Beneath the Ice Ch. 03


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She asked him about it on the Thursday morning when Zoe was occupied with choosing something to wear for the day.

"She doesn't come to your door, does she?"

Alexei shook his head and glanced over his shoulder at Zoe's open doorway before moving closer to Charlotte. He'd just finished cleaning the dishes from breakfast and they leaned against the counter, finishing the last of their coffees.

"No. I'm awake early every day and I can hear when she uses the bathroom."

"Oh really?" Charlotte sighed. "Man, I had no idea so much sound carried. Why do you even live in this building?"

He shrugged. "I don't need some fancy mansion on the lake, or a penthouse downtown."

"But still. You could have bought a townhouse, or something newer, with better soundproofing."

"I don't need that." He reached out and brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear. As always, that brief contact had her shivering all over. His eyes narrowed and he bent his head, kissing her. It was short, like so many of their kisses, with Zoe awake and fumbling around in her bedroom.

"I grew up without a lot," Alexei said. "Even now, I know I have the money to buy something big or expensive but I don't see the point when I'm hardly ever home."

Charlotte nodded. That made sense, she supposed. "I bet you regretted that the first time you heard us upstairs."

He shook his head. "Never."

That wasn't true but his firm conviction made her shiver all over again. His cup landed on the counter with a click and he leaned into her, caging her to the counter with his arms on either side of her. She stared up at him, her breath coming hard and fast as her heart sped up.

"You will be awake after my game tonight."

"Are you asking or telling me?"

He leaned over her, crowding her and sending all her nerve-endings into overdrive. His lips brushed her ear and she bit back a moan. Jeez, at this rate, if they ever got naked, she'd die of over-stimulation.

"I'm telling you, krasotka."

That reminded her of the night after she'd been sick, the one and only night he'd spent with her, in her bed. His one word commands had done the same thing to her then as his words did now.


Just like that one. She lifted her chin and obliged. It was easy when she wanted the same thing. It was all too brief though when they both heard a disgruntled noise from Zoe's bedroom.

"Mommy! These pants tore!"

Charlotte leaned back, panting, and Alexei lifted his head. He released her, stepping back as he shoved his hands through his hair. It was growing longer as well, over his ears, and down the back of his neck, but Charlotte loved it. It was so soft under her fingers since he didn't use any product, and gave him a sort of devil-may-care look sometimes that she found downright irresistible.

"Okay, sweetie. Then pick a different pair."

"But I like these ones."

Charlotte recognized that tone and stifled a sigh as she walked to Zoe's bedroom to sort it out. An hour later, Zoe was at daycare, Alexei was at his practice, and Charlotte was at work.

Sarah noticed something was off with her mood but didn't bring it up until the quiet period before the lunch hour. With Ursula watching the front end, Sarah cornered Charlotte in the back room and asked if something had happened with Alexei.

"Did he do something?"

Charlotte frowned at her friend as she shifted a box around and sank onto it with a sigh. They didn't have an employee break room or anything of the sort, so most of them just found comfortable spots to plant it for breaks in the storeroom.

"What do you mean?"

Sarah shrugged, shoving a couple more boxes together and sitting near Charlotte, facing her. "I don't know. You don't know each other that well yet, do you?"

Charlotte was about to nod in agreement but stopped. She did know Alexei better than she thought. They didn't spend every waking moment amusing Zoe and there were all those evenings when he wasn't working where they'd stay up late talking in quiet tones. Or kissing. So much kissing. She loved kissing him.

"Okay." Sarah smirked and wiggled a finger in a circle in front of Charlotte's face. "Does that face mean you know him in the biblical sense now?"

A giggle burst out of Charlotte and she shook her head, pressing her palms to her cheeks. "No. We haven't done anything but make out."

"Oh man." Sarah got a dreamy look on her face. "I could go for some hardcore over-the-clothes making out. Not enough men are into that. It's always a sprint for the finish line."

In Charlotte's very limited, and outdated, experience, that was true. "Neither Alexei or I are comfortable with more, not yet. Not with Zoe around all the time."

"I told you I'm totally up for a sleepover now and again. Or why don't you see about putting her into daycare on Mondays occasionally?"

Charlotte cringed. "Just so I can have sex with Alexei?"

"Well, not just that. You could use the Mondays to figure out what courses you can do."


"Honey, I know you've been thinking about going back to school for over a year."

"Yeah, well, I don't have enough money for that."

"There could be assistance available, you know." Sarah leaned back, the box she'd chosen was big enough for her to lounge on her hands behind her. "As a single mom, there could be countless programs you could sign up for."

"Yeah. I could use some extra time for that research." She rubbed her fingers together as she considered. "But putting Zoe into daycare for an extra day would be an added cost as well."

"Why not ask Alexei to take her for a day if he's free?"

"I couldn't do that!" She shook her head. "He's not my--"

Sarah arched a dark brow. "He's not what? Your husband? Boyfriend?"

