'd thought the cameras were recording."

"And you expect me to believe that?"

"It's the truth, I swear. I think I better go home now.

"If you must! Ok, go get dressed and I'll drop you back at the bus stop. Oh, can I have my hand back?"

I have to admit I was surprised that he appeared to be willing to let me go home, This day had become so sexual between us, concerning me that he might want some real sex from me. I released the tight clamp of my thighs, parting them enough to free his left hand. I stood, my hand dropping to my bare outer thigh, feeling wetness where the shape of his cock head had pressed against my leg. I looked down at his lap, saw the shape -- the bulk - of his erection, prominent within his trousers, saw a large wet spot had formed. Was that his pre-cum leaking through his trousers or had he actually cum in his pants while watching me cumming on his laptop?

It was a question that I really didn't want answered. But he chose to tell me anyway when he saw me staring down at the large bulge in his pants. "Don't worry yourself about leaving me this way."

"I'm not! Believe me, I'm not Uncle Robert."

"I'll have a real good wank when I get home. This time, when I watch you performing, I'll also be recalling you sitting here on my knee, almost naked while I ran my fingers over your smooth skin. Oh honey, I'm gonna have a good one tonight."

"I can't believe how disgusting you've become."

"And I couldn't believe how sexual you can be honey, so that's two of us surprised."

Wanting to be out of there in a hurry, I quickly disappeared behind the screen to get dressed. I slid my mom's panties down my legs, amazed at how saturated the crotch had become, obviously from my own flowing juices. I would need to wash this pair before putting them back in mom's bedroom dresser.

That was the quickest clothing change I had ever made. I just wanted to be out of that studio warehouse as soon as I could. Back in my uncle's car, he turned the engine on but let it idle before driving me the short distance to the bus stop. "Honey, in view of what we just watched, I am going to need you to come back down here one more time, possibly next weekend."

"What, again? No, you must have enough shots to finish my portfolio and send today's extras to that lingerie man."

"Oh, no worries about that babe. I'll be sending your completed portfolio off to all the model agents on Monday; your face and body will be on a lot of desks this week. No, what I need you back here for next weekend is for a different specific job. I guess you could say it's to make a new video that will be my reward for spending all of this time and money on making you a star, to help you fulfil your dreams. You need to allow me to make one more video to ... err, what shall we say ... umm, to fulfil MY dreams."

"What are you talking about Uncle Robert, get to the point?"

"Next Saturday, I want to make a companion video to the one you just watched."

"No, I don't like it that you already have that sneaky sleazy video of me doing sexual stuff, there's no way I'd let you make another?"

"I would reconsider that very quickly sweetie ... because if you don't come down on Saturday, the video you have just watched will mysteriously turn up at your home the following week so that your parents can see that you've entered the porn industry."

"But I haven't, and you know that."

"Of course I do honey, but they won't. And not only your parents will see it, I guess I might just have to post it onto some adult sites on the internet. You could become famous as a porn star before you even make it as a model."

"Why would you do that to me? I thought you were trying to help me."

"I am sweetie, but when I got to see how sexually creative you could be on your own, I decided how much better the next video will be with me directing all your action ... and you totally naked throughout."

"I can't afford to have anything like that on video."

"But you already have, you just watched it. I want to refine it, make it much better."

"But why?"

"So I can enjoy watching you at home for years to come, even when you're a famous model."

"Uncle Robert, I can't afford to take the risk that you might put it out there in a careless moment."

"I promise you honey, you do the right thing by me and do what I want next weekend and the two videos will never be seen by anybody else but me."

"I wish I could believe you."

"You can honey. Haven't I been totally up front with you so far, didn't I say that I could make you a model?"

"You haven't yet."

"But you are on your way. You'll have to agree that the shots in your portfolio are top grade, they make you look a million bucks."

"Yeah, I do like what you've done, but that other video ... I'm so worried about that."

"Trust me sweetie, I just want it for me, I don't get much action in that department these days, what with your aunt gone and me on my own."

"You wouldn't want me to ... err, you know, do anything with you on this extra video?"

"Oh no babe, just you on your own, doing more of what you did on the first video."

"I don't know, it sounds quite creepy to me."

"Just one day shooting the scenes I want and then you can forget all about that and wait for the model agents to start calling you up."

"But you said you'd show it to my parents and put it on the internet?"

"Only if you don't come by on Saturday to shoot the scenes I want. You do the right thing by me and I'll do the right thing by you honey ... simple as that."

"Do I have to agree now?"

"You might as well because you have no alternative, but if you want a few days, then do it but I'll expect you to come by on Saturday. And I'll arrange the toys for you to use this time."

Chapter Four

I didn't agree immediately. I wanted time to think, to consider whether there was an alternative to doing what my uncle wanted. Could I take a chance and suffer the consequences? Tell my mom that her brother was blackmailing me, even tell the police ... but then there was still a chance that the damning video would be seen by people I wouldn't want seeing me naked and doing sexual things with my body. It wasn't just a dildo helping me cum ... I recalled the emerald-tipped butt plug in my bum. Some may not understand my curiosity in trying that out.

