Becoming the New Me Ch. 01


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"Well, wasn't so bad, was it - the taste, I mean," he said, "Everything else was brilliant, bloody brilliant, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, yeah, it was," I replied, my mind still reeling from the strange events, "It was good - I think..."

"Good enough to do it again some time," said Joe hopefully, "Do you reckon we could?"

"Ummmmm, guess so," I said, dithering somewhat as this decidedly gay experience was so alien to my mind, "Have to think about it."

Joe left me to my ruminations as he prised himself from the bed and stood up, a towel now in his hand as he rubbed residual moisture from his body, then, as I watched he bent over and picked up his discarded panties from the floor. And as he did so I found myself looking straight as his ass, where his exertions had split his cheeks apart to reveal a distinctly shiny asshole.

And as he began pulling his panties up his legs I heard myself speak.

"Hang on Joe, you've still got a bit round the back somehow; you're still a bit wet there," I said, causing Joe to stop in his tracks.

One hand snaked around his buttocks and his fingers came to rest at his hole, before one finger suddenly disappearing inside his ass.

"Its lube," he said, his buttocks flexing and thrusting as he probed his hole, "I put some there just in case."

"In case of what?" I asked, not realising his intent.

"In case you wanted to explore," he answered, "You might have wanted to take things a bit further."

"Hah - as if!" I exclaimed as I sat up and then climbed off the bed, "Forget it - let's have that towel if you've finished with it."

A few moments later and I was stepping into my own panties and as I did so I realised that I was moving my own buttocks around much as Joe had done and not only that, my hand was caressing my buttocks lasciviously. Quickly I stopped, knowing immediately that I was blushing, then busied myself with getting my clothes back on...

"I ought to be going," I said as I targeted a quick escape, "Got things to do, ummm, got some letters I need to write."

"Don't go Brian," said Joe as he stepped into a pair of shorts and pulled them up, "You haven't even tried any of my knickers, have you?"

No indeed, I hadn't, and right now, with the pressure from my balls removed, that was the last thing I wanted to do and determinedly I stepped from the bedroom and headed downstairs again with Joe close behind me.

"No, please don't go," pleaded Joe, his hand on my arm as I moved towards the door, "Not yet anyway."

Frantically I searched for the words to explain that I "wasn't like that"; that I'd only agreed to visit him because of our shared interest in women's panties and that I was feeling very uncomfy but the words wouldn't come and I found myself looking out at his back garden as I searched for inspiration, for something to distract my mind.

And there, on one side was a large aviary in which were several brightly coloured birds - conures, small parrots from South America, a bird I'd kept some while ago as a pet.

Joe noticed my interest and quickly diverted my attention from my escape to the parrots, dragging me quickly to the back door and outside.

"Com and meet my friends," he said eagerly as we soon stood beside the aviary, "They're gorgeous; a bit noisy at times but I love them."

Several of the birds had now gathered beside and on the wire, their calls now more gentle and friendly.

"Used to have one, " I said, now captivated, my fingers through the wire to stroke one of the birds, "When they're really tame they're so very sweet, even if they get a bit scared at times."

"Just like you then," said Joe, "You were scared, weren't you?"

I found myself nodding - then Joe's arm was around me, squeezing me firmly.

"Don't be," he said, "We won't do anything you don't want to - anyway, you've enjoyed yourself so far, haven't you?"

Absentmindedly I nodded again, my attention on the parrots and Joe let me enjoy their company for a while before eventually pulling me away and back indoors.

Then he quickly pulled two more cans from the fridge and popped them open, passing one to me while guiding me back to the settee.

"Ummm Joe, I really ought to..." I began, but he pushed me down, his hands firm on my shoulders, his voice soft and gentle though.

"No, please, stay for a while," he said, "I've looked for someone like you for so long and now I've found you it's wonderful."

"But I'm not like that, not like you think I am," I spluttered, "I'm normal really, completely normal."

"Except that you wear women's panties and you shave your legs - and you were willing to lie down on a bed with me," said Joe, "But actually all that says is that you're me."

I found myself laughing as I realised that his words were right enough and I actually raised my can to him to express my agreement.

"Guess you're right there," I said, "Oh well, suppose I can stay a bit longer - just so long as nothing happens."

Joe ignored me as he busied himself, doing something in a cabinet on the other side of the room and then, with a flicker of light, the television came on and moments later a film started.

