Bea's Daughter Contacts Me

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Is mature daughter as good as mature Mum had been in bed?
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She was her Mum's daughter

It's not often you get a contact from out of the blue from the daughter of someone you have slept with and especially some time ago. But I got a message on facebook to call Ellie and found that it was Bea's daughter.

It was years since I had been in touch with Bea and initially I thought something had happened to her but was relieved to hear she was well, and retired to Spain with her 'toy boy'. Ellie, said she had stored some of her Mum's things when her Mum's older partner had died but, as she was moving house, her Mum had said to dump them. Going through them she had found 'a very interesting' diary in which I was mentioned frequently. It had intrigued her and thought I might be interested in seeing it and she was interested in meeting me!

I too was intrigued and suggested we could either meet up for lunch in Glasgow or Edinburgh. She said she had been to college in Edinburgh and it might be fun to see some of her old haunts.

I got slightly held up and I was about 10 minutes late for our midday meeting at the Beehive Pub which she had chosen. When I walked in it was easy to spot her at the bar as she was almost a clone of her Mum except a taller prettier version. Bea was attractive but somehow missed being pretty, mid 40s Ellie had her Mum's slim figure but wore her hair much shorter and was actually very pretty.

Shades of Bea she was wearing a short leather jacket, tight black trousers, ankle boots with a small heel and a black sweater. After we had rather formally shaken hands, I suggested we get a booth, order lunch and look at the diary. As I followed her to the booth, I think she noticed me checking out her ass which was pert and high riding and at least as good as her mothers.

She proposed a toast to 'her Mum and all her lovers' and putting her hand on mine she smiled and said "You are still a very attractive man and I can see why Mum was so taken with you as you must have been very handsome when you were younger."

She explained that she was married with two kids and they were moving to a larger house and were clearing out when she came across the diary. She explained that as a trained journalist she just couldn't dump it as she thought it might actually make the basis for a very good book. From an expensive leather shoulder bag she produced what looked like an old red backed diary and grinning, much like her Mum used to, said "I couldn't believe my Mum had led such an exciting sex life and further that she had rated and archived her lovers."

After Ellie's Dad and Mum had split up, Bea had kept a diary of her lovers. And he had given a reasonably detailed report of her experiences and at the end a score!

Looks; Endowment; Energy; Giving Orgasms; Overall plus a note on the guy's preferences- OPA.

Obviously I was keen to know how I scored and turning over quite a few pages she smiled and said "Pretty well - high for looks, energy, giving orgasms, and not bad for endowment!" "And as for preferences." She grinned again and held up the diary to show Bea had put AAAAA! Loves my ass! And loves DP and 'airtight'.

I was intrigued to see how many guys had made it on to her score sheet and she handed it over to me.

I was surprised that Bea had half a dozen local guys, her brother in law - who had been the first to ass fuck her and had two other friends of her BIL before the Boss, me and Ed and me.

With rising cock I read on the Brother in Law's profile that he got top marks for endowment and a great overall score. His notes said " Felt terribly decadent to have Steve who I have fancied for ages. Good lover with a big cock and he knows how to use it. Persuaded me to let him put it in my ass - painful initially but it really turned him on." Apparently they only had one night as her sister came back but he obviously had told his mates about Bea.

The next entry was "Steve's mates asked me out tonight - two really good looking married guys who loved the fact I was wearing stocking and suspenders. Great night flirting with both of them in the pub and felt really decadent letting them kiss and fondle me in the alley to the side of it and take me round the back where both of them fucked me. Steve obviously had told them about having my ass as one of them tried to take me like that. Keen to take me out the next night but I declined."

The next entry was the Boss. "Mike has been after me for weeks and has dangled a promotion to the office as an incentive. I let him have me to today Surprisingly randy for a guy of his age with a huge cock - he must really fancy me. We had POA. Latter a bit painful because he was so big. Hope my performance justifies my promotion.

Big plus today was that Tom, one of the students dropped me off and asked me out - vey young but drop dead gorgeous. Have agreed to go out if I can get a baby sitter."

