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Husband and wife find new ways to spice up their sex life.
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Beth and John's sex life just wasn't what it was 10 years ago when they married. When they were newlyweds it was incredible, twice a day, everyday. John was always eager to please Beth. He prided himself on the fact that he was able to bring her to climax every time and that she was always satisfied. He loved the way Beth responded to his touch and the way she squirmed, squealed, and thrashed during their lovemaking. However, in the past couple of years things have been changing little by little. First their intimate times were backed off to once a day, no big deal really. Then over time it's dropped from once everyday to maybe four times a week to three times a month. John thought that if they could spice things up just a bit in their love making that it could be even better than it used to be.

He had been dropping hints to Beth for a while now, giving her ideas for ways to bring the excitement back to their love life. Either she wasn't getting his hints or she just plain wasn't interested in sex withhim. He had made up his mind early in the evening to be more blunt with her and just tell her straight out what he wanted, what he thought could bring the bang back to their bedroom.

They laid there in bed with their backs to each other. Brooding over the argument that erupted when John told her that they needed to do something to bring the sizzle back to their bed.Beth had argued that John wasn't showing her the attention he once did in the bedroom. That he was more into himself being pleased than he was pleasing her. She huffed about how he didn't touch her anymore, didn't gaze lustfully and longingly into her eyes as they made love. He didn't caress her and make her feel sexy, kiss her and make her wanton with lust as he did in the past. That he was always in such a hurry to please him, getting to his own orgasm without caring if she got there. She missed the hours of foreplay that led to the longer hours of intense passion they shared once upon a time. She just didn't feel like he was attracted to her anymore, so why bother with his little fantasies to make it better for him.

The things Beth said didn't make any sense to John; he felt that he did all the things she was saying he didn't do. He felt like it was her that was lacking in pleasing him. She used to love oral sex and now he had to beg her to do it. She didn't act like she wanted him in the same bed with her most nights, lying as they were now with their backs to one another when he'd come to bed. He ranted about how he thought she was being pleased, how she moaned when she orgasmed when they made love. How she must have been faking it if she was so unhappy with the way he was performing. He accused her of being frigid and unadventurous and now here they lie, back-to- back, each thinking the other is to blame.

Neither of them slept very well. Every time one of them would roll over and brush against the other they would wake up, the pain and hurt renewed from the argument every time. They both would pull away, rolling to the edges of the bed so as to not have to have physical contact. Their feelings were hurt, their egos bruised from the words they lashed at each other, neither wanting to admit they were wrong.

When the alarm clock rang at 6:00 a.m. they rose and went about their morning routines without speaking a single word. Showers, coffee, breakfast and reading the daily paper were all done in silence. Hurtful glances were the only thing remotely close to words that they exchanged.

John looked at his watch, it was time to go. Although he wasn't about to give in and speak to Beth, he did still love her so he kissed her quickly on the cheek and left without a word. He made his short commute to work in a daze; he intended to call her when he got into his office. He wanted to concede his position for the sake of argument, to be the one to get things back to good with his beautiful wife. Upon arriving he found that there had been an important meeting scheduled immediately. His call would have to wait. Besides, he thought maybe it would do some good to let her stew a little longer. Maybe it would give her some time to see he wasn't the one who was to blame here. He gathered some papers and was off to the meeting. By the time it was over, with his daily calendar full, he had forgotten about calling Beth.

Beth couldn't wait to get to work; she wanted to talk to her best friend. She wanted to tell her about the things John had said to her and hear her agree that it wasn't her fault. She wanted to have her friend tell her that John was the bad guy here, that she should stick to her guns and not give in to him. When she got into the office she found Jenny and relayed all of the previous evenings events. Much to her surprise Jenny sided with John, saying that it couldn't hurt to try to spice it up a little. Telling her that she and John used to be the wildest couple in the sack that she had ever known. Try new things Jenny had said to her, live a little. She even offered a few suggestions to Beth. After talking to her friend Beth decided that maybe she could give in a little, but she wasn't going to do it right away. She wasn't going to let him think he was right.

