Bad Heather Revisited Ch. 02


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"It wasn't so bad. We kind of worked things out, you know?"

"Whatever you did, it was wonderful. I kind of expected to come home to World War III, not this haven."

"Take your bath, Mom, we can talk about it later," Heather said, wondering if maybe now was the time to spring her surprise videos on her Mom, putting Dad in his place.

While Janice undressed, and soaking in the luxuriating bath, Heather took her DVD of the monthly shenanigans and loaded it in the bedroom player. She barely had it set up before her father showed up with Janice's bags. He laid them out on the bed, and opened them.

"These look like they're mostly clean. I guess the hotel laundry took care of it. Why don't you be a dear and put these away." Harold said. He approached her and took her in her arms, "I've missed your Mom immensely you know, but I wouldn't have traded the last few weeks for anything in the world."

Heather laughed, "I bet you wouldn't, you old horn-dog."

Harold laughed with her, "Look who's talking! But that's not what I'm talking about. When did we ever talk? When did we ever just sit and watch TV together, or go out. Our date night was one of the best moments of my life, even before we got home and got comfy. I love you, pumpkin."

"I love you too, Daddy," Heather answered pulling him down for a warm kiss.

Harold left her to her task, and hustled back to the kitchen. It was such a pain to bring all the elements of a dinner together. He was taking the drippings and make a gravy, waiting for his girls to come out.

Heather was putting away the clothes, and three separate times she walked toward the TV to pull out the DVD and forget everything. Three times. But in the end, she couldn't. She'd just put too much effort into it. With most of the stuff tucked away, Janice entered the bedroom, wrapped in a huge fluffy robe.

"God, I needed that," she sighed. She looked around, "What are you up to? Putting my stuff away?"

"Just hanging up the clean stuff. Now that you're home, I think I'll let you deal with the dirty laundry again," Heather giggled. Then she got sober. "Mom, why don't you sit down, I want to show you something." She guided her mother over to the end of the bed, and sat her facing the TV. She picked up the remote and pressed play.

The picture started with a naked Heather from the back walking over to lay down on her father's lap. It was obvious they were in her bedroom. Her ass remained facing the camera. There was no sound, but you could see her reaction as Harold spanked her ass, first firmly, then more caressingly, and finally playing with her pussy.

After an eternity of fondling, she rolled over in his lap, and you could see her hand grasp his cock through his shorts. Harold continued playing with his daughter, massaging her tits, and fingering her. Janice couldn't believe how intense it was to watch her husband man-handle their baby, even knowing all about it.

Just before Heather slid off of his lap in the video, and started jacking him off, she started a quick commentary. "He was crazy Mom! He was spanking me like every day. It was bad enough when I was wearing underwear or a bathing suit, but then he wanted me to take my pants off, and here he wanted me naked."

She gasped, watching herself get her father off. "The spanking hurt, and the groping was bad enough, but he started on my friends too."

The camera switched to Lynn stretching out on his lap and Harold spanking her before he started fingering and fondling her as well. When the girls switched places, Janice reached for the remote and turned it off.

"We'll talk about this later," Janice said softly. "For now, let's just have dinner."

Heather had expected more. Yelling maybe, or screaming. Not this quietness. The quiet calmness had her scared. Maybe she'd gone too far.

The subject was never raised over dinner. They talked about college, and getting everything ready, finding out who else from school was going there, and making rules about cars, insurance, grades and an allowance. She even agreed to come home every other weekend to start with. The fact that they would only give her an allowance in person contributed to that agreement.

They also discussed her father's new job, which would start in only three days. He was excited and told them what he expected to be doing, and getting advice on a new wardrobe, since his old one wouldn't do. They talked about the congressman's views, and where he was going. Unlike most politicians, he was a retired doctor, not a lawyer, and that pulled a lot of weight in the current climate of health concerns.

Janice tried to avoid most of the discussion about her work in New York. She did give them an overview of what they were trying to do, and told them they'd won the business they'd been working on. She even revealed she had an offer to move to the New York office. Which she refused flatly.

Harold and Heather cleared the table, and shooed Janice away when she tried to help with the dishes. She finally insisted, and the kitchen was full of jostling bodies as they quickly cleaned up after themselves.

"I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it with my own eyes," Janice finally declared.

"What?" Harold asked.

"The difference in this place. It's a home, not a house. And we're a family, not 3 stranger's sharing a roof." She took Heather in her arms and cried over her. "I'm so happy with you," she sobbed, "that's what makes this so hard."

"Makes what hard, Mom?" Heather asked, but secretly delighted. She suspected it was time for the proverbial shit to hit the fan.

"Let's go into the living room." Janice said softly, tugging her daughter along by the hand.

Harold was thoroughly bewildered. He sat in his recliner, while the girls sat side by side on the couch.

