Beach House Clean Up

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Jessica and I clean up with some unexpected viewers.
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This is my entry into the Nude Day Story Contest 2022. I always like to reinforce that like my author name says, all of the stories I tell here have a basis in truth and are always based on actual events from my life. That being said, I do like to add some twists & embellishments to keep them interesting for the readers.

Please remember, authors & our stories thrive on ratings. We get better with feedback, so PLEASE leave your comments on our stories. I also love when people guess in the comments what parts are "Truth" and what I added for "Twists"

This story has waves of exposition, story and sex, so be prepared for some repeated build-ups before any action.

Everyone in the story is 18 years of age or older.


I was in my late 20s and my girlfriend at the time, Jessica, and I were driving out to her family's house at the beach. Jess was a professional dancer (jazz & tap, not pole, you perverts!) who had toured with a few big names during her career. By the time I met her, she had transitioned to teaching kids at a local dance school.

Jess was of Greek heritage and had raven black hair that was cut at her shoulders and beautiful olive skin. She was solidly built with broad shoulders, a full set of breasts and a dancer's muscular ass and legs. She couldn't be described as skinny as her boobs and ass were gave her a great set of curves. The great thing about Jess was that while she had amazing curves, she was still incredibly flexible. During my time with her, I probably tried more creative sexual positions than with anyone else. Jess' ability to move her legs in virtually direction made sex possible in virtually every position and location.

Jess' family had owned the beach house for years and when everyone was younger, the entire family would spend every Summer there. She told stories of growing up at the house from June-September and different cousins, relatives and friends stopping by and staying for weekends and vacations. In recent years, as everyone had gotten older and many moved away, Jess convinced her family to also use the house as a Summer rental to generate some additional income for her parents. Her mother had recently suffered some medical issues and Jess thought the extra income wouldn't hurt, either. Her father was originally against the idea, but eventually relented the previous Summer.

Her family still reserved three key times: Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor day weeks. For those weeks, it was more "like old times" with multiple people showing up to enjoy food, beach, sun and drinks. They would use the house for any unbooked times during the Summer.

The year I'm talking about, there was nobody renting the house the last week of June, so Jess and I decided to drive up before the rest of the family came up for the 4th of July week. We left early Thursday afternoon, which would get us to the house by 3pm. The rest of the family was waiting until Saturday morning to head up and avoid Friday traffic.

As we pulled up to the house, it was just as Jess had described it. The house was located down a sandy, beachy road where there were other houses spaced out and separated by paths and sand dunes. It was a small, two-story home with a large deck on the oceanside that extended on to some of the dunes and beach grass. Beyond that, it was about 300 yards to the water, itself. The top floor of the house was all windows, that gave a 360 degree view of the area from the different rooms up there. There was also a small balcony with some chairs that overlooked the larger deck below. The house was covered in faded, wooden shingles and white trim that gave it a very simple, traditional, beachy look.

As we stretched our legs, Jess suggested we open the house up to get some fresh air flowing, then throw on our suits and jump in the ocean before we went grocery shopping. I grabbed our bags as Jess fumbled with the keys to the door. As soon as she had the door unlocked, it swung open and we were both hit by a wave of hot air that pummeled us with a rank, putrid smell. Jess cursed as I attempted to control my gag reflex from the odor of rotting seafood coming out in the wave of hot, humid air.

"Jay....oh my... g...."

Jess' voice was cut off as I heard her start to sob immediately as she stepped inside the kitchen door. I took a deep breath and slid by her to walk inside myself. It was quickly obvious that whoever had rented the place the prior weekend had left it a mess. The sink was piled with dirty dishes and there were empty cans and bottles spread all over the counter. Trash, including lobster shells and half-eaten fish was piled in the corner, flowing out of kitchen garbage can. We did our best to cover our noses and started walking through the house where we realized the rest of the house wasn't much better. While no real damage was done, the house was a shambles. Every room had empty cans and bottles, pillows, blankets and sheets strewn everywhere. There were empty pizza boxes and takeout containers. Pillows and cushions had been removed from the couches and were strewn about the floor. The bedrooms and bathrooms were equally messy and the whole house smelled of rotted food and stale booze.

