Best Friend Ever! Christmas Ch. 02


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I had lain on the edge of the bed to watch this fantasy come true, and was forced to lie chest down, cock pressed against the sheet, face turned to the side, to avoid touching myself. Every moan of theirs was matched by a gasp or sigh from me. I watched as Marie's tongue parted Kelly's tender lips and I listened as she lapped up the overflowing creamy juices. She swiftly moved her mouth and tongue down till she was at Kelly's pussy mouth, and after hesitating a moment plunged in her tongue. Kelly had a firm grip on the sheets, and when she felt the delightful penetration her head went back and she almost growled with pleasure, her hips lifting her pussy and grinding it against Marie's face. I could hear Marie slurping up the wetness that gushed out, and she moaned as her body writhed with passion.

I realized that Marie now had one hand between her own legs, and was rubbing herself as she devoured Kelly. Kelly's legs were spread wide, knees bent, and her feet moving slowly up and down over the sheets as she squirmed and moaned, her hips undulating rhythmically. And when Marie slid first one, then two fingers from her other hand into Kelly's flowing cunt, her lips finding the swollen clit above, I could stand it no longer.

I pushed up quickly, rigid cock throbbing in the air, and moved behind Marie. I reached between her legs and pushed her hand aside, replacing it with my own. She moaned when she felt the firm pressure of my fingers on her clit, and seemed to press herself even more forward against Kelly. I held my cock with the other hand, wondering how I could possibly stand any more, but had no choice but to move forward, pressing against the dripping wetness of Marie's cunt. She grunted, then gasped, her head lifting with surprise, but when I grasped her hips with both hands and pulled myself into her, impaling her in one long thrust, she squealed, rocked forward, and pressed her head against Kelly's belly.

Oddly, the tight, glove-like grip of Marie's cunt on my cock actually soothed the aching need, as I remained motionless, buried in her. Her fingers had never moved, still buried inside Kelly, and when she rocked back, pushing against me, she started sliding them in and out as her lips once again captured Kelly's straining clit. The scene felt almost surreal, as the three of us filled the room with our cries, moans, gasps, sighs and grunts. I held Marie's hips tightly as I began fucking her with long, steady strokes, trying not to slap too hard and interrupt her feasting on Kelly.

Kelly had realized what had happened, and her eyes were now wide open, locked with mine as we watched each other. As I moved faster, the slapping against Marie's ass growing louder, I could see Kelly's body shiver slightly with every one of my thrusts, transmitted through Marie's mouth and hand.

When I could no longer resist and began pounding my cock into Marie, slamming my hips against her ass time after time, her head came up, a little cry forced through her lips with every impact... But I could hear her fingers furiously ramming in and out of Kelly's sopping cunt, the wet squishing sounds almost blurring together. Kelly closed her eyes and her head went back, her teeth clenched and a look almost of pain, so intense was her passion. She began a series of slow, high pitched squeals that became screams as her body suddenly bucked off the bed.

That sight pushed me past the edge, and I dug my fingertips into Marie's flesh as I slammed into her once more and held her like a vise as I snarled the beginning of my orgasm, the staccato bucking of my hips timed to the explosive spurts of my cum into her belly. Her head snapped back, long black hair flying. She screamed, so loud it echoed, and her ass rammed and ground against me as she cried and moaned and gasped and panted her way through her climax. She finally went limp, and would have fallen if not for the grip of my hands and my softening shaft, still buried in her. Feeling her weight, I let her down slowly to the bed, where she lay quietly moaning, as I slumped to the bed on the other side of Kelly.

We were barely able to crawl together, needing each other's touch, and quickly fell asleep, wakening hours later in the same positions. I came out of my coma to the feeling of Kelly's arms sliding around me and squeezing me tightly against her. "Just hold me baby," she whispered. I wrapped my arms around her too, and we clung to each other.

It was another hour or more before I came to again, and I heard Kelly and Marie quietly whispering. Kelly had rolled towards Marie, and I tightened my arms around Kelly, one hand holding a breast as I spooned against her. I heard, "Mmmmmmmmmmm", and she pressed back against me, giving me a little wiggle of her ass. Kelly giggled, then whispered to Marie, "See? He's incorrigible!"

