Better Left to Fantasy

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After peaking wife's interest, husband has second thoughts.
3.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/13/2022
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This is a story about fantasy and cuckolding. A husband's infatuation with an idea that he may come to regret. If this is not your thing, please save yourself some time, and don't read it. If it is your thing, and you enjoy, please let me know.


It would be just a few days before Travis and Christie's 16th wedding anniversary when everything played out as it did. Looking back, Travis remembered the cliche saying, "Be careful what you wish for" and felt like truer words have never been spoken.

Travis and Christie met after being set up by her coworkers. They were both single, and working for the same company. For some reason, her friends thought they may hit it off. And so 16 years later, I guess you could say they did. They had a couple of kids, yet at 39 years old, Travis thought his wife looked as sexy as she ever had. 

Through a combination of good genes and a healthy lifestyle, Christie had always stayed in great shape. She was 5'7", just over 125lbs, and had an incredible 34D chest that made Travis hard every time he saw them. Though in no way conceited, Christie's breasts had always been a source of confidence for her, and she showed them off in a variety of tight-fitted t-shirts or casual button-ups she typically wore.

Over the years Travis had watched tons of guys ogling over her and had never minded at all. It had always been an ego boost for him. He felt proud of how gorgeous his wife continued to look throughout their marriage.

Though they'd seen their share of the typical ups and downs with their sex life, it was certain that both the time and intensity of the ups outweighed the downs. At certain points throughout their marriage, some catalyst would spark new energy and excitement to their love life, and they would feed off of this for weeks, enjoying some of the best sex of their marriage.

In recent years many of these catalysts came from Travis sharing some intimate fantasy he had and to her credit, Christie indulged almost every one of them. These fantasies had been a huge impetus for keeping the momentum of their sex life satisfying for them both.

There had only been one fantasy that she hadn't fulfilled for Travis, and he understood her reservations. It was difficult for even himself to try to make sense of why he fantasized about her being with another man.

And it wasn't just her being with another man: In many of Travis's fantasies, he was forced to watch her. He fully appreciated how absurd that sounded when he'd finally gathered the courage several months ago to share this embarrassing revelation.

Travis could remember that night vividly. It was a typical Friday evening, and after finishing almost 2 bottles of wine, he somehow managed to broach the topic as softly as he could. During the throes of their particularly wild lovemaking that night, Christie was on top of Travis, riding him hard and fast.

She looked down at him, seeing the look of sheer pleasure on his face, and seductively asked him what he was thinking about. It was a question she had asked frequently during sex, trying to entice him with dirty talk, and on some occasions, Travis would respond with some fantasy or thought that swirled in his head: about how he was picturing her cumming while watching her masturbate or imagining her finishing him in her mouth. Their typical bedroom banter often enhanced their love-making sessions, and in many cases, resulted in Travis finishing soon after.

But on this night, perhaps due to a combination of the many glasses of wine and the heat of the moment, Travis responded that he was imagining her getting fucked hard from behind. That in itself was not unusual. But after a follow-up from Christie to tell her more, he finally let it slip:

"With another guy," he said, caught up in the moment.

Christie stopped immediately.

"What?" she asked, shocked and confused.

Travis regretted it right away, but as Christie slowly resumed sliding up and down on him as if trying to draw the answer out of him, he decided to finally share the one fantasy he had withheld from her up to this point.

He began to tell her about how he often imagined her with another man while he was relegated to watching. She wasn't angry or judgmental, just seemed confused as she asked the questions one would imagine a wife would ask faced with such a revelation: Why would you want that? Don't you think you would be jealous? Don't you think that would ruin our marriage? etc.

All of Travis's answers attempted to ease her mind, and perhaps by some stroke of good fortune, warm her to the idea. However, he could read his wife well and while she didn't call him crazy or tell him she was disgusted by the idea, she certainly gave no indication she was in any way interested. Instead, they both simply let the discussion pass, and they awkwardly finished their now somewhat less passionate love-making session.

Neither of them brought the subject up again for several weeks, and Travis wasn't surprised. Truly, how many guys want to see their wife get fucked by another guy while he's forced to watch? At least that is what he was certain she was thinking. Travis, however, had been become quite familiar with the subject, having "researched" it well in the past via his online porn views. He knew that he wasn't that much of an outlier, there were certainly other men fascinated by it, at least according to what he read and saw online.