Then me : "Fabulous night last night - best ever. Really dressed up for Tom and he loved it. Few drinks then back to the house for an overnight. Great lover - good muscular body with a good size cock and quite insatiable for size hugely energetic - couldn't get enough of me. . Loved having my ass but slightly painful after taking boss's cock. Arranged another date for tonight - can't wait. I'm going to get some sexy gear today to blow his mind."

I turned to Ellie and said 'She not only blew my mind but also Ed's. We had had a few girls but no one like your mum - she really loved sex."

The next entry showed how much Bea had loved the night with Ed and myself.

"Wow absolutely shattered but what a night. Two fantastic looking young guys who appeared to really fancy me and want me as much as I wanted them. Never had as many orgasms in one night - they were fairly insatiable. Lots of firsts - being 'roasted', being dped - first anal orgasm! Two nice cocks, great energy, had at least five/six orgasms. OOOO PPPPP AAAAA. Hope they don't talk about it at work."

"Mike asked me out for dinner to celebrate my promotion. Dressed up well and he said I looked fantastic. Ended up in bed with him - not bad - he has a good cock and not bad stamina for an old guy. OPA"

"Mike asked me to stay behind after lunch when workers had gone home for another session n the office. He really does seem keen. OA. Ed and Tom have been very discreet but Tom has asked me out again and to go away with them for the weekend over bank holiday before they leave for good."

"Another great night with Tom and Ed. Really flattering that these guys fancy me. Realistic enough to know it is mainly for sex but flattering that they find my mature body so attractive. And they have invited me away for a whole weekend, that should be fun!"

"Can't believe I am so excited about going on holiday to a cottage with Ed and Tom. They are picking me up today - two nights and three days will be fun. Not all wilderness as they have asked me to bring a short skirt for the pub - so obviously want to 'show me off."

When I flicked over to see a report, I was surprised to see it was illustrated with some of the photos Ed had taken. He had used a remote to take them and memories flooded back of the four of us at the Drovers Inn, some to Bea posing at the cottage bringing in wood, the four of us with Bea in the miniskirt before we went to the pub; Bea showing a bit of thigh in the pub; the four of us at the pool with all of us nude - Bea standing proud tits, nipples and shaven pussy on display, Bill large cock dangling while Ed & I covered our tackle with our hand and finally the four of us dressed ready for the pub with Bill with his hand inside Beas's top groping her boob.

Ellie smiled and said "She does look well and I'm amazed she was so relaxed looking with you guys - that guy is huge!"

Bea had written: "Bit surprised to see Ed and Tom had brought a third guy, Bill, but he seems nice and is really gorgeous. We stopped on the way up Loch Lomond for lunch and it was fun to be 'one of the gang' and to see several girls look enviously at me with three very handsome young guys. Had a few drinks and we had a little ice breaking fun with the two guys in the back of the jeep- nothing heavy just a kiss and a cuddle.

Cottage in a remote location but comfortable and guys gave me my own room with double bed. There was the suggestion to stay in or go to the pub. Pub won out and the guys suggested I wear the miniskirt. Buggers as all the other women there were in jeans but I still had fun.

When we got back while we were having a drink, I tried to set out some ground rules and this ended up with Bill taking me back to my bedroom where he made love to me. He was a good lover giving great oral and I haven't had my pussy so well filled - the other two guys are quite well endowed but he has a serious cock. He gave me a couple of climaxes before the other two guys joined in. It was exciting to take them in various combinations including all three at once giving me my 'airtight' initiation. It was unbelievable and very flattering that these three young guys wanted me so much and I was pleased I fucked them to a standstill.

Great fun next day at the river pool - it was cold but great fun again being one of the guys. They would have liked some action when they warmed up but I made it clear without lube they would damage their prospects for the night so it was just oral.

There was some dispute again as to whether it would be to stay in or pub. No miniskirt this time but the guys seemed to like my rear in the tight leggings and loved my cleavage top which gave them easy access to my boobs and nipples. Great fun in the pub with music and dancing and the guys hands when we were dancing were more often in my top.