"Do you know what your daughter did, while you were finishing getting dinner ready?" Janice asked.

"Put away your clothing, I hope. I had asked her to." Harold replied.

"Yes, she did that as well. But she also showed me a video of you spanking her, and taking some liberties with her as well. She even had a video of you taking turns spanking both her and her friend Lynn, with both of them naked."

Heather's heart was in her throat as she saw the look of disappointment on her father's face. "I had to tell her, Dad!" she finally cried out.

Janice turned to her baby, and took her hands in her own. "Darling, do you think there is anything your father does that he doesn't share with me?"

Heather just looked at her stunned. She turned to look at her father who was shaking his head, then back to her mother."

"But Mom! He touched me down there. He fingered me. He made me come!"

"Dear girl. If I thought it would bring around the change in you I've seen for myself, and heard about from both your Father, and friends, I would have stripped you naked myself and held you down while he fucked your ass raw. You know that don't you? That's how much I love you and want the best for you."

Heather just slumped in her chair, devastated. Her plan. Her wonderful plan. Ruined.

"Now Heather, if I were you, I'd go to your father and apologize for trying to stir things up around here. If I were you, I'd beg him to punish me. Because if he won't I certainly will. There won't be ANY pleasure in it for you if I have to whip you. And I'll tell you now, I won't be using my hand. You won't sit for a week if I have to do it." Janice squeezed her girls hands painfully tight, letting her feel her strength.

Heather stumbled off the couch and dropped to her knees before her father. "Daddy, I'm sorry. I am. I knew I shouldn't do it, and I tried to stop myself, but I put so much effort into it, I just had to follow through. Lynn warned me not to do it, and tried to stop me, so don't blame her. It was all me, and I'm sorry." She pressed her face against his legs and started crying like a little girl. "I don't know why I did it. I would never do it now, I swear. I love you, Daddy."

"And I love you, Heather. More than almost anything in the world."

"Please punish me Daddy. Punish me and put this behind us."

Harold nodded to his daughter, who quickly stood up and removed the dress she'd worn for the evening, and dropped her panties as well. Janice beckoned Harold to her side, and when Heather climbed in their laps for her well deserved punishment, her chest and shoulders were in her mother's lap, while her poor butt, still sore from the earlier treatment, was lying across her father's knee.

Janice looked down at her daughter's bottom, and reached out and stroked her. "Poor baby looks like she's already been punished recently."

"Very much so, just this afternoon. She was trying to play Jeff, Lynn's father and I against each other. She had a video for him just like ours. Jeff and I thought it was time to teach both these little devil's a thing or two. I'll tell you all about it later."

His hand came down like thunder across his daughter's tender butt, and she screamed out. He walloped her for at least a dozen very hard swats, before he let up. She was crying hard, begging him to stop. Janice felt horrible, and wanted to tell him to stop, but she suspected he knew what he was doing.

Finally she had to speak up. "Don't go too hard on her dear, please."

Harold turned to Janice with a hard look on his face. "Are you going to interfere with how I punish my daughter? Again?"

"Never," Janice answered quickly, taken aback by his angry tone, "It just breaks my heart, to see her hurt."

"It hurts me as much," he said, and she saw the tears in his eyes. "I should have done it years ago. I was such a coward, I should have stood up to you, and given her what she needed." He had stopped, and he lifted his hand up and wipe his eyes. Then he leaned over and his hand crashed down on his daughter's bright red ass cheeks, causing her to jump and scream out.

"Please, Daddy!"

Janice wanted to fight him. Pull her daughter away and protect her. Instead she held her little girl firmly. "I'm sorry I said anything. You're right. Go ahead."

Harold lifted his hand high, and Heather begged and squirmed, while Janice held her only child and whispered to her. His hand came down hard. They both cried out.

Then his hand was resting on her ass, caressing her bruised and swollen ass. He eased his hand between her legs and started patting her pussy, tapping away at her clit, rubbing her, and feeling her squirm beneath him.

Janice caught her breath and watched her husband distract his little girl from her blazing buns, and slowly climb her way to an incredible orgasm. When she cried out, with Harold's fingers driving in and out of her, Janice reached down and caressed those poor abused cheeks.

Harold choked up a little, "Please, baby. Don't ever try to break up this family again."

Heather rolled over and climbed into her father's lap, hugging him, then kissing him. "I'm sorry Daddy, I'm so sorry. I didn't think about how bad it could be. I just wanted my way. Please, please forgive me."

He kissed her back. "You know the rule. The punishment is passed, and the act is forgiven. Now thank your Mother, for all she does for you, and how much she's tried to do for you all these years."

Heather scooted over to her mother's lap and hugged her tightly. "Thanks Mom, for everything. For trying to protect me just now. I'm sorry." Janice was shocked when her baby girl leaned forward and kissed her firmly on the lips, even more so when her child's tongue pushed past her lips and brushed against her teeth."

