Babydoll Ch. 16

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New Year's Eve - the Date.
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Part 16 of the 27 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/23/2003
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Another direct continuation of this series. Hope to have the next one out before long. Once again, I appreciate the comments and feedback of the Babydoll series. The encouragement helps me move forward towards wrapping this story up. It takes a while to write these, because I want each to have meaning - I hope that they do. There may be certain chapters you like and others you don't. Please give the story a chance even if there may be something that doesn't suit your fancy. Isn't that the way all dramas work? I am trying to pull in all of your senses.

Anyway, any likenesses or similarities of character are purely coincidental. Please read the previous chapters, if you haven't. This is a taboo topic, so I know that it is offensive to some. The material is erotic to me because it is forbidden in society. In no way do I condone such activity. This is purely fantasy. Hope you enjoy the fantasy.


"Rise and Shine Boy." My Grandfather bellowed, as he shocked me awake with the hall light shining behind his dark figure. It was almost as if God had come to visit.

"What time is it?" I questioned in a state of anxiety, startled awake, wondering if the past night had been a dream or had really happened. I knew that it had happened, but in the state I was in there was no wonder I was questioning it all.

(Big) - "7:30am. We're gonna leave in an hour. OK?... I'll have ya some coffee and something to eat when you get downstairs. You go getcha a shower and get ready."

I went and took a 15 minute hot shower. I'd had enough sleep, but I was wondering about Ash. She had obviously gotten out of my bed. Thank God she had done that. What if we had gotten caught. Man-oh-Man alive, to think of the bad consequences that would have come along with that. I would have been hung alive by Big.

After getting out of the shower, I went and got dressed in a pair of jeans and a sweater that I had brought with me. It didn't take long to get dressed and I was a little frustrated by having my grandfather wake me up so soon, because we had plenty of time to get to his office before 9am.

I decided to go check on Ash in her room, but she wasn't there. I wondered where she could be. I headed to the kitchen thinking maybe my grandfather had woken her also. As I entered the kitchen, Gramm's was standing up at the stove finishing the breakfast meal she had prepared while Big read the paper. Big spoke, "Sorry to get you up so soon Boy. There's still a lot of snow on the ground and I wanted us to take our time getting to the office."

"That's OK Big, I Understand," I hoped he didn't notice my hesitant tone of response.

Gramm's queried, "Why'd you leave your sister downstairs to sleep. I went downstairs when I woke up and she was asleep down there with the television on."

"She does that sometimes," I didn't want to bother to carry on further.

Gramm's seemed as though she was going to continue with something, but decided not to. She brought me a plate of scrambled eggs, sausage, and toast. There was already coffee and orange juice on the table. It had been a long time since I had had a formal breakfast. There were so many things I was no longer accustomed to. I had found such a comfort level with the strangeness in my life that normal accepted patterns of behavior now caused me to feel a certain level of apprehension.

My grandfather had the news on the television in the dinette area of the kitchen, while he was finishing up his coffee and reading the paper. The weatherman was saying that the temperature would gradually rise into the mid to upper thirties, but would drop back below freezing after dark and into the mid twenties over night. This meant that we would definitely need to get what we needed to get done before nightfall and that we would definitely be spending the night at the grandparent's house again.

When I had finished my breakfast, I made out like I was going to head upstairs to finish getting ready, but instead I made my way downstairs to see Ash. She was under a blanket and a comforter on the sofa as I approached. I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

She awoke a little startled as she looked at me, "Jimmy, you've gotta stop."

(Jim) - "I'm sorry, I just wanted to say good bye."

(Ashley) - "I know, but we're gonna get in trouble.. we gotta chill."


As we left the house around 8:15am, the temperature read 27 degrees on the thermometer. There was a blue hue on the ground casted by the shadows as they reflected the early morning light. The sky was a brilliant light blue with an amber orange horizon revealing the new day's sun.

Big had me drive his Cadillac. There was a definite icepack on the road, but as we turned onto the highway to head into town, there was more traffic and this had created a groove of pavement, which allowed more traction. I concentrated and took my time as my grandfather, sitting in the passenger's seat, made a few calls to his partners on his cell phone letting them know that he was heading into the office to check on things. We pulled into the office parking lot around 8:45am.

