Betting the Bride Ch. 03

Story Info
The new finds herself in an erotic peril with her Uncle.
9.1k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/03/2022
Created 10/17/2008
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Chapter Three


After leaving Keith's office, Susan spent the afternoon piddling away the day with Debbie. If Deb was embarrassed about watching Keith and her that morning it certainly didn't show. Sue highly suspected and desperately hoped that Debbie didn't know she had seen her. What she knew for absolute certain was Debbie liked to watch. Of course Susan had no idea that she had already been the center of Debbie's attention the evening before when she had unwittingly played the starring role in the hot tub episode in what was, for all practical purposes, a private show bought and paid for Debbie's erotic pleasure.

What was even more a surprise to Susan at the moment was her own lack of concern about the fact that she and Keith had been caught in action. She was shocked that it didn't bother her more. In her little warped world she was living right then it seemed to only enhance the excitement. Had her morals taken that much of a low road for the moment?

Instead, everything that had happened earlier that day was not only vivid in her mind but was still leaving her tingling. It seemed that her hand was down between her legs every chance she got when she thought she was not being observed and that was plenty with Debbie sending her in and out of dressing rooms all afternoon.

"Try this on."

"Try that on."

"You don't want to look like an old lady when you interview. Let'm see some boobs!"

With the sexually tainted style of clothing Debbie was suggesting you would have thought she was going to interview as a hooker, not a teacher. Debbie read her mind.

"Don't think for a minute that those principals in the hiring interviews aren't going to pay more attention to your body than your resume. You may be a bit naïve, Susan, but you can't afford to be stupid!"

Susan knew deep down she was right. Even though the few outfits that Debbie selected for her as graduation gifts were professional they were also downright sultry. One dress in particular was outright sexy. Short, low left her more exposed than a bad cake! She would never have chosen it but Debbie insisted on it.

She had no idea Debbie was dressing her for a special job interview.

Susan liked them! It didn't hurt the thought process any that her thong was soaking wet and didn't seem to be in any great danger of becoming dry. As she nodded and said things Debbie wanted to hear as she spent tons of money, her mind was actually locked in on what Keith had said that morning.

She remembered him talking her into staying another day and making references about "showing her something magic" and "experiencing something really great", but she was at a loss and wondering how this was going to sit with Colin. She had been in the throes of orgasm when she had agreed to stay and now wished she could take it back. Hopefully, Colin would pull her out of this. They were already days late getting back to Dallas. She would love to leave that very night!

No luck! Or actually, nothing was being left to luck. Not with a sweet morsel such as Susan on the line...baited, fully hooked, and waiting only to be landed.

Susan got a call from Colin telling them that he was deep inside a very promising interview and the meeting would involve a dinner with the owner that would take him well into the night with another interview the next day. Colin was wondering if it was okay to spend another night.

Susan paled at her situation but agreed to stay. After all, his job interview was much, much more important than the twisted mess into which she had gotten herself involved.

At the moment she had no idea that Colin's extended "job interview" was just another arrangement between Debbie and a friend, a ruse intended to free up the evening for a special anticipated activity. Unknown to either Colin or Susan, Colin was walking into an interview that had, at the least, been padded by a phone call from Debbie prior to Colin walking in the door.

With Colin out of the way, Keith suggested the three of them meet for an early evening dinner and Debbie locked them in. She wanted to eat at her favorite Chinese place which was not too far from home. They didn't even bother to go home before meeting Keith. The meal was as good as promised, but the most interesting part was the times when Susan was sure Keith had his hands on Debbie under the table. Deb would go quiet for a few minutes and would rock gently in the booth beside him, her eyes appearing to glaze.

As soon as they got home a series of events began, making it an evening she was not likely to ever forget. Susan could tell by Debbie's voice that she was not totally recovered from the scene at the restaurant and Keith still had a bulge in his pants when he walked in the door. They made an immediate excuse that allowed them to go to their room. Before doing so Keith came up behind Sue, slipped one arm around her to cup her breast, and slid his other down to just above her knees, slowly coming back up her leg, pulling her short skirt up with it.

Her body and mind tensed.

"You will follow my directions without question tonight."

Her lack of response was unacceptable.

"Go with me tonight, Susan. I'll take you where you've never been."

His hands pinched her nipple and went under her thong to find her stiffened clit hidden in the gushing dampness. Neither had subsided since their mid day rendezvous. Susan had no power to say no, so she just nodded slowly and quietly.

"It's very important that you watch something. Be very quiet and enjoy." With that, he reached down and took her thong off, hiding it under a sofa cushion.

"These will only be in our way." Susan didn't miss the 'Our."

He guided her toward his bedroom, holding her hand. Motioning her to stay in the hall, he quietly entered his room, leaving a sizeable gap open with the door.

Debbie came out shortly and approached the end of the bed totally nude, apparently just coming out of the shower. She was appreciative when he gathered her up in his arms and gave her a long kiss, then turned her around so he could take her breasts in each hand. When his right hand dropped down between her legs and gave out a low whistle, she laughed.

"Yes, it's wet. All of this is exciting me almost as much as she is you. Have you had this hard on all day?" The hidden Susan knew the answer and so did she. He didn't lie, admitting it had been with him ever since Sue came into his office that morning.

Losing no time, he slipped his clothes off and lay back on the bed at an angle so that by looking to his left he could clearly see Susan and she could easily see everything, including Debbie's face. Protruding from Keith was that massive tool