Bahamian Black Itch


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"What are you doing?" she asked. "Why are you stopping?"

The driver didn't answer. He parked the car and got out. He flung her door open and she recoiled in fear even as he started unbuttoning his pants. "You can pay me wit some pussy."

"NO!" she said in horror, watching as he pulled a massive cock out of his pants. She stared at it in fascination even as she laid down on the back seat and spread her legs for him. His cock was as long as Kimbo's, but thicker, and the head was a small ball. He was hooded too and she stared at the foreskin even as he pulled it back to show her the angry purple cock head. It made her pussy itch. "I don't even know your name," she said, stunned by what she had become.

"Dey call me da Taxi Mon, or just Taxi." He climbed in the door, rolling her dress up and pulling her legs out the door.

"YESSSSS!" she cried as he pushed the apple sized head of his huge cock into her. "Jesus, that's a big one, Taxi," she said panting.

"You gonna love it, mon," he said, pausing with just the end of his cock in. The open door illuminated the back seat and he stared at her bare white pussy eagerly even as he rolled her dress up further revealing even more of her sexy white body. He licked his broad lips as her navel and belly came into view and he was drooling by the time her pushed her dress up over her tits.

Lara got a face full of dreadlocks as he bent down and sucked one erect nipple into his mouth. He began working his cock in and out of her, pushing it deeper as he began fucking her. The Jamaican wasn't patient, but she didn't need him to be. Her body started humping up into his thrusting cock even as her hand pulled his head down harder on his breath. His dreadlocks smelled of marijuana and Lara felt his hair could almost give her a contact high even as she screamed out from the first of the dozen or so orgasms Taxi's cock gave her before he filled her womb with what felt like a pint of sperm. She moaned petulantly as he pulled his wonderful cock from her well fucked pussy.

Taxi got out of the back and walked around to the other side of the car. He pulled the door open and she looked out at him. His cock was semi-hard and dripping sperm. He brought the hooded end over towards her face and let some sperm drip into her open mouth. She opened wide and took the tip of his cock inside even as he stroked the shaft to clear it of any remaining sperm. Her mouth flooded with some of the richest sperm she'd tasted yet. There was the slightest hint of marijuana in the taste, but that just might be the smell from his hair affecting her taste buds. He tried to pull it away, but she quickly reached out and tried to jerk some more of the rich seed out and into her mouth. She was rewarded with another small squirt of his hot seed. "Got a taste for da Jamaican Jama Juice," laughed Taxi. "Da more jama juice ya drink, the more you'll want." He was still laughing as he returned to the driver's seat of the taxi.

Lara sat up and rolled her eyes. Bahamian Black Itch, Jamaican Jama Juice, what's next? Her mind returned to the muscular Haitian trainer at her gym. Haitian Hot Sauce, she thought as she pulled her dress down over her breasts.

The cab dropped her off and Lara looked at the pool of sperm in the backseat. Maybe I should have worn panties, she thought as the Taxi Mon squealed off. She looked down at the pool of sperm forming on the street between her feet and could feel even more sperm sliding down her thighs. Lara was turning to head into the resort when a scooter pulled up. It was driven by a muscular black man with goggles over his eyes. "Meez Clark," he said with a grin.

"Officer Okeke," she replied even as she noticed the white hands around his waist. Karen slid off of the scooter behind him. He was so big, she hadn't noticed her friend sitting behind him. Karen looked at her sheepishly for a moment before bending over and kissing Okeke long and hard. Afterwards, he took off in the scooter.

"Karen, I'm sorry," said Lara. "I didn't know they were filming us."

"Don't be," said Karen with a smile. "These past few days have fulfilled a lot of my fantasies." Karen reached out and took Lara's hand. The two held hands as they walked towards the lobby of their resort.


"The photographer blackmailed me," answered Lara, guessing Karen's question. "He had pictures of me and... Ray making love on the beach."

"Who cares? You're married."

You'd care if you knew it was your husband I was with, though Lara sadly. "He had our names and addresses from the hotel." The lies rolled off her tongue easier now and she felt like a horrible person.

"He found me online and threatened to post the pictures on my timeline where my parents and friends from church could see them."

"Still, they'd understand."

"I thought he just wanted money, but things got out of hand and went way beyond my control."

"And you liked it?"

"And I liked it," answered Lara as the two women entered the lobby. No one was in sight this early.

"And I liked it to," said Karen. "And I liked my time with you." Karen pressed the button on the elevator.

"I... found it surprisingly nice."

"I've had a little crush on you for a long time now, Lara," said Karen with a blush on her pale cheeks.

Lara looked at her in surprise. "You're a lesbo?"

"No. I like both men and women," said Karen, pulling Lara into the elevator as the door opened. "My first experience was with a girlfriend when we were teens. Nothing too serious, just some fooling around. I liked it more then she did. There was also one time with my college roommate." Karen sighed, a looked sad. "I would have told you, but you've never had anything good to say about same sex couples."

"I guess I have been pretty close minded," said Lara. "But I'd like to spend more time with you , alone, when we get back."

