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Non consensual sex leads to other revelations.
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After seven years of marriage we would once have been described as 'Yuppies'. Nice house, good car each, lots of entertaining and expensive holidays abroad - we had it made. With us both concentrating on careers it was more a case of 'no children yet' than a decision not to have any. I was the clever one with a responsible position in a big office and at one time was going to be the main breadwinner but Judith had done exceptionally well at the Estate agents where she worked and some months her salary exceeded my own. It was this factor that raised us to being relatively wealthy rather than just comfortable. She had started at her firm in a simple secretarial capacity but now had a portfolio of properties that were her sole responsibility.

Judith is a lovely girl - figure, face and temperament, what more can I say. We met when she was twenty-one, I was at university, she was at college. Two years courtship and then we were married. We never discussed our previous histories but the fact that I had been going with her for nearly a year before we ended up in bed together, I took as a fair indication of her morale standards. I was not much more experienced myself because in sixth form and university I was too damn busy working to manage any serious gallivanting.

I loved sex. I'm not saying that we did it every night by any means but whenever we did it was tender, loving and meaningful. At times I felt that I would like more but I did not want to pester if Judy was not in the mood and I also had a deep seated belief that if we did it too much then it might cease to be special. I had heard too many stories of couples where sex had just become routine and my attitude was that, if you had not got sex to look forward to, what was there?

The only blot on our lives was the fact that our working hours did not always map on. I worked a strict nine until five but as Judy said, "People who are at work all day need to look at houses in the evening."

I could accept that but my real niggle was Martin, my wife's colleague. I did not like the man, I didn't like his smarmy confidence but most of all I resented the fact that he earned a lot more than me. Far too often he was pipping his horn outside the house during the early evening as a signal for her to run out and climb in beside him. When a house for sale is not yet empty, the occupants can show prospective purchasers around themselves but when the owner has already moved this duty devolves upon the agent. Now some years ago there was a notorious abduction case and since that time, female agents are not allowed to show a prospective client around an empty house for the first time alone. The firm in its wisdom had decreed that this rule should apply to all staff, which is why Judith and Martin covered for each other. The procedure was that the one whose responsibility it was would conduct the tour while the other remained in the car as back-up. I sometimes wondered why she did not pick Martin up in her car but she said that her little two seater was less convenient, especially if the client wanted a lift somewhere.

I do not usually talk to my wife in a disagreeable way but I think that different aggravations were beginning to build up in my mind. There were the monthly visits to her head office that involved staying away overnight and only a short while before the annual sales conferences had deprived me of her company for a whole weekend. More upsetting was our social life where we were constantly partying at the homes of what were really her friends when any plan I had to meet a colleague and his wife always seemed to fall foul of her work commitments. This particular evening it had been arranged that we would attend a barbecue being laid on by one of my fellow managers. "Look love, I have to run over to the Gorton office with some brochures so I'll go immediately after we have eaten," Judith told me. "The whole trip should not take longer than forty minutes, say an hour at the outside, but I'll get dressed for the evening before I go so that we can set off the moment that I get back."

I was not too happy about this but when she dressed in the little figure revealing dress rather her usual working business suit, I took this as a sign of good faith and made no objection except to ask that she would definitely be no longer than an hour. I spent the time assembling the drinks and exotic pastries that we were taking as an offering and was standing waiting in case she returned at the earlier stated time rather than the latest. I was not concerned as the clock crept to the stated hour and even some twenty minutes afterwards - it was after all only par for the course. However, when her absence extended up to the two hour mark, I began to get both worried and annoyed. It took me another quarter of an hour to dig the Gorton office number out of her Filofax and then I reached someone in a hurry to leave for a bus who reluctantly confirmed that Judith had called in but almost two hours ago.

I rang my colleague to say that we couldn't make it and then settled down to wait, dampening my anger with a liberal intake of alcohol. Maybe I should have been more worried but my wife had always been capable of being very bloody minded when it came to something that she did not want to do and I was sure this was just a ploy to avoid my evening. It was half past eleven when I heard her car pull up outside. I did not move and was still sitting in my chair glaring when she walked through the living room door. "Where the hell have you been," I snarled. "It had better be a bloody good excuse this time."

"I've been getting raped," she told me bluntly. "Is that good enough for you?"

Perhaps what she had said did not register straight away but I know that I was instantly sober. Jumping up I ran across the room intending to enclose her protectively in my arms but she evaded my grasp saying, "Just get me a drink love please."

As I filled the requested glass, Judith walked through into the kitchen and seated herself on a hard chair. "I only did what I have done loads of times before," she started as I handed her the gin. "The road back from Gorton goes right past the lane leading to the Crompton farm so I called in to check everything was OK. It's been empty now for over two years so I try to check every three weeks or so. I haven't been for over a month, so as I had plenty of time and it had only just started to get dark, I thought I might as well and save time later in the week."

"What happened?" I almost shouted impatient to hear what had happened to her.