Marie giggled too and said, "He's wonderful, and you know it! And so are you Kelly, you two are so lucky to have each other!"

Kelly replied, "Yes we are Marie, very lucky!" Her ass wiggled again, then rhythmically pressed against me, even as she and Marie kissed and hugged each other. My own thoughts echoed those sentiments. But then I thought, did we really? Have each other? For just a moment the nagging thought that Kelly was married - to someone else - and though we spent most of our time together it was really all stolen pleasure ran through my head. But I lightly kissed the back of Kelly's naked shoulder and concentrated on the wonderful feel of her heavy breast in my hand, and the cloud passed.

Marie said, "You have both been wonderful to me, making this vacation so special. Somehow, in some way, I think I have changed, and my eyes have been opened to the world a little. Merci a vous deux!"

It was still early morning, but Marie needed to get a shower and get dressed so she could be on her way and beat the storm home. We got up with her and went out to the all night coffee shop nearby for a bite to eat, and by then it was near time for her to go. We went back to the room and gathered up the few things Marie had left there, and were ready to send her on her way.

But Marie suddenly grabbed Kelly and clung to her, saying she hated to leave, and in a moment the two were sobbing. They made each other swear we would keep in touch and try to get together again, somehow. When they finally broke apart Marie came to me, first kissing me on the cheek, then unashamedly pressing her lips to mine, grinding hard against me, tears still flowing. "Mon sauveur," she whispered. I had a large lump in my throat, and waited till they turned away to wipe the corners of my eyes.

We finally made it to the parking lot and got the snow brushed away and the car loaded. We all politely kissed again and Marie looked back and waved as she drove away. Kelly and I hugged and shared a kiss in the parking lot, and I think we both felt just a bit more cold and alone, somehow.

We got it together and went and changed to our ski clothes, knowing there was a blizzard on the way, and this would probably be our last day on the slopes. We made a couple of warm-up runs on an easy slope, and I decided I would let her try out some of the easier intermediate runs. We stayed on the lower half of the mountain, and she did amazingly well, feeling more confident with each run on the wide smooth trails. By noon the sky had clouded over and a stiff wind had come up, the storm obviously on its way. We figured we had time for one more run, and I asked her if she would like to try a run from the top. She looked at me a little nervously, but then smiled and said she would love to if I thought she could handle it.

We climbed on the chairlift, and on the way up she got to view scenery she had never seen before, as the vista opened up before her. By the time we hit the top, we were in the clouds. I told her to take her time, and we stopped several times to rest and once or twice I picked her up out of the snow. But about half way down, I went a bit ahead, then stopped and waited for her. When she caught up I waited for her to catch her breath and then pointed - to the hole I had dug Marie out of. It was covered with a few inches of fresh snow, but still very visible.

When she saw how far off the trail Marie had been she gasped, "OH!" and put her hand to her mouth as she looked up at me. Without another word, she put her arms around me, kissed me and squeezed, long and hard.

By the time we reached the bottom, snowflakes were falling, and we quickly retired to the lounge for lunch and a glass of wine. We spent the afternoon watching the snow fall, more heavily by the hour, and talked very little, just holding hands most of the time. We realized that although we had another day together, the ski portion of our vacation was over. Kelly said she'd had a wonderful time, and would love to try again someday. I had no idea what the future held, but an annual Christmas ski vacation sounded awful good.

We went back and changed, then went to dinner, enjoying our meal in a quiet corner with a Christmas candle on the table, then lingered over another glass of wine. We heard music and wandered down to the club, no band now, but recorded Christmas music playing. There were very few people there, but Kelly wanted to dance, and, oddly enough, with the familiar slow sweet Christmas tunes playing, so did I. We danced a whole set of slow songs, hardly noticing when one song changed to another. We just held each other, smiling into each others faces, and when we kissed we neither knew nor cared if anyone else noticed.

Before long we knew it was time to go, and I asked Kelly to go ahead to the room, saying I'd pick up a bottle of wine. She knew that was odd, but didn't protest, and it gave me a chance to go in and pick up the package I'd ordered the day before.