At home that night the silence between them was as loud as it had been that morning. Even though they had each to themselves decided to give in, once home they held their ground, neither ready to forfeit just yet. Through dinner they stole glances of one another, searching for signs of defeat. Finding none they went on with evening chores trying to keep to themselves in separate rooms until bedtime. Beth was in bed before John, lying with her back to where he would slide in beside her. She was almost asleep when she felt the bed move under his weight as he tried quietly to climb in.

Both were exhausted from their long day at work and from the lack of sleep the night before. They each kept to their own side of the bed through the night, never touching or brushing against the other.

The alarm went off at six as usual and they rose again to go about readying themselves for work in silence. John left a little earlier this morning, which was fine with Beth. She sat sipping at her coffee and half heartedly reading the paper. Her thoughts kept wandering to ways to give into John and add some excitement to their lovemaking. While she didn't think she was the one at fault for their lack of excitement she felt like if he was happier then he would in turn please her better. She had thought of buying a sexy nighty to surprise him and then decided that wouldn't be original enough. She'd tossed around the idea of some new sex toys for them both to play with but again that wasn't something new to them. Finally it came to her, she would call him at his office and have phone sex with him. He would be really surprised by this she thought, one reason being they had never done it before. Another reason being, he won't be able to orgasm while he's at work. He should be extremely horny by the time he gets home tonight and ready for anything she mused aloud. As she sat there sipping coffee a soft smile curled her lips, they wouldn't be coming home she'd decided. She would make reservations at a hotel and send him a telegram with the place and room number to meet her. She thought of a few other small details to make it a more new experience as she drove off to work.

When she got into her office she got right to work setting the stage for their adventurous evening. She made the reservations, called in the telegram, which was not going to be delivered until well after she had called him. She set up all the minor details and sat waiting impatiently until she knew for sure that he'd be in his office.

She watched the clock constantly, waiting until just the right time to call. Glancing at the clock for the millionth time it was finally here, she was sure he'd be in now. Beth got up and closed and locked her office door, she would just die of embarrassment if someone were to walk by and hear her. She picked up the phone as she sat back into her chair and propped her feet on her desk. As she started to dial the number she felt a fluttering in her stomach, as if a hundred butterflies were just released from their cocoons. She hung up and sat there talking to herself, saying, "Beth for god sake, you're married to the man, you're not some lovesick teenager. Call him and get on with it". She picked up the phone again and sat staring at it like it was a foreign object she'd never seen before. She couldn't bring herself to start pushing numbers; she was starting to rethink being the one to give in. She wanted to be the strong one and stick to her guns. In the same breath she wanted to make things better between them, wanted to have him be bringing her pleasure again.

"Damn it", she huffed, "just call".

Without giving it a second thought her fingers dialed the numbers seemingly of their own will. The phone started to ring, her stomach turned and her palms began to sweat. After only three rings he answered. No turning back now she thought to herself and the plan was set into motion.

Hi John, it's me...don't say anything; just listen to what I have to say. He sat on the other end in silence, stunned by the reality that Beth was on the other end. His heart skipped beats as he listened to her voice, his thighs tightened as he picked up on the husky tones it was taking on as she spoke. In complete silence he sat listening to his wife as she told him she was sorry and that sorry wasn't the only reason she had called.

"Now with the apologies out of the way", she said, "I want to tell you how badly I want you".

"Oh, baby I"...

"Shhh...Let me do the talking", she said. "I want you to go lock the door to your office". A moment of silence passed as he went to do as she told him. He came back and said, "Ok, it's locked".

"Good, now I want you to sit back in your chair and loosen your tie". She could hear the rumpling of his clothes as he did what she asked. Then she continued.

"I'm sitting here in my office with my feet up on the desk. I'm running my hands up and down my thighs, pulling my skirt up to my hips". He was growling on the other end, she could hear him shifting in his chair.

