Back to School

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TG gets new gob, meets someone new and someone from the past.
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This is a story written from an idea sparked by a conversation with a very dear friend. This is dedicated to him and we hope you enjoy it.


I was so excited. This was going to be the first day at my new job. I had recently been appointed as the receptionist and administrative assistant at the local Elementary School. I set the alarm to wake me up early, so that I could get ready and make sure I would be on time. I was excited but also nervous. I had yet to meet my new boss, Mr Michaels, the Principal of the school. I had been hired by his deputy, so I would be meeting him for the first time today.

The State had just enacted an affirmative LGBT action hiring program. This meant that as a pre-op transsexual, I could be considered for jobs that would in the normal way not be open to me. Personally, I think I got the job because no one else applied. Only the Principal and his Deputy knew about my status, and the deputy had just taken a leave of absence with a stress related illness. I hoped that was not because he had hired me. That left only Mr Michaels at the school who would be aware of the real me. That suited me fine; teachers have a reputation for being conservative so it would avoid any unpleasantness.

I had a nice bath to relax myself and I took a long time to get my makeup right, not too plain but definitely not too showy. I wanted to make a good impression on my first day. I tried three different shades of lipstick before I decided on a subtle pink. I knew that it matched my light skin coloring, courtesy of my mother's Nordic heritage, which also accounted for my blonde hair. I pulled it up into a ponytail for today to keep it nice and businesslike.

I have been transitioning since I was 16 and have dressed full time since I was 18. I pass easily as a woman and I get some nice looks from men and a few women too. Hormones have allowed me to develop some small but perky breasts and I have yet to have any complaints in that area. I had to tuck myself this morning as my cock is small but still functional despite the hormones I have been taking since I was 18, and I didn't want any accidents.

I chose a sexy pair of panties, which always makes me feel nice; small and pink with lace trim around the legs and waist, and a bra to match. I thought a more demure look than my usual style would be in order, so a nice light blue skirt, only two inches above the knee instead of my usual six, teamed with a matching two button tailored jacket with a white blouse. I picked out some nude pantyhose as it was still a little cold outside. I fussed over which shoes to wear and finally settled on a pair of strappy sandals with a two inch heel, short by my standards. I took a last look in the mirror and thought, Mmm, looks nice, good body, nice hair and a cute face. I was good to go.

I had a quick coffee on the way to the school and exactly at the appointed time I pulled into the staff parking lot, then walked over to the school entrance. My knees were shaking and I told myself to get a grip, I am sure he is going to be nice and everything would be fine. I took a deep breath and walked into the school. Mr Michaels had asked me to arrive a little early this morning so we could get to know each other before the other staff arrived. I found my way to the Principal's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in," I heard a voice call from inside the office. Mmm, nice mellow voice, I thought. I pushed open the door and standing up from behind his desk was Mr Michaels. I recognized him from his photograph displayed in the hallway, but it had not done him any justice at all. He walked around the desk and held out his hand.

"Hi, welcome to the school. I'm Andrew Michaels and you're Nicole, I believe? Is that what you prefer?"

His handshake was firm and friendly; not trying to crush my fingers or one of those limp handshakes that make you cringe.

"Nicole is fine, but most people call me Nikkie," I said.

"OK, Nikkie it is, if that's alright. You can call me Andy, but sometimes, we may have to be a bit more formal. Please, sit down. Can I get you a cup of coffee?"

Nice friendly start I thought.

"Oh, yes please, black, no sugar if that's OK."

He turned to a coffee machine in the corner of the office and started to pour a cup.

"We'll have a coffee and then I'll give you an orientation tour if that's OK?"

As he poured the coffee, I got to have a good look at him. I guessed mid thirties in age; dark brown hair, hazel eyes, about 5ft 11 in height, and a mustache and goatee with some salt and pepper coloring which made him look very dashing. He had his jacket over the back of his office chair and was wearing a tight dark blue polo shirt. I could see he had a nice physique; he probably worked out as I could see good muscle definition as the shirt tightened across his chest. As he bent over at the coffee machine I sneaked a look at his ass. Nice and tight down there as well I thought.