When I walked in I smelled something sweet and found a candle burning, and then found Kelly, lying on the bed in a gorgeous Christmas red negligee with white snowflake lace trim. I smiled and went over and gave her a little kiss, then said I'd be back in a moment with the wine, and went into the bathroom. When I came back I had on only a pair of long satin boxer shorts with little Rudolphs on them, and I carried two glasses of wine. Kelly fluffed up the pillows on the bed and propped them on the headboard. She giggled when she saw my shorts, but I climbed on the bed and we sat together, legs outstretched and touching, sipping our wine.

I had decided I couldn't wait, and got the little box I had just picked up, thoughtfully wrapped by the store. We tapped our glasses together and murmured "Merry Christmas, baby." to each other. Her eyes lit up when I handed her the box, and I watched while she carefully opened it. She gasped when she saw what was there. She lifted the golden charm bracelet from the box and stared as she examined each little figure. It had snowflakes with tiny multi-colored gems, and skis and skiers. There was a moon and stars that twinkled with tiny diamonds. And of course, it had a Santa, and a reindeer with a tiny ruby nose, and a sleigh. There was one charm with the name of the ski area, and of course, snow covered fir trees.

She set it down carefully, and then threw her arms around my neck, tears streaming down her cheeks. I have never gotten so many kisses. When she calmed down a little I told her to look in the box again. In a separate packet was one more charm. When she opened it, she found a tiny heart, with three rubies in the corners. Engraved on the heart was simply, "K+R". I told her, if she was afraid, she didn't have to put it on the chain.

In a heartbeat her beautiful curly blonde hair was beneath my chin, and she was sobbing into my chest. I wanted to say it then, but I couldn't. I just couldn't.

It took quite a while for her to regain her composure, and she needed to go rinse her face. But on the way back she stopped at her suitcase and took out a little wrapped box. When she climbed back on the bed she handed it to me, almost shyly. I carefully opened it, just as she had done, being careful not to muss the paper. When I opened the plain white box, it was a beautiful gold watch, each hour marked with a tiny diamond. I was thrilled, especially since I knew she had noticed the beat up old thing I wore, and I was about to grab her just as she had me.

But she said, "Wait, you haven't seen it all yet," and she showed me how the watch could be unlocked and swiveled to expose the back. There was a flat little door, like a locket, and when I opened it there was a picture of Kelly and me together, two images taken months ago by one of our friends and combined into one image. I was so overwhelmed my heart almost broke on the spot. Under the picture, in tiny print it simply said, I LOVE YOU K.

I stared. I looked at her. I read it again. I couldn't move. But an unbroken stream of tears poured down my cheeks. She took my face in both hands and said very quietly, "I love you Ron."

She had the courage to say what I could not. Knowing all the implications, all the dangers, all the possible heartbreaks. We could discuss all that another time. She leaned to me and kissed my lips, tasting the saltiness of the tears that dribbled over them. I was shaking, and I felt terribly guilty, letting her say what I should have said. Somehow, she understood.

She put both arms around my head and pulled me back down to the bed with her, using her breast beneath the negligee as a pillow for my head. She ran her hands over my hair, gently wiped tears time after time, kissed and caressed me as I fought to gain some semblance of composure.

It took forever, minutes, hours, I don't know. But I finally quieted, hearing over and over her magic words. I raised my head and looked at her. I tried to smile, but I couldn't, still on the verge of tears. I still couldn't speak, so I lowered my lips to hers and received the sweetest kiss I've ever known.

I started slowly, carefully, afraid I would start bawling again at any moment. "Kelly, I Love You. So much. So very, very much. I have for so long. And I have been so afraid. To admit it to myself, let alone to you." I closed my eyes. I sniffled. I had so much more to say. She gently pulled me down for another kiss.

We spent the night and the next day, almost entirely in bed. The blizzard came but we hardly knew it. We never had sex. We never fucked. But OH! We made love! Over and over and over again. Continually. She drained me. Till I had nothing left to please her. But I found other ways. And time and desire replenished me. More than once. We cuddled with one another, we whispered, we swore, we proved our love, we slept. And never left the confines of each others arms. Only once, in the evening did we leave our bed.