We all had a lot to drink and the rest of the night was a bit of a blur as the guys were a bit rough and my body the next morning was a bit of a mess with bruises, my pussy swollen and my rear quite badly damaged by the traffic it had taken especially from Bill's monstrous cock. I was really quite upset but Tom was lovely and helped me get washed and dressed.

Overall a real experience but mixed as I basically got too much cock in all my orifices."

The next couple of entries were about her developing relationship with Mike and then the secret of how she got the photos was revealed in that Ed when he came back from Cornwall had been in touch and had her a couple of times.

She had noted, "Ed is fun but he's not Tom who apparently has a new serious girlfriend I think Mike is my best bet."

The rest of her diary gave a few highlights of Mike and her and their work on the apartments until a couple of workmen individually had an opportunity to enjoy her before we met up again. I thought when we got back to me seeing her fairly regularly it was only Mike and me having her but the workmen also featured occasionally.

It was obvious that she really had a thing about me and the idea of us living together was developing.

When she started a fling with Paul, having met him at the golf club and enjoyed a few sessions with him although he was nearly 30 years younger than her, she had decided to see if I was interested in making the break and living with her -hence her suggestion of the weekend.

She had written: "Make or break weekend with Tom - I really do fancy him and would do anything for him. He loves stretching my limits and obviously thinks I am still attractive enough for him to 'show me off'. He bought me some rather 'over the top clothes, including sheer and plunge tops, and micro miniskirts - he loved getting me to show off my tits and thighs and pushed things a bit to even have me flash my pussy in public. I felt a little uncomfortable at first when he started me off by suggesting I go down to the hotel bar to wait for him to get dressed with me dressed in sheerish top and a short tight mini that just about covered my stocking tops and when I sat down showed them off. He thought it was great that two young guys had sent me across a drink! He showed me off in a couple of bars after quite a romantic meal, even suggesting me let my skirt ride up to let guys have a glimpse up my skirt. What a night - he was insatiable and fun and in the morning had me go to the door to collect our breakfast wearing only stockings, suspenders & g-string - that too gave both of us a bit of a rush. After a brilliant first night he was obviously flagging a bit because second night we picked up a couple of guys to 'help him service me'. They were fun but it was even better fun when they finished and he recovered well for some great sex by ourselves. He really does love having my rear!

I told him about Paul so if he doesn't step up I think I'll take Paul upon his offer."

The rest was a commentary on Paul and her relationship including her leaving Mike to live with Paul eventually moving with him to Spain when the diary stopped.

Ellie grinned at me when I closed the diary and she murmured "It's really quite a story of how an ordinary housewife had such a quite extraordinary sexy life. Wouldn't it make a great novel?"

I smiled and said "I hope you aren't going to name names!"

She grinned again and said "Well its fairly obvious you were the love or at least the lust of her life."

And putting her hand on my arm she murmured "I can see why because you are still a very handsome man and when you were early twenties I could see how you would have turned the head of Mum who would have been not much younger than me. But its obvious Mum really enjoyed having all kinds of sex with different guys."

When I asked her had it shocked her, she blushed and murmured "Yes she was my Mum, and while I realised she had been with a few men I hadn't realised just how many and how sexually uninhibited she was. I know she was sort of pretty with a slim figure but I didn't think she was spectacular enough to attract so many guys."

I thought about it before saying "Yes she wasn't bad looking and had a decent figure, although smallish on top but good nipples, decent legs and a pretty sexy little ass. I think it was more an inner sexuality that attracted us initially ,then she was happy enough to dress to show off her assets, and then she was very good in bed with no limits and overall I think she basically loved sex."

She blushed when I said she looked very like her Mum but I clarified it very quickly to say that while she looked very like her Mum facially, but was prettier, she had a similar figure but looked a bit bigger on top and she smiled when I said, "And you have a similarly attractive rear."

She murmured, "I saw you checking my bum out as we sat down - I quite expected it as you seemed to love having Mum's."

Then teasingly she murmured "Do you feel the same sexual energy from me?"

I smiled and said "Don't forget I'm a lot older now and I've just met you, you look so much like your Mum so I really can't read you as an individual - do you have the same sexual desire?"