All in all, a very attractive package. I felt a little tingle in my cock and I thought no, please, no, don't embarrass me now, of all times. He came back round with my coffee and he sat on the corner of his desk twirling his glasses as he talked. He had my resume in his hand and we chatted about my past experience. I was definitely feeling a little buzz as Andy smiled at me as he talked, and I could feel my cock getting even naughtier. Of course, because cocks have a mind of their own, they ignore what their owners want, and just please themselves. So, I just had to adjust myself and cross my legs to make myself a little more comfortable. I saw his eyes widen as I did so, and I thought, oh yes, he noticed that alright.

He walked back around his desk and sat down. There seemed to be a little red flush to his cheeks but I thought nothing of it. He checked his watch and said that the staff would be here soon, so why didn't we have that orientation tour now, and he would introduce me to them at the morning staff meeting. He came round the desk and I stood to follow him. As I turned, my heel caught in the carpet and I tumbled forward right into his arms. He caught me in what felt like a pair of strong arms and stopped me falling any further. As I fell, my hand had instinctively gone out to save myself, and I brushed down the front of his pants. Oh my! There was no doubt about it. My hand had bumped into something a lot harder down there than I had expected. As I lay in his arms, I began to wonder if there could be more to this job than I had bargained for.

"Oh, I'm really sorry, I'm so clumsy," I said as I held onto him for support. Mmm, this feels nice, I thought.

He had blushed when he caught me and I thought that was very sweet. "I didn't expect you to fall for me quite this quickly," he said and I giggled.

"Ahem," I heard someone clear their throat behind me and I saw Andy's eyes widen as he looked over my shoulder towards the door behind me.

"Ahh, Miss Williams, this is Nicole, our new receptionist, she had just tripped up..."

I realized he was still holding me. Oops, this could look awkward so I moved away from him and said, "Thank you so much, Mr Michaels, I could have fallen badly there."

"Erm, that's OK Nicole, let me introduce you to Miss Williams, our temporary Deputy Principal."

Miss Williams? No, it can't be, she would have to be over a hundred years old by now. I turned and my heart sank. It was the old dragon, looking as mean as ever. Miss Williams, my teacher in fifth grade.

Shit, shit, shit, please, not her, I thought. She had made every day of my life hell whilst I was in her class. She had been horrible to everyone, but had taken a special dislike to me and delighted in making me as unhappy as she could.

I shuddered inside, but managed to smile and said, "Good morning, Miss Williams, I am delighted to meet you," I put out my hand to shake hers and very reluctantly she took mine and just touched it with hers as if she might catch something.

"Likewise, I'm sure."

I guess all school kids think their teachers are ancient, whatever their real age. I did some quick mental math and realized that she could easily still be teaching now.

She ignored me and looked back at Andy. "Mr Michaels, don't forget you should call the Mayor about the pageant."

"Thank you, Miss Williams, I will." He paused. "Actually, if I do that now, could you give Nicole a tour of the school, Miss Williams?" He smiled at her, and his eyes twinkled. I thought if he smiled like that at me I would do a cartwheel for him on the spot. Looking as if she would rather eat live geckos, she agreed.

"This way, Miss...?"

Thank God I had changed my name when I transitioned. "It's Adams, Miss Williams."

She had known me as Nick Wayne and I had chosen Adams simply because my favorite beer at the time was Sam Adams.

"Please follow me, Miss Adams."

"Actually, I prefer Ms Adams, Miss Williams."

"I'm sure you do, Miss Adams."

She obviously hadn't lost her touch over the years. Still as mean as a rattlesnake.

As I turned to leave I looked back over my shoulder at Andy and he was clearly checking out my ass. I smiled to myself and the imp in me put an extra wiggle in my walk as I left with Miss Williams.

The school was delightful, with big windows allowing plenty of light into the classrooms, and brightly colored project work and art covering the walls. The rooms looked and felt like happy places, and I felt sure the children would love being in here. It was totally unlike the dark and horrible elementary school where Miss Williams had tortured me. Maybe it had felt dark and horrible to us back then because she had been there. She must hate it here, I thought.

