Betrayal Ch. 03

Story Info
Tim fights for custody and plots revenge; so do his nemeses.
18.9k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/03/2021
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There is no sex in this chapter. It clarifies issues and builds characters, determines paths more firmly, and sets the stage for subsequent chapters. It is long and contains significant dialogue. It's fiction, so don't expect the letter of the law to be followed.

When Chapter 2 ended, Tim's wife, Karen, was exploring her love of sex: 'You're right, Tim: I am fucking insatiable!' she cried out as she strived for her next release.

* * * * *

Sunday, the third day after the winter storm

At eleven Tim gathered his young sons around their Children's Bible; Laura and Will joined, and they spent a few minutes in bible study and prayer. The boys were asked to talk to God through prayer, and they prayed simple prayers that mommy was all right, that no one was hurt in the storm, told God they loved him and his son, and they all joined in saying Amen and Amen! May it be! They ended their Sunday worship service with the Lord's Prayer.

After the short service, Tim put their Bible and Book of Prayer away, and told the boys they were going to go play at a park and then go eat.

Although his anger was still front and center, after his sons prayed that their mother was okay, Tim scaled it back and turned his attention to determining the safety of the mother of his children. Tim called Andy, but received the busy signal that indicated communication lines were still down.

The adults bundled themselves and the boys for the cold weather, and took them to Landa Park to play. Laura hovered near the boys, seemingly concerned about them running the 100 yards to the river and falling in before someone could stop them. Meanwhile, the men reminisced about their experiences growing up in south Texas.

When the boys stormed up to announce they were hungry, Tim offered to buy everyone lunch at the dining establishment of their choice, as long as it had a children's menu. They went to their old favorite, Krause's Biergarten and Cafe.

They returned to Will and Laura's house by way of Karl's store. He had the film developed and the videos copied. Tim paid him, they each picked up a box of tapes, and Karl stopped him. With a deep frown, he cautioned Tim, "Don't watch the videos. You already know what you need to know, you have the evidence you need to get custody of your kids, and believe me, seeing these will only make you miserable. No, I didn't watch them, but I had to check to be sure they copied properly, and... well, just don't watch them!"

Tim thanked Karl for doing this so quickly, told him he would keep his warning in mind, and left, knowing full well that he would watch each and every tape, even those his wife wasn't in. The need for vengeance against JW and the other men was too great, and he needed every bit of information and evidence he could gather to inform and guide his planning.

They chatted about nothing at all as they drove; everyone was intent on ignoring the elephant in the boxes in the bed of the truck.

The phone was ringing when they walked into the house. Laura answered, and handed the phone to Tim, whispering, "It's Andy". Tim greeted his friend and counselor, and then said "The boys will be glad she's okay -- just a minute.

Hey, guys, they found Mommy and she's okay! She got so cold that she caught the flu, though, and she needs some medicine and rest, so we're going to stay away from home for a few days because she doesn't want us to get sick." The boys celebrated, and Laura took them into the living room, gave them some of their toys to play with, and then rejoined Will.

They watched their friend's expression as he listened, trying to read how what he was being told affected him, but his face remained stoic until a small smile lit his face.

"Wow! Almost makes you believe in Karma! What does the Sheriff's office believe happened?" Tim asked, and then remained silent for several minutes again. "The fire department, PEC, the insurance people -- everyone agrees?" Will noticed that his friend got a smug look when he heard Andy's answer.

"Anything said about the trucks, Andy?" Tim was silent again, but a smile played around his mouth.

His expression changed to one of inquiry, and...something; maybe well-controlled anger? The anger became more evident as Andy continued to talk.

Finally, Tim's frustration bubbled over: "So that's her fucking story? Does she think I'm a goddam idiot? I know she's been playing me for a sucker for months, but damn! She couldn't come up with something better than that? That bitch has no respect for me! Zero respect! Well, she's about to get a dose, and her fuckbuddies are going to get an ass full!"

Laura looked at Will, shook her head, and whispered, "Remember that night you were drunk on Tequila and told me stories about Tim, the Tasajillo posse, the ratones, the drug dealers, and all that -- was that true?" Will nodded yes, closed his eyes, and templed his hands in front of his chest as if in prayer.

