Belated Honeymoon Vacation


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"Yea, but are you yourself wanting to be with another man?"

"You're very nice, but to be honest, I'd rather get to know someone before I did anything with them. How does coffee tomorrow morning sound? We could take it from there. That's not to say our evening should end, just, you know before we get to that point."

He kissed me and it lent itself to more kissing and more groping. I felt his hard on and he wasn't a little guy by any means. I actually started to think about myself as being single again.

We finally walked back to the hotel and he walked me to my room as it was now quite late. Kissing him again I felt like I was melting into him. I wanted to have him inside me so bad but in the same token, I needed to feel good about myself too.

Walking in the door to our room I found my husband lying on the bed in his panties slowly stroking his cock as he read some nasty story on his notebook computer.

"Good evening Greg, having fun?"

"Oh baby. You're finally back. Were you, were you naughty baby, did you do it?"

"Do what sweetheart?"

"Come on, your know, with that guy you had dinner with. Did you go to bed with him?"

"What on earth are you talking about. I just had a fun evening with a nice guy. How could you even think of me like that: some piece of meat to just dish out to some stranger?"

"I didn't mean it that way. Come on tell me. What happened?"

"What happened tonight is that I found myself alone because my dear husband left me to fend for myself. You knew I wanted to have a special evening with you, but you just weren't there for me. Luckily I did have a nice gentleman approached me and we shared a wonderful evening together."

"Oh, so you didn't have sex with him?"

"Of course not. Just because you have this kink, this fantasy, it doesn't mean I'm on board to do as you dream about. I have my principles you know."

"Wait a minute. You told me you were going to pick up some guy and screw his brains out. So what, you've changed you mind."

"Get real Greg, that was pillow talk."

"Oh, I get it you were just pulling my leg."

"I'm tired." I said and proceeded to undress and wash my face.

Greg scooted up behind me in bed and started trying to get something going. I let him poke me a few times and finally asked him if wanted it so bad, then maybe he should go to the bathroom and jerk off. And he did.

Next morning I felt pretty good and told Greg I would be busy all day and to find something to do by himself. He hummed and hawed about this not being fair and we should be doing stuff together.

"Listen, this is not open for discussion. I have a date and you should be happy. There."

"Oh, OK yea, that's so hot. My wife's going on a date. Oh that's so hot."

"Yea, so hot, you might even get your panties in a bunch over it. Don't get your hopes up."

"Well, if it's a real date then maybe you know, you could do like you said."

"Ha. If I do anything it's going to be because I want to, not because you want it."

"That's fine, a real date. Wow."

I got out of the shower and slowly dressed for my coffee date with Brian. Greg watched every move I made and even helped me put on some lotion after shaving my legs again. I don't wear much makeup so that was easy and before I knew it I was walking down the hall to meet Brian as he waited for me in the cozy little restaurant.

"I see you got my text Gail. Good to see you again."

"Good to see you too Brian. Sleep well?"

"Very good. That last kiss helped a lot."

Laughing I said, "Yea, me too."

We sat and ordered and discussed what he'd like to do. I told him he had me all day if he wanted. He said he wanted to go snorkeling over on the other side of the island and it was clothing optional so I didn't need to go get my suit. I thought that was clever of him, but I didn't mind. I kind of wanted to do that one day anyway and what better time.

After breakfast we went to his room and messed around for a little while. He ate my pussy which was delightful as my horny level was right up there. I never did get to see his cock though.

He grabbed us some beach towels and we took a taxi to the beach. Not sure how he did it but in his bag was suntan lotion, some snacks, and a bottle of wine. We rented some gear to snorkel with and set up a little spot on the sand. I was first to strip off and he was very nice to not stare at me. It was a little harder for me though and as his cock was revealed I was pleasantly surprised and immediately drawn to it, not able to take my eyes away.

Brian laughed at me and finally turned around and grabbed his gear. "Coming?" he asked. We walked to the water's edge and he showed me how to position it on my head as we waded into the warm water. It didn't take long and after we got out fins on we floated out to about ten feet of water. There were so many fish I couldn't believe it. Schools of yellow or silver fish darted around us. We watched the bottom and looked at the beautiful coral and plants. It was beautiful. Taking a few dives I learned how to keep the water out of my mouth and was able to stay down longer. It's funny how Brian liked to swim to the side and behind me. I think he liked watching my ass and up between my legs as I did the frog kick.

Maybe thirty minutes later we were standing on the bottom with the water at neck level. He had grabbed me from behind and I could feel his hard cock moving between my legs. I grabbed it and kept it in my grove as he moved. It was turning me on like I couldn't believe.

