Beth wants to Cuckold Her Husband

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Gorgeous loving wife attempts to turn husband into cuckold.
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Beth was a gorgeous, 28-year-old woman. She had blue eyes that sparkled and a stunningly beautiful face that was suitable for the cover of any magazine. Beth was five foot nine and blessed with the body of a swimsuit or lingerie model. Her natural, 34D breasts could easily grace the centerfold spread of Playboy. They were beautifully shaped, with perfectly proportioned areolas and nipples. Even though Beth was genetically graced with a flat stomach, firm bottom, and a magnificent 34-24-34 figure, she still worked out every day.

Beth was married to Joe. They had been happily married for six years. Joe was 36 years old. He was a tall, attractive man and was physically fit. He also worked out almost every day. Joe was a professional that made a very good living.

Beth and Joe met at the beginning of Beth's senior year in college. They fell madly in love and got married later that year. They had a great marriage and were very happy together. Their sex life was also good and neither had any complaints.

As Beth and Joe's seventh anniversary was coming up in the not too distant future, Beth found herself thinking about other men. No one specifically, just the thought of being with another men. Beth had no dissatisfaction with Joe. She wasn't at all unhappy with their marriage. The sex was good and Beth was still madly in love with Joe. Beth had no regrets for getting married so young.

She knew her thoughts had nothing to do with Joe or their marriage. The more she thought about it, she realized it was an independent desire she had that reflected in no way on Joe. She didn't feel unfulfilled by Joe or have any complaints.

Beth wanted to explore more about what she had been feeling, and more particularly, why. Beth had an introspective side, so she wanted to really put a pin on what her thoughts were exactly about. She googled terms like cuckold, hotwife, slutwife, wifesharing, etc. Beth read up on swingers, swapping, and married couples who had threesomes. She read many articles, reading through all the comments and differing opinions. She even read about BDSM, being a dominatrix, orgasm control, and erotic humiliation.

Beth quickly ruled out things like swinging and threesomes. She knew this was definitely not about Joe. She wasn't interested in an affair and cheating on Joe. She wanted him there to be part of the experience with his consent, but didn't want him to participate. The hotwife material sounded partially right, with the wife's side of the relationship open. But, a lot of the material pointed toward the male encouraging it or being in control, showing off his wife and having her sleep with other men. Beth knew she wanted to be in control. This wasn't coming from Joe. She was going to be the instigator.

Beth narrowed it down to cuckold. But, she was unsure since many people's opinions were that cuckold was all about humiliating the husband. On the other hand, many people disagreed and said it involved a great love for and pleasing your wife. In fact, she couldn't even find a consistent spelling of the word between cuckold and cuckhold. The unclear and differing views were frustrating. She had thought when she started her research that she was going to find a definitive answer.

Beth didn't want to humiliate Joe. That was not her desire at all. It had no appeal to her whatsoever. The submissive male aspect of cuckold however, did appeal to Beth. That sounded loving to her. She really liked the idea of her husband loving her so much that he was willing to totally submit to her to fulfil her desires to please her. She had never thought about it before, but she also liked a little bit the thought of controlling his orgasms when she read about it. Her research was opening her mind. But orgasm control wasn't her current goal and a tangent thought.

Beth decided that, for lack of a better term, cuckold was probably the closest word to the thing she wanted. However, an exact term for it didn't really matter much. The research had crystalized in her head what she really wanted, which was the point of the exercise.

Although she had clarified what she wanted, Beth had almost concluded for certain that it would not be possible. She thought it would remain one of her dark fantasies that she never told anyone. Joe wasn't naturally submissive. He wasn't strong and overbearing, but he would speak his mind and let Beth know if she did something that bothered him. And, he had never made any indications that he would be open to the idea. Joe had never even suggested they have a threesome with another woman, much less want Beth to sleep with another man.

Despite the perceived roadblocks, Beth shifted her focus to how to accomplish her goal and fulfil her desire. She went back to the internet and researched and read deeper on cuckold. She read a number of cuckold conversion how to articles with tips and suggestions. Beth reviewed countless user stories of people who had made it happen, or at least people who told a good story, knowing a lot of purported 'truth' on the internet was in fact fiction. She researched it for several weeks.