The timbre of Tim's voice showed he was at the edge of control when he addressed Andy again. "Look, I'll be under control by tomorrow afternoon when we meet with The Slut. I'm not promising anything if I encounter the slutmongers at school, but I'm going to take a bunch of deep breaths and do yoga or something before I go in tomorrow at noon. In the morning I'll get all the banking stuff done like you told me to, and I'll swing by before I go to work so you can calm me down if I'm still pissed."

Andy started speaking; Tim got quiet again for few minutes, and then stated firmly, "Oh, we're going to file the fucking papers! Are you shitting me? We aren't coming back from this, and I want full custody of my sons! We'll fuck the others over later, but tomorrow is all about Karen!"

Andy talked longer, Tim reluctantly agreed they should go slow in order to entrap all of them, told him to hire whoever was needed, and they hung up.

Will held his palms up in the universal gesture for "So?" Tim checked to make sure his boys were occupied, and told Will and Laura the story the police had told Andy. Will sat in awe for a moment after the story ended, and then asked, "They concluded it was all an act of God, and, since everything burned up, there is no evidence to the contrary; do I have that right?" Tim nodded in reply, with a mean smirk disfiguring his face, and the two men broke out in belly laughs that went on until Will gurgled out, "Well, at least you didn't shoot their asses when they ran out the front to escape the fire in the back!" Then they roared in laughter all over again.

Laura watched them suspiciously until they regained control. "Should I ask if perhaps the weather was not solely responsible for whatever happened Friday night?" "No, you shouldn't ask!" her husband replied, before he and Tim collapsed in laughter again. Laura knew she could get Will drunk and fuck the true story out of him, so she let that go and asked Tim to tell her what Andy said after that. He rehashed Andy's meeting with Karen when he went to check on her, and her version of what happened.

Laura looked askance at him: "It sounds sort of plausible; I assume you have reason to believe it isn't?" Tim assured her he did have reason, and that it would be used against her if she continued to lie. "Laura, I intend to turn my cheating wife into my cheating ex-wife as soon as I can, but I also intend to severely punish the others involved. Be patient and I'll keep you both updated.

Unfortunately, because I do SO enjoy the company and the beauty of my surroundings here," Tim said while openly leering at her, "we need to get back. I'm getting a hotel room near my bank and my lawyer. I have a lot to get done between nine and noon tomorrow."

His friends were disappointed, but helped him load everything up, and strapped his sons in the back seat. He and Will exchanged hugs before he turned to Laura, gave her a big hug and a sweet kiss, told her to take it easy on Will, and reminded her he was available at a moment's notice if her hormones got too badly out of control and Will couldn't take care of her.

She giggled, slapped him on the arm, and moved over to hug her husband. "He's better and stronger than he looks; I think we'll be fine, but he has your number if necessary!" Will laughingly assured her he would give it 110% effort, and pray that was enough.

Tim pulled away, thankful that he had such great friends, and more than willing to forgive anything Will and Karen had done in the past.

*** Sunday: Andy

On the way home after his encounter with Karen, Andy guiltily replayed in his mind what just happened and almost happened. He knew he was being seduced and he knew why, but she was so exquisite he almost gave in anyway. Thinking about how beautiful she is, the gorgeous body she had enticingly unveiled for him, and the great relationship she and Tim had enjoyed before, he had doubts about the plans they had devised in the heat of anger.

Disregarding his misgivings, he had all the information Tim wanted from the police, the electricity and phones were on, so he called Tim as soon as he got home.

Even though he had steeled himself for the conversation, he was really nervous and conflicted. After relating the story of what law enforcement found when they arrived on the scene -- burned buildings, high lines, and vehicles, and eight nearly frozen people - he told Tim they had concluded that the evidence suggested a storm-related act of nature.

That conclusion was reached by the Sheriff's department in cooperation with the fire department and electricity provider, based on the evidence available: the dangling electric line; four vehicles so badly burned only the metal frames were left; the charred ruins of a shed; and a pile of rubble where the house once stood that consisted of ashes, charcoal, and the metal remains of appliances.

The physical evidence seemed to be verified by the story the owner told, so the authorities moved on to the many other decisions they had to make after the storm. The evidence was so compelling even the insurance investigator was satisfied.