For the next few days, I didn't sleep well, running every possible alternative around in my head, trying to come up with a way to avoid compounding my problem by having to shoot more scenes of a compromising nature ... and worse too, totally naked this time. Which is worse? My bra pushed up to my neck and my panties down around my ankles like last time ... or completely bare-arse naked?

I couldn't come up with any solution other than an implausible one that would see me breaking into my uncle's home to delete the video file he already had on his laptop. Not going to happen! By Thursday, I accepted I had no alternative other than to return to the studio this Saturday and let my uncle shoot the additional scenes he wants. I called him up to confirm that I would be there. He sounded ecstatic, and maybe even surprised? Was there a way out that he thought I might use that I hadn't considered?

I arrived by bus Saturday, fearful of what my uncle would expect me to do nude and exposed in front of the cameras. When I inadvertently made the first video, I was playing around, possibly fantasising that the cameras were recording, but not for a moment believing that they were ... and I was totally alone. This time my uncle will be a few feet away, watching my every naked move. Can I actually go through with this?

As we entered the large studio area, my uncle said, "I came in earlier to set up a few props. Honey, this is going to be so exciting." He placed an arm around my shoulder, steering me across to the chaise lounge where I had lain all alone to play with myself while acting out my masturbation scenes for the cameras and the mirror. "Look at what I managed to hire, over there beside the screen."

I looked to where he was pointing and saw this weird contraption, "What is it?"

"Haven't you seen one honey? It's a fucking machine, a mechanical toy with adjustable speeds and various size artificial cocks. You kneel up on that padded part, in front of the rod and back yourself onto it for the fuck of your life."

"No, you never said I'd have to use something like that."

"I told you that I'd find the toys this time and I was lucky enough to find that."

"This is crazy, why did I agree to this?"

"Because you had no choice honey. Now, over here on the table is a butt plug, have you ever tried one of these?"

"No, I haven't!" I answered without thinking, desperate to avoid any suggestion of anal my uncle might be harbouring.

"Don't lie to me honey. I've seen the video you made for me several times now."

"I've told you I never made that for you to see."

"I think you did honey, but never mind that. I got a kick out of seeing that butt plug in your arse while you were using the silicone cock to get off. You are so hot, babe."

"I am not!" I told him indignantly, I am not very experienced sexually. What you might think you've seen is only my natural curiosity."

"Curiosity is a good thing. Tell you what, we'll give your arse another treat today."

His words sounded ominous, "What do you mean?"

"You can give the butt plug another workout honey."

I was fearful of how much my uncle might expect of me today. He had already expressed wanting me to be naked throughout the shoot. I desperately hoped he didn't expect to participate in sex with me. My fears would heighten if he was now thinking anal.

"Now sweetie, over here on the table is a big bottle of water and a glass. I want you to pour yourself a full glass and drink from it every twenty minutes, keep your fluids up."

"What for?"

"You're going to learn a few private things about your old uncle today. I've got the odd fetish."

More fear, "What? What do you want me to do?"

"Don't panic sweetie, I just want to watch you pee a bit later. I'll get some video -- close-up - of that too."

"What? No way, why would you want that?"

"Some guys think that's sexy honey and I happen to be one of them."

"I don't know about that."

"I can't see why you'd object to that. It's something you do ten times a day, what's the harm in letting me video it?"

"Because I normally do it behind a closed door, that's why."

"So, today you won't! Simple as that, so start drinking."

I didn't like his attitude. He was being more aggressive toward me and raising the bar on what we had previously indulged in. Reluctantly, I complied with what I thought was a weird request, mainly to keep him calm. I poured some water into the glass and took a big swig until the glass was empty.

"Happy now?"

"Yes babe, but another glass every twenty minutes, ok?"

I hoped he would forget once we got into shooting some video. "How can you want to do all of this with your own niece?"

"What you have to understand honey is that I'm just a horny middle-aged guy who has lucked into getting to watch a 19-year-old woman in the prime of her sexuality. The fact that you are my niece has nothing to do with anything at all, except maybe for some leverage. Now, what about we get on with this, I've got a busy afternoon planned for you, so get naked girl."

I thought of being defiant, to stamp my feet and act all petulant, tell him there's no way that I'm going to do any of the things he's planned for me in front of a video camera. But, the thought that hovered constantly above me was that if my uncle was to be believed, I was on the verge of achieving my ambitions to become a model through his efforts. Could I take the risk that he would snatch back my dreams if I baulked at his demands?

I wasn't too crazy about peeing in front of him and I wasn't all that fussed either to push that butt plug back up inside my bum, but I must admit -- and only to myself -- that the contraption that he called a fucking machine did stir quite a sexual curiosity in me. I had so enjoyed my first full-on sexual experiences in a wild couple of months with the only serious boyfriend I'd ever had but since then, the past three months had been barren. Only those toys had entered my tight sheath two weeks ago. I guess this machine was still a toy, albeit a big one, but the silicone cock attached to the long shaft looked like it might feel quite lifelike.