"Wondered if you might like this," said Joe as he returned and sat on the settee beside me, "One of my favourite videos. Oh - umm, I'll turn the sound's Brazilian and they don't speak English."

The story began to unfold, boy meets girl and chats her up, then entices her back to his place where they kiss and cuddle and begin to throw off their clothes.

"Bit tame for you isn't it?" I said, feeling that I'd seen this kind of storyline before but Joe merely muttered and placed his hand on my thigh.

"Hang on," he said, "Love this bit..."

And it was about now that the two characters began to remove their underwear - to reveal that 'he' had breasts...and that 'she' had a cock.

I looked at Joe and rolled my eyes and began to lift myself from the settee to go.

"Sorry Joe, I've seen this kind of story before," I said, feeling thoroughly embarrassed, "Come on, I've gotta be going."

But Joe moved faster than me, quickly rising to his feet and, turning to face me, he smartly undid his shorts and dropped them along with his panties, to reveal his penis all urgently hard and erect right in my face.

"Please Brian, please," he moaned as he gently rubbed his shaft, "I'll let you have some silk knickers if you'll stay - I'll let you play with me..."

As soon as I saw his penis I felt my own beginning to fill out and when he offered me his knickers something inside me went all soft - something told me to enjoy the situation, to explore new avenues. I had no idea why I seemed to have given in; perhaps it was the lager, or the situation, or his cock or just the knickers or perhaps it was my own penis that was telling me to stay but I suddenly found myself relaxing, sitting down again then reaching out for the knickers that Joe had been wearing and had now stepped out of.

They felt so incredibly slippery and smooth and cool, just like my own silk ones - but these also had their own aroma - a scent of sex, or excitement.

Moments later I held them to my nose and inhaled deeply, letting the smell of Joe's sexual arousal fill my nose, feeling my penis coming to full erection as I did so.

Obviously seeing my reaction Joe moved even closer and pulled me up off the settee to stand in front of him, our two faces both buried in the soft silk. I felt his penis rub against my abdomen, against my own erection and I knew, just knew that we were going to have sex. Not just mutual masturbation but sex - real sex.

Then Joe pulled his panties from our faces and leaned closer - and kissed me!

And I couldn't believe that not only did I let him but that my lips responded, my tongue moistening them just before our mouths met. My breath suddenly became all jerky, my body began shaking all over as we kissed, our fingers twisting together in the screwed up panties that we held.

I pulled away suddenly as the enormity of what I was doing sank in but Joe held on to me.

"Come on, let's get upstairs again, I promised that you could wear some of my panties, so come on," he said and once again I let myself follow him, his bare ass before me as he climbed the stairs, his shapely firm ass whose crack still showed a shiny slipperiness.

Once in the bedroom Joe opened drawers and began pulling out assorted clothing until he had a small pile on the bed.

"Come on, strip off," he asked and despite my reservations I did so, still bashful and flushing with heat but with an erection as firm as I'd ever had.

Then Joe advanced on me with a bra in his hands, a bra that he quickly fitted around me, pulling my arms into the straps. Then he picked up something from his dresser and a few moments later he was inserting something into the bra cups, something that felt cool and soft and almost liquid.

"Prosthetic breasts," he said as he busied himself in the pile of underwear again, "Or fillers - call them what you will."

He looked at me and nodded.

"You'll do - let's see, how about these lovely creamy white panties," he said as he held up the scrap of material, "Ok, lift up."

Obediently I raised one foot and Joe slid the panties on me and once I'd repeated the action with the other foot he pulled them up and stretched them over my ass and over my cock, imparting a nice squeeze to both attributes before stepping away.

"Hey - you look good," he said, "Just need to shave a bit more and you'll be perfect."

He stopped speaking as he walked around me, his hands holding and turning me before he came back before me.

"Bit of make-up, eh," he said, "And perhaps you could do with a wig eventually, or grow your hair a bit longer."

I think I was so gobsmacked that I just allowed myself to be pushed down until I was sitting on the bed, then Joe came and knelt upright before me. I felt his erection brush against my legs and found myself wanting to reach and hold his penis, to luxuriate in his arousal...

"Hold still," he said and the next moment he was at work on my lips, then my cheeks and my eyes, occasionally turning my head this way and that.

"Good," he eventually said as he rose and stepped back, "You'll do - have a look."