We finished the tour and she brought me to the Staff Room for the meeting. As she opened the door, she turned to me and asked, "Have we met before? You seem to be familiar, but I can't quite place where."

A little shiver went through me but I managed a sweet smile, "Nooo, I don't think so, Miss Williams, I am sure I would have remembered you." She frowned and ushered me into the meeting.

Andy introduced me to the others and there was a chorus of hellos, Hiyas and welcomes. Everyone seemed nice apart from Miss Williams, who sat in the corner and seemed to be taking a close interest in me. The meeting ended and Andy said let's get you sorted in the office. As we walked back the children were beginning to come in and their laughter and giggling filled the hallways. They would quieten down when they saw Andy but they didn't seem to be scared of him and he smiled as he watched them milling around. I was standing quite close to him and I became aware of his cologne, something warm, woody and very masculine. We made it back to his office where he showed me my workstation and desk.

It had a view of the main hallway and a straight line of sight into his office where I would be able to see him at his desk. I hung my purse on the back of my chair and settled down at the desk. Andy stood a little behind me as I started the computer and he told me to read the school's policy manual which had a lot of information about processes and contained most of what I would need to know. We should then meet at lunchtime for a review. He asked me to hold all calls this morning and just give him a list of them at lunchtime.

He looked down at me with those hazel eyes and smiled as he said, "I hope you settle in here, Nikkie, I think you've made a good start already. Oh, and don't worry about Miss Williams, Loretta's bark is worse than her bite."

Oh, no it's not, I thought to myself, I knew her bite was far, far worse.

As he turned to go his hand accidentally brushed my shoulder and I felt a little thrill run through me. This wouldn't do, getting the hots for the Principal. Well, not on the first day anyhow. I spent the morning reading, getting to grips with the school computer system and answering the phone. I have taught myself to be very good with computers and this system was so basic that it took me only a few minutes to get to grips with it. I quickly saw there were a lot of things I could do to make the school processes much more efficient with only a little extra effort.

Some of the staff drifted in for meetings with Andy and I got to know some of them a little better as they waited for Andy. When he wasn't in a meeting his door was open so I could see him only a few feet away from my desk. I would look up from time to time and it surprised me how often I caught him looking at me. Just checking up on me to see that I'm working, I thought.

Once, between meetings, he called me through to ask if I wanted some coffee. He said the school coffee was so awful that he had brought in his own supply and that I could help myself from the machine if I wished. I thanked him and as I walked back to my workstation it struck me that there was no modesty panel to my desk. It meant Andy could look straight across and he would be able to see my legs beneath the desk.

Now I'm not a prude and it didn't worry me at all, but maybe I could have a little fun. I found that if I was looking at the computer, I could just peek at Andy over the top of the screen so that it would appear as if I was staring at the screen. The first time I caught him looking at me I nonchalantly crossed my legs beneath the desk. I almost smirked as his eyes nearly bugged out of his head and he quickly looked back down at his desk. The second time, I just moved my legs apart ever so slightly, and he went bright pink and almost fell off his chair.

I began to consider something that had just occurred to me. Andy knew I was transgender, and yet, here he was, getting all hot and bothered about me. I do have a little devil that lives inside my head who sometimes makes me do naughty things. Now, it clearly said to me, let's see where this goes. At lunch Andy asked me to come into his office for our scheduled review. He explained he normally worked through lunch but, of course, I would be free to take my lunch hour every day. I gave him the list of callers from the morning and he asked me if I had any questions. I had quite a few and he answered some, and gave me the names of other staff members who could answer specifics.

I said, I am a bit confused about this, and waved a piece of a paper at him. He asked me to show him, so I walked around to his side of the desk and put the paper down in front of him. In order to point to what I wanted to clarify, I had to bend forward over his shoulder and my breast pressed against his arm. He moved his arm away a little and I just moved slightly so that my breast touched his arm again. He didn't move away this time. Instead, he moved back so that his arm pushed into my breast. There was no mistake, that move was deliberate.