Even though there were a lot of comments on the internet with truth being quite suspect, they gave her encouragement that it was possible. Beth started thinking about a plan. She knew that straight out confessing her desire to Joe wasn't going to work. She had to be more covert and subtle. Beth liked the idea of some of the suggestions to gradually make it happen over time. She liked a challenge. Building it up in little steps sounded like the right way to go for her.

Her plan was to make subtle changes and gradually notch things up in little phases; so small that over time they weren't even noticeable. Beth was never good at following the rules and she liked exploring boundaries. Her plan was to push and test the boundaries in small increments. Beth knew that if she crossed a line in Joe's mind, Joe would put a stop to it. That way he would stop her if she took things too far, but since they were tiny increments, they wouldn't cause any permanent damage to their relationship. In any case, she thought the challenge would be fun.

Beth was a determined woman in general, especially when she set her mind on something she really wanted. She was very goal oriented. Having this very lofty goal would be good for her. She knew it would be a difficult uphill battle, but she was up to the challenge. The more she thought about it, the process of laying the groundwork and building up to it sounded like it would be almost as fun as the goal.

She gave herself a pep talk. She told herself, "Don't get sidetracked. Keep focused and stay the course. Go after it until Joe puts a stop to it or you achieve your mission. To be clear, the goal is defined as another man's cock in your pussy while Joe watches." There it was. The goal was crystal clear and set in her mind. She was doing this.

Beth began laying the groundwork. She subtly started changing the way she dressed and the way she acted over the course of the first month. This was to boost her confidence more than anything, but it also had the side effect of making sure Joe saw her as a sexy woman too.

In the past, Beth occasionally dressed sexy, but now she made a point of doing it often. She never left the house without doing her hair and makeup. She didn't go anywhere without having on a short or tight skirt or something that flaunted her figure. She occasionally would even wear a short cocktail dress to the grocery store; sometimes with no panties just to make her feel sexy. Beth didn't even go to the gym without wearing form-tight workout clothes or an outfit that showed a lot of skin.

Beth was naturally a friendly and flirtatious woman. It was innocent and just who she was. She had always been outgoing and friendly to everyone. She was a touchy-feely person in general and hugged people she didn't even know that well. When she was excited telling a story to someone, she would often touch them on the arm or hand briefly as she talked. She frequently gave guys pecks on the cheek in a social manner. However, going forward she made a point of being flirtatious. She set a goal to consciously flirt with another man every day.

Beth loved to dance, and she thought that would be a good tool she could use to accomplish her goal. Joe didn't like dancing that much, but he often took Beth dancing because he knew his wife loved it. And, he liked the music and going out and being around other people. He wasn't shy or anti-social, he just didn't love to dance like Beth did.

One Friday night, Beth asked Joe, "Why don't you dress your wife up real sexy and take her out dancing tonight?" Beth loved getting dressed up and looking good for Joe. She knew he liked it when she dressed up for him as well. Beth was also a woman who liked being looked at. She was gorgeous and got way more than her fair share of looks from guys in public. She didn't mind. Beth took it as a silent compliment that she looked good.

They got dressed up and went to a dance club that evening and danced for a while. As they were dancing, Beth asked Joe, "Do you like seeing the guys in the club check me out, knowing you are the one that gets to take me home tonight?"

Joe nodded his head yes. Beth didn't know if Joe was being truthful or just humoring her. But it didn't matter. It was part of her plan. Beth remarked, "It makes me feel sexy. And that makes me feel good. I like showing off for you."

They continued to dance for a while then sat down. As was typical, Beth wanted to dance a lot more than Joe did. She would often go out on the dance floor without him. Beth continued to dance for a while and then returned to the table and had another drink with Joe. She dragged him on the dance floor one more time. They danced a few songs then sat down again. Beth went back on the dance floor again by herself for a few songs, then they went home.

As they were making love that night, Beth asked Joe, "Did you have fun tonight?"

Joe answered, "Yes."

