Betrayal Ch. 05

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The action shifts to Tim's ranch and heats up.
39.2k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/03/2021
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Sorry this has taken so long -- sick wife to care for, but she's recovering now. No, not Covid.

No one under the age of 18 is engaged in sex in this chapter. Chapter 4 ended after Deputy Randy Jackson and Tim were ambushed while he was being taken home from the hospital. It was supposed to be a trap for the criminals, but...

Randy ran to his cruiser and radioed that information in, requesting an APB on the vehicles and warning they should be considered armed and dangerous. Tim stood outside shaking with rage: the SOBs had escaped again!

The sheriff, however, did not escape. The Rangers took him into custody without a fight and transported him to Austin for questioning. Randy and Tim gave statements to Rangers Boyd and Byrd, and then Randy took Tim to the Haussmann's home. After he escorted him inside, and they assured the assembly of concerned attorneys that they were all right, Randy left "to go have the most difficult conversation of my three-year marriage with my wife".

Andy and Patti stopped him, invited him into her office, and closed the door. Jimmy told Tim to meet him in the kitchen, carried Tim's small bag to his room, and returned to the meal he was cooking. He asked, and Tim recounted the events of the day. Jimmy shook his head repeatedly as the story proceeded, aghast at the lawlessness.

They heard a door open, and a sweet voice called out, "I'm here! Where is everyone?" Jimmy called "In here", and Tim hid behind the door. The gorgeous science teacher entered the kitchen wearing her 'school clothes': a modest dress and low heels. She asked Jimmy, "Why is a Sheriff's car outside?" Jimmy smiled, and Tim pounced on her from behind. She shrieked, twisted away from him, and then jumped into his one-armed embrace with a loud cry when she saw Tim grinning at her.

"You're home! Oh my goodness, it is SO good to see you, all dressed and walking around! How are you?!"

"Good enough to get out," he replied, still holding her lush body against his, "And it's good to see you in a more comfortable dress and heels. The last time I saw you..."

Jeanie poked him in the belly and shushed him, while cutting her eyes toward Jimmy. "See, Tim, I'd have gone the other way," Jimmy interjected. "Sure, she looks great today -- hell, she'd look great in a gunny sack -- but I'm still having flights of fantasy after seeing her in that Electric Blue dress and 4 inch heels!"

"You never mentioned having 'flights of fantasy' when I've worn that dress, Mr. Haussmann!" Patti stated in a cold voice, softened by a tiny grin.

"That, Baby," replied Jimmy in a deep voice while walking toward her, "is because I knew I'd see it on the floor before long. With Jeanie, it's all in the imagination."

"You better quit while you are ahead, Mister! Now I know why I got attacked several times last night!" Patti said with scrunched-up eyes, but the hint of a grin still on her full lips.

Alan and Randy had moved into the kitchen also. Both laughed, and Alan enthusiastically attested "She did cause 'flights of fantasy' where ever she went! Chad and I talked about it after she turned us down and we left the hospital, but I can't repeat what we said! Or describe my fantasy last night!"

"Unfortunately, I missed the sight." Randy added, "But the nurses that were on duty had plenty to say. I'm not sure a couple of them didn't have 'flights of fantasy' after she left last night!"

Jeanie's pretty face and neck got redder with each compliment, and the little you could see with her head buried on Tim's chest was now almost purple. "Maybe they are right, Jeanie. Maybe you should go clean up and put that blue dress on for supper," Tim said sincerely.

She frowned as she looked up at him and started to respond, but Patti exclaimed, "I think that is a fabulous idea! Will dinner be ready by 7, Master Chef Jacques?"

He nodded; the girls locked arms and swayed out of the room in unison. The men watched, transfixed by the quality of the asses sashaying down the hall, and Jimmy warned, "We've gone and done it now, boys; Patti loves a challenge! It's gonna be breathtaking, so prepare yourself!

Randy, how's about you call your wife, tell her to doll up, and come over for supper? I've cooked more than enough!" Randy looked stricken; all the enjoyment of the last few minutes was erased by the mention of his wife. "I...I...I don't think that is a good idea. We're having some problems and need to talk."