We made our way out to the front deck where we found more empties, cushions everywhere, plus the remnants of cigars, cigarettes and joints left everywhere. The grill had rotting partially cooked burgers still sitting in the sun. The fact that even the seagulls hadn't taken the food showed just how rancid it was.

Jess and I sat on the wooden steps on the beach side getting fresh air back into our lungs as she started making phone calls. The first was to the cleaning company that usually came in after renters had left. I picked up from the one side of the conversation I could hear, that the company didn't have a cleaning scheduled until the following Monday. There was frustration on both sides but it was clear it was just a miscommunication. The person also apologized, but because of the season, they had nobody available sooner.

Jessica's next call was even less pleasant, as she called the renter who had departed a few days earlier. It turned out that the renter was not completely honest with the booking. She let her college-aged son and a bunch of his friends, male and female, use the beach house. When she tried to claim that her son and his friends, "would never leave a place like that" Jenn lost her mind, quoting the contract, damage fees, and a small claims suit against the renter.

When she finally hung up, she slumped against my shoulder and started crying.

"Jay...what am I going to do? The entire family is coming up and it's the first time everyone will be here since my mother got sick. My father is going to flip when he sees that place and rub it in that renting it was a stupid idea."

She buried her face in her hands and kept sobbing for a few more minutes. I waited for Jess let it all out and when she started to calm down, I spoke for pretty much the first time in half an hour.

"Babe, nobody's going to be here for almost two days. I know it looks like hell, but if we get rid of all the trash, air the place out, use a ton of bleach, toss all the food, wash all the sheets and towels, then put everything back together...we should be fine."

"Is that it?" Jess sniffled. "We also told the family we'd go to Costco and stock up for the week, remember?"

"Well perfect!" I joked. "I figure we're gonna have so much time left over, that'll help us fill it up!"

At that point, we decided we had to come up with a plan. The priority was getting rid of all the rotting food and airing the place out. Nature was working against us as it was a hot, humid day with not much breeze. Of course, the place had no air conditioning as it usually benefitted from strong sea breezes. We decided that Jess would take the car to Walmart about 20 minutes away and get all the cleaning, laundry and sanitizing materials we would need. Meanwhile, I would stay at the house, open up every door and window, and get rid of as much trash as possible.

Jessica left and I started opening up all the shades and windows in the house. As I had noticed earlier, with everything open the house had stunning views of the ocean, beach and dunes. From the top floor, you could see some of the neighboring houses and decks as well as people down on the beach. People were walking between the houses on makeshift boardwalks to get to the beach.

The other thing I noticed was that on the upper floor while the smell wasn't at bad, it was sweltering up there. My shirt was already sticking to my body and the lack of breeze was offering no relief. Given the gross tasks ahead of me, I grabbed my bag and stripped out of my shorts and sneakers and put on a pair of swim trunks with flip flops. I left my shirt in the pile and decided that since I was at a beach, I could go shirtless to attempt to stay as cool as possible. Plus, I figured if I got any gross trash or food on me, the less I had on, the easier it would be to clean off in the ocean when I was done.

I went back downstairs and decided to tackle the worst room first -- the kitchen. The open windows hadn't helped much, and the smell of rotting food, trash and seafood seemed to be getting worse. I found some large black trash bags and got to work. After about 15 minutes, I filled two huge bags with just the food from the kitchen that had overflowed the small trash can as well as containers, cans, and empties on the counters and sink. I tested their strength a few times and even though they were heavy, it felt like they would hold. Jess told me there was a dumpster down the end of the road that the houses all shared. Even if she hadn't taken my car, I still wouldn't have wanted to put the gross bags in my trunk, so I got a good grip and started to walk down the sandy road with a bag in each hand.