Conscious of my uncle's impatience to get started, I pulled the halter top over my head right where I stood beside the fucking machine. There was no point to feign modesty by going behind the screen to remove my clothes when my uncle was about to see every intimate part of me totally naked for the next hour or so?

I reached around behind my back to unclasp the bra and ease the cups off my ample breasts. I watched his face as I exposed my twin orbs ... his eyes nearly popped out of his head. He would have already seen them exposed on the video but this reaction now must be from seeing them in the flesh for the first time in all their glory and up close, from only feet away.

I unsnapped my shorts and let them fall in a pool around my feet. My fingers into the waistband of my panties, but then I paused. His warm and appreciative smile when I exposed my breasts and nipples had eased my embarrassment at having my uncle see those, but revealing my pussy with my newly trimmed pubes seemed to me to be a step too far. I turned my back to him as my hands pushed my panties down over my hips and let them drop until gravity took over with that flimsy garment too.

I stood totally bare arse naked in front of my uncle for the first time. Looking at my nude form from behind, he enthused, "Oh, what a great arse." He said it with such depth of passion that I found it both complimentary and disturbing, considering that he expected me to insert a plug in my bum. Was there more to that, did he have some anal fixation that would lead to him wanting more than I could give? Should I be worried?

"Ok, butt plug first sweetie, would you like for me to insert that for you?"

I picked the item up off the table, moving it around in my hand as I stared at it, wondering if I should let him get that close to me, "No, I think I can do it Uncle Robert." I didn't want to feel his fingers on my bare skin again.

"You will need some lube, there's a tube there on the table."

I politely thanked him and proceeded to squeeze some onto the butt plug. "A lot more than that honey, spread it all over and get some on your finger and slip it inside you."

I took his advice and soon I was holding a very slippery plug. I brought it around behind me and pushed it tentatively at my tiny anal pucker. It didn't slide in as easily as it had that Saturday two weeks ago when I first experimented anally while on my own. My attempt was more painful, "It won't go," I told him.

"I think you're going to need my help babe ... here you go, bend over as if you're going to touch your toes but then use your hands to pull your cheeks apart."

I did as my uncle instructed and he moved around behind me. I felt so exposed, bent over as I was, knowing that he would be able to see every intimate part of me ... the tiny pucker of my anal ring, my labia, my vaginal entrance.

I felt the pointy tip of the butt plug being eased in through the opening to my anus. I had to concede that he was being extremely gentle with me as his fingers on one hand softly caressed my smooth arse cheeks, the other manipulating the plug to press in beyond my sphincter. "Now honey, you've done well so far but I have to get this wider part in before it locks in place. Try not to tense up if it hurts, it will only be for about ten seconds, ok?"

I grunted my agreement, wondering why my uncle thought it was necessary to have this butt plug in my bum. What could be the purpose, surely he didn't expect me to take that fucking machine inside my arse? Maybe he would get some kick out of seeing the colourful green gem that decorated the end part exposed between my cheeks in the extra video he was intending to shoot today. Oh, how did I get myself into this situation?

He was right, it did hurt ... but only for a few seconds as the wider section before the narrow bit penetrated and locked itself into my anal ring. Once it was securely seated inside my arse, the pain dissipated quickly. "Looks really good there," he informed me as I straightened upright again, once more feeling strange like last time with this hard object filling my anus. "How does it feel for you?" he thoughtfully checked.

"I feel very full Uncle Robert but I think I'm ok. It's not as bad now as it was while you were pushing it in. That really hurt."

"Yes, I know, but you did good honey. Ok, so how about you get up here now, kneel on the padded platform there," he urged, directing me to position myself up on hands and knees, my pussy and arse in front of the rubber or silicone penis-shaped object on the end of a long shaft that came from the mechanism of the so-called fucking machine.

I complied with his instructions, moving into a submissive kneeling position on the padded bench. I could hear my uncle working at the machine behind me. I heard the sound of it starting up, a mechanical piston-like sound. I couldn't feel anything yet. Was my uncle taking his time so that he could closely examine the intimate parts of my pussy and the emerald-tipped plug between my cheeks.

I was nervous and apprehensive at the prospect of having that thing inside me but at the same time, I didn't want him examining all my private parts. Becoming Impatient, I asked, "What's happening?"

"I'm just testing how far this rubber cock will reach on the inward strokes so that I can see how far you will need to back up so you're in the best position for penetration babe. Come on, shuffle back now ... keep coming until I tell you to stop."

On hands and knees, I shuffled back on the padded platform until I felt the pretend cock bump my arse cheek, causing me to stop. It felt moist, he must have spread some lube on it. "Keep coming, another three or four inches yet honey, otherwise it won't go in deep enough. I want you to enjoy this gadget sweetie."

I allowed him to steer me back a bit further, feeling the silicone shaft bend and then push up over the butt plug and rest on my arse above the top of my crack. "I've lubed the cock up in case your body's not ready," he confirmed. Then I felt his fingers sliding along the crease of my labia and my whole body flinched at his unexpected intimate touch. "Hmm, you're not gonna need any lube, you are already so wet there. Good girl, all of this has got your juices flowing. You are so hot babe!"