And there in the mirror was something that definitely resembled a woman!

Almost unconsciously I found myself blowing myself a kiss, posturing to stick out my very real looking breasts and then my ass, my hands smoothing over my body and down over my panty-clad erection.

"You look so good," said Joe, almost drooling, "Positively fuckable!"

My mouth fell open and Joe laughed.

"And I could fuck your lovely mouth too!" he said, "You're quite convincing actually."

I could feel the warmth of embarrassment rising in me and yet at the same time I was really beginning to enjoy this feeling of being wanted - not to mention the feeling of being attractive. And instead of feeling upset I actually blew Joe a kiss from my flat palm, immediately wondering what had got into me.

"You've got good hands too," said Joe now as he blew one back, "Nice and slim - perhaps another time we could get to work on your nails but I think we've got enough to go on with, don't you?"

"Yeah, I er, think we have," I mumbled, "Didn't really expect to be doing this, to be honest."

"Ah, so what - it's a bit of fun, isn't it?" said Joe as he checked me over, "It's just that thing that spoils it."

As he spoke he pulled the material of my panties aside and let my erection out into the open where it pointed at the ceiling and glowed hotly.

And then Joe sank to his knees before me, took hold of my cock - and, opening his mouth, he leaned forward and allowed at least half of my cock to slide inside.

"Oooooh fuuuuuck!" I hissed, "What the hell are you doing? Ooooh stop it, stop it!"

"Why?" asked Joe as he pulled away briefly, "You're going to enjoy this."

With that he sucked my cock back into his mouth and began sliding his lips up and down my shaft while his tongue played havoc with my knob. Unconsciously my hands came and held his head, almost helping him to move, pulling him onto my penis.

"Ooooh Joe, that's lovely!" I moaned as he continued to suck me off, "You're good, so bloody good."

My head was spinning from the pleasure Joe was giving me, because each time his lips slid down my shaft another spasm of sexual excitement shook me and I had trouble in stopping my hips from thrusting my cock deep into his mouth.

"You're gonna make me cum again," I moaned as my hips jerked hard and as my knob found the back of his mouth, "You're gonna get a load in your mouth soon if you're not careful."

"Mmmmmm yeahhhh!" said Joe around my cock, his words sending delicious vibrations through my penis, "I'm all ready for you!"

I'd had a number of blow jobs from girls over the years but this beat them all - this was a real class act, a pleasure beyond anything I'd ever experienced, a cock-sucking worthy of remembering for ever. My entire body was shaking with emotion and as my level of excitement rose so my legs seemed to turn more and more to jelly.

"Ooooh fuck Joe, I can't stop it - it's coming!" I moaned as seven inches of me seemed to feel like seven feet, as if my cock was suddenly massive, "Aaaahhhh, ahhhhhhh yeahhh, ohh fuck, here it cums Joe!"

There was no sense in telling him to pull away because he was holding my buttocks and pulling me into his mouth as he sucked, his tongue now working hard and fast around my knob.

"Ooooohhhh, yeahhhh!" I grunted as my hips jerked harder than ever and as my cum squirted violently, "Oooooohhh, ooooohhhh God, oooooooh God!"

Distantly I heard Joe cough and splutter but then he settled again and the only sounds, apart from my rapid breathing was a delicious slurping sound as Joe sucked and sucked and sucked.

For long moments I trembled and thrust until eventually my movements subsided and I felt Joe pull away from me. He smacked his lips noisily and looked up at me, smiling broadly.

"Enjoyed that!" he said, "You were delicious!"

"You sucked me off," I said in wonderment, "Why, why?"

"Cos I wanted to," said Joe simply, "And it was worth it - that was super - and you were so tasty!"

My weak legs made me sit down on the bed while I recovered until eventually I regained some of my senses, then I looked at Joe who was still on his knees. All around his mouth his face was shiny and wet and there was a long trail of cum hanging from his chin. At that moment Joe realised that it was there and his fingers came up and gathered it up.

"Here, I saved a bit for you!" he said and before I could stop him his fingers pushed between my lips and deposited the cum on my tongue, "All yours."

Yeah, it was mine; my own spunk from my own cock and now I'd swallowed it. But somehow I didn't feel offended or horrified - in fact I actually found myself wanting more. I shivered inside and yet my eyes scanned Joe for any missed cum, but there wasn't any.