Tim shrugged his shoulders and said that it was Karma. Andy replied the fire may have been, but the conclusion they reached was both good and bad. Good because he could quit worrying about being arrested for trespassing and arson, but bad because it made using the photos and videos as evidence problematic: how could he explain having them? Tim's reaction was expected; he ignored that loss of evidence in favor of implementing the plan for vengeance.

Andy cautioned Tim about letting his anger and desire for revenge cloud his judgement, and then asked if he was absolutely positive that he wanted to go through with the plans, and the divorce. Andy reminded Tim that she was a beautiful woman with whom he had a strong and loving relationship until this happened, not to mention that she is the mother of his children. Perhaps with counseling she could overcome whatever demons were plaguing her, and with couples counseling they could get back to the same state of marital bliss they had shared.

Andy admitted, "Look, Tim, you know that I've never recovered from my divorce, and I don't want you to experience the sorrow and angst I live with every day. Perhaps if I had kept my cool and given her a chance to explain, I might have been able to salvage my marriage to the love of my life. Maybe not, but by trying to destroy them instead of listening to her explanation I lost my wife and children. I don't want that to happen to you!"

Tim adamantly refused to even consider the possibility, and told him to without any uncertainty to draw up the papers so he could sign and file all of them tomorrow! Andy sighed, and told Tim straight up that, if he wanted to follow that course, he needed to hire a private investigator to wire their house and phone. With the possibility of using the videos gone, the PI would need to gather any evidence of her continuing misbehavior, and they would need that evidence to be rock solid if he wanted primary custody of the boys. He explained that they needed that information in hand before he filed the documents that would start a shitstorm larger than the winter storm that brought all this to light. He told Tim he knew just the man for the job, and maybe he could get him a discount, because he definitely wasn't cheap!

Tim quickly agreed, asked Andy to call and set up a meeting with the PI after their conference tomorrow morning. Andy suggested he come home now and talk to his wife, but Tim said he wasn't ready.

Andy had vision after vision of Karen while he tried to finish the revised documents. He decided he wasn't going to get anything accomplished with her memory robbing all the blood from his brain and directing it to his prick, so he went into his bedroom. Lying naked on his sheets, he conjured up visions of the woman he had lusted after since they met several years ago, and whom he had seen naked so recently. His heart racing, his hand a blur over his KY Jelly-covered cock, he cried her name loudly and shot his sperm all over his belly and chest.

Crushed now by guilt, he reached a decision on his next steps, and called the woman he thought was the best family law attorney in the region, maybe the state: Patricia Haussmann.

*** Monday

At 8:15 the next morning, Tim took his sons to the 'drop-in' daycare center close to their motel, got them situated, and went to the nearby bank. He divided the money from their checking and savings into his and hers accounts, and cancelled their bank credit card. They had two $5,000 CDs so he removed Karen from one and himself from the other.

He went from the bank to Andy's, planning to review and sign all the documents, and to assure Andy he was all business today. To his surprise, a very attractive woman - perhaps 40-45 years old or so, he guessed -- was sitting with Andy. "Tim, let me introduce you to Patricia Haussmann. She and her husband Jimmy are among my best friends, and she's the best family law attorney in the state; she also your attorney for the purpose of your divorce."

Tim's confusion was evident, so Patricia explained. "Without betraying client-attorney privilege, Andy gave me the basics of your case on the phone last night and asked for my help because, well, it is complicated. If you agree, Andy will handle everything related to the 'gentlemen' involved, and I will handle anything related to your wife. You will get better representation at the same cost, and Andy will escape being put between two friends: you and your wife. How does that sound?"

Tim nodded and looked at Andy, who looked uncomfortable under his cool exterior. "I assume privilege still applies to Andy, as well as you, Mrs. Haussmann?"

"Please call me Patti, and yes, it does. Andy, would you leave us for a few minutes while Mr. Kelly takes me through his situation?" Andy left; Tim took 20 minutes to retell the tale, and answered clarifying questions from his new attorney.

