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A wife's betrayal is taken hard.
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There was the tiniest piece of black sticking out, but it took my eye as I dropped my dirty clothes into the linen basket, it was just poking out from the white bed sheets, it was the contrasting colour that made it stand out. I almost left it be and to be honest I still have no idea why I dug into the pile of dirty laundry to see what it was.

We had our eldest grandchild Drew around visiting that evening to get my wife's help in picking out a present on Amazon for her mums upcoming birthday. Drew was 15 now so I thought it prudent to lock the bathroom door while I took my shower after a hard day at work. We didn't have need for the lock with just the two of us in the house but that evening I am glad I did.

Like I said as I dropped my underpants into the basket the contrast took my eye, I moved the sheets to find a sheer black nylon stocking. I pulled on it and it was attached to a garter belt and another stocking.

"What the fuck?" I whispered to myself.

They were the type I longed for my wife to wear, fully fashioned with a small lacy belt. It looked like they had been taken off in a hurry because they were still affixed to the suspender tabs. I dug into the rest of the basket and found a skimpy pair of sexy black matching panties and bra. I had never seen Leanne in any of these, although I had bought her sexy lingerie on a few occasions that she refused to wear. In the end I gave up trying. Again, "What the fuck, why are these in here?

I was curious now and took a closer inspection at the bedding and there were definite wet patches on the sheets. God knows why but I held the sheet to my nose and inhaled deeply, to my relief it was not what I dreaded it to be. I was even more relieved when I thought to myself, I could've got a face full of some else's spunk then! All the worst possible scenarios were running through my brain.

Knock, Knock, "Are you going to be in there long John? Drew wants your opinion on this necklace we have picked out."

The knock scared the shit out of me, and I knocked over the basket,

"Are you ok in there love?" she said in a concerned voice.

"Yes, yes I am fine, I'll be out in five minutes ok, I won't be long."

I heard Leanne move from the door and I put the lingerie back as best I could remember with the sheets and my dirty clothes on the top. I had a quick shower, dressed and went back down to the lounge wishing I had not seen what I had. My head was spinning thinking of why she had been wearing those things as we sat talking about jewellery for my daughter's birthday.

I could not think straight for the remainder of the evening and was told off for my daydreaming.

"What is into you tonight? You are no bloody help at all, is he Drew?"

"Sorry," was all I could muster, I wanted to scream "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SEXY LINGERIE DOING IN THE LAUNDRY!" but I didn't.

I went to the kitchen to think how on earth to approach this after Drew had gone home. I made us a pot of tea and Drew a hot chocolate, as I placed them onto the coffee table I casually said:

"As I have the next few days off work, I think I will do some odd jobs around the house, anything you need doing honey?"

"Nothing I can think of off the top of my head" came her reply.

"Ok, I'll start with the washing and hoovering, it's going to be nice over the coming week so I can get those sheets out that are in the hamper."

"No, no its fine, leave them, I'll do them when I get home from work, you enjoy your few days off John."

I thought yes, I bet you will, the last thing you want is me going through it all eh......"Its ok I will do them first thing tomorrow."

I sat with Drew and went through her choices,

Leanne put her cup down saying: "Ooooh that tea has gone straight through me, I must be getting old, I think I need a wee."

With that she got up and disappeared up to the bathroom which was strange in itself as we had a downstairs WC.

"Your gran had bladder troubles, she is getting on now you know, 54 next year." I said smiling at my granddaughter.

"You want a biscuit with that hot chocolate?"

"Please Gramps, thanks."

I could hear her rummaging through the basket upstairs as I walked down the hall to the kitchen.

"I am getting Drew a biscuit, you want anything love?" I shouted up the stairs.

"No, no I'm fine." Came the flustered response.

Leanne re-joined us in the lounge, and we all agreed on a nice earring/necklace set. We made up the difference on the cost as she didn't have enough. I gave Drew a lift home when we were done, it only took 30 minutes as they only lived across town, but in my mind it was enough time for my dear wife to hide any evidence of her day off at home. All I could think of on the drive back was (clean sheets, hidden lingerie?)