Now Joe stood up and there before me was his erect penis once again, this time with a substantial bubble of clear fluid at the tip - which lost its hold as I watched and streamed to the floor. Joe's hand immediately grasped his penis and spread the remaining precum over the entire thing which now seemed to glow and shine as if illuminated from inside. It looked fascinating and exciting and powerful...and even suckable.

I found myself licking my lips and Joe saw me do so, a smile now on his face.

"You want it?" he asked, "I need to unload again; you'll help me, won't you?"

And as he spoke he shuffled forward - and before I could stop him, he held me steady as I sat on the bed, aimed his penis at my mouth and pushed forward.

I felt the spongy firm end of his cock between my lips and not unwillingly yet unintentionally my tongue swiped over his knob, making Joe suck in his breath.

"Oooh yessss," he said as his penis pushed harder at me, "Come on, suck me, please."

And somehow I just couldn't move away, I just couldn't close my teeth together to block his entry either - all I could do was to let his penis slide into my mouth where it stayed, passive for a little while.

Could I actually suck him? Could I allow him to fuck my mouth? Could I stop him? Could I even stop myself?

But the taste of his cock combined with a remembered taste of cum drove me on. I wanted a bigger taste of spunk and there was only one way to ensure that I got it. I shut my eyes and closed my lips and sucked, then began moving my head back and forward.

"Ooooh yessss, that's it," Joe murmured softly, "Yessss Brian, go for it mate! Yeahhhh, suck it!"

I could feel my saliva building up and I swallowed once, now tasting the surreal flavour of hot cock and the slight but deliciously slippery texture of precum.

Eagerly I sucked harder now, my hand sliding up and down his shaft as well, as I encouraged Joe to give me his cock. Urgently I slid my tongue over his knob, feeling the little indentation at the tip, delighting in the smoothness. Almost desperately I urged him on in my mind, desperate for him to erupt into my mouth, feeling Joe's penis sliding in and out steadily then faster.

Oh God - I couldn't help myself now! I was a slave to his penis so soon, so needy and so frantic was I - and yet - and yet I was wanting him to squirt his cum into my mouth of all things! Oh God - no way - oh no, I couldn't want that!

And yet I did - while one part of me was screaming in horror, another part of me was urging me on, telling me to keep going, imploring me to let him finish in my mouth.

I'd got my breathing organised now, sucking and blowing air through my nose as I held his cock tight between my lips; as it slid smoothly between those saliva-wet lips, the end of it bumping occasionally against the back of my mouth.

Energetically I sucked hard, my lips squeezing his cock, my tongue moving everywhere, his penis sliding steadily in and out of my mouth. Above me I could hear Joe breathing faster now and his penis was thrusting at me in jerks and spasms and then his hands now came down and began squeezing at my prosthetic breasts and it almost felt as if he was squeezing me, my own breasts somehow. I felt myself thrusting my chest towards his palpating hands, wanting him to be happy, wanting to feel his fingers on me. His actions must have stimulated his entire body because now I could feel Joe moving faster and more erratically, his penis driving almost into my throat.

'Oooh fuck - he's going to do it!' I thought and then my worries seemed to switch to desire.

Briefly I opened my mouth to speak, my fingers around his shaft working faster.

"Yes, yes, hurry up Joe - do it, give it to me! Please let me have it!" I cried before closing my lips around his cock once more.

And then Joe was gasping, jerking and thrusting, his penis sliding right to the back of my mouth, my hand feeling his cock turn iron-hard. I felt a warmth on my tongue as his pre-eruptive precum flowed, then nothing - stillness for a brief moment.

Then suddenly it all happened. Joe grunted loudly, his penis thrust so hard that I had to back away for a moment; his cock jumped, his whole body shook and he erupted.

"Uuuuuhhh yeahhhhh, fuck yeahhhhh!" he groaned as a delicious flood of slipperiness covered my tongue.

"Uuuuuuhhhh!" he moaned again as another gush of cum poured from his penis.

I swallowed, not thinking of any alternative way of emptying my mouth, just as another wave of spunk shot against the roof of my mouth. I swallowed that too, now wanting more, even more...

But Joe was empty now, his cock proffering merely a tiny taste of cum as I worked my tongue around its knob, but I was happy enough. Oh God, I'd have loved to imbibe another round of warm cum, another gusher of sperm, another mouthful, but nothing that good lasts forever.