"I parked in the farm yard and then walked round to go in by the front door. There's a long passage and then a big heavy door leading into the kitchen. I pushed it open and there was the usual terrible squeal from one of the hinges. It was immediately obvious that there was somebody in there. There was a big strapping youth about eighteen or nineteen and he was sleeping naked in an unzipped sleeping bag on the floor. From his complexion it looked as if he worked outside, you know the farm lad, yokel type. At the sound of the door he leapt up and cowered back against the wall - he had a knife in his hand but he was still terrified. There was blood on the knife and at first I thought he had already attacked someone but then I saw he had been using it to gut a dead rabbit that was lying on the side of the sink. Trying to calm him I rather stupidly said, 'Don't be afraid, there is only me' - I don't think I could have said anything worse."

"He looked out the window and saw the car with nobody else around. Then he looked back at me. He was breathing heavily but he was already more confident. Standing there in this dress with my legs all on show and my tits almost hanging out I knew that I was in trouble but I didn't know what to do. I think that my plan was to try and keep him talking but I didn't get the chance. Looking at his eyes, I actually saw the idea come into his head - well I would have done if his cock springing up to attention hadn't distracted me. It was at that point that I thought about running but before I could move he told me to shut the door. I kept it open and looked down the passage but he said that he would catch me easily and I knew it was true because I can't run for toffee in these silly sandals. There was no alternative so I shut the door but then he said that I had to take my clothes off. I got really angry for a moment and shouted, 'I will not,' but he just said, 'You will' and the tone of his voice told me that I would do whatever he said. What choice had I got all by myself with no-one knowing where I was? When I was down to bra and pants he made me stop while he lit some candles, then I had to turn round slowly while he enjoyed a good long look. After that I had to remove everything else."

Judith paused to drain her glass. "I knew what was coming next so rather than wait for him to order me I walked forward and lay down on his bed roll - it was pretty dirty but still better than being fucked on that cold hard stone floor. He got on top of me but the moment that it was in it was all over - except that he seemed to have gallons of spunk he needed to get rid of. So that is why I am late - now you know I am going upstairs to have a long, hot bath."

"You can't," I said. "Rape victims aren't meant to have a bath until they have been properly examined. We have got to call the police immediately and have you seen by a doctor as soon as possible." I had been pleased to hear that the assault had been of such short duration but upset about the excess semen - the consolation on that was the certain presence of forensic evidence.

"I am not reporting it to the police."

"You've got to - it's your duty."

"I am not telling the police, partly because I promised not to but mainly because it will involve a lot more aggravation with nothing to gain."

My mind was so keyed to thoughts of revenge that I could not grasp why she seemed to be balancing other considerations. "I don't understand why not."

"It's a no-win situation, that's why not," Judy said bitterly. "I will have do undergo a humiliating examination and for what? The odds are that they won't catch him and if they do he has only to claim that it was consensual because I haven't any bruises to say otherwise. On top of that defence, lawyers always start digging into the victim's sexual history and throw about all kinds of dirt."

"But you haven't got a sexual history," I protested.

"Doesn't matter a damn. Those lawyers can ask a question in such a way that you make yourself look bad no matter what you say."

"So what are you going to do?"

"Nothing. I'm going to forget all about it. I haven't been hurt, as I just said, I'm not even bruised. All that has happened is that I have had a fuck that I didn't particularly want - but I doubt if there has been a single sexually active woman since the beginning of time who hasn't at one time or other had to open her legs to a man when she didn't want it. No love, I'm going to go upstairs, wash it all away and that is the end of it."

"I agree no police," I said giving ground, " - but you really should get checked by a doctor in case he's given you a sexually transmitted disease."

"No chance of that," she said chuckling. "I would be very surprised if that lad had his dick up anything at all before me, apart from possibly a couple of sheep. He'd got absolutely no idea - if I hadn't put it in for him, we'd probably still be there."

I almost choked. "What do you mean - you put it in for him?"

"It was self preservation Keith. He was kind of squatting between my thighs with a very sharp weapon in one hand and a big blunt weapon in the other. One was waving about dangerously near to my face while he tried to work out how to get the other into me. I believe that if you are facing the inevitable it is always better to get it over with as quickly as possible."

"If it was over so quickly why were you still so late?" I blurted out as soon as the thought struck me.

"I said that he did not last very long at all after it was in but I didn't tell you that was everything," Judith said in a matter of fact voice. "After he had finished squirting he kind of collapsed into a very deep sleep. The trouble was that he was still lying on top of me and I could hardly move. On top of that, even though his dick had gone soft it was so long that part was still in me and that made it harder to squeeze out from under without disturbing him. The knife had slipped out of his hand so I treated that as top priority and managed to push it out of sight under the sink. Then I slowly started trying to escape - it took me well over an hour to extricate myself, expecting him to wake up at any time. Eventually I managed to get free and tip toed to the door. When I was undressing, he had made me throw every item to him as I took it off. He stuffed everything in his rucksack and that was now lying under him where I couldn't get it. I was pretty sure that I had left the car keys in the ignition but was not completely sure and they might have been in the pocket of my dress. I got ready to run, took a deep breath, pulled open the door and of course there was that God almighty squeal. He sat up and sat looking but he did not come after me. I noticed straight away that his cock was big and stiff again. Then he said, 'Come back here'. Instead of running I did what he ordered. I left the door open but just walked across and lay down by him again."