When I got home, she carried on as normal as any other night, was I wrong in my suspicion? We watched a little TV, and she cuddled up to me on the sofa, much the same as any other night. I needed to see inside that basket again so made my excuses of being a bit tired,

"I'm off to bed love, I am knackered."

"Ok, you go up and warm the bed I'll be up soon. Nice clean sheets tonight."

I trudged up the stairs hoping to god I was wrong in my suspicions and opened the laundry basket. It was as I had left it, minus the lingerie.


I undressed and slipped into the fresh linen, there is nothing like fresh sheets to make all your woes disappear but tonight they didn't help a bit. Leanne came up ten minutes later and got in snuggling up to me. I felt her hand slide across us, and she felt for my dick,

"Not tonight love, I really am tired."

"I bet I can change your mind and wake you up."

"I said NO! not tonight."

She abruptly took back her hand,

"Are you ok John?"

"I am tired, not tonight ok."

I turned over facing away from her and tried to sleep, it didn't come easy. She kept cuddling me by spooning but I moved over every time she tried. She eventually got the message, I was still awake at 2,30am and moved into our spare room with my pillow.

I must've drifted off because I awoke at 9am, she had gone to work. There was a note next to the kettle, "John, I did not wake you as you said how tired you were. Why were you in the spare room? Are you ok? You seemed a little off last night?"

"A little off!" I said to myself, "Fucking bitch!"

I made myself a tea and sat contemplating what to do, my mind was still no clearer.

"She has to be cheating on me, why would she hide the lingerie. It can only be that, how long?"

We had been married near thirty years and I never suspected a thing. Our love life had dwindled but that was only natural for people our age. We still made love occasionally, maybe twice a month but not with the intensity of youth, and oral had become almost non-existent. I loved her more than life itself and so hoped I was wrong, but I had to find out for my own sanity.

I decided to search the house, I had 6-7 hours before her return. Surely, I could find something by then if there was anything to find.

I had another tea and a light breakfast putting off my search. I wanted to look but didn't want to in case I found something. In the end I could put it off no longer and started in our bedroom. I sat on our bed, it was immaculately made up and wondered where to start. Her drawers were the obvious starting point, but I had to be careful, I could not let anything be out of place when I finished.

I used my phone to take a picture of each opened drawer so it would all go back identically. I did the same with her wardrobe. I felt a little dirty going through her stuff like this, but I needed to be certain. I found nothing, nothing out of place, no extra panties I had never seen, nothing.

Next her laptop, we knew each-others passes so that would be no problem. Again nothing. Maybe I was wrong, but why hide the stockings then take them away to hide them better, and where were they now?

I searched the whole house and nothing, not even the incriminating stockings. My mind went to stories I had read on the internet and how to get evidence, so I looked up some surveillance methods on my phone. I was shocked there were thousands of things available. I had to find out one way or another, I just prayed I was wrong.

I settled on a small camera device with a phone app, the only problem was a power source. How on earth would I hide it, it had to be plugged into the mains, I'd worry about that later. I made a few calls and the one I wanted was for sale only a few towns away. I still had time and drove to the shop, I drew out enough cash and bought two cameras. They were very small, only 25mm across with small 2mm cable but they would still be seen out in the open.

I got home with an hour to spare so I tried just standing one on the fireplace, then on the windowsill, each time it stood out like a sore thumb. I had to wait until I had more time to get it placed perfectly tomorrow.

It was now 4pm and she would be home soon, I was no better off than last night. I still knew nothing except that she hid the lingerie, in my head I was convinced she was cheating.

I heard the key in the door,

"Hi love I am home, did you miss me?"

Leanne came in just like any other day, no change of character, nothing. She reached up on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on my lips.

"What's for dinner then?"

"Shit! I hadn't even thought of that, the day flew by."

She walked into the kitchen and put the kettle on glancing out of the window,

"I thought there would at least be washing on the line going by your big talk about doing stuff around the house. What have you been doing all day?"

I had to think on the spot quickly, "oh I popped into the café this morning, had a kip and caught up on office paperwork this afternoon."

I knew I didn't sound convincing, but I hoped she wouldn't query it. she didn't.

"How are you feeling today, I hope a little better? Why the spare room last night?"