"I wore stockings today and no panties, I can feel the heat from my pussy as I get closer and closer to touching my bare lips with each stroke of my thighs"

"I'm dragging my hands up my thighs to my stomach, mmm. Up farther to my breasts, cupping them in my hands gently, imagining it's your hands roaming my body". She could hear his breath becoming more rapid as she teased him; hear him shifting repeatedly in his seat.

"I don't want you to touch yourself as I talk to you, just close your eyes and listen to my voice and picture what I'm describing to you. Mmm...Now I'm pinching my nipples through my clothes, do you want me to touch them under my clothes"?

"Yes", he sighed in a husky voice.

"My hand is sliding under my blouse, into my bra. I've found my hard nub and I'm rolling it between my fingers, pulling at it lightly. Mmm, my other hand is gliding up my left thigh, getting close to my wet puss. My fingers are rubbing my moist lips and it feels soooo good. Do you want me to rub my clit for you"?

"Ohhhh, yes, please baby", he pants into the receiver.

"Ahhh...this feels nice, working my fingers on my hard clit, rubbing the juices that have started to run down onto my chair all over it. My puss is so wet baby, so hot, would you like me to slide a finger into my slick hole"?

He didn't even answer with words his only reply was a deep, low grunt, which she took as an enthusiastic yes.

"Ohhh yes, this feels good, my fingers are slick with my juices. I'm sliding it in and out of my hot, wet pussy and rubbing it over my clit. Mmm...Oh John, I wish you were here to lick my throbbing clit for me".

"Me too baby, me too", he breathed into the phone.

"I'm pulling my finger out of my pussy, it's dripping with my sticky sweetness. I'm bringing it to my lips, mmm I taste so good".

John sat in his office listening to his wife touch herself. She sounded so hot telling him all the details of how she was touching her body. He wasn't supposed to be touching himself but he couldn't help it, every now and again he would reach down and rub his stiff cock through his pants. While he was thoroughly enjoying this sudden change in Beth he couldn't help but wonder why she had decided to do this. Why had she given in to him when she seemed so sure he was the one who was wrong? His thoughts didn't linger on this subject long; he was so horny listening to her sweet, sexy voice. John was sure his face was flush with excitement and the obvious erection would be hard to hide for a while. He didn't really care at this point; he was consumed with lust for the woman on the other end of the phone as she kept talking.

"John, do you want me to cum for you", Beth asked?

"Oh yeah baby, make yourself cum for me", he answered in a lusty voice.

"Mmm, my fingers are back on my clit, rubbing faster and harder. I'm sliding them in and out of my pussy, fucking myself for you. Can you hear how wet I am as I fuck myself"?

John groaned into the phone as his reply, wanting so badly to be able to take his straining cock out and stroke himself to orgasm with her. Instead he sat there hypnotized by her voice and how dirty she was talking to him.

Just then there was a knock on his office door, oh no not now he thought to himself. "Beth, I have to go baby, I'm so sorry, there's someone at my door I have to see what's going on. I'll call you right back as soon as I'm done, stay right where you are". He hung up the phone, straightened his tie and picked up a file from his desk to hold in front of his raging hard on as he went to the door. When he swung the door open it was his assistant, Bill, telling him that he was wanted in the meeting room a.s.a.p. With a sigh he looked back at the phone and then back at Bill. "Ok, on my way. Can you grab those files on the corner of my desk and take them to accounting while I'm gone please", he asked him as he left toward the meeting room?

Bill was just picking up the files when John's phone rang; he picked it up and said hello.

"You're not getting off that easy, just be quiet and listen", Beth said, thinking it was John on the other end.

Bill wasn't sure who it was but he stayed quiet to listen to what the woman with the sexy voice had to say. His eyes damn near bugged from his head as he listened to her.

"I'm not done just yet, I'm wet and horny as hell and you're going to let me finish. Now, my sticky, slick fingers are fucking my hungry pussy, rubbing my swollen clit. I'm so hot thinking about you, wishing you were here to bend me over my desk and take me hard from behind. I can almost feel your hard cock in me, pounding my sopping cunt. Would you like that, would you like to be pounding my hot cunt"?