I shuffled down the street, with the sun beating down on me. I had to keep adjusting my grip to relieve some of the strain in my arms and shoulders while also wiping my hands on my shorts to get the sweat off. The smell was already permeating the bags and I felt my gag reflex kicking in again. I eventually found the path to the left that Jess mentioned and started walking toward the dumpster. I walked for a few minutes wondering where the hell the dumpster was, when I turned a corner and found myself standing in the driveway of another house. It was similar to Jess' house, but larger with a big deck that wrapped around the entire home. I knew it was the house right next door which meant I had somehow turned and doubled back wasting my time and energy.

Realizing I had made a mistake, I dropped the bags for second and uttered a loud, "Fuck". Instantly, I heard a male voice yell from above.

"Hey! What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I looked up toward the source and I saw a man in a pair of swim trunks, white robe, Yankees cap and slippers coming around the corner of the deck. He was an older guy, probably in his late 50s, with a greying mustache, solidly built, kind of like a short but solid bulldog.

"Sorry. I was looking for the dumpster" I replied, picking up the bags again.

"Well, it's not here. Get off my property with that shit before I kick your ass."

Turning back toward him I said, "Dude. I took a wrong turn. Calm the fuck down. I'm leaving. I said 'sorry' already."

"Fuck you, you little shit! I saw you fucks all week looking at my wife's tits, whistling at her, sneaking around the house, making all that noise calling her a MILF. Be glad I only called the police and didn't come over myself!"

The guy was now taking a few steps down from his deck and all I could think was 'Fuck. Now I'm gonna have to fight some old guy?'

Before he got more than two steps closer, I heard a woman's voice come from the corner of the deck, "Milt? Who are you yelling at?"

When she came around the corner, I knew I was looking at the MILF he had mentioned. She was in her late 40's with an amazing surgically-enhanced body. She was wearing a bright blue bikini that was barely containing her sizeable tits. The bottoms were cut high on her hips and she was perched on a pair of high-heel wedges. She had salon-produced red hair that was covered by a floppy beach hat. She had a deep golden tan that showed how much time she spent in the sun. Although twenty years older than me, she was hotter than most of the girls I had ever been with.

"I'm yelling at one of the fucks that has been making all that noise over the dunes. He's trying to dump their trash over here in our yard."

"Holy fuck!" I finally exploded. "I told you I took a wrong fucking turn. I'm not one of those clowns. I'm dating the Karvokolas daughter, Jessica , and I'm trying to clean up the shithole those guys left behind. I'm just looking for the fucking dumpster not trying to check out your wife!"

I saw the guy's anger increase even more at the way I spoken to him, clearly not hearing what I actually said. I thought the situation was about to get even worse when his wife took off her sunglasses and pulled on his shoulder, "Milt! Why do you have to start shit? He's older than those little shits and knows Mike and Donna's daughter!"

To me, she added, "Are you dating Jessica or Jordan?"

"Jessica." I said again. "My names, Jason, by the way. I'm sorry for yelling. I'm just hot and pissy. The renters left a ton of trash rotting in the house that Jess & I are trying to clean up so her parents don't flip. She told me where the dumpster was but I got lost. Sorry, again."

"It was a mistake. Please stop apologizing. I'm Kim. This is my husband, Milt. The dumpster is further up the road."

"Hey, I'm sorry kid." Milt said, finally calming down. "I didn't mean to go off on you, but those kids at the house were out of control. It was bad enough the noise they were making drinking and smoking and whatever else at Mike's place, but when they started creeping over here, I had enough and called the cops."

"That sucks." I said. My arms were starting to hurt from hold on to the bags, so I added, "I'm sorry, but would you mind if I put these bags down for a second? My arms are killing me already."

"You poor thing" Kim said. "Put those down and come up and grab a cold drink."

"Thanks ma'am. But I need to keep working."

"Ma'am? Call me 'Kim'. At least take a bottle of water with you." Kim turned and walked away and I watched her shapely ass move under her beach coverup. Milt came down to the driveway.

"Yeah, sorry again. Look, we're a quiet little area and we've never had a problem with renters before. But those fucking kids, all they did was drink, smoke, and make noise. We saw them doing everything from our room because it looks over your way and we were watching them fuck in the house, on the deck, everywhere. I mean, I didn't care about that, even." Milt sort of winked at me with that comment before continuing,

"But then I guess a couple of them saw Kimmy sunbathing on the deck. Next thing I know, they are making comments about her body and what they wanted to do to her. The other night, we caught a couple of them down in the dunes, trying to watch her undress through our bedroom window. That's when I called the cops. It must have worked because they left early the next morning."