"I think I got overtired and just couldn't drift off, plus your snoring didn't help so I ended up getting a few hours kip there."

"Good, I am glad you got a bit of rest, you might need it. I have a feeling you might get lucky tonight!" she winked at me then made her way to the lounge.

Shit! Did I put the packaging away, I rushed in to find I had, crisis averted.

Again, that evening went like any other in our marriage, I really started to question myself. She was as normal as ever, maybe a little fruitier than normal but then she had said earlier about nookie tonight. We watched some TV as normal then the News at Ten on the BBC, at the end I said:

"Ok I am off to bed, are you staying up or are you coming up?"

"I'll be up in five, you go up I won't be long."

I went up and I could swear I could hear her talking, I crept to the top of the stairs and listened, again nothing. My imagination was driving me insane, I heard the TV turn off so I got back into bed as quick and as quiet as I could.

Leanne came into the bedroom, and I pretended to be asleep. I felt her naked body nuzzle into my back and her hand creep around my torso. She found my limp cock and started to fondle me,

"Don't pretend you are asleep, I know when you are asleep."

My cock betrayed me and started to harden in her grasp. "That's better, at least little John is happy to see me."

Little? Was that it, she wanted bigger? My cock started to soften again as I thought of her with another,

"What is wrong love? You are shrinking on me?"

"Sorry, I guess I am just tired again. I replied.

She let go of me and got out of bed, I sighed a breath of relief, but she came around to my side and opened the covers.

"Let's see what we can do shall we?"

She leaned in and took my now limp cock between her lips and into her mouth.

"Love stop! you don't need to do that. I know you don't like to, its ok we can just cuddle and sleep."

"What the fuck is wrong!" she said quite angrily, "You never say no to a blowjob!"

"I haven't bathed today, I might be smelly down there."

She leant back down and took me into her mouth again, my cock stayed soft and after two minutes she stopped.

"What the fuck is going on John?"

"Sorry love, I just don't feel like it tonight."

"You said that last night too, you haven't made love to me in well over a month. What is your problem?"

I wanted to say "YOU!" but I didn't, I bit my tongue, "Nothing, I just really am tired again."

"You were tired last night, and you said you slept today too! And tired now, I want you to go to the doctors tomorrow ok, no buts, you are going!"

I again I crept into the spare room when she eventually drifted off. I now knew there was something going on, she NEVER offered a blowjob. It was only after pleading from me and even then, it was done very reluctantly and with no love. I formulated a plan on my spy cameras while I lay awake.

Next day another note, this one seemed more concerned though, mostly about the doctor.

The camera had double sided tape so it could be fixed to a static position easily, I decided to take the smoke alarm down from the lounge ceiling and make a small hole under it to poke the power cable through. I went upstairs to the spare room directly above the lounge, if my calculations were right the cable would come up below the bed. I pulled the carpet up and drilled a small 20mm hole in the floorboard. This was a two-man job I could not for the life of me get to the cable. I ended up with the help of a wire coat hanger to get it through eventually. I hid the excess under the carpet and refixed the plug. The bed had a socket underneath, so it was perfect and completely hidden upstairs.

Back downstairs I attached the spy camera to the side of the smoke alarm, it looked good, not out of place and in plain view. I opened the app to check on the picture, perfect. I had an uninterrupted view of the whole room. I did the same in our bedroom but this time to the PIR in the corner of the ceiling, the power source coming from the loft. That's when I found her case, just above to the side the trap-hatch was a small pink carry case I had not seen before.

I took it from the loft, she must not have had time to hide it properly. I was dreading opening it, my fingers were actually shaking as I opened the zip. Inside were the stockings and belt along with sex toys and tons of lingerie, a pack of condoms and a mobile phone.

"Fuck you Leanne, fuck you!"

The first thing through my mind was the amount of times I had asked her to dress up for me only to be refused, yet here was a case full of it. I felt sick.

I tried the phone, it was security locked by thumb print or a six-digit number.

"What would her number be?" I tried her birthday, wrong. The kid's birthday dates? I entered 16-22-13 in order of their dates, wrong, "Fuck it!"