"Well. No." Charlotte blinked and stared into the distance behind Sarah. "I don't think."

There had been that first night when he'd called her 'his', but did that mean they were in a relationship? Could a relationship consist of mornings and evenings together with her daughter, and quiet conversations after said daughter had gone to bed? Make out sessions that satisfied her more than her brief stint as a sexual being in college?

"Oh my God." Charlotte shifted her gaze to Sarah's face. "He's my boyfriend."

Sarah snorted out a laugh. "Great. Now that we've come to that realization, what can we do to move things along for the two of you?"

Charlotte laughed with her for a second before letting out a groan and rubbing her face. "I still feel icky about getting rid of Zoe for a night just so I can sleep with Alexei."

"You think you're the only single parent out there, Char?" Sarah sat upright and waved a hand in the air. "Never mind being a single parent. Do you think you're the only one who saves the physical stuff and date nights for the times their kids are with someone else?"

Charlotte had no idea. She'd done everything with Zoe on her own until Sarah and Ursula had come into her life. She'd never even been involved in any sort of new mom classes or made friends after leaving college, and her old life, behind.

"Because, they do, trust me, girl." Sarah sighed and leaned forward, clasping her hand. "Don't feel guilty for wanting something for yourself."

"It's not that I feel guilty." Not exactly. Charlotte couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"It's also okay to be scared at the prospect of more with Alexei."

"What? I'm not scared of him." And she wasn't. He wouldn't hurt a fly. She knew that now, with every fiber of her being.

"I don't mean that you're scared of him hurting you physically." Sarah let her hand go, the gentle smile on her face still. "I know you've never really dated. Not since high school, and everyone knows that doesn't count."

Charlotte giggled and nodded. Yeah, pretty sure her month as Joe Miller's girlfriend didn't count for anything except a lesson in how bad kissing could be.

"And I know you haven't felt like you can rely on anyone in a long time."

"I rely on people."

Sarah's look was pointed and Charlotte gave her a mock scowl.

"Look, honey, I get it. Your family tossed you out like yesterday's trash."

Well, that was a blunt way of putting it. And unfortunately true.

"But don't assume Alexei would do the same. It wouldn't be fair to him, or you. Or Zoe."

"I know that. I don't assume he'd dump me if things got too complicated." She really didn't. She got the sense from him that he'd already jumped in with both feet and she was terrified of all it might mean. Some of what Sarah said was sinking in too. Was she frightened of being able to rely on someone new, or at least, scared of taking the chance?

"I need to talk to him, I guess."

Sarah nodded and glanced at the time on her phone. "Yeah. Always talk. Never stop talking, that's the one solid piece of advice I can offer after all my time in the trenches."

Charlotte smiled. "Thanks, Sarah."

"And promise you'll think about me taking Zoe for a night. Whether you spend it with or without Alexei is up to you. It doesn't make you a bad mom for taking a night off."

Eyes stinging, Charlotte looked down at her hands. "I promise, I'll think about it."

Later, she made herself a full-caffeinated tea after dinner when she and Zoe settled in to watch the hockey game. Alexei had said she needed to be awake tonight and she would do everything she could to stay up.

After Zoe was asleep, she did a quick, quiet clean of the place. She sorted the laundry to put in a load first thing in the morning, and folded the clean stuff from earlier. In between that, she finished her tea, cleaned the kitchen, and watched the rest of the game. It finished around nine-thirty, which she was thankful for. Not long after that, her phone buzzed with a text from Alexei, saying he was on his way.

Charlotte: What, no shower?

Alexei: I can shower at home. I want to see you more.

Charlotte made a sound and hugged the phone to her chest, swooning sideways on her couch. Good lord, she was a goner for this man.

A short while later, he was tapping at her door and she hurried over to let him in. As she locked the door, he crowded in behind her, burying his face in her hair and rubbing a hand around to her stomach.

She gasped when his bare palm connected with her skin and she turned in his hold, her fingers itching to sink into his hair.

"Your hair is damp."

"I showered downstairs."

She smiled and stroked her fingers through the brown locks, smoothing it over his ears. "Must have been a quick shower."

"Just enough to not stink." His lips quirked as he spoke and she dropped her forehead to his chest, stifling a giggle. Close to his body, she inhaled, smelling soap and shampoo and whatever scent was simply him.

"You smell good."

He nuzzled her hair and made a low sound that sent a shiver skittering up her spine. "So do you."

They stayed that way, wrapped around each other with her back still leaning against the locked door. His head turned and his lips brushed her ear. A hot breath skimmed her neck and she bit her lip to hold back any sound she might have made. His kiss landed on her ear lobe, then he slid his lips down her neck and back up.

She closed her eyes and dropped her head back, letting him. He rubbed his whiskers against her exposed throat and dragged his lips up to her chin. There, he hooked his thumb and forefinger around her jaw and pulled her chin down.


