Beauty and the Geek Ch. 26


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Jack was wearing his usual suit sans tie, his silk shirt colored bright blue. "It's nice having company," he said. "I usually come here alone."

"Well," Haley smiled. "You haven't been alone in a while. What is this, our fifth date in two weeks? If I didn't know better I'd say you're starting to like me."

"No," Jack joked. "I've simply been hoping to score a discount at your jewelry store. That is... unless you like me?"

"Hmm," Haley pretended to be considering. "I'm starting to come around."

Jack chuckled, "You know, any sixth date with me requires approval."

Haley looked amused, "Oh? Where can I apply for this approval?"

"Have lunch with me this weekend," Jack proposed, "and meet my daughter."

Haley swallowed wrong and let out a cough. She reached for her water, "Miley."

Jack nodded, "I know you're nervous about the whole age thing, but she's going to love you. Miley's a great girl, she's not going to care that you're younger than me as long as we're happy together."

Haley forced a smile, "I can't wait."


Miley flipped a page, curled on the couch and reading a course book. Charlie had fallen asleep after their bout of lovemaking but Miley wasn't tired. She parked in front of the television and was taking advantage of the quiet time. She was halfway through her reading assignment when a knock fell on the door.

"Hey," Stacy greeted miserably after Miley opened the door. Mascara stained her cheeks.

Miley immediately looked concerned, "Stace? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"It's Brian." Stacy's voice quivered as she fought back more tears, "We broke up."

"What?" Miley quickly spread her arms and took in her best friend, "You guys just got back together! What happened?"

Stacy moved with Miley to the couch, "You're not going to believe this, but... Sam's pregnant."

"Oh my god," Miley's surprise was total. "You've got to be kidding me!"

Stacy shook her head and began sobbing. Her head fell to Miley's sweatshirt-clad shoulder.

Miley wrapped Stacy in her arms, "Oh, Stace. I'm so sorry."

"What am I going to do?" Stacy cried.

"It's going to be okay," Miley replied. "Oh my god, poor Brian. Is he -?"

Stacy's head shot up, "Poor Brian?"

"Yeah," Miley nodded with worry-filled eyes. "He must be freaking out, especially after everything that happened this summer with you."

Stacy grew angry, "I can't believe you, Miley. You're defending him? You always do this!"

"I'm not defending anyone," Miley frowned. "But Brian's my friend. I'm worried; this must be horrible for him!"

"If you ask me," Stacy declared, "he has it coming."

"Don't say that Stace, he loves you..."

"I thought I loved him too." Stacy smeared a palm across her cheek, "But now I'm not so sure. How can I be with someone who's so... irresponsible?"

Miley lifted a brow, "You mean like you were?"

Stacy made an offended gasp, "I made a mistake! But evidently Brian wants to poke his babies into any girl that will spread their legs! Why do you do this, Miley? Why do you always take his side? I thought I was your best friend!"

Miley scowled, "You are! I'm not taking sides, Stace, I think you're just being a little hard on --"

"Whatever." Stacy stood, "Clearly Brian means a lot more to you than I ever did."

Miley stood as well, "Maybe that's because he doesn't constantly make me choose between my friends!"

"You can have each other," Stacy spat as she moved to leave. "Just be careful you don't get knocked-up!"

Miley winced as the door slammed shut.

Charlie was woken by the yelling and appeared from the bedroom with squinty eyes, "What's going on? Is Stacy mad that we want to get pregnant?"

Miley couldn't help but let out a weak laugh, "She wasn't talking about us, baby." She turned to look at Charlie, "Evidently Brian and Sam beat us to it."


"It's like a nightmare," Brian described, sitting on his bed. "Only, I'm wide awake and it keeps happening over and over."

Charlie let out a heavy sigh. He had visited Brian the following morning, worried what kind of state his best friend would be in.

"I don't know what I'm going to do, Charlie. Sam hates me for dumping her and getting back together with Stacy. Meanwhile, Stacy hates me for knocking-up Sam... so she dumped me."

Charlie was still trying to sort everything out, "Did you and Sam use -?"

"Protection?" Brian interrupted, "Yeah, of course we did. I was wearing a condom."

"Is there any chance you're not the father?"

Brian shook his head, "She was a virgin."

Charlie sighed again and sat next to Brian on his bed, "This is kind of ironic."

Brian glanced aside, "Ironic?"

Charlie nodded, "Miley and I have decided we want children, we're going to try and have a baby."

Brian rolled his eyes, "You're a fucking idiot."

"I'm serious," Charlie told him. "We're serious, we want kids."