Karen reached up and grabbed Lara's cheeks, pulling her forwards until their lips met. Karen broke the kiss. "I was hoping you'd say that. Plus, I think we may need each other to cover up for some other activities we may need to pursue in the future."

"My thoughts exactly," said Lara. The elevator door had closed, but no one had pressed their floor level.

"Geez, Lara, you're making a mess. At least I showered before I left Okeke's house."

Lara still felt sperm running down her thighs and another pool was forming between her legs. "It's a long story," she sighed. Lara leaned forward and pressed the 4 on the elevator panel.

Karen grabbed the hem of her dress and lifted it up to display Lara's shaved mound. Sperm was dripping off her clit in a steady drip. "I love the bald look. I'd do it, but Okeke... Ted loves my red hair." Much to Lara's surprise, Karen suddenly kneeled before her. She kissed Lara's thigh and licked up a wad of sperm that was leaving a slug-like trail down her legs. "Hmm, good," said Karen, but I prefer it hot. Let's get you cleaned up." Karen kissed her bald pubic mound and began licking between Lara's legs even as Lara leaned back against the wall and opened her legs wider. The door opened on their floor, but the hallway was empty.

Lara looked out the door, afraid they were about to get caught. "Unh," she moaned unable to stop her hips from thrusting forwards onto Karen's tongue. The redhead was impressively good at this. "Unh oh umm, yeah Karen." The elevator door closed and they started to move down again. "Oh god," groaned Lara, gripping the hand bar that ran around the elevator so tightly her knuckles were turning white. "I'm gonna cum," she warned. The elevator door opened back on the ground floor. This time the Bahamian desk clerk

was running a sweeper across the lobby. Lara stared at him in alarm as her pending orgasm grew. He didn't even glance in their direction, probably used to hearing the elevator opening a hundred times a day. "Mmmmmm," hummed Lara, clenching her lips shut as the orgasm was about to burst. The doors started closing just as she came. "AAAAHHH!" The desk clerk looked up just as the door slammed shut.

Lara's orgasm had pushed a mouthful of Taxi's sperm into Karen's mouth. She lapped it up eagerly. Lara was panting heavily as the elevator passed their floor. "Thanks," said Karen, still on her knees. "Okeke couldn't keep his cock out of my pussy and I really wanted to taste him again. It tastes almost as good coming out of your pussy." Karen licked her lips. "Funny, I swear it tastes a little like marijuana. Ted and I like to smoke a little weed once in awhile and the smell can get into everything. Have you ever tried smoking..."

Lara considered shoving her pussy back into Karen's mouth just to get her to shut up. "Better get up," she told Karen, just as the elevator dinged on the top floor.

The door opened to reveal a man in workout clothes holding the ends of a towel wrapped around his neck. "Ladies," he said, looking at them with appreciation. His eyes zoomed in on Lara's cleavage like all male eyes did and then they raised to focus on her face and then Karen's. He frowned and looked confused as he stared at Karen's wet lips and chin.

"Come on," said Lara, pulling Karen out of the elevator.

"But it not our floor."

"We'll take the stairs." Lara held Karen's hand turning to look back at the elevator. The man had been checking out their asses, but turned his head down when she caught him. He found himself staring at the pool of sperm on the elevator floor as the door closed.

Karen and Lara took the stairs down several flights. Dawn was well underway by now and they needed to hurry before their husband's woke up. "See you in a few hours," said Lara at her room's door.

"Lara?" said Karen. Lara looked up at her just as Karen grabbed her cheeks and pulled their lips together. The kiss turned passionate with moans coming from the back of both women's throats as their tongues dueled in their mouths. Karen finally broke the kiss. "We need to do this again soon, okay?"

Lara nodded, removing her key card even as Karen pulled hers out. She entered her room quietly and pulled her dress off over her head before bending down to unstrap her sandals. Nude, she slid into bed beside a snoring Ray. As soon as her head hit the pillow, the alarm went off and Ray groaned in pain. "God, the room's spinning. How much did I drink last night?"

"A lot."

"Fuck my head hurts. Guess I can sleep on the plane."

"Me too," said Lara, sitting up. "You were snoring so badly, I didn't get any sleep at all. I'll shower first."

A few hours later, Ray, Lara, and Karen were waiting by their luggage for the taxi to pick them up. Ted had gone to the gift shop. The taxi squealed up and Taxi Mon climbed out of the driver's seat to help throw their suitcases into the back of his taxi. Lara went pale, but he just grinned at her, saying nothing. Karen slid into the back seat and all the way across, putting her head tiredly against the window. "I'd better go get Ted," said Ray.

"I'll get him," said Lara.

Lara turned and entered the lobby, hurrying to the gift shop. It wasn't large and she could easily see that Ted wasn't there. He was standing just outside the exit to the pool area and he was talking to Kimbo.

"I shouldn't pay you at all," complained Ted.

"You want dis you pay, Meester Lewis." Kimbo was holding up a flash drive.

"Is it all on there?"

"Peectures and veedio. You be very surprised by what you see on dis, Meester Lewis."

"Well that fucking cop ruined it by making her suck his dick. How about a hundred?"

"No, the two hundred we agreed on, Meester Lewis."