"Yeah, you must have scared them, because they didn't clean anything up behind them."

"Ah, fuck kid. I'm sorry. There a lot of trash?"

"Yup. I'm betting this is the first of a lot of trips I'm gonna be making to the dumpster today."

"Here comes Kimmy with that water. I'll be right back."

As Kim came down the stairs with my bottle of water, Milt disappeared around the other corner of the house.

"Here sweetie" she said handing me the water.

Not that I was defending the idiots who destroyed Jess' place, but I understood why they were checking Kim out. She had let her cover-up fall open as she walked over so I got an even better look at her body. Like I said, she had a set of big fake boobs that were barely contained by her metallic blue bikini top. Her entire body was covered with a deep, dark tan that vibed with the red tresses flowing out from under her floppy sun hat. Her bikini was pretty small and I didn't see any obvious tan lines. She had aerobics-toned legs that were perched on a pair of high-heel wedged sandals that led up to her bikini bottom that was cut high up on her hips. Her lips were plump with filler and her skin was showing some of the effects of sun and time. I hoped that my thin bathing suit would hide my slightly stirring erection as I had no way to cover it up otherwise.

As I popped open the cold water and took a sip, Kim continued, "Sorry again about Milt. But those kids really pissed him off. Between the noise all night, the loud music, and then them trying to sneak peeks into our place, he just lost it."

"What were they doing?"

"Well, I noticed that whenever I was sunbathing on our deck, groups of two or three of them would keep walking by on the dunes trying hard to look like they weren't looking. I just figured they were horny teens and tried to ignore them. But the more they drank, the worse they got. I would hear them catcalling and whistling and making remarks about me being a 'MILF' or saying I needed a couple of young studs to come visit, that sort of thing."

"Stupid kids" I replied.

"It got worse when they figured out that from the top floor of your place, you can see our upper floor which is our bedroom. We keep it all open to get the sea breeze coming through. I noticed one night as I was getting dressed that I saw something shiny on their deck. I'm pretty sure two of the little creeps were looking through binoculars at me."

"Wow. Seriously? Is that when Milt called the cops?" I asked.

"Nope. It was the last night they were here. Sunday? They were out on both decks, drinking, smoking and partying. At about two in the morning, they ramped it up even louder. Milt went over to our window to see what the hell was going on. He looked over and saw a couple of guys having sex with a girl outside. I won't go into detail, but they were high-fiving and acting like basic assholes.

What set Milt off was we could hear them saying things like, 'let's go get that MILF and do her next' and 'we can make her fat fuck husband watch us.' Just dumb shit they probably heard in a porno once. But that was it, Milt was going to go over and confront them with a nine-iron, but we called the police instead. It's a small community and they know us, so they sent over two cruisers. Not sure what happened, but the cops left around 3:30 and they were all gone the next day. We never even saw them pack up."

Kim and I kept talking about the mess that was left behind and Jess I trying to clean it all up before the family arrived. I was also working very hard not to stare at her tits that now had a fine film of sweat forming on them. I looked up when I saw Milt coming around the corner with a wheelbarrow, shovel and large trash can.

"Here, pal. Sorry about the misunderstanding. No offense, but I'm too old help clean all that shit up, but this might make it easier. I threw some of our lawn bags in there, too."

"Wow. Thanks, sir. I appreciate this so much. I'll clean it all off and bring it back when I'm done."

"No hurry. And seriously, if you and Jess want to, feel free to swing by for a cold drink tonight, too. We're always out on the deck -- just yell as you come over to let us know you're on your way."

After that, I used the wheelbarrow to bring the trash to the dumpster and kept cleaning up the house. I was able to get the first load of dirty dishes into the dishwasher and two more bags of trash packed up by the time Jess returned to the house. We unloaded the cleaning supplies she had purchased and went back into the kitchen.