"I'd gladly trade places with you, dude."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Tell Miley I'm sorry," Brian said. "She must be seriously pissed at me."

"Actually, she's worried about you. She and Stacy had a big fight about it last night. Miley stuck up for you."

Brian's brow furrowed, "She did?"

"Yeah," Charlie nodded. "Miley loves you, you know. Like family."

"You're so lucky, dude. Miley's like the coolest chick that ever lived."

"Stacy's pretty great too," Charlie reminded.

"Too bad she'll never forgive me."

Charlie patted Brian's back, "Sure she will."

"Thanks, Charlie. For coming over. Do you mind if we take a hiatus for a couple days? I need to sort this mess out with Sam before I can start thinking about comic books again."

"Yeah," Charlie assured him. "And don't worry, everything will work out. It always does."


Miley growled in frustration, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. Her heels were killing her! Normally she rode to campus with Stacy, but after their fight the night previous Stacy hadn't shown to pick Miley up. Miley's BMW was in the shop for a tune-up and Charlie had taken his car to see Brian, so Miley had walked to school. She had been in heels all day and her feet were throbbing as she walked home.

She hopped on one foot and then the other while pulling her shoes off. The cement felt chilly against her bare toes, but it was better than the pain her heels offered for the final block home. Stuffing the shoes into her bag, Miley continued walking in her silver mini-skirt and black leather jacket.

After rounding the final corner before reaching her apartment a familiar voice greeted, "Hello, Miley."

Haley was waiting in front of Miley's building. She had the day off work and was casually dressed in a pair of jeans and a sweater.

Miley stopped in her tracks, "Hello, boyfriend-stealer."

"Whatever," Haley rolled her eyes. "How can you still be angry about that? I heard Brian isn't even with that girl anymore."

"What do you want?" Miley sighed. "And just so you know, I don't really have room for any more bullshit in my life at the moment - so make it quick."

Haley tried to keep things civil, "I need to ask you a favor."

Miley laughed, "You're kidding, right?"

"Nope," Haley replied seriously.

"Sorry. I can't help you." Miley glared, "I don't know a cure for crabs."

Haley forced a grin at Miley's joke, "Very funny. But it's about your father, actually."

Miley's face twisted with confusion, "My father?"

"He's going to ask you to lunch this weekend," Haley explained. "So you can meet his new girlfriend. When you do, I was hoping you wouldn't throw a childish fit when you see that it's me."

Miley's mouth fell open, "No way... you're his new...?"

"I'm afraid so," Haley almost looked amused. "We really like each other, too. You wouldn't want to break his heart, would you?"

Miley's fuse ignited in record time, even for her. She threw her schoolbag to the sidewalk, "You stay the hell away from my dad, you floozy!"

"Floozy?" Haley gasped. "What does that make you for kissing me? Huh, slut?"

"I didn't kiss you," Miley countered. "You kissed me!"

"You didn't have any problem puckering up at that house party." Haley made an arrogant smile, "And if I remember correctly, you seemed to like it."

"I was drunk," Miley balled her fists. "When you're drunk it's easy to get seduced... by a whore!"

Haley was suddenly beside herself at the insult, "You prissy little bitch! You're about two seconds away from getting knocked on your ass!"

"Bring it," Miley growled. "I'll smear you across this sidewalk like a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of my Gucci pumps!"

In an instant, the two girls collided in a sudden mess of pulling, pushing, and hair-yanking. Miley landed a solid punch across Haley's eye, sending the blonde to the ground. Miley followed her down and they began rolling around in the grass amidst a tangle of limbs. They were shrieking and yelling at one another, both women a fury of anger.

Luckily, Charlie was just returning home from Brian's. He saw the two women rolling around in front of the apartment building as he parked at the curb.

"Miley?!?" Charlie dashed from his car, "Haley?!?"

"Lemme go!" Miley fought against Charlie when he yanked her off Haley, "I'm gonna beat the blonde right out of this bimbo!!!"

"Miley!" Charlie yelled as he wrapped his arms around his squirming fiancé, trying to calm her.

Miley was desperately reaching and kicking towards Haley as Charlie pulled her back, but hit only air.

Haley got to her knees. Her eye was already swelling up where Miley hit her and blood was coming out of her nose, "Let her go, Charlie! I'm going to kill that twiggy little skank!"

"I am NOT twiggy!" Miley hollered.

"Stop it!" Charlie yelled, "Both of you!"

Haley slowly rose to her feet. Her hair was disheveled and fragments of grass and leaves littered her sweater, "You're lucky your boyfriend showed up when he did."