I moved to face him and straddled his legs locking the fins together behind him and he reached out and held me so I didn't drown. He continued to move his rather large cock over my labia and it was driving me crazy.

I looked around and there were few if any people around us. So I reached down and positioned his cock right there and he went into me for the very first time. It felt absolutely wonderful and in the almost weightless water he started moving it in and out. I had to close my eyes as his hardness molested me. I could feel him in my throat as I'd never been with anyone this long, or large for that matter. I was full of cock and I was loving every second of it.

He pulled me closer and kissed my lips as we struggled with our breath, him never stopping for an instant to stroke me inside. I was close, oh so close, when he sped up and then I felt it. Wave after wave of pleasure consuming my body and as I tightened my pussy around him I could feel his meat pulsing his sperm deep inside me, and I might add, deeper than anyone has ever fucked me before.

We stayed like that, locked together for the longest time. He finally wilted and slipped out of me letting me go. I quickly swam closer to shore and took off my fins and we walked together to our towels.

I laid down on my stomach and tried to get my head to stop spinning. He had fucked me and filled my body causing the most intense orgasm of my life. He tenderly dried my skin with a towel and kissed me all over. I thought, God, could this get any better. But it did when I felt his tongue on my ass hole. He swirled it around and around and my body was instantly aroused again. I could feel his sperm swishing around inside my tummy and it was delightful. He teased me and brought me higher and higher.

I finally flipped over and he just changed his attach to my pussy which I'm sure was leaking his seed because when he came in me it lasted almost a full minute or so it seemed. I started feeling another orgasm build and started kicking my legs around hitting him on the back. He was not deterred and in a matter of seconds I saw blue, then red as my body betrayed me, giving itself over to the pleasure, centered in my clit, then once again my whole body shook.

When I finally settle back to earth, I looked at him and tried to smile. I could see his face all wet with our juices. I pulled him up to me and we kissed and kissed till I had cleaned his face. Moving down his body I finally got my chance to see the magic stick of my dreams up close and personal.

He was not hard but still it was bigger than my husband's when hard. It was uncut and the foreskin only cover half of his crown. I licked him, kissed him and sucked that beautiful cock, almost worshiping it. I took his x-large egg sized balls into my mouth and nurtured them with my tongue. I heard him moan a few times.

With his cock now harder than steel it appeared so dangerous, but not threatening to me. I climbed up on top of him and scooted back letting it invade my womanhood for the second time. It slipped in me to the hilt effortlessly. I paused as I once again adjusted to such a huge piece of man meat.

Sitting upright, I could feel it hitting places inside me I didn't even know existed. I could feel those big balls on my ass as I wondered if he had anything left to give me, but if he did I was going to take it from him, and as deep as I could.

We fucked like that for a good five minutes and then he somehow got his feet beside him and knelt up taking me with him and was now on top of me. He fucked me hard, harder than I ever been fucked and as the stars started shooting I felt him stop. His cock twitched and throbbed inside me and knew then he was giving me another huge load of his pearly essence. I couldn't take it anymore and my whole body went into convulsions and I think probably milked his poor battered baby maker out of all the sperm he had left.

We laid that way for what felt like eternity. Life came back to us unfortunately and we dressed, grabbed our gear and walked to the street where a taxi lay in wait. At the hotel I kissed him goodbye and made my way to my room, flopping down on the bed.

I was awoken to the feeling of my pussy being played with. Looking down I saw my husband under my skirt chewing on my wet panties.

"What are you doing?"

All I heard was a moan and felt him stick his tongue inside me. All I thought about was, God what a mess I must be down there. Then, is he really licking another man sperm out of me?

I thought about it for a minute as he fed on my inseminated body. I was sore but it felt good to have him licking me for some reason. In a way a felt sorry for him, but this is what he wanted so I pushed that negative right out of my head. Finally I pushed him away.

He scooted up to lie with me and I could smell myself on him. "I can't believe you really did this for me. I'm so so excited you finally did it."

I looked down at his cock and see that he had come all over the inside of his panties. "It looks like you liked it a little bit too much."

"I know, I couldn't help it. When I first tasted his come inside you, it just happened. Can I feel you inside now? I want to make love to you."

"Ha, with what? That little soft thing. No way."

"I'll get it hard for you baby. It won't take long."

"Don't bother. I'm too sore and I don't think it's right anyway. I've already had enough cock for today and I surely don't want the memory of that spoiled by you."

He looked disappointed and went into the bathroom to clean up his mess. I kinda just fell back to sleep. I was again awoken to him feeling me down there with his fingers. I slowly opened my eyes to see he'd pulled up my skirt and was dipping his fingers into my pussy then bringing them to his mouth to lick.