"Do you think a good meal will make the talk harder?" Alan asked. "I'd think an hour or two of conversation with new friends, a glass of wine or two, and it would be easier to have that talk. She seems to really love you, and it seems she is miserable about the whole damn mess. You can leave your patrol car here and pick it up in the morning or you can take it and we'll bring your wife's car to her early in the morning, right guys?"

Randy's equivocation played across his face, before resolve won out. "Can I use the phone in the office?" Jimmy nodded in approval, and went off to tell his wife about the invitation.

When he was gone, Tim asked Alan, "So...?"

"He's a client, so I can't talk about it, but let's just say he really, really wants the truth to be what it seems: she's the innocent who was intimidated and used by the evil sheriff. If she comes clean, convinces him that's the truth and she will never lie to him again, she's going to get to keep her husband and family. In my opinion, of course."

Sadness flooded Tim; he told them he was going to clean up and get dressed for supper, and walked away, thinking that his wife and his life weren't going to have that option. He was headed for divorce, probably a custody battle, a life without the one with whom he thought he would grow old, and possibly weekly visits with his sons, unless he unleashed the hounds of hell on his wife and destroyed her. There were no good solutions to their situation.

Unable to change his bandages with one hand, Tim settled for shaving, cleaning and rinsing himself with a washcloth, and dressing in tan slacks and a forest green sweater. He joined the other three men in the kitchen and accepted a cold beer.

The beef bourguignon was ready but the ladies weren't, so they stood around the kitchen and visited while they waited. When the doorbell rang Randy started to go get it, but Jimmy insisted he go greet the guest. He returned with a stunning 5'9" brunette with long hair, an olive complexion, and sky blue eyes, dressed in jeans, a sweater that showed off her ripe breasts, and high heels. She looked so young, innocent, and vulnerable that Tim's heart went out to her, and to Randy. He hoped she had been duped and extorted, and, unlike his wife, hated every moment of it!

Just as it softened his heart toward Jennifer, it hardened his resolve to utterly destroy the perpetrators, and to do it soon!

When he was introduced, Tim saw her stiffen, then look guiltily away; he knew she had put his name together with his wife, with whom she had engaged in sex on camera. He effusively greeted her, gave her a light hug, and offered her a kindly smile when she stepped away. Her features relaxed a bit as she decided maybe he didn't know, but she still looked nervous.

As she returned to her husband's side after exchanging greetings and abrazos in the Texas way, she clung to his arm. Randy smiled at her, but it was clear that he was also struggling; it showed in the stiffness of his body and in the tightness around his lips.

The entrance of Patti and Jeanie broke the uneasiness in the kitchen. Both looked good enough to eat in tight jeans, V-neck sweaters, and high heels, matching Jennifer. They rushed to her, introduced themselves, told her how cute she looked, and asked about her kids. Their conversation grew more animated as she talked about their two daughters; Tim pulled on Randy's shirtsleeve and motioned to follow him out the door into the living room.

"We can all see how tense you are, Randy, and if we can then I know your wife can. Let me give you some free advice, which will be worth every penny it costs: trust in her. Yes, she fucked up by not telling you, but, unless I'm a terrible judge of people, she's totally in love with you. Karen said she did the things the sheriff ordered her to do with great reluctance and many tears. What you need to do, in my opinion, is get her story, judge it the same way you would a suspect, and, if you believe her, forgive her. Make her telling you anything and everything that bothers her a commandment, and make every effort to gain her trust 100%.

You and I did nothing wrong, but both of us seem to have failed to make our wives trust us completely and without reservation, to have confidence that we will help them in any circumstances. If they had, neither would have been lured into this cesspool. I doubt I will get the chance, but you will: clear the air, forgive her, and make her trust you completely! "

Randy's countenance reflected his indecision, but he assured Tim he would give her the opportunity to come clean and explain before he made any decisions. They walked back into the kitchen with Tim's hand on Randy's shoulder, smiling, and Jennifer's look of concern disappeared; she reengaged in the conversation.

Master Chef Jacques announced ze souper was ready, and beckoned to the large table. They took seats as couples, with Jeanie beside Tim. The meal was delicious, and the Apple Tart Tatin served by Patti for dessert was sublime. Everyone but Randy and Tim had indulged themselves in the excellent wine, and they were babbling happily. Randy wasn't drinking because he had to drive his wife home, and had to lead an unpleasant conversation that would change both their lives and the lives of their children. Tim wasn't drinking because his doctors told him liquor and pain pills were not a good combination, and he wanted to be in full control of his faculties in these troubling times.