But eventually, the subject did come up again, and then again, and eventually they became more comfortable at least discussing Travis's interest. From Christie's perspective, it was a hard "no" at first, but over the course of several weeks, he felt like she may have become a bit intrigued by it as well. Or perhaps she was just really good at playing along for his benefit.

Once or twice, he even tried to slide it into their lovemaking discourse. Attempting to time it in a way that he convinced himself may somehow entice her, perhaps through the power of association, just as Christie was about to orgasm, Travis would whisper something about whether she was thinking of another guy making her cum. She would erupt shortly after, and he thought perhaps she may indeed be warming to the idea.

On one occasion, she had responded to him with a loud "Yes" before she climaxed, and Travis convinced himself that was a positive sign. Afterward, they lay together for several minutes before Christie began to ask many of the questions she had initially asked, such as: "Who would it be?"; "Where would we do it?"; and of course "Are you sure that wouldn't bother you? It could ruin our marriage". 

All good points and all ones Travis had spent weeks coming up with the answers he felt would most ease her mind. He assured her it was something he had thought hard about and definitely wanted, it could bring them closer together, it didn't change how much he loved her, it may take their marriage to a new level, etc.

The truth was, while he had thought about it non-stop for so long, thinking of ways to convince his wife, more recently he found it combined with slight apprehension. It still aroused him to no end. But ironically, on the odd occasion she indulged him with some dirty talk about it during their lovemaking, he wondered if he may have reservations if it ever did come to fruition. But he told himself it didn't matter, there was no way she would actually go through with it, no matter how much he tried to sway her. So he pushed those fears aside, choosing to simply focus on and enjoy the intense arousal just the idea of it all brought him.


Less than 2 weeks later, Travis and Christie were on a long-planned weekend get-away. Things had been hectic at home and work, and they were excited to get some time away from reality. The sex had been intense lately, and Travis hoped to capitalize on that momentum in a more intimate and private setting away from the fear of interruption from children.

There was plenty of wine, and just as it often had over the past few weeks, the topic of Travis' fantasy once again was brought up. This time Travis noticed Christie was asking for more specific details, particularly who would it be with? Travis suggested a stranger would be best, avoiding the chance of encountering them again or of them telling anyone they may know in their small town.

Christie understood the argument for it being a stranger, however, countered that they couldn't be sure a stranger would be safe, both from a physical standpoint or knowing that person's sexual background. She made a good case, and Travis found himself torn on how to overcome her reservations. 

After a few moments of silence, Christie spoke up: "What about Alec?"

That caught Travis totally off guard. For several seconds, he wasn't sure how to respond. Alec was Travis's best friend. Though due to distance, they didn't see each other as often as they used to, they were still very close and had carried a special bond since they'd been roommates in their twenties.

Alec was 6 years younger than Travis, just a year younger than Christie. He is the tall dark and handsome type and the epitome of an extrovert: everyone who meets Alec instantly feels like they've known him forever. However, that charm hasn't always served him well and Alec is on his second marriage, this one going not much better than the first.

Travis was shocked to hear her suggest his name, and a quick pang of jealousy hit him immediately. He didn't think Christie had just closed her eyes at this moment and suddenly his name came to mind. He wondered if Alec's name had perhaps been going through her mind for some time.

However, not wanting to derail the momentum he'd made, he tried to hide his surprise and responded:

"Really? Alec?" 

"Sure, I guess," she responded, trying to feign an equal sense of casualness as if his name just came to her.

"He's someone we already know, so feels safer. We know he's been married for a while so hasn't had a lot of recent sexual partners to be concerned about an STD or something. And I'm sure he would be honest and open if there was a concern." Then as if dismissing the notion, "Or do you think it would make it too weird on your friendship afterward?"

Travis thought for a minute, unsure how to respond.

"Hmmm. No, probably not. I guess that's an option," He responded slowly, trying to wrap his head around the idea.

He saw the slightest flicker in Christie's eyes as she took another sip of her wine. 

"Do you think he'd be up for it?" she asked, trying not to sound too eager.

"Well, I'm sure he would be up for it. I mean look at you!" It was true. Travis was certain that all of his friends had had some rather impure thoughts about his wife at one point or another.

"It's something to think about," he continued, deciding it may be best to end the conversation for now so he could think about this more clearly at a later date.

As their night continued, Travis and Christie relaxed on the bed of the small one-room cottage they'd rented, drinking and talking, with the TV flickering in the background. They flirted for a bit, Travis finding himself now avoiding the topic of his long-sought-after fantasy. 