Bill couldn't speak; he was stunned to hear the things this woman was saying. He was also extremely aroused and all he could do was moan into the phone.

"Mmm, I bet you would like it. I bet you'd love to be here now fucking me, grinding your cock into me. Slamming your balls against my tight ass as I'm bent over the desk. Ohhh, I'm cumming baby, I'm cumming for you. Thinking of your cock filling me, driving deep into me. Oh my god this feels sooo good". There were a few seconds of silence following her orgasm before she said, "thanks hon, that was great, I have another surprise for you later", and she hung up the phone. Bill was standing there in a stupor still holding the phone when John came up behind him.

"Who was that", John asked?

"Umm, I don't have the foggiest", he answered; a little embarrassed he quickly grabbed the stack of files and left the room.

John was only back to grab some papers for the meeting and left again right behind Bill. He stopped at the doorway to look back at the phone, wanting to call Beth back and let her finish what she had started. A funny thought crossed his mind as he stood there. He noticed the flushed look on Bill's face and how he had covered his groin area with the files as he left. Could that have been Beth on the phone? Could she have called back and thought that Bill was me and finished getting off? Nah couldn't have been he thought, shaking his head, and left back to the meeting. The meeting ran long and his day was busy following it, John never got the chance to call Beth back. He had promised himself that he would make it up to her when he got home. He just hoped she would forgive him since she had made the effort to change things and he had to duck out.

During one short break in his day he was going over phone messages taken while he was attending meetings. One message jumped out at him right away, it was from Beth, and it read:

John meet me at Brentley's Hotel at 7:00 tonight, room 169.

Don't be late.

Love, Beth

His erection from earlier in the day had taken forever to go down, now just from reading this telegram it was back with a vengeance. His cock was straining against his suit pants in a desperate plea for freedom, for satisfaction. He wondered how he was going to make it through the last and possibly the longest hour of his day. He had no more meetings and was left to sit in his office to finish the day's paperwork. A hard task to be done with the thoughts of Beth's phone call still running vividly through his mind, not to mention his throbbing cock. And now her telegram, which left so much to his imagination. It was becoming damn near impossible to remember how to spell his own name let alone do any paperwork. John had decided to finish his work on Monday and leave early. He was going to stop and pick up some flowers to surprise Beth at the hotel. He said goodbye to Bill and left for the weekend.

Beth had to take off work early as well. She had to finish setting things up for tonight. There was shopping to be done and the room to set up. Once she had made all of her purchases she took them to the room at Brentley's to get started on the last part of her surprise.

John arrived at room 169 at 6:55; he had stopped at the front desk to see if Beth had left him any messages before going up. She hadn't. He grew more and more anxious as he stood at the door not sure if he should knock or just go in. He opted for knocking which turned out to be a good idea. Beth wasn't the one to answer, a tall blonde greeted him with a sweet smile and said," You would be Mr. James I assume". He nodded his head in agreement and asked who she was and how she had known his name. She took him by the hand and led him into the room as she told him that Mrs. James had asked her to be here to get the evening started. She had a folding table set up in the middle of the large suite, covered with white towels and candles burning all around the room. The lights were dimmed and his nose detected a tantalizing aroma. He searched the room with a quick glance looking for any sign of Beth. He walked to the bed and laid the bouquet of roses he had brought her down in the middle of it.

"Where is my wife", he asked?

"I don't know Mr. James, I was only told to be here to give you a massage as you have had a hard, strenuous day and would be in need of relaxation. Now, if you will just take this towel with you to the restroom and remove your clothing we can get started".

John stood there looking befuddled for a short minute before taking the towel and heading to the restroom. He undressed, hanging his clothes on the hooks on the door and wrapped the towel around his waist. He knew the routine when getting a massage so he went right to the table and lay face down when he returned to the room.

"May I ask your name", he asked the masseuse?

"Sure, I'm Salina but you can call me Sal if you want", she said in a soft melodic tone.