Miley struggled against Charlie, "Oh yeah? Come two feet closer and I'll show you how lucky I feel!"

But Haley wisely backed away.

"I think you should go," Charlie warned Haley. "Now."

"This isn't over," Haley sneered.


Miley fumed as she stood in front of the bathroom mirror, picking grass out of her dark curls.

Charlie stood behind her, "Are you going to explain to me why you were in a fist fight with Haley?"

"She had it coming!"

"This is the second time you two have come to blows," Charlie pointed out. "You used to be friends, what happened?"

Miley stared at his reflection, "It turns out the new girlfriend my dad told me about is none other than Miss Super-Slut. Can you believe that?"

Charlie froze.

"She's a scheming bitch, Charlie, and I won't let her -" Miley turned around when she saw Charlie's expression. Her sixth sense activated and she read him like a book, "You knew?"

Charlie looked guilty, "Miley, I --"

"You knew!" Miley squealed. "I can't believe you, Charlie!"

"I ran into Haley at the mall," Charlie hastily explained. "She told me about her and Jack --"

"And you kept it a secret from me?!?"

"I told Haley she had to tell you! She asked for a couple of days..."

Miley stormed out of the bathroom, peeling her grass-stained clothes off as she went.

"Miley...!" Charlie followed.

"Stay away from me," Miley threw her clothes to the floor. "I'm mad at you, Charlie!"

"Stop being a brat!" Charlie barked.

Miley paused and turned, clad only in her bra and panties, "What did you call me?"

"Haley stuck me in the middle of this," Charlie argued. "And I made it clear to her whose side I was on. Yours! She asked me to wait a couple days so she could tell you herself; I thought it would be better if you heard it from her. I didn't know you two would end up trying to kill each other!"

Miley seemed to calm slightly, folding her arms across her bra-clad chest.

"Why are you angry at me, anyway?" Charlie asked. "I'm not the one sleeping with your father."

"Oh, ew! Do you think they're sleeping with each other?"

"We ARE talking about Haley," Charlie pointed out dryly.

Miley shuddered and closed her eyes, "I can't believe my dad! He's practically old enough to be her father."

"I'm sorry," Charlie offered. "I should have told you."

Miley shook her head and stepped against Charlie's chest, "No, I was the one being a snot. Forgive me?"

Charlie wrapped his arms around her, "Of course."

"It's all just starting to pile up," Miley squeezed him, "you know?"

"You mean all the drama?"

Miley nodded against his chest, "Sam's pregnant, Stacy's hates me, my mom is trying to ruin our lives, and now this."

Charlie rubbed his fingers against Miley's bare back, "We'll get through it."

"I don't know what I'd do without you, Charlie. I'm sorry I was such a bitch."

"Want to make it up to me?"

Miley gazed up at him, "Sure. Do you need a hand job?"

Charlie chuckled at Miley's frankness, "Actually... I was hoping you'd go see Sam and find out where her head is at with this whole pregnancy thing. She could probably use a friend."

Miley nodded, "Of course. I'll go see her tomorrow, after class."

The two lovers stood and held each other for several long moments before Charlie finally said, "You know, you're kinda sexy when you're angry."

Miley giggled, "You sure you don't want to fool around?"


Brian fidgeted in front of Sam's apartment door, nervous about confronting her. It's not that Brian feared Sam, but he hated it when girls cried. Crying girls were always able to talk him into things he didn't want to do. He was sure Sam would be a wreck, but was pleasantly surprised when she opened the door with dry eyes.

"Hey," Brian greeted gingerly. "Can we talk?"

Sam looked hesitant and unsure, staring at Brian through her thick-rimmed glasses. She finally nodded her head wordlessly, causing her lazy ponytail to bob.

Brian followed her into the apartment. The television was on a reality singing show, but the volume was muted.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Brian bluntly and suddenly asked. "Why would you tell Stacy instead of me?"

"I didn't know who to tell," Sam replied. "I went to Stacy because... I was scared. I wanted to talk to someone who had been in my shoes."

"Couldn't you have told me first?" Brian wondered. "I've been there too, remember?"

"You broke my heart," Sam sat on her couch. "I... I couldn't go to you."

Brian exhaled heavily and sat on the couch beside her.

"I'm sorry, Brian. You're right, I shouldn't have told Stacy about it first. I wasn't thinking clearly."

"She dumped me," Brian rubbed his forehead with a palm, "which probably would have happened regardless, as soon as she found out. So I guess it doesn't matter who told her."

Sam turned an empathic look to him, "Are you okay?"

"No," Brian answered honestly. "Are you?"

Sam shook her head, "Not really. I'm scared."

