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"Good afternoon!" a cheerful voice said as they approached each other.

"Hello, there," Fields said. "It's nice to finally meet you."

The woman smiled and said, "Had you and I met before I can assure you I'd have remembered." She opened the door to the inn for him, reached out and took his clothing bag, and followed him inside. "I think you're looking for my niece, Misty, who's right over there."

The man did a double take at the woman who was now behind him as he heard yet another pleasant-sounding female voice say, "Mr. Fields?"

He turned and saw her and the smile faded from his face. "Is something wrong?" she asked as she reached for his gym bag. "I see you met my Aunt Barbara." He was still staring her unaware he was doing so. "Mr. Fields?" she said again.

"Oh. Um, yes. Sorry. I was just confused. I guess I just assumed your aunt was you and...well, shame on me for assuming."

The young woman standing in front of him and smiling at him was not only much younger than he'd imagined, she was much more attractive than he'd um...assumed. She was downright beautiful. She was probably somewhere between 25 and 30 and not at all the kind of person he expected to see running a bed and breakfast in the tiny hamlet of Sheldon, Vermont.

"Your room is ready and we'll be serving dinner at 6 o'clock." She and her aunt led him across the inn to a room with a large number '1' on it. Misty unlocked it, handed him the keys, then opened the door for Fields and said, "After you, I come first."

It took him a second to 'get it' but Fields chuckled when the light finally went on. He almost replied with a favorite line of his own: "What'cha got on? Your mind?" but decided against it.

The room was filled with the kind of things his wife would have loved. "That's a beautiful quilt," he remarked as she sat his bag on it.

"Thank you. My grandmother made that when I was born. One of her quilts is in every room of the inn."

"Oh, so it's about 10 years old then," Fields said with a smile.

"I wish," Misty said as though she was old enough to have the authority to say something like that. "I'll be 28 in a few weeks so it's closer to 30."

"Congratulations in advance, and it looks brand new," Fields remarked as Barbara hung his clothing bag in the closet. She smiled at him in a way he hadn't seen in quite a while (or maybe just hadn't noticed), wished him a wonderful stay, then left.

Misty thanked her aunt then continued the orientation tour. "The bathroom is in here," Misty said as she pointed out the amenities. "We have basic cable as well as HBO and Showtime. You have a microwave over there and a mini-refrigerator in the corner with an assortment of cordials and various snacks. We do laundry for you, but there's an iron and an ironing board in your room." She smiled at him then said, "Just in case you get bored. Oh, and obviously, your swimming pool is right through this sliding door."

"Perfect," he told her. He took a peek through the sliding glass door then said, "I thought you were running this place all by yourself."

"For the most part I am. Aunt Barbara stops by every now and then to help out when we get busy."

"Is she your mother's sister by any chance?" he asked.

"She is," Misty told him. "In fact she's her twin."

"I don't want this to sound trite knowing the loss you recently experienced, but it's obvious beauty runs in your family."

Misty laughed and said, "Well, thank you," she said in a friendly sort of way. "Aunt Barbara will be thrilled to know you said that."

She gave him a serious look then told him, "I may have to keep an eye on you, Mr. Fields. Then again, my Aunt Barbara mentioned she already kind of has hers on you." She saw him give her a puzzled look then said, "She was at the back door when she saw you get out of your car. Before she went outside she called out to me, 'Hottie alert!'" Misty smiled again, then said without looking as she walked by, "She wasn't wrong."

She stepped out of the room then told him, "You know where I hang out, Mr. Fields. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. "Oh, and do watch out for Aunt Barbara. She can be...a handful."

"Good to know," Fields said smiling back at her as she walked out and closed the door.

He sat down on the edge of the bed and tried to remember the last time he'd seen a woman—of any age—who was as beautiful as Misty. He racked his brain for a while and other than actresses or models he'd seen on TV, he wasn't sure he could think of one.

Like many men, he had a thing for blondes, but Misty's raven hair was nothing short of amazing. It reminded him of his wife's the first few years they were married before she began cutting it ever shorter, something that inevitably seemed to happen at some point once a woman got a ring. He didn't mind short hair, but there was something very...delicious...about long hair that he'd always loved. Misty's was shoulder-length and softly styled and it was the first thing he'd noticed.