Ted grumbled as he pulled the money from his wallet and gave it to Kimbo. Kimbo gave him the flash drive. "Pleasure doing beesness wit you, Meester Lewis." The ugly black man looked over Ted's shoulder. "And it was a pleasure filming you, Meez Clark."

Ted stood up straight and slowly turned. "Shit," he muttered, seeing Lara standing there. Kimbo laughed and headed off, his camera around his neck as he headed towards two bikini clad women.

"What have you done, Ted?"

"Nothing," said Ted, a little too hastily. "I paid him to take some pictures that's all."

"You set this up, you asshole," she said accusingly.

"It's not like that." He reached out to take her shoulders, but she pulled back. "Please!"

Lara shook her head in denial. "What have you done?"

"I'm sorry," said the man, looking like he was about to cry. "I was completely obsessed with you. I thought you felt the same about me. I had to be with you at least once and I wanted something to remember it by." He held up the flash drive.

She reached out the flash drive, but he pulled it back. "What have you done?" There was no doubt in her mind that the drive in Ted's hands would show more then just their encounter on the beach. It would probably destroy both their marriages. "What have you done?'

"Quit saying that. I'm sorry. Please Lara forgive me. I didn't know that nasty black guy was going to make you suck him off. I know how you feel about blacks. He was just supposed to convince you to have sex with me. Please Lara! Don't look at me like that. It wasn't just sex to me. I love you. I have for a long time now. You were enjoying it until he got involved. I was hoping we could get together again. Don't look at me like that."

"You have no idea what you've done. You came inside me!"

Ted's face brightened up and he took her hands, cupping them in his own. "But I didn't. You don't have to worry about that. When you were blowing... when I saw that black man's penis, my erection went away. It just shriveled up. I never came."

Lara yanked her hands out of his and stepped back in horror. "No," she gasped.

"Yes," said Ted, bobbing his head eagerly. "But I wish I had. I'd love to make a baby with you. Think how good looking our kids would be."

"Oh Ted." She almost felt sorry for him.

"Come on Lara. I love you. Lets be together. I'll leave Karen. Ray can't satisfy you like I can."

"Fuck you Ted," she told him firmly, staring as the dejected man slumped over. "Pull yourself together. The taxi is here." Lara turned and walked swiftly back to the taxi.

"Well?" asked Ray.

"He's coming," replied Lara, opening the door to the front passenger seat and sliding in beside Taxi Mon. He gave her a bad toothed grin.

A few minutes later a visibly shaken Ted showed up and squeezed in beside Ray. "You alright man?" asked Ray.

"Just hungover," said Ted, looking out the window as the taxi started.

The taxi squealed off, hitting some bumps. Karen's head hit the window, but she didn't stir and appeared fast asleep. Lara looked back at her. She wanted a good nights sleep also. "Are you okay?" asked Ray looking up at her. "You look pale."

Lara gave him a sad smile. "Just a little car sick is all," she replied turning away from him to look out the front window. She had her hands over her stomach like she was about to get sick, but in reality they were over her womb. If Ted hadn't ejaculated inside her, that meant that Kimbo had been the first man to seed her during what she had calculated was her most fertile time of the month. First Kimbo and then Okeke had shot billions of sperm right into her womb. Poor Karen had been inseminated by the same two black men. Thinking about them had her thinking about their cocks, the first time Okeke had pulled his out, the taste of his seed, the first orgasm Kimbo's cock had given her, all the orgasms his cock had given her, the firs time his cock head had pushed through her anus, and the pleasure she'd gotten from having both black cocks in her at once. Lara's nipples had hardened and were sticking out through her bra and blouse. Her panties felt damp. Okeke and Kimbo's cocks had felt so good. So had Taxi Mon's with his big uncircumcised cock head. So big. So good. Such a nice cock. Lara was almost squirming in her seat now as she glanced over at the black taxi cab driver. His huge cock bulge ran all the way down his left pant leg. The giant knob on the end almost sticking out of the hem of his shorts. Such a nice cock, she thought again.

And her pussy started itching.

The End

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StormbringerStormbringerabout 1 month agoAuthor

I'm up to about a dozen instances of "authors" plagiarizing me and trying to sell my work under their names. Apparently, it's an ongoing problem with literotica authors being ripped off. You can file a complaint with amazon and the story might be removed, but it just crops up again under a different name. I hate it, but it's an internet reality I have to live with.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

This is a word for word copy of a Chloe Daily book that you can purchase as an ebook.

Ridiculous69Ridiculous6912 months ago

The next time you see her will be in aisle 14 at Walmart buying diapers for her bastard. She really will enjoy the next 18 years of being a poor and worn out whore for her time in the islands. Oh, and in case you never noticed , the STD rates are through the roof in that area.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Hmm, honey, I want a BBC in my life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Well if you haven't had sex with a black man, then this is a good story to read with your rabbit nearby, enjoy yourself, cum often. My two cents, if the opportunity presents itself, take it, deep too. Every woman has her secrets, mine...twice. I'd rather be sitting on a park bench or beach when I'm older and seeing some younger man walk by and think, oh yes, omg yes, I remember someone ...

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