Beth responded, "Me too. I love you." They continued having sex until they came nearly together and fell asleep.

The next week Beth and Joe were out at a bar. I was during a local festival, so the bar was packed. The people were mostly Beth's age, so they mingled well. When they were at the bar, Beth subtly made extra effort to innocently flirt with guys while Joe was by her side. She let her hands linger a little too long touching guys on the shoulder as she talked. She gave several guys a peck on the cheek when the situation allowed it.

The following week, Beth had Joe take her out dancing again. As usual, they danced some together and Beth danced some on her own. She often danced with other guys on the dance floor in the past, and she did the same that night. It was innocent dancing. However, she made a point of giving every guy she danced with a kiss on the cheek when they were done dancing. Beth was setting another baseline of her habits.

She again confirmed with Joe that night that he had fun. Beth did this at every new phase of her plan, no matter how tiny the step was. If she had made Joe uncomfortable, he would not have said he had fun. She was getting Joe's acknowledgement that her behavior was fine. She was hoping this would also cause Joe to subconsciously accept her new behavior as normal.

Beth was strategic about getting her acknowledgement. She always got it while her and Joe were having sex. She also thought this way of getting his acknowledgement tied her behavior together with sex. She figured Joe was indirectly acquiescing to her expression of her sexuality. Plus, Beth knew Joe was a lot less likely to object to anything while they were having sex. This latter point may have been a touch deceptive or devious, but it wasn't like she was tricking him into agreeing to something he hadn't seen with his own eyes. And it was working, so Beth continued it.

The next time they went out dancing, Beth did the same, only this time she gave two guys a peck on the lips. When they got home that night, while having sex, Beth asked, "You don't mind me giving a little kiss to a friendly guy every now and then like I did tonight do you? I think it's harmless. And it makes them feel really good when a pretty, sexy woman shows them some attention. I like being nice and making people feel good." Beth purposefully chose her words. It would be difficult for Joe to say he didn't want his wife being nice to people, or that it was wrong to make people feel good.

Joe replied, "I guess not. As long as its innocent. No tongue or anything." The following time they went dancing, Beth gave each guy a soft kiss on the lips and lingered for an extra second or two. Again, Joe said nothing, so she continued. So, that was her new rule. Kissing was ok, but the line was drawn at tongue.

For the next several weeks, Beth was extra flirtatious with other men when Joe was around. The next time they went dancing, she was extra handsy with the guys on the dance floor. It didn't seem to bother Joe, which was Beth's green light to continue. Before they went out to dinner one night that week, Beth told Joe, "I really like being sexy for you when we go out. It gives me confidence and makes me feel good inside." Beth gave Joe a big kiss and they went to dinner.

Beth was a touch nervous because her following incremental step was a little more bold and direct. Two days later, as they were getting dressed to go out dancing, Beth said, "When we are dancing, I think I'm going to let one of the guys put his hands on my ass tonight. I think that would be pretty innocent, but so sexy." Joe didn't say anything.

That night at the dance club, Beth danced with several guys. She gave each one a kiss on the lips as she had done before. Beth danced with another guy for a couple songs. She started being more physical, placing her hands on his shoulders. The guy reciprocated and placed his hands on her hips. The next song Beth turned around with her back to the guy and gently rubbed her ass against his crotch. It was enough to get the guy's attention, but subtle enough that it didn't appear like they were grinding away dirty dancing.

Beth spun back around and placed her hands on the back of his neck. The guy placed his hands around her and on the small of her back. Beth shook her shoulders and wiggled her hips side to side. The guy's hands slowly ventured down and soon were on her ass where she wanted them. Beth let him keep his hands planted squarely on her firm butt as they danced another song. She gave the guy a quick, soft kiss on the lips as they continued dancing to one more song. She again softly kissed him when they were done, and she returned to the table to sit with Joe.

That night during sex Beth said, "Did you see that guy put his hands on my ass when we danced? It felt so sexy. Did I look sexy?"

Joe responded, "Yes, you looked sexy." They continued having sex, each cumming before eventually falling asleep together.