Her bright, blue eyes were the next feature that had jumped out at him. They were a perfect contrast to the nearly black hair and taken together with her beautiful, white smile, her already very-pretty face became stunningly beautiful.

She was neither tall nor short, and her hard body was as attractive as her face. He'd done his best not to stare, but he couldn't help but notice her soft, round breasts perfectly framed by the dark-gray, long-sleeved sweater she was wearing. Her waist was narrow and tight and the ass he'd not even tried to avoid looking at as she led him to his room, was just so round and...perfect. The black skirt which hugged it in all the right ways was still modest but short enough to show off a pair of very shapely legs that ran all the way into a pair of black heels that might have been 2" high.

As he sat there thinking about her smile, he realized it was happening again. He let out a long, slow groan then laughed out loud when he wondered whether or not his balls might actually be turning blue. The only release he'd had in all these many months was maybe a half-dozen wet dreams. Well, until the night his high school friend had invited him to stay the night. He'd gone home and done something he hadn't since...well, high school. He'd been so horny something had to give and it was his willpower as he stood in the shower letting the warm water run down his body and wash away the enormous batch of 'body batter' he unloaded as he fantasized about her.

Other than that, were his balls not turning blue, the back up was getting so severe his eyes had to be turning white. After looking at Barbara, who was herself, a very nice-looking woman, and then Misty, who was simply incredible, he knew he had to find relief and find it soon.

He grabbed the TV remote and laughed again when he wondered whether or not the Playboy channel was included and he couldn't help but wonder if he'd blush if Misty saw a charge for a porno movie on his bill at checkout.

Fields showered and changed for dinner and Misty introduced everyone at the table to each other. There was a retired couple from New York celebrating their 40th anniversary, a young couple on their honeymoon, and Fields who was sitting all by himself and feeling more out of place than he could have ever imagined.

That is, until Barbara slipped in beside him and said, "Well, hello again, Mr. Fields! Do you mind if I join you?"

'Dangerous' or not, he was grateful not to feel alone. "By all means," he said as he stood up and pulled her chair out.

"Handsome and a gentleman," she said loud enough for everyone to hear.

The older man said, "So are you two an item?"

Fields smiled and before he could speak, Barbara answered for them. "No. Not yet anyway." Fields just kept on smiling.

The younger woman said, "I think you make a very cute couple!"

Again, Barbara spoke. "Well, thank you, dear! I couldn't agree more." She looked at Fields who was still smiling away and wondering if being alone might just be the better option.

Misty walked up and said, "We have either roast beef with cabbage and potatoes or fresh rainbow trout caught in a nearby stream just this morning."

"Did you catch them yourself, young lady?" the older man asked.

"As a matter of fact, I did," Misty said taking a small bow when everyone applauded. "I can only do that when I get some help at the inn so thank you, Aunt Barbara." There was more light applause before she said, "So...what'll it be?"

Each person placed their order then the conversation started. Fields knew there was no way he was going to be able to avoid taking about his late wife so he mentally prepared himself for it. Without exception, he got the standard responses from each person at the table. He knew they were sincere, but hearing 'I'm so sorry for your loss' for the thousandth time sounded canned.

Putting that behind him, he had a very difficult time listening to the older couple talk about their 40 wonderful years together then listening to the happy, young honeymooners talk about the coming 40 years still ahead in their lives.

During the meal Barbara said, "So, Mr. Fields. Not to be too personal, but I see you still wear your wedding ring. Does that mean you haven't started dating yet?"

Misty heard her clear in the kitchen and said, "Aunt Barbara?"

She craned her neck and called out, "I was just asking, honey. There's no harm in that, right?"

Misty stepped inside the dining room, looked at Fields, then said, "I told you she could be a handful."

Not knowing what else to say or do, Fields just smiled—again.

"Would it really be that bad for Mr. Fields to get a handful of m...."

"Aunt Barbara! Seriously?" Everyone chuckled and Fields joined in but to a much lesser degree.

"Fine. I'll just eat in silence then if that's what you want."

Misty turned to walk away and said, "Promises, promises."