By the time they were finishing their second bottle of wine, Christie was clearly feeling the effects of the alcohol. He noticed her words began to slur slightly and he noted that she was becoming more and more frisky. They kissed for several minutes, hands exploring one another's bodies. Travis knew the wine was working its magic on Christie's libido. Leaning over her, he slid his left hand into her panties. She was as wet as he could remember her being. As he lightly slid just the tip of his finger between her folds, Christie suddenly pulled away slightly and she opened her eyes.

"You should text Alec and see what he says,"

Travis felt a quick churn in his stomach. Ok, so I guess she's a bit more into the idea now, he thought. 

"Uh-huh," he replied, "Maybe after a bit," he said, trying to put it off. He returned to kissing her but slid his hand out of her underwear. She didn't press the point.

"Mmmm, hold that thought," Christie said, pulling away from her husband. "I have to go to the bathroom really quick,"

Returning from the bathroom a few minutes later, she asked: "Did you text him yet?"

"No, not yet," he replied, trying not to sound too firm. "Let's just think on it a bit first, then I will reach out to him," 

She let it go, though Travis thought he saw a hint of disappointment cross her face.

Nevertheless, she climbed on top of Travis and leaned down to kiss him. He could smell the wine on her breath and felt her lips pressing his harder than normal, her tongue exploring his mouth more clumsily yet deeply than usual. This was often the level of arousal Christie reached when she became quite drunk. 

She reached down and grasped Travis' cock, guiding it to her wet folds, and without any hesitation slid seamlessly down over him. They groaned simultaneously. Travis never got tired of how incredible he felt inside of his wife. Christie began to build up a steady rhythm. Before long, she was easing herself off of him until just his head was in her, before forcefully slamming down to take every inch of him inside of her. Travis could feel the intense sexual energy driving his wife. While it was partially driven by the amount of alcohol they'd consumed, he knew it was predominantly a result of the topic of discussion they'd danced around all evening.

Jealous or not, discussing Christie being with another man was still a huge turn-on. After several minutes of Christie relentlessly riding him, Travis pushed her off of him and rolled off of the bed. He grabbed her behind the knees and yanked her to the side of the bed, before rolling her over onto her stomach. Christie let out a gasp of surprise at how rough he'd manhandled her. Before she could speak, he grabbed her hips and slid her back toward him, her feet now planted firmly on the floor. Travis bent his wife over the bed. Pushing her ass up in the air, she flung her head around to look at him, hair flying to the side.

"Are you going to fuck me, Travis? Did I get you all worked up?" she asked in a sultry voice.

He sensed she was teasing him, perhaps even taunting him over her suggestion of his best friend having sex with her. With one hand pressing down on her lower back and the other guiding his throbbing erection, Travis kicked one of her feet further to the side, causing her ass to drop lower to better align with his cock. She let out a cry of surprise but regained eye contact with him immediately.

She looked at him with a grin that seemed to defiantly say, "Come on, do your best." He slammed his cock inside her and began to pound furiously. He wasn't angry with his wife, per se, but suddenly felt the urge to punish her for suggesting she fuck his best friend.

"Oh -- G-GOD ---- that -- feels -- SO - FUCKING -- GOOOOOD!" she wailed, her words staggered from the sheer force of his thrusts. "HARDER!"

Travis continued his assault on his wife's pussy, surprised by his stamina. He was as hard as he'd ever been, but still felt he had a lot left in the tank. He intended to give Christie the best night of sex she'd ever had, and it wasn't going to be soft and gentle.

Suddenly his thoughts were broken by a high-pitched breathless cry from his wife.

"I hope Alec's cock is even bigger than this!"

His mind whirled, trying to process what she'd just said. Was this just dirty talk, trying to role-play on his fantasy of her being with another guy? Or did she inadvertently blurt out a deep desire now planted in her head?

Despite his shock, Travis realized there was no denying how incredibly turned on he was by her obscene proclamation. He reached down and grabbed her by the hair, yanking her back toward him.

"Oh fuck!" she cried out, as he held her hair tightly.

"What did you say?" he asked, desperately wanting to hear her raunchy proclamation once again.

"You heard me, baby! I said I hope his cock is -- even -- bigger than -- yours!" she stammered, now almost panting between his thrusts. 

Travis's dick was throbbing now, and he thought he felt the room spin.

"Is that what you want, baby? Do you want to watch your friend fuck me with his big cock?"

Travis tried to ignore her comment and increased the pace of hammering into his wife.