I felt my cock give another little jolt; this was getting me turned on. I held my stance and increased the pressure on his arm and he pushed back again. He was pointing at the paper and explaining what it meant. Casually pointing at something a couple of lines further down the page I allowed my hand to brush his. He didn't move his hand away and I left mine just brushing his. I looked down and could see very clearly that there was a bulge in his chinos which he was unsuccessfully trying to conceal with a sheet of paper.

Oh Lordy, what an effect I'm having, I thought.

"Miss Adams, can I have a moment, please?" Both Andy and I jumped as Miss Williams stood at the door.

Shit, what had the old bat seen? Nothing, I hoped, just Andy and me looking down at a sheet of paper on his desk. No harm done, I thought.

"Yes, of course, Miss Williams, what can I do for you?"

I walked to the door and turned to close the door to Andy's office, looked straight at him and winked. I knew he would have blushed at that. Miss Williams needed me to check on some staff details and I quickly did that and emailed it to her. As she left, she took another long look at me and said, "I'm so sorry Miss Adams, but I do feel I've met you before somewhere."

"In town, maybe? It's Nikkie, by the way."

"What is?"

"My name, people call me Nikkie."

She looked down her nose and said, "I think I shall leave it at Miss Adams."

Cow, cow, cow. I guess I won't be calling her Loretta anytime soon, or having cosy little chats together. She was making me a bit nervous as she kept on about having met me before. Even though I thought there was no way she could connect me with Nick, it was a little worrying.

The afternoon went smoothly and I became more confident answering the phone and deciding which calls to hold for Andy and which to put through. More of the staff popped in and were really friendly, probably because they would be asking me for favors in the future, but in the end, who cares? They were mostly nice people.

I mentioned to Andy that I had some ideas for improving the systems, and he asked if I were willing to stay on this afternoon so that we could discuss them. I didn't have any plans this evening so I agreed. My personal life was a disaster zone; my last boyfriend had dumped me by text a few months before, as he had decided he really was gay after all, and was now living with a male dancer in Santa Fe. The well had come up dry ever since. There had been a couple of quickies in the backs of cars but that had been that. So I had no reason to rush home at all.

I amused myself hacking Miss Williams" password, and had done it in a few seconds - "drowssap" is not a secure password. Did I tell you I was a part time hacker as well? Shoot, a girl has to have some secrets as well. Andy finally called me into his office and closed the door behind him.

"Let's not be disturbed this time."

He moved his chair over and I pulled one of the visitor chairs over to sit next to Andy so we both could look at the screen. We had gone through a couple of ideas, when I felt his leg bump into mine. I moved slightly as I assumed it had been an accident, but when it happened again, I thought, OK let's see how far this goes. I pushed back with my leg and Andy kept his pressed against mine. We stayed that way for a while and then I felt his hand just stray onto my leg. Ohh, what do I do now? How do I feel about this? His hand didn't move back and I snuck a sneaky peek at him. I really liked him I decided, he was good looking and kind and more than anything, he knows I am transgender.

I have had some bad experiences when guys hit on me not knowing who I really am. When they find out, of course it's my fault, and some take it personally. It's never got to real violence, but I've had to talk or run fast more than once. He moved his hand a little further, so this time I turned to face him and said, "Mr Michaels, what are you doing?"

He whipped his hand away so fast I thought his fingers would fly off. He jumped sideways and said, "I'm sorry, my hand just slipped. It won't happen again."

I looked him straight in the eye and said, "I sincerely hope it does," I picked up his hand with mine and put it back on my leg and said sweetly, "Now, where were we?"

I looked at Andy's face and I had to giggle, his eyes were bulging and his mouth was wide open. I leant over and put my finger to his lips to tell him to keep quiet and put one hand behind his head and pulled him towards me until our lips met. I took his glasses off and he began to kiss me back, his tongue finding mine as he pulled me towards him. His hand began to move on my leg and I moaned a little to encourage him. He kept his hand moving up my leg and it began to slip under my skirt...

There was a loud knock on the door, and I nearly jumped out of my skin as Miss Williams" voice came clearly through the door, "Mr Michaels, are you in there?"

"Will that damn woman never leave me alone?" Andy whispered as he tried to compose himself. I giggled and moved my chair away from his before remembering his glasses, and I quickly stuck them back on his face.