"You know, you're pathetic, a real cum slut of a man. I wish I'd know you were so fucking weird before I married you."

"Baby, you finally did it, don't you see. I love your used pussy, it's so hot."

"Stop touching me you perv. That sperm he gave to me, not you. You're stealing it from me, now stop."

"Oh Gail, you know this is like a dream come true for me. We can share, right? I mean I love you and now that you're filled with cum from another man, I'm totally jazzed. It's just so hot to even think about it being there."

"Well, it's staying put. Don't get any ideas either. I'm hungry."

Greg said that he was too so we got up and went down to dine. We went into the buffet and I grabbed like one of everything, only to find out later my eyes were definitely bigger than my stomach. I thought maybe it's because I'm so full of Brian's sperm. It made me smile and I squeezed my legs together.

We went down the street and found a dive bar that looked really seedy. Greg wanted to try it so we went in for a bit and it was full of black men and white women. We got out drinks and watched the black men dirty dance with the white bitches who were neither pretty nor height weight proportional. When I finished my drink I asked Greg to leave so we did.

We stopped at another which had a band outside. We stood around for a while and I started to feel Brian's sperm leaking into my panties. At this point I didn't want to sit or I'd stain my pretty dress. It also might look pretty gross. I had a nasty thought and told Brian to go take off his panties and bring them to me. He did and then I went into the stall and took off my sopping wet ones and put his on.

Meeting back up with him I said, "Here, I have a present for you. Go put these on." and gave him my balled up panties. He looked at them and I could tell his breathing picked up and he was almost red in the face.

He stared at me and kissed me for the present and walked off. I stood there and sipped my drink and watched all the tourist dance up a storm. I thought rum sure make people crazy.

Greg came back and I could easily make out his erection under his shorts. He tried to hide it but as he stood next to me I casually reached over and squeezed him.

He said, "They're really wet and they make my balls itch."

I just smiled and started moving to the rhythm of the music knowing my dear husband now had my lovers cum surrounding his package.

After an hour we made our way back to the room. Greg was out of his clothes in no time and I just smiled at him because I had another surprise for him.

"Baby, I know you want to get some of me while I'm still full of cum, but you're going to have to wait till tomorrow. I'm going to my boyfriends room now and I won't be back till the morning."

Greg's jaw dropped and he got up and came to me all excited. Then said, "Really, you're going to see him again. Holy shit. I get to be cuckolded twice in the same day. My God, does it get any better?"

"Well, whatever. Guess it all depends on what floats your boat. Bye." I said and grabbed a night gown, a few pair of panties, and another set of clothes for the morning. Walking out the door I said to him, "I hope you like being a cuckold because I'm never going back to that boring life again."

He just smiled at me and came to give me a kiss, which I gave him."

"Oh and for your information, I planned this vacation for us in order to start a family."

Greg just stared at me and started sweating. I walked out the door to be with my new lover and as I walked down the hall I felt the need to skip. I felt totally alive for the first time in my life.

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Offler79Offler799 months ago

I don't like that gail was unnecessary mean at the end of the story, the rest of the story I liked very much.

I explicitly chose this story to read because it was supposed to have a twist, the wife should be remorsefull and part 2 offered that, but it was missing in part 1 where I expected it, so this story ended very harshly. I have to say, even though I feel strong cuckold tendencies, being treated with that much disrespect would be a dealbreaker for me and the question in part 2 "so we do not divorce" would have been answered differently if I was Greg

cibixcibixalmost 2 years ago

Wonderful start to this story. Noticed you wrote a new chapter last year, looking forward to reading more :-)

rodryder44rodryder44almost 3 years ago

Okay so far, but I’m surprised that Gail knew so little about Greg’s proclivity. Gail earned five stars for taking control of their sex life.

BBCuckfanBBCuckfanalmost 3 years ago

I don't understand why all of the anonymous commenters leave negative feed back, if they don't like Cuckold stories then why the hell are they reading them in the first place.

Especially when most of the time the writer's like Rockpaperscissors8 give warning as to the contents of the story.

There are fans like myself who enjoy reading erotic "CUCKOLD FICTION" stories.

Paul PinesPaul Pinesalmost 3 years ago

Ignore the trolls. They read a story they don't like, then tell you they don't like it, rather than just flipping to something else.

One thing I do suggest is for you to get an editor. Your writing is exciting, but you have some hysterical mistakes that take away from the sexual tension. A little touching up from someone else will go a long way. But keep writing... You are worth reading.


Cuckold Paul

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