Some more chuckles were met with Barbara's, "What?"

After dinner Barbara asked Fields if he might like to join her for a drink in the great room. "That sounds really nice, but I think I'm going to relax in my room for a while."

"What a pity," she said. "You come all the way up here and just sit alone in your room." Fields didn't smile and Barbara didn't let up. "If you change your mind, I'll be out here somewhere until around 10." She leaned over and said, "After that, I'll be upstairs in room #5." She whispered, "I never lock the door."

Fields raised his head then nodded once and said to everyone at the table, "If you'll all please excuse me."

Misty saw him leaving and said, "No dessert, Mr. Fields?"

"I don't think so, Misty. Thank you, though."

"If you change your mind just let me know, okay?" she said with a smile. "I can serve you out here until 10pm or bring it to your room. Your choice."

He thanked her and headed to his room where he laid on the bed and turned on the television settling on ESPN's Sports Center.

Just as it was ending, he heard a knock on his door. "Mr. Fields? It's Misty."

He got up and opened it. She was standing there holding a piece of German chocolate cake then said, "I'm bringing your dessert as a cover for coming to apologize." She smiled then said, "But you can still have the cake if you'd like."

"I might do that if you'll have a piece with me."

"Um...I don't normally eat dessert, but I might be willing to have a scoop of vanilla yogurt if you'll give me a minute." She was back in a flash and Fields invited her to join him.

"I know I tried to warn you about my aunt, but even I was embarrassed tonight. I'm really sorry."

"She's not so bad," Fields lied. "A little too direct for my liking, but I'm sure she's just a very outgoing person."

"You can say that again," Misty quipped as she took a tiny bite. "Sometimes it's hard to believe she and my mom were twins. Mom was so devoted to my dad and Aunt Barbara has been married twice and is um...on the prowl for number three." She smiled at Fields then said, "When she sees something she likes...."

Fields smiled back and said, "Forewarned is fair-warned, right?"

Misty smiled then got serious. "Does it ever get any easier? You know, losing someone you love?"

"Yes and no," he told her. "For me it's been over three years and I only recently stopped crying." He stopped then said, "I've never admitted that to anyone before and I don't why I just told you."

"I'm glad you did," she said quietly. "I cry a lot myself."

"It's only been three months for you, Misty. I was a basket case at that point."

"I suppose it's different, though. It's not that parents aren't important to us, it's just that losing the one person you share everything with has to be...." She stopped then said, "I'm really sorry. What I was trying to say was...."

"It's okay and I completely understand. I can't say you're right because everyone grieves differently. It's possible someone could love a parent far more than a spouse or vice versa. To me, the worst possible thing would be losing a child. As hard as it was losing my wife, if something happened to my daughter...."

Misty saw him hitch and said, "Tell me about her."

He explained how he'd recently taken her to UNC, Chapel Hill, and how hard it had been to say goodbye as well as her admonition to keep an eye out for opportunities.

"She seems wise beyond her years," Misty told him. "You're obviously and justifiably very proud of her."

"I am and I'm sure your parents were equally proud of you," he said managing not to choke up this time.

Misty pushed the yogurt around in her dish as she replied. "Yes, they were. I know they wanted me to finish college then come take over the inn, but as I said, this just wasn't my dream. It was their dream for me, but not mine."

"May I ask why you came back? I mean, couldn't you have just hired an attorney to sort through everything and put it up for sale?"

"I thought about it very seriously," she told him. "But I just couldn't do it, you know? This was the only real connection I have left to them so I felt like I owed it to them to give this a try." She smiled and said, "If it wasn't for the cooking—which I hate—and not teaching my Kindergarten class—which I love—this might be something I could enjoy."

"I love to cook," he said.

"Are you serious?" Misty asked. "It is the most boring, mundane, waste of time...ever!" She realized she'd probably just insulted her guest then quickly added, "For me, that is."

Fields chuckled quietly then said, "I've always enjoyed it as far back as I can remember. I love getting everything together from the food itself to the spices and oils to having it all come out at the right time. It goes without saying, it has to be delicious, too, but for me it's a labor of love."

"So you must not eat what you cook," she said.

"Really? Why's that?" he asked not following her.