"Mmm?" She blinked a few times, slow to focus on his face through the fog of her desire for him.

His dark eyes skimmed her face, touching on every inch of her blushing cheeks and curved lips. He kissed her, those eyes on hers still.


She blinked again and lifted a hand to rub her fingers over his cheek. "Is everything okay?"

He nodded and pulled her into his arms, right off her feet. She gasped but clung to him as he carried her through the apartment to her bedroom. He closed her door and dropped them both onto the bed in a tangle of limbs, his mouth on hers a second later.

She moaned into his mouth, slicking her tongue alongside his. Kissing yes, God, yes. She loved this. His kisses made her forget everything, from her own name to the self-consciousness she'd carried ever since getting pregnant. He loomed over her, one thick thigh sliding between her legs as he angled his lips over hers. He drank down every sound she made against his lips, nibbled on her bottom lip, and tasted every part of her.


Her name rumbled against her neck as he moved lower, dragging hot, wet kisses over her skin. She shuddered and tangled her fingers in his hair as he licked a path to the notch at the bottom of her neck. Her shirt was rumpled there, old and threadbare in spots. But Alexei didn't care, or even seem to notice. His hands were busy working their way under the hem at her waist.

Her back arched at his touch, her breath coming in quick, harsh pants. He kissed her again and again, silencing her little sounds and groaning in turn. His hands went around her, slid up her back, and down, sliding beneath the elastic waist of her pants. She jumped at the first touch of his hands on her ass and writhed further when the pressure of his touch grew.

He shoved a hand through her hair, holding her head still as he hovered over her, his other hand still flexing against her butt.


She tried to lift her head, to put their mouths back together, all of her overheating so fast. God, she wanted more, more of his kisses, more of his hard weight on her body, just-- more.

"You have to be quiet."

She whimpered and he slid his tongue alongside hers. Their lips stayed together for several long, drugged moments. He moved his hips, all of his hard arousal apparent in the way he ground against her.


The single word was hard, low, and spoken against her lips. Charlotte bit her bottom lip as she managed to focus on his eyes, so dark with so much need. For her. Her head spun at the realization.

She dipped her chin once in a brief nod. His responding grin was feral and he dragged his teeth over her bottom lip before moving down. He kissed her neck, sucked here and there, and then before she could process, her shirt was off and his mouth was on her breasts. Her left nipple first, his wicked tongue circling and teasing before moving to the other side.

Her mouth hung open but she obeyed his earlier order. She panted but didn't make another sound. She writhed under his heavy weight but didn't moan, not when he kissed a path down her belly, his rough thumbs sliding over her hips until they hooked in the waist of her pants. She didn't even make a sound as he dragged her pants and panties down her legs, his face pressing up between her thighs an instant later.

Her fingers clenched in his hair as his tongue slid between her wet folds and she twisted, burying her face in a pillow.

Quiet... quiet... she had to be quiet. Oh, what if he stopped? She'd die. Right there, she'd die in her bed if he ever stopped licking her, flicking his tongue over her and into her. Her fingers tightened and her thighs clamped around his head. His big hands took over, pressing her wide for him, his head bobbing as he worked her over. He didn't relent, licking and kissing and tasting her. Tasting every inch, every slick, soft part of her and he devoured it all.

Heat and wild, fast release slammed into Charlotte and she opened her mouth against her pillow, her legs shaking in Alexei's sure grasp. He didn't stop, just opened his mouth over her, the flat of his tongue rubbing as she bucked against his lips.

At length, he eased off, releasing her legs to fall open around him. He licked his way back up her body, pausing to press warm, soft kisses to the stretch marks she knew were there low on her belly. Finally, finally, his lips were on hers again and even as she tasted herself on his tongue, she kissed him back, her trembling arms going around his neck.


"Shh." He kissed her, slower and slower, until her heart stopped threatening to pound its way out of her chest. "Sleep, lyubov moya."

Another new pet name to ask him about. Tomorrow maybe, when her limbs didn't feel like lead and when she could wrap her head around what he'd just done to her.

If she asked, would he do it again?

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JensensloverJensensloverabout 2 hours ago

Would be nice if the writer could remember he is the downstairs neighbour, NOT upstairs as they keep saying!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Why doesnt the gosdiping slut Sarah help gind the courses or prograns that can help them instead of obsessing over relationship with Alexei!!

Just shows how low and cheap some people are

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Oh great goodness, MugsyB is back! Comforter and believer in true love, stalwart plower through thickets of love despair, connector of the Island of Hockey at Champion Level with life as it’s lived. Welcome oh lovely sage. And thank you thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Glad to see your back but this relationship has moved at a mach 5 pace. He spends one weekend with Zoe and hes nicknamed her and doing nose touches with her already... I think he also let himself into their home after spending so little time with them (if I'm reading this right). Everythings happened much too fast.

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 2 years ago

Fast moving relationship but i can suspend my disbelief. I like him much better than her, but she'll grow on me,

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