"Me too," Brian admitted.

Sam whispered, "Tell me it's going to be okay, Brian. Because I'm all alone and I don't know if I can handle this by myself."

Brian put an arm around Sam and pulled her shoulder against his. "Everything is going to be okay," he promised quietly.

Sam rested her head on Brian's shoulder and closed her eyes.


"God damn," Charlie groaned. "I love make-up sex."

Miley giggled. The two young lovers had made it as far as the living room before their libido's gained the upper hand. Charlie was seated on the couch, naked except for a tee shirt, and Miley was curled up next to him. She remained in her skimpy bra and panties and was slowly masturbating her man.

"I'll jerk you off for a while," Miley promised, "but you have to finish inside me, okay?"

"You only got off the pill yesterday," Charlie reminded.

"Yeah, but you never know. I just think it's a good idea if we get your little spermies swimming around inside me as often as possible.

"Okay, you talked me into it."

Miley chewed on her lip and concentrated on beating Charlie off. She was leaned against his shoulder and pumping him with slow but steady strokes. "I'll never get over how much you like my hand," she commented. "But that's how you like it, isn't it baby? You like my tight, reassuring grip on your cock when you cum, don't you?"

"After all the years doing it alone, I guess it's just nice to let someone else take over."

Miley grinned, "Did you jerk off a lot before we hooked up?"

Charlie lifted a shoulder, his eyes locked on Miley's stroking hand, "Yeah, I guess."

Miley whispered in his ear, "How often did you do it?"

"Almost every day," Charlie admitted quietly.

Miley made an amused sound, "Me too."

Charlie glanced at her, "Really?"

"Oh yeah," Miley freely admitted. "Sometimes two or three times a day. I always had my fingers between my legs."

Miley clasped Charlie's shaft tightly and used the pad of her thumb to stimulate the hard ridge that formed the head of his cock, "What did you use? Did you look at those naughty glossy magazines from the comic shop? Or did you like to use the internet?"

"The internet," Charlie answered, his voice growing heated with arousal.

"Tell me what you looked at," Miley whispered, kissing his earlobe.

"B-Brian showed me a free video site."

Miley smiled, "What kinds of videos? Like, lots of hot girls getting fucked by monster cocks?"

"There were thousands of videos, of all kinds."

Miley slid her hand to the base of Charlie's shaft and waggled his cock to slap it lightly against his own stomach, "Like... lesbians?"

Charlie nodded.

"Did they have hot MILF videos," Miley asked, "filled with sexy mature cougars?"

"Yes," Charlie answered softly.

Miley's hand slid back up his shaft until her fist bumped into the head. Her thumb curled and Miley rubbed it over Charlie's pee slit, "What about pregnant girls, Charlie? Were there any videos of sexy mommies with their swollen bellies?"

When Charlie's cock twitched and pulsed in Miley's hand she had her answer.

"Oh, there was, wasn't there?" Miley bit her lip over a smile and teased her fingernails against Charlie's soft underside. "Did you like watching them get fucked? Hmm? Did you like jerking off while you watched those pregnant girls get their swollen pussies stuffed full of cock?"

"Yeah," Charlie answered; his voice was a whisper of arousal.

Miley continued, "I bet the guys would fuck them doggy style, huh? Did they reach around and squeeze the women's tits? Could you see their milk squirt out, Charlie?"

"Oh fuck," Charlie moaned. His hips started slowly thrusting, as though he were humping Miley's hand.

"I bet you fantasized that it was you fucking them, didn't you? Did you imagine rubbing your palms over their baby-bumps? Did you picture yourself sliding your cock between their milky breasts and sucking on their engorged nipples?"

"Those were my favorites," Charlie finally admitted.

Miley shook her amused head, "You're such a perv. I love that about you. I love that you aren't afraid to admit all your kinky little fantasies to me."

"Let's trade," Charlie suggested.


Charlie took Miley's wrist and pulled it off his erection before pivoting to face her. Miley squealed with delight when Charlie moved his hands between her legs. She leaned back into the couch and wrapped an arm around him as he began rubbing her pussy through the thin material of her panties.

"What did you think about," Charlie wondered, "when you touched yourself?"

"Naughty things," Miley teased.

"Like what?"

Miley hooked her thumbs on the hem of her panties and slid them halfway down her thighs, "Like... sitting in the middle of a circle of hot guys while I rubbed my pussy."

Charlie slipped a finger into her slit causing Miley to whimper out a small sound.

"Did you imagine them all jerking off?" Charlie asked.

Miley nodded languidly.

"Did you fantasize about them all cumming on you?"