Andy knocked on the door, and told them the PI would be at Tim's home in 10 minutes. Patti said she would be representing him in the afternoon meeting with his wife, but it would still take place here in Andy's home office. He thanked her for 'joining my team', and turned back to Andy. "I could tell she got to you when you called yesterday. Let me ask you this: do I need to add your name to the list? Because if I do, seems like a pretty bad conflict of interest for you to be representing me against her lovers."

Andy blanched, and then turned red. He finally raised his eyes to face Tim's stare, and answered, "No, but she is temptation incarnate. We can talk about it another time, but right now you need to meet the PI and his technician at your house. He should be there in five minutes, so go let him in, get directions on the use of the devices, go on to work, and let them do their thing. We need today to be as normal as it can be, so don't start shit at work that we have to stop and clean up."

It was only 20 minutes to the high school, so he had at least 20 minutes to spend with the PI and Tech.

Sunday afternoon Tim had informed the assistant principal, Chet, who was also his best friend on the staff, that he would not be in until after 11:30. Chet informed him that school was not starting until 10 anyway, so he would cover his only class that morning with the ISS teacher because no one was assigned to the suspension center. Tim promised he would be there for athletics period, and asked if Chet could be in the coaches' office when he walked in at 11:40. Chet agreed without asking why, but asked if he needed to bring his baseball bat or his pistol; Tim replied, "If they say word one, you will need both to drag me off a couple of those assholes."

He needed the full twenty minutes to meet and show the techs around the house so they could set their devices up inconspicuously, and then learn how to retrieve and change the tapes.


After checking in at the high school administration office, Tim and Chet made their way to the coaches' offices and dressing room. Seeing that JW and Frank were in Steve's office when he walked by, Chet walked into the office and struck up a conversation. Tim continued into the coaches dressing area, greeted the other coaches, and got dressed for athletics period.

Chet and Frank left when the coaches gathered the kids, gave them instructions, and then sent the linemen to the weight room, and the backs and receivers outside to do agility, speed, and skill drills. Tim and two other coaches led the players going outside, while Rodgers, Slaughter, and the boy wonder Slaughter had hired this year went with the linemen to the weight room.

Tim acted no differently than any other day, leading the players through agility and skill development drills, before practicing the offense.

The players and coaches changed back into their 'school clothes' after the workout, and everyone began the rush to wherever they ate lunch. Tim walked out talking with his friend Gary about the effects of the storm, but Slaughter called out to him just before he got out the door. "Coach! Coach Kelly! Can I have a minute with you? Come on into my office."

Tim quietly told Gary, "Do me a favor; hurry over and tell Chet to get back over here ASAP!"

Gary hurried off and Tim turned back; Slaughter held the office door open, and he found Roberson and Hughes waiting inside. Slaughter gestured to a chair between the other two, but Tim turned toward the couch along the wall. He removed the newspapers from his seat, folded them, and slid the recorder he had hidden in his hand in between the folds of the newspaper.

"Coach, we heard you weren't at home to welcome your wife when we finally got rescued, and we just want to make sure you don't have the wrong impression about what happened," Slaughter said sincerely. "The trip was a last minute idea. I wanted to be there for the game so I could help organize things if you won and that forced a playoff. JW volunteered to drive and we decided we should invite your wife, in case it was the last game of the season. She accepted, and we chipped in to pay for a babysitter. We should have listened to the weather forecast but we were in a hurry so we could watch some of the sub-varsity games and Karen could sit and talk with you for a while."

Tim's face was emotionless, his eyes boring into Slaughter uncomfortably. When Slaughter seemed to lose his train of thought, Rodgers chimed in. "We drove nearly all the way over there before we learned they had cancelled the games, so we turned around and came back. On the way back, we stopped at the house to check on the poker players that were there. We were supposed to play with them, but they decided to go ahead and play when we told them we were going to the game instead.

We still thought we had plenty of time before the storm started, so we were all in the house watching them play and having a drink when all hell broke loose! The electricity went off, the house and our pickups caught fire from a hot wire that was jumping all around. When the fire jumped to the house from the burning pickups, we ran to the boathouse and spent a miserable night in there, nearly freezing to death. Karen had on a light dress, so we gave her extra blankets to keep warm, but she got sick anyway and had to spend the night in the hospital because you weren't home!" Rodgers said accusingly.