The group was still sitting at the dining table talking when the sound of gunfire erupted. Randy yelled for the women to get on the floor, crawl into the kitchen, and hide in the pantry. He pulled his pistol and told the other men to grab guns if they had them. Tim immediately crawled across the living room to the closet where he had stashed a rifle, a shotgun, a pistol, and an ammo bag.

He was crawling back, pushing the shotgun and ammo bag in front of him, with the rifle slung over his shoulder and the pistol in his right hand, when bullets smashed through the glass in the front door, and also through the glass in the kitchen windows. Jimmy had crawled into the pantry to retrieve a shotgun he had hidden there, and learned that the women had gone down the stairs into the cellar.

Tim gave the shotgun to Alan and secured a vantage between the dining and living rooms that gave him a view of both the kitchen and front doors. He yelled at Jimmy to watch the back door, which was triple locked and had an alarm. When they saw the flash of a gun and more bullets hit the kitchen windows, Tim returned fire with his rifle and Randy fired his pistol at the flashes. Tim shifted his attention back to the front door, and when he saw someone was trying to break it open, he fired twice into the door near the frame. He heard a yelp, so he fired twice more.

They remained hypervigilant, guns at the ready, heads on a swivel, but there was no more gunfire or attempts to break in. During the firefight, Randy had retrieved his handheld radio and called for backup, and they soon heard sirens. Randy updated the situation and within a few minutes there were spotlights roaming across the yard, followed by knocking on the door.

Randy went to the door with his gun in its holster; Tim kept his rifle at the ready, just in case. Two uniformed officers from the local PD came inside; they conversed with Randy, and two more came through the side door into the kitchen. Tim laid his rifle on the floor and stood up with his hands held even with his shoulders; Alan did the same with the shotgun.

The women emerged from the pantry, startling the two officers. Tim quickly explained that the women had been in the pantry since the shooting started, and the local LEOs apologized for pointing guns at them. They beamed in return, and thanked them for "coming so quickly to save us."

The security guard had been shot; it wasn't life threatening, but he was an off-duty cop, and the police weren't at all pleased. Tim knew that would further intensify the manhunt, and he moved off to the side while he considered whether he wanted them captured, or his hand.

Jimmy had caused quite a stir by reappearing from the back carrying his shotgun, but Randy diffused the situation and the detective who had arrived gathered everyone in the living room. They were offered the opportunity to tell what happened. Their attorneys, Patti and Alan, told the story, including a reference to Randy having brought Tim from the hospital and being asked to stay for supper.

The detective held up a hand with a worried brow and asked Randy if they were the targets in an attempted murder earlier that day; Randy advised him that they were, and the detective doubled-down on his concern. "So, these guys are serious about taking you two out, aren't they? Do you know who they are?"

Everyone looked to Tim, who looked at his three attorneys: "Shouldn't one of you... "

Alan replied that Tim was the right person to answer. He recounted a very brief overview of the events from the blizzard until now, excluding anything about Jennifer being in the porn films. When he mentioned the films Karen was in, he watched her for telltale signs. Jennifer blanched, grew wobbly on her feet, and looked at her husband. He put his arm around her shoulders, but continued looking at Tim.

The story told, questions asked and answered, the tired troupe told the officers goodbye, and then welcomed those left on guard duty to use the kitchen door to access the toilet as needed. Jimmy handed one a key, and the troupe returned to the living room.

Jennifer called the next-door neighbor in Jonestown who was babysitting for her, and she agreed to keep their children overnight at her house.

Alan was also staying overnight at the Haussmanns', leaving one bedroom in the five-bedroom house available for the Jacksons. Jimmy offered to show them to their room; Randy fell in behind him, and Alan, Jeanie, and Patti turned and proceeded to their respective bedrooms. Tim held back and motioned for Jennifer to come to him. She looked afraid, watching her husband's back.

"I think you've figured out that I'm Karen's husband, but I mean you no harm. Jennifer, tonight and tomorrow are very important to you; be honest with Randy, explain fully, and answer every question he asks fully and completely. If you do, I think things will be all right."

She appeared to be on the verge of tears when she quietly argued, "If I do, he will leave me! He can't ever know what happened!"