"Well, just look at you. You don't have an ounce of fat on you and...I dunno, maybe my Aunt Barbara was right. You are kind of hot." Misty smiled then took a bite of cold yogurt.

Fields laughed but couldn't believe the way her compliment made him feel. "You just made an old man feel very good," he told her.

"Old? Hardly. I can't believe you have a daughter in college," she said truthfully.

"We got married when when we were 22 and just out of college ourselves. Pamela came along the following year and I'm now 41 so...there you have it." She smiled at him in a way that caused a serious increase in blood flow to a place he didn't want filled with blood. "I swim a lot, too. I guess that helps."

"I swam on our high school team but quit when I went to college. Maybe we could go swimming before you leave. If you're interested, that is."

Fields wished he could grab the pillow next to him but settled for crossing his legs and hoping 'it' wouldn't be noticeable. "I'd like that," he told her. "And I'll tell you what. I'd be happy to help you out in the kitchen. If you're interested, that is."

"Ha! Are you kidding? I'd gladly pay you to cook for me. But because you're a paying guest I could never ask you to do that. But if I could..."

"But you're not asking me. I'm volunteering. I mean, I don't really know what I'm going to do other than drive around and try and find things to record on my video camera. And to tell the truth, as beautiful as it is around here, there are only so many miles of red leaves you can get excited about."

Misty laughed and said, "I get that. Growing up around here, you take it for granted. I sometimes marveled at how far people came from just to watch the leaves change color. Then again, I've never seen the Mojave Desert or the Rocky Mountains or a beach in Hawaii, and I'd pay to see all three of those so...."

"So much of life is this push-pull thing. We crave intimacy and love yet we also want solitude sometimes. We want routine and predictability yet we also seem to need excitement and spontaneity. It's as though we're never satisfied."

"I think that's nature's way of pushing us forward and onward. If we were all content to stay in one place and do the same thing our entire life, nothing much would get done let alone new discoveries in science and medicine and the like."

Fields smiled a genuine smile then said, "Talk about wise beyond one's years. You seem pretty dialed into this thing called life, Misty."

"I try and pay attention," she said smiling back at him.

"If you don't mind, could I ask a personal question?"

"Not at all. Besides, it's your turn," she told him as she took another bite.

"You mentioned your age and while I know most people marry later in life now I was just wondering if maybe there was...you know...."

"Someone in my life?" she said completing his thought. Fields nodded so she replied to his unfinished question.

"I was engaged to someone seven years ago." He saw her expression change as she said almost somberly, "Someone I loved very much."

"I'm beginning to feel sorry I asked," Fields said as she looked into the little dish in her hand.

"Vermont is one of the most liberal, progressive states in the Union and although it's not anti-military it's not exactly Texas, you know? I met this guy who was an Army recruiter when I was in college in Montpelier. I didn't know that when I met him. We were at a bar and he was in civilian clothes for first couple of days we spent together. When I learned he was on active duty, it didn't matter. I fell in love with him crazy fast. He was so kind and gentle and so handsome. I was 21 and he was 32 but it didn't matter at all. We had six months together before his tour on recruiting duty was over. The Army sent him back to Fort Bragg in North Carolina, and a week before he left, he proposed. We were going to get married that year around Christmas time, but two months later his unit was sent to Afghanistan and four months after that...."

"I think I know how this ends," he said quietly. "I'm terribly sorry," he told her hoping that didn't sound as empty as the 'platitudes' people offered him all the time.

"I went to his memorial service and it was all so surreal. There was his flag-draped coffin supposedly containing the remains of the only man I ever loved but because it was a 'closed-casket' ceremony, I couldn't even 'say goodbye.' Other than my parents, I didn't know a single person around me. His family had never met me and although they were cordial, I was still an outsider. Not being his wife, I was like the odd-man-out." She tried to smile then said, "Or would that be 'odd-woman-out'?"

"After that, I kind of withdrew and stopped dating. I'd just graduated from college and really threw myself into teaching." She smiled her old smile again then said, "Did I mention I love teaching?"

"Maybe once," he said supportively. Fields sat up straight then said, "We're both members of a club no one ever asks to join."