We were the first and only people to arrive and walk into the building on this morning. Walking by the receptionist area, we saw that there were several messages that needed to be answered. I walked with Big to his office where he proceeded to sit down and take on the task of checking the messages. People have said that his success was attributable to the personal attention and detail he gives to his partners and clients.

Once he had someone on the line he needed to converse with, he placed his hand over the phone transmitter and told me, "Jimmy, this is going to take a while, you can use Linda's desk. If you get a call, please take a message and tell them I will get back with them."

"Yes sir," I responded as I headed out to the receptionist Linda's area. I had my own password that had been set up for the computer network, so I just got on the internet and messed around, while I took a few phone calls. It was a couple of hours before Big came around the corner to check on me.

He must have known I was pretty bored, "Jim... I've got a few more things I want to get done here. You wanna go pick us up some lunch?"

"Sure," I nodded.

"You just be back in a couple hours. Here's some money." He handed me a $50 bill. "You keep the change... and thanks for coming back up here with me this morning." He headed back towards his office, "Just bring me a soup and half sandwich."

I grabbed my jacket from my chair and put it on as I headed out. My hometown is like any other.

You understand what it's like in Downtown areas in a city. They want to keep business going even in adverse weather conditions. These are the first streets that get scraped in the city. It had warmed up around noon to the point that the pavement was wet, but free of most of the snow, because of the salt-brine they had laid down before and after the storm and they had scraped the area.

I headed to the square and the Downtown Deli. This was as close to a New York Deli as you could imagine. Maybe because the guys that owned it were from Brooklyn. They were always open no matter what and they were friends of the family.

I had time to burn, so I decided to walk around the square. There wasn't a whole lot going on, but a few of the shops were open. One shop caught my eye and spurred my thoughts. 'Yeah... Yeah,'" I thought and I went in. I can't tell you what I did, because it would spoil the surprise, but it was perfect. This would be really nice.

I finished doing a little shopping at the stores and put everything in the trunk before heading over to the deli to pick up lunch and then back to the office. Getting into the car, I relaxed back in the big Caddy seat and made a few phone arrangements for my date with Ash. I gambled that everything would work out the way I was arranging. I still had a few details to iron out, but let's just say my awesome imagination was working overdrive.

Those phone calls only took a few minutes and my provisional plans were set. I still had time to make a few calls I knew I needed to make. I decided to call Jill first. I dialed the number and she picked up on the second ring, "Hey Jim... I love you."

"I love you too," I felt compelled to respond as she had seemed so worried in her tone.

(Jill) - "Listen... I'll be back to school on the 4th. School doesn't start back until the 16th, but I'm missing you after a few days and I've still got a week to go... When I get back, I don't want us to get out of bed for that next week, except when we have to... OK.. I miss waking up next to you in the mornings. I miss talking to you. I miss not having you around me. How about it? I'm sorry if I'm getting on your nerves, but I need you."

"OK," was all I could muster feeling bad about my infidelity and Jill's plight of need. "How about I pick you up at the airport on the 4th." I was scared. Scared of this devotion that Jill had given me. The way that she was always there for me. I did love her, but I was drawn to Ashley like a drug... Jill continued to talk, but I had a hard time paying attention, because all I could think about were the impending choices that would have to be made. In the back of my mind, I was thinking that this wasn't going to work out, but I couldn't break this lovely girl's heart.

We talked for a few more minutes, before I told her that I was back at the office and needed to go inside. She seemed sad that I was having to go, but I needed to call Ashley. I thought to myself, "Man, I should have called Ash first.'

After I got off the phone with Jill, I dialed Ash's number with a trembling hand. She picked up on the third ring, "Hello."

(Jim) - "Ash, you by yourself?"

(Ash) - "Yeah."

(Jim) - "Where's Gramm's?"

(Ash) - "Upstairs."

(Jim ) - "Good, your alone... I've got an idea."

(Ash) - "What?"

(Jim) - "We'll go to the cabin up in the mountains for New Year's... I'm going to tell Big that I'm going skiing."

(Ash) - "What?"

(Jim) - "That's where we'll go for our date."

(Ash) - "I dunno."

(Jim) - "I'm going to tell him when I get back to the office. He sent me out for lunch."

(Ash) - "Oh."