"Jennifer, he's a cop. He knows a lot more than you think. I'm warning you -- be honest!" Tim whispered back urgently, and then took her arm and escorted her toward their assigned bedroom before breaking off and turning into his. He watched her enter her bedroom nervously, and wished someone could have had that conversation with his wife when she first started down that road. Perhaps...


Saturday morning announced itself with the smell of bacon and biscuits, and the appearance of a grinning blonde announcing "Up and at 'em, Sleepyhead! Breakfast is getting cold!" Tim threw the sheets back and climbed out of bed without thinking, and only realized he was naked when he saw the look on Jeanie's face.

'Too late now', he thought, and walked nude into the bathroom. He glanced over his shoulder to check, and caught sweet Jeanie still ogling his nakedness. When he grinned and asked, "Like what you see?" she turned red from hair to chest and fled the doorway.

Timmy was greeted with laughter when he entered the kitchen, and Jeanie turned red again. "What did you do to this sweet girl, you pervert?" Patti asked. "She had been blushing ever since she returned from waking you up!" That evoked even louder laughter, and a deeper blush.

Tim shrugged his shoulders and held his palms up. "Me? I was sleeping when someone loudly and rudely told me to get up; I got out of bed as commanded and went to the bathroom. SHE's the pervet; she was ogling me from the moment I kicked the covers off until I escaped into the bathroom!" Randy, Jennifer, Alan, Patti, and Jimmy roared with laughter, and Jeanie turned purple with embarrassment, before sputtering, "I didn't know you would be sleeping NAKED!"

The roar reverberated as the others almost feel out of their chairs laughing, and Tim answered Jeanie with mock indignation, "A lady would have averted her eyes -- you ogled me, and you were blatant about it! You look all innocent and demure, but now I know better!" She first laid her head on the table while the others laughed uproariously, and then she gave up and started laughing too.

"See! There isn't a gentleman or lady among you!" Tim accused loudly. "If there were, you would tell her not to look at me like a piece of meat! I'm totally humiliated!" Jennifer took a sip of her coffee, looked him over, and saucily proposed, "Well, from what I can see, you don't have anything to be humiliated about...but I didn't see you NAKED!" They all roared again.

Tim gave up the ghost of pretense, grinned, kissed Jeanie on top of her head, and threatened, "Turnabout is fair play, you perve." He laughed when she turned red again, and went to the coffee pot.

"Scrambled eggs, bacon, and homemade biscuits with butter and peach preserves -- somebody knows just what I like!" Tim stated as he began loading his plate.

"It was The Perve!" Patti disclosed. "She got up, made coffee, set the table, and got everything ready to cook. She put it all on when she thought you would be getting up, and then went to get you because the rest of us are starving. Or, who knows - maybe because she just wanted to see you NAKED!"

Jeanie blushed again, and then, realizing that the harassment would continue until she fought back, she got up, walked over to the counter where Tim was piling his plate with hot food, slapped him on the ass, grinned up at him, and said "Nice butt, big boy!"

Tim feigned disgust: "A piece of meat! That's all I am to you -- just a piece of beefcake! Well, I'll have you know, Missy, I have a head way up here with eyes and all, and, henceforth, I expect to see you looking up here and not ogling my body all the time!"

Their audience roared, Jeanie popped him on the butt again, and sashayed back toward the table: "Quit eyeing my butt, you pig! If I can't look, neither can you!"

Mimicking his kids, Randy said "EWWW! Get a room!" The audience roared again, Jeanie shook her perfect ass at Tim, and sat down. Tim walked to his chair, which was next to hers, pulled it out, poked her on the shoulder, and shook his butt in her face when she turned toward him! He sat down and started eating with a straight face.

"You two are hilarious! You must really know each other well to be able to pull each other's chains like that!" Jennifer announced, laughingly. Tim was pleased to see her with some spunk this morning, and to see Randy gazing fondly at her when she teased and talked. Looks like somebody was going to get their happy ending; too bad his marriage wasn't.

Conversation was light and easy throughout their meal and the second pot of coffee that followed. Before they started cleaning the table, Jeanie announced, "My parents and my older sister Kathy are coming up this morning. They want to meet everyone, and then we're going shopping. They should be here soon; can you guys all stay until they arrive?"