"For God's sake why. He couldn't have caught you from there, not starting from the floor. With the keys already in the car you could have been away."

"That is what I was thinking," my wife agreed, "but then I saw sense. Running naked and barefoot down a pitch black passage then round the farm over cobbles and pebbles and God knows what else, I could easily have badly injured myself, especially as it was a gamble whether the keys were in the car. I thought to myself, 'His cum is still sloshing about inside me so what is so terrible about having his dick in me again. It was certainly not worth risking life and limb trying to avoid it."

"He raped you again?" I asked unhappily.

"Course he did. He'd got the knack this time and I reckon he must have gone on for about twenty minutes - he got lathered in sweat because he still hadn't learned to pace himself. When he finished he rolled to one side instead of just flopping and just lay there looking at me. I was just starting to wonder what comes next when he suddenly got all emotional saying that I was a nice lady and that he was so ashamed of what he has done. He told me that he had never done anything like it before - I knew that was true but I took everything else with a grain of salt. For something to say I asked him about himself - they say you should humour your captors. He told me that his grandparents used to own the farm and that was how he knew about a hidden key. He said that he works on a farm about fifty miles away, that he had gone on the run because the police are after him for burglary and that he had been hiding out for five weeks. After about quarter of an hour I stood up and said, 'Can I have my clothes please, I've got to go now because my husband will be worrying about me.' He got worried again at that and asked what I was going to tell the police. I said, 'Why should I tell the police anything, I enjoyed it.'

Despite the circumstances, I laughed at that, "And he believed you?"

"Well it wasn't a complete lie."

My heart sank. "Are you saying that you did enjoy it," I asked disbelievingly.

"Don't get uptight, it's quite natural," Judith told me soothingly. "He was young, naive and it meant so much to him - anyway, a woman has very little control over what her body finds pleasurable."

I swallowed hard to suppress a retort and asked instead, "Then he let you go."

"Yes. He was happy that I wouldn't inform the police but still made me promise that I would not tell anybody else. I promised but said I would tell you because you were entitled to know."

"The bastard, I want to see him castrated," I swore. "It should be possible now we know who he is."

"Don't be silly Keith, just forget it - it's not worth getting upset about. It's not as if it was a really heinous crime, it was only a fuck and a fuck never did anybody any harm."

"Two fucks," I muttered under my breath.

She heard. "OK, two fucks if you want to count that first effort, I certainly don't. What has really pissed me off is that I reckon the velour seat in my car got completely ruined driving back here."

Although I consumed more alcohol while my wife was in the bath it did not help the twisted feeling in my gut. I was tormented by the enormity of what had happened but also badly upset that Judith was taking it all so lightly. It seemed incomprehensible that she should be more annoyed by a semen stained car seat than being forcibly fucked by a strange man. In bed Judy went to sleep very quickly but I lay awake for hours and all that time I was pained by a rock hard aching prick. In the end I tossed myself off purely for relief but I have to confess that the image conjured in mind was that of the rapist doing it to her.

Next morning Judith pooh poohed my suggestion that she should stay at home all day to recuperate. I had never felt less like going to work but I could hardly take the day off if she was going to her office. All morning I found it difficult to concentrate and at lunchtime I skipped the canteen and went to sit in my car. Without having consciously planned to do so I found myself on the Gorton road and when the lane leading to Crompton farm appeared, I turned down it. Showing caution, I parked some distance from the farm and had walked some fifty yards in that direction when common sense prompted me to go back to retrieve the car jack handle from the boot. I tried the front door of the farm house and was not really surprised to find it locked. In the outside hope of finding the hidden key, I spent a couple of minutes looking under some of the more obvious looking stones but having drawn a blank walked round to the farm yard. Peering through the dirty kitchen window I noticed the candles that Judith had mentioned together with refuse type signs of recent occupation. Apart from that the room was empty.

I stood gazing in for a long time. It is hard to understand why viewing the place where it had happened exerted such a fascination on me but all the time that I gazed into that squalid room the rate of my heart beat verged on palpitation. When I finally turned away, I found it even harder to explain why my penis should be so painfully stiff. That embarrassment was quickly overtaken by rage as I cursed the fact that the youth had gone. I felt cheated of the chance to justifiably beat the rapist to a bloody pulp using my improvised weapon but in truth, had I found him still living there, I suspect that fear of that reputed knife would have sent me skulking quickly back to my car. All the same, on the journey back to work I felt better for having visited the scene of the crime.

That night I expected Judy to be a bit subdued but on the contrary she was very cheerful, relating with much intermittent mirth some long amusing incident that had occurred in her office. In bed, the almost permanent erection that I seemed to be afflicted with became even more uncomfortable but there was nothing I could do about it. I had no qualms about making love to my wife 'after him' but felt that it would be unfair to impose myself on her so soon after the rape. Judy must have been far more aware of my condition than I thought for, after I had lain for some minutes surreptitiously trying to soothe myself, she reached out to grasp my shaft and whispered, "You had better bring that here." It may seem perverted to say so but I think that led to the best sex of my life.