"Come on baby, show me that's what you want. Cum for me if you want me to fuck your best friend! Do it now if that's what you want! Cum for me!" she taunted.

That was it, that sent Travis over the edge. Whether it was what he wanted or not, he had no way of stopping himself from exploding inside of her. He felt his legs falter from the intensity of his orgasm. Every nerve in his body was electric and he started to see black spots. For a moment, he wondered if he might actually blackout mid-climax. In his entire life, cumming had never felt this good.

After what seemed like minutes of unloading inside of his wife's convulsing pussy, Travis finally gasped for breath and fell forward, resting his head on Christie's back. She let out a long satisfied moan.

"Oh my god," she whispered, still trying to catch her breath.

Travis had no response and continued to lay over top of her.

"That was fucking intense," she said.

"Yea," was all he could get out, before finally easing himself off of her.

She turned to face him and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. They kissed softly for several seconds, then with a final sigh, she turned and headed to the shower.

Travis fell onto the bed and lay there looking at the ceiling. His mind raced with a wide range of emotions. He was stunned at how his wife had engaged so whole heartedly in the role play. He knew she had a lot to drink, which always made her horny and sometimes more raunchy than usual. But this seemed different, and Travis suddenly felt nauseous at the entire idea he had been dreaming about. That may have been some of the best sex of his entire life, but it was based on fantasy. It certainly didn't mean he wanted it to be reality. No, he thought, this was definitely something better left to fantasizing about. With that settled in his mind, he quickly drifted off to sleep with a satisfied smile on his face.

*** Part 2 to follow very shortly ***

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XceptionXception10 days ago

I enjoyed this story. Fantasy exploration and role play of deeply intimate nature are my fav. First part is my preference, but so well written, I will have to read part 2, even though I’m not into the reality of these scenarios.

ninjanoodlesninjanoodlesabout 1 month ago

I like your stories but i don’t like all of your characters. Or more specifically, i feel like you write decent protagonists with respect to what’s expected of the stereotypical lead role in the various oft explored plots you’ve covered, but i can’t help but feel like you give them the most horrible family members. Even when they’re supposed to be the “good guys” their actions suck and they treat the protagonist very badly. Even when their actions appear to be the right choice for the moment, read objectively, i believe they become unrealistic. Just a thought really. You do a pretty good job with taking these storylines that we’ve seen countless times and tackling them from a slightly different perspective, which makes them worth reading, i just hate their family members. Lol. Also, very often the plot collapses if these people would just communicate with each other. Case in point with this story, he determined that the fantasy is better left as fantasy, but fails to inform his wife before she takes over; he’s not at all into his best friend being the bull; and he’s clearly hurt by his wife hoping the BF’s cock is larger. If he spoke up, the story wouldn’t exist and i think that makes the depth of my buy in a bit shallow. It would’ve been too easy to avoid this conflict. Don’t be inept and talk to your spouse. Lesson learned. You know? Not to mention failing to ensure a ssfeword exists or some way of alerting your wife that you are no longer into this ‘fantasy’. Moreover, what kind of monster did i marry if my spouse doesn’t GAF that I’m not into it anymore and just plows ahead assuming, “hard dick = consent.” Which is tantamount to arguing that a woman orgasming while being raped is consenting to being raped. “Uhh…. Your honor, clearly it wasn’t rape. She came like a bunch of times.” Women lose their fucking minds when someone deigns to make this their defense in a rape trial and yet, they have zero qualms proclaiming, contrary to their partners objections, “ohhhh look at you! Good boy. Clearly he loves being my little cucky bunny. His little pee pees as hard as a rock.” Pot. Kettle. Black. You can’t have your fucking cake and eat it too. It’s one of the other. Either we release every rapist currently incarcerated out of prison due to the “cuck dick loophole” or go fuck yourself my dick also gets hard at golden girls but you don’t see me stalking retirement communities. Cunt. Lmao. I’m not really that mad. Just playin it up a bit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I have the fantasy of watching my wife fuck a guy with a bigger cock also. But I would definitely want it to be with a stranger. It would be so embarrassing for me if anybody we knew found out that I knowingly let another man fuck my wife. I also would want it to be bareback and then after he leaves get sloppy seconds. I think about this all the time while I am having sex with my wife. I just don't know how to bring it up to her. Hey, great story. Keep them coming. 5 stars!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

A 5 star story.

TrstxxxTrstxxx9 months ago

Very intense…but the comments on real life experience are just as good.

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