The following week Beth and Joe were in a bar after dinner having drinks. Beth struck up a conversation with the man seated next to her and they talked for a bit. When Beth and Joe got up to leave, Beth gave the guy a kiss on the lips when saying goodbye. Beth lingered for an extra second or two. Joe never made any objection that night. Beth did the same a week later at an outdoor concert they attended. She softly kissed a guy next to her at the end of the concert, and again no objection from Joe.

Beth and Joe made plans to go to a dance club the following Friday night. On Thursday night during sex, as Beth was riding Joe, she said, "I think it would be extra sexy if I gave a guy on the dancefloor a long kiss on the lips as we danced. A real long one this time. It would be super sexy, but still innocent. That is ok, right?"

Joe replied, "Maybe. But not too long." Joe reiterated their rule, "And no tongue."

Beth pressed, "Oohh. What if maybe we touched just the tips of our tongues in the air? That would be ultra sexy, but still just innocent fun."

Joe responded, "Maybe. I guess. But just the tip. Quickly."

Friday night at the club, Beth quickly found a guy to dance with as she was out on the floor by herself. She gave him a long kiss on the lips. She continued dancing with him for another two songs. Beth went in again to kiss him, this time with her mouth open. She touched the tip of her tongue to his. Beth flicked his tongue with hers in midair and then pulled back. She continued dancing.

Beth sat down for a bit and had a drink with her husband. She dragged Joe back on the dance floor for a song. They danced and then sat back down. She was giving Joe plenty of opportunity to her own expansion of the kissing rule to now be tongue tips. He made no objection. Beth stated, "I want to dance some more. You want to dance with your super sexy wife?"

Joe had already danced with her more than he normally did. He shook his head back and forth and said, "Not right now."

Beth said, "I'm going anyway, ok?" Joe nodded his head yes.

She danced for a bit and then found the guy she was dancing with previously. She danced with him for a while then went in to give him another open mouth kiss. This time, Beth twirled her tongue around his for a few seconds in the air with their mouths open. It was more than just tips touching. They continued dancing for a while. The man leaned in to kiss her again, but this time, she pressed her lips against his and they engaged in a passionate, long, wet French kiss. They kissed, with very brief pauses, as they continued to dance together. They made out like this on the dance floor for almost an entire song. There was no case to be made that this looked like innocent flirting. It was a passionate exchange. They eventually broke their kiss and danced a little while longer.

Beth went and sat with her husband. She finished her drink and asked Joe, "You ready to take me home baby?" He nodded yes, and they got up and left to go home. When they got home and up to their bedroom, Beth initiated kissing, as she normally did, which progressed into sex. As Beth was on top of Joe riding his cock, she asked, "Did you have fun at the club tonight?"

Joe answered, "Yes."

Beth continued, "Did you like dancing with your gorgeous wife and watch her dance and be all sexy tonight?"

Joe replied, "Yes."

Beth was nervous about her next question because she had broke, actually shattered, the kissing rule. She asked, "Wasn't it sexy when that guy kissed me. It felt really sexy. Did I look sexy?"

Joe nodded and said, "Ya." Beth was relieved and elated. Even though it was a simple two letter response, she knew that now she had permission to make out with other guys. This was another green light for her to press things further. Beth continued to fuck her husband. With the excitement of the evening, Beth quickly erupted in orgasm that shook her whole body.

She rolled over and Joe got on top of her and they resumed fucking. Beth could tell Joe was close. She called out, "Yes baby. You going to cum? Cum for me. Cum for your sexy wife. That's it. Cum for your sexy wife." Soon Joe fulfilled her request and came with an explosive orgasm of his own. Beth could tell his orgasm was a little more powerful than normal. She concluded he too was turned on by the events at the club. They soon fell asleep together.

The next week Beth and Joe went out to dinner. Beth dressed sexy as was her new normal when they went out. After dinner, they moved to the restaurant bar to have a drink. Beth had always been a quick judge of her surroundings and a good judge of people. She quickly scanned the bar area as they entered. She saw two seats next to a man that she sensed would be receptive to her flirtatious friendliness. Beth sat down next to him with Joe sitting on Beth's other side.