One more attempt before it locked up on me, surely not our anniversary not on a secret mobile. With shaky fingers I tapped in 28-12-93. The screen lit up, a young man's face stared back at me. I recognised him but couldn't place him. Suddenly I was overcome with emotion, the past few days had caught up with me and I fell to my knees sobbing. I started to shake uncontrollably and leaned back against the wall clasping the phone.

Suddenly a male voice broke the silence.

"Hi Babe, what do you want this time of day, do you need more cock already?"

The shock of the voice brought me to my senses, I had miscalled by mistake while holding the phone, "Lee are you there, say something?"

It was him, the voice on the phone, him. I quickly broke the connection and threw it to the floor. My sobs came back with a vengeance, I couldn't breathe, I felt the taste of bile coming into my mouth and rushed to the bathroom. I heaved and heaved but nothing came out, I was a mess. Crying, gasping for breath and shaking with anger now.

I stood from the toilet and glanced at my reflection in the mirror, "Fuck, was that me?" My face was swollen, my eyes red raw and phlegm on my chin dripping to the floor. It was right at that moment I realised I knew the voice, it was Darren, my son's best friend.

My whole world fell apart at that moment of realisation, my breathing became shallow, I felt a pain in my chest and collapsed to the cold bathroom floor, the room seemed to be getting darker and I blacked out.

I had such a pain in my head, I sat up wondering where I was for a moment until it all came flooding back with a bang. A phone was ringing in the distance. I shook myself awake and tried to stand, I was unsteady and held onto the basin for leverage. My hand was covered in blood, as I stood the dreaded mirror came into view showing my reflection. My face was dripping with scarlet, I panicked and picked up the nearest towel. I had a gash to my forehead about 5cm long, I must've hit it when I assume I fainted.

I did my best on a clean-up, I ruined the white fluffy towel and dumped it in the trash in the kitchen. The phone went off again, it was my phone. I had left it down here while doing my DIY. I picked it up to see eight miss calls from Leanne.

"Fuck you!" I hissed at it and put it in my pocket.

I cleaned and bandaged my head hoping the blood was stemmed and I did not need stitches at the hospital.

The bag, I needed to see the bag and her mobile phone. I headed a bit unsteadily back up to the spare room, the bag was open, and the condemning evidence was there to see. The phone was on its side leaning against the skirting board. I picked it back up and typed in the code, His face was sneering back at me again, "The cunt, I will kill this cunt."

The call log showed he had called back three times but nothing for the last hour or so. I opened the text messages with a heavy heart dreading the contents. My very worst fears came crashing down like a ton of bricks onto me. The log was full of messages to and from Darren, my heart sank as I read them. I hated every second of them, but it was compulsive reading, near all were sexually explicit with what they had done and were going to do. The slut had been cheating with this "boy" for ages going by these time stamps, at least a year.

The call log showed she had rung him last night, "I fucking knew it, I wasn't going mad!" she must've put the phone back into the bag this morning before I woke up.

Ping! A text came through on my phone, it was her.

"You feeling a little better today? Are you ok? Don't exert yourself today, just rest. I will pop home soon, I forgot some paperwork for the office. See you in about an hour. xxx."

He must have rung her on her normal phone to ask why she rang him, she must be panicking now thinking I have found the phone. She wants the case.

I quickly took her phone out again and copied the text to my phone deleting the trace, then out of curiosity opened the picture app. I so wish I hadn't, the first picture was of an erect cock covered in sperm, with the tab "Yummy."

There were loads of video files showing him ploughing her into the mattress, MY mattress! In every position possible and her sucking his cock to completion swallowing every trace of his seed, ALL had her in some state of undress in lingerie with stockings. All this with a kid half my age! In one video file he took great delight in showing the camera a tube of anal lube, the look on my wife's face as he entered her, I think they used it for this too.

I started heaving again my stomach was hurting and churning but I could not bring up anything. My anger overtook the grief and my desire to kill them both rose to the surface. I didn't need the surveillance equipment after all my work, I ripped the cameras from the ceilings and smashed everything I could lay my hands on. Every picture, every vase, everything that was not bolted to the floor was thrown at the walls. I moved into my bedroom and looked at my bed, my sanctuary. I ripped the perfectly made sheets from the mattress throwing them from the window into the garden.