(Jim) - "You just need to call one of your girlfriends and tell them to cover for you."

(Ash) - "I hate lying."

(Jim) - "It's no biggie."

(Ash) - "Yeah, but what if the whoever I ask to cover asks me what I'm up to."

(Jim) - "Tell'em just to cover and not worry about the reason."

(Ash) - "I dunno."

"Please," I pleaded.

(Ash) - "OK. I'll try, but what do I tell Big Daddy and Gramms."

(Jim) - "Tell'em the girl that you will be staying with."

(Ash) - "Yeah, but stuff like this always backfires on me."

"It'll be alright..."Please. Just do it," I insisted. "I'll see you in a little while. OK."

(Ash) - "OK."

(Jim) - "Bye. I love you. I miss you."

It was Friday afternoon. If all worked out, Ashley and I would be making our journey in two days on Sunday... New Year's Eve... a special day for us.

I got out of the car and headed into the office, Big was still on the phone. I had gotten him a pastrami and Swiss on rye and a bowl of corn chowder that I sat on his desk. I got an Italian grinder. That deli makes the best Italian grinders in the world.

I went out and got us a couple Cokes, before I headed back into Big's office where he was no longer on the phone. "Good choice on the lunch Jimmy," he smiled as he took a bite of his sandwich.

"Thanks. I remember that's what you've eaten in the past," as I sat at the seat across from his desk and took a bite of my own sandwich.

"I'm pretty much done here. We'll head on back home after we're done eating. I'm sure the girls miss us."

I smiled nervously thinking about the unintended innuendo of such a statement, as I thought about there being no time like the present to ask what I needed to ask. "Big, it looks like the weather's clearing up... I talked to Rob and Dave and they were thinking about going skiing on New Year's Eve and New Year's day. Do you mind if I use the cabin?"

"I was hoping you'd spend New Year's Eve at the club with us Jim," he had a little disappointed look, "but I know you'd like to spend some time with your friends and I want you to. I'll get you the keys when I get home... no wild parties though, OK."

I nodded affirmatively, "Yes Sir. Just skiing. I'll take care of the place. You won't even know we were there." Of course you know I had lied. I hadn't spoken to those guys in person in a while. The lie was a necessary evil so that I could get what I wanted. I'd send them both e-mails to cover for me before we left.

As Big finished swallowing another bite of his sandwich, "Jim, I don't care about that. I want you guys to have a good time." He smiled. "Oh well... I guess it'll just be your grandmother, your sister, and I..." He reminisced, "We always went to your house for Christmas and New Year's and now with all that's gone on, we'd hoped to spend time with you kids at least... but that's OK. The guys say that New Year's at the club is a blast."

We both finished up our sandwiches and headed back to Big and Gramms' house. It was a little after 3pm when we closed up the office. The roads had pretty much cleared along the main highway and there were now more cars out. You know how it is after a snow storm. Most people have to get out no matter what. They get cabin fever for the sake of having cabin fever, not because they have been pent up in their homes.

It was pretty obvious that the snow would clear up in the coming days. The weather forecast called for cold nights in the 20s, but highs in the 40s. The snow would stay on the ground, but the roads, even the secondary roads, wouldn't be a hindrance to me making a trip to the mountains.

I couldn't stop thinking about my Babydoll... and then I'd think about poor Jill... and occasionally my infidelity. But really, who was I being disloyal to? My intent wasn't to hurt anyone. Circumstance is what had harmed us all, certainly not any intent. How was I going to make this all work out?

We got back to the house and headed into the kitchen where Gramm's had obviously put something in the crock pot to cook. It smelled awesome. My grandmother was one of those old fashioned ladies who really knew how to take care of her family and that was her number one priority.

Big and I headed into the living room where Gramms and Ash were sitting watching some afternoon soap. Gramms smiled upon seeing us and asked, "How was y'alls day?"

"Pretty uneventful actually," Big responded. "How about yourselves."

Gramms answered, "Well, nothing to do actually, so I cleaned and organized a little and Ashley helped. I've got some spaghetti going in the crock pot and I made a salad. I hope that's ok. Ashley and I've been sitting here watching the soaps... Is it bad out there?"