Heather gingerly got up, hold her ass in her hands. "God, Dad, that was the worst ever. Please don't ever do it that hard again. Jeez, I won't be able to sit for days."

Harold just shook his head. "That was the worst thing you ever did, little girl. I pray to God I never have to give you a beating like that again. It fucking broke my heart. I couldn't stand it. Next time I'll have your mother do it."

Heather looked down and saw her father wasn't hard. It was the first time she hadn't left him hard. She knew she'd gone too far. She dropped back to her knees and reached for his pants, rubbing him, blatantly right in front of her mother.

Janice looked shocked, even knowing all that had been going on.

Heather spoke up, "I'm so, so sorry, Daddy. I don't ever want to leave you soft after a spanking." She took her bra off and climbed into her father's lap, straddling him, kissing him desperately. "Tell me you still love me, Daddy," she gasped, grinding her hips against his. She lifted her breasts to his face, something she'd never done, and guided her nipple to his mouth. "Please, tell me I didn't ruin everything. Tell me you don't hate me." She was crying now, hugging her father's face to her chest.

Janice reached over and caressed her daughter's poor red cheeks.

"Please Daddy!"

Harold pulled her away by her shoulders. And smiled. "Don't ever ask a man to say anything with your wonderful titties in his face. A nipple like yours is the best gag there is." He leaned over and gave her tit a quick suckle.

"I love you, pumpkin. Nothing you can do will ever change that. I may be disappointed in you, or angry with you, or even tired of you. But I will always, always love you."

His ornery daughter, chuckled and gave him another big kiss. "Will you take off your pants for me?" she asked softly, whispering in his ear.

Janice intervened. "I may not interfere with his punishing you, young woman. But now that I'm back home the only one getting your old-man's rocks off will be yours truly, thank-you-very-much."

Heather leaned over, still pressing her bare crotch against her father's new and very hard erection. She pressed her lips against her mother's and kissed her deeply, relentlessly, until Janice relented and returned the ardor. She lowered her hand to her mother's chest and rubbed her breast, tweaking her nipple, drawing a gasp from her mom. Harold's mouth had returned to Heather's nipple and was driving her crazy, almost as much as what his hands were doing below her waist, with two fingers sliding in and out of her pussy, while another devilish digit was buried in her back door.

When she came for her father again, she pulled her lips from her mother's and gasped, squeezing her Mom's tit hard. "Oh, God, that's good," she moaned. Then she looked her mother in the eye. "Maybe some day I could help you, you know, with Dad. There's so much I want to know, and you could teach me, Mom."

Janice's pulse was racing. She looked at her husband. "You poor man. I left you alone with this?" She grabbed her daughter's face between her hands and kissed her hard, pushing her tongue into her mouth, biting her lip. "I'll think about it. Now be a good girl and leave your father and I alone, we have a lot to talk about."

Heather retreated to her bathroom for a long hot bath, and afterwards headed to her parents room to say goodnight. Opening the door, she was shocked to see her naked mother stretched across her father's lap, getting her ass blistered. He was holding nothing back, and she was sobbing, crying hard.

"I swear, never again, please Harold, please!" she gasped, squirming and twisting away from the endless rain of blows.

"Never again is right," he growled, suddenly shoving several fingers up inside of her, and twisting them roughly.

"I swear it. I'll be nobody's slut but yours, yours only. Whatever you want, however you want," she gasped, "just for you."

Heather closed the door and quietly backed away from the room. She returned to her own room and laid down on her stomach, listening carefully to the cries and gasps from the room next door. Her ass still burned like lava, but she fell asleep with a smile on her face.


Hope you enjoyed the rewrite!

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NermalKNermalKabout 1 hour ago

Loved part 2, however the original first part was better than the new one for me.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Soooooooo much better than the original. Although I REALLY hated the way that Janice was treated by that asshole Roger, he needs a good kicking, preferably in the balls with steel toed boots!!!!

morbidfrostmorbidfrost7 months ago

Man the stroy is good the writing too, but not for me... the two fathers scene and the mother gangbanged by 50 people or 50 times.. Kill me now and i had such hopes the first chapter.

chasbo38chasbo389 months ago

So the mom becomes the company whore who gets paid for fucking management and customers.

In the last paragraph she claims she won't do it again but as the company whore she can keep the promise only if she quits her job.

But what does that have to do with the relationship between father and daughter ?

Do not remember what her father did to motivate her to carry out this elaborate scheme but given her sexual attachment to her father at the end do not see why she goes ahead with showing her mother the video.

Neighbor girl Lynn being involved is believable;e. Having her father involved is not.

Cannot tell if you intended this ending as humor or not.

blackknight314blackknight314about 1 year ago

Good job, thanks for sharing your work.

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