She grinned and said "I don't know. Before I read Mum's diary, I was a part-time journalist settled quite happily with two kids and a husband, who I have been with since college. I have never been with another guy or hadn't even thought about it. We have a fairly good sex life but nothing like Mum experienced, and before you ask my rear has never been part of my sex life."

When I pushed saying "You said before you read the diary, how do you feel now?"

She looked at me quizzically "I really don't know, I found the diary excited me and I thought meeting you would clear things up a bit for me as I was prepared to dislike you, as you probably used my Mum a bit for sex - but she did seem to enjoy it. But meeting you hasn't settled anything as I am more confused than ever, but I can see why Mum found you attractive as so do I."

Grinning I murmured "Are you coming on to me, if so its very flattering!"

"I can see you are still arrogant - no I'm not, I am simply stating a fact. But I can't help wondering what it would be like to step outside my normal life for a weekend such as Mum had with you and the guys or the last weekend she had with you. To dress and behave with no restraints and experience what she experienced."

I grinned again and taking her hand I murmured "Well I think you are very attractive and if you fancy it, I would be happy to oblige and at least it would be safe and discreet."

She murmured "It has a certain symmetry and I'm flattered you find me attractive, let me think about it and see if I am prepared to go outside my comfort zone."

I paid the bill and as she went out to the loo I took another look at her rear - she had longer legs than her Mum and her rear actually looked a bit bigger and riper than Bea's. And as I kissed her goodbye outside, I took the opportunity to hug her, to kiss her on the mouth and move my hand outside her jacket and below her breasts which I felt were definitely bigger than her Mum's. Apart from her saying "You are very sure of yourself." She didn't appear too upset.

She went off to see some friends.

Two days later I received a pm on facebook. It was non committal on another meeting.

"Thanks for meeting me and for lunch. It clarified a lot of things for me but also raised some personal questions for me. I can understand how Mum questioned her attractiveness after Dad left her for someone else but when I see how happy she looked on her weekend with you guys, it must have been a huge boost to her confidence to see that three really handsome guys really wanted her. And I think she realised you all could get younger better looking girls than her, it was her sexuality that you mainly found attractive. And she obviously found she actually liked having a lot of sex.

I can see why she found you really attractive - you still are.

Her diary excited me and as I am much the same age as when she started her adventure it made me feel a bit unsettled with my good but slightly boring life and I can't help wondering how it would like to be to step out of it for even a weekend and experience some of the excitement Mum had, from having no real restraints in dress or sexuality. And of course seeing guys want me and me letting them have me. But while I would love to experience some of what Mum had, do I risk my security and family, if I like it too much?"

I replied "I think you are thinking you would like it. I found you very attractive - actually you are much more attractive than your Mum was and I sensed the same inner sexuality. I would love to meet up with you for a weekend to help you answer your questions!"

I thought I had frightened her off until about a week later I received a pm from her "I have been struggling with whether I really want to do this but I do feel I would like to have a weekend of fun with you. Hubby is away in two weekends time and if you would like to, I would love to meet up."

I asked her to call me and when she did, I confirmed that she really was up for a weekend with me and possibly whatever I wanted her to do! I was certainly up for it. I asked her did she want to stay in the hotel where her Mum and I had stayed or somewhere in town - she opted for the latter.

Fortunately Eileen had planned to go to London that weekend on a magazine assignment so the cards appeared to have fallen right for what could be a memorable weekend. Especially when I managed to get an upgrade from an executive room to a Junior Suite because it was the hotel where our publisher had stayed and I mentioned he had recommended it to me.

When I met her at the station, whether by accident or more likely design she was dressed much as Bea had at times in a short leather jacket, tight black leggings, over the knee boots and a pale grey sweater. The tight leggings emphasised the slim ripeness of her thighs with the exciting gap between them at her crotch, while they were sculpted to her perky hips. Although her sweater was loose I could see by the outline of her breasts and felt when I hugged her that she was braless. Slipping a hand inside her jacket I cupped a breast and pulling my hand away gently she murmured "There will be plenty of time for that."