As Big sat in his recliner, he answered, "It was a little treacherous this morning, but it's been melting all day... The main road's pretty clear, but they're saying it's going to refreeze after sundown."

Gramms nodded affirmatively with understanding.

"Speaking of which, Jim's wanting to go skiing over New Year and asked to use the cottage. I told him it would be alright... You do need to call your mother and let her know of course," he stated looking towards me.

Gramms frowned slightly, "Ohhh... I thought we were going to the club together for New Year's Eve... I made reservations for four."

I let her know, "Well I had a couple friends who want to go and so I said I would and since the cottage is near the slopes... I thought I'd ask."

Big added, "Well, you girls and I will have a good time... won't we?"

To my surprise and disappointment, Ash grinned and nodded yes. I wondered what was up with that. Was she backing out on me? I was perplexed and I am sure some disappointment showed on my face.

"It's no big deal Jim," Gramms responded, "hopefully next year the whole family can be together again... Your grandfather and I are used to you being around for New Year's."

It was all settled and so everyone sat quietly for a few. My grandfather picked up a book he had been reading, Ash and Gramm's continued watching the soap, and I sat there wondering why Ash hadn't told them she was heading out of town also. This went on for 15 minutes or so until I dismissed myself, "I think I'm going to go up to my room and take a nap."

I looked at Ash with a confounded expression as I left the room. I went upstairs and listened to my walkman and must have dozed off. I had the weirdest dream of a wedding. The funny thing was that Ash and I were the ones at the altar and it seemed as though I was ready to say I do, when Jill starts screaming. 'You can't... you can't... you can't do this... please... please... please.'

Suddenly I woke up and Ashley was standing in the doorway. It was dark, "Hello... Hello... Hey sleepyhead, wake up. It's time for dinner."

"What time is it?" I wondered all confused.

"A little past 6 o'clock," she answered, "You must have been pretty tired."

"Will you come here." I begged.

"No. Come on. They're waiting," she admonished and turned, scurrying away quickly.

Now I was mad. Why was she doing this? I was going to be pissed during dinner.

I laid in the bed ruminating in my anger wondering why Ash was acting standoffish and whether all was for naught. I thought we had an agreement. After a few minutes, I figured I better get down to dinner before Big came to bug me.

I headed downstairs and entered the kitchen where the smell of tomatoes and garlic wafted through the air. I could see through the venetian doors that everyone was in the sunroom. I headed on out where everyone was sitting at the table.

"I was getting ready to come getcha boy... are you ok?" Big predictably admonished.

(Jim) - "Yeah Big, I was just tired and needed the nap."

"Well have a seat," He encouraged.

I sat with nary a word being spoken as the pasta bowl was passed. As I looked out of the corner of my eye, I caught Ash with a nervous grin. Next the Spaghetti sauce was passed, then the salad and finally the bread.

Big chortled, "It's nice having y'all here. We don't eat this well normally. Your grandmother is a great cook, isn't she?"

"Yes sir, she certainly is and always has been," I responded as I began to dig in. Big had even opened a bottle of Chianti and had poured us all a glass.

We must have been eating for 15 minutes or so when Ashley's phone rang. She looked at the phone. Oh it's Amber... you don't mind if I get this do you?"

"No Ashley, you go on ahead and take it," Big replied.

Ash dismissed herself from the table as we continued to eat. A few minutes later she came back to the table. "Big Daddy, Gramms, Amber has asked me to join her and some friends on New Year's Eve at her house for a party."

"I dunno Ashley," Gramms responded.

"Ashley, I thought you'd be coming to the club with us," my grandfather feigned interest. "I don't want you out gallivanting. You're still a young girl."

"Would you like to speak with Amber," Ash countered.

"OK," Gramms put out her hand to take the phone and Ashley gave it to her, "This is Ashley's grandmother. She says you've invited her to a party at your house."

Gramm's listened for about a minute before speaking, "It's just a slumber party... ok... yeah... your parents will be there... oh... yeah... ok... ok..." Gramms handed the phone back to Ashley and sat in contemplation. She nodded in the affirmative, "OK Ashley... You're a grown woman. I just worry about you. I helped raise you when you were a baby. I'm not trying to be overprotective of you. I know your mother would let you do what you want. You don't need my permission," She smiled, "You go to your New Year's Party."