We went for dinner, our golden treasures sparking, and were pleased to discover the storm had departed. Knowing we needed to leave very early to get to the airport, we forced ourselves to find the buried car and dig it out. It took longer than it should have because of all the horseplay, the snow throwing, the rolling in the snowdrifts. When we got back, soggy and shivering, we welcomed the warmth of the hot tub and the heat lights. But only briefly before the sheets and blankets called us back. We were drunk, we were high, but never took more than water to quench our needs.

We knew there was a cloud that would have to be dealt with. But more than that, we knew that everything had changed. We had both lustily engaged with other women in our bed, singly and together, most often with the other looking on, always urging each other on. Suddenly the thought of anyone other than Kelly was unthinkable. The thought of anyone else with Kelly ten times worse.

Even Marie was only a wisp of a memory, other than as a friend. And only because, somewhere along the line, Kelly confessed to me that she had felt jealous, the one and only time, the very last time when the three of us made love together. It was not because she wanted to be in Marie's place, it was because anyone else was in her place. I understood completely. I had felt a strange twinge of remorse then too, even though it was far overpowered by my lust. When Kelly and I had our eyes locked on each other I knew somehow, it was not right.

What would happen when we got home? We didn't know. It didn't matter. We only knew it had to work. There was no other choice.

We forced ourselves to leave early and got to the airport on time, only to discover that our flight was hours delayed. I wonder what the security in the airport thought, or the people on the planes. At least we didn't take up much room, wrapped around each other. We got home after midnight, and only had the remainder of the night to be together. Before somehow, some way, for the rest of our lives.


It's been over four years now, since Kelly and I first met. Our beautiful daughter is two and a half, already the image of Kelly and the delight of her life, and Kelly is 6 months pregnant with our son.

When we got home from our Christmas vacation, we had a very hard time deciding what we would do. Kelly practically lived at my house, and we were lucky we were never caught. Then one day in early February, when I was still sleeping after having gotten home from work, I heard the kitchen door crash open, and Kelly's voice, sounding strangely hoarse, called, "Ron, are you here?" Knowing something must be terribly wrong, I leapt out of bed and found her in the kitchen sobbing, tears streaming down her face. She told me her husband, Kirk, had just left after having said he was divorcing her. He had told her he was moving back to Chicago, to the company's main office, and would be moving in... with his boyfriend! When she grilled him, it turned out that half the business trips had been mainly to see him!

It was so sudden and absurd, Kelly didn't know if it was good or bad, but I told her it was wonderful! She knew she could move in with me and not worry about expenses, and we could finally be together the way we dreamed.

Since the whole thing was obviously Kirk's doing, Kelly had little trouble obtaining a good settlement, and it only took two months. Kelly got to keep the house and a monthly income, to which I think Kirk was relieved to agree, fearing she might ask for more. But all we wanted was to be rid of him!

Two months later, we were married, to the consternation of her relatives, but to the joy of our friends, who wished nothing but the best for us. Alli and Cleo and Patty and several others were there, and to our delight, Marie, with her new friends, Joanie and Pete. She told us that our time together had opened up a whole new life for her, and she was now busily exploring it with her friends. All of them said they always thought we would end up together, and that our feelings for each other were always obvious, to everyone but ourselves.

The only member of Kelly's family that came was Carrie, her older sister. I was somewhat taken aback when I saw an older woman get out of a taxi, with dark chestnut hair, a few streaks of gray visible in it. But Kelly quietly explained that she had been adopted as an infant. Carrie was her sister only by family, not by birth, and she was 16 years older than Kelly. Still, they had been quite close when she lived at home.

Kelly and I are almost deliriously happy, totally devoted to each other. The life we led when we first met is gone, forgotten, and we are fiercely loyal to each other, perhaps the more so for knowing how we started out. We celebrate Christmas as an anniversary, and we can't wait to see how spoiled our kids get. Perhaps some day we will take family ski trips. I love her so much!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
excellent second chapter

This second chapter in this outstanding story continues from the first, and while it does not have quite the same amount of romantic passion as the previous one, it has more character development, important in the development of the overall story.

TomcatfiveTomcatfiveabout 13 years agoAuthor
Be sure to read Ch 03 in this series

From the author:

It's very short, and is in the non-erotic literature category. It completes the "Ron and Kelly" story, and If you liked this chapter I think you will find it interesting. Relased on 4/4/2011.

TC 5

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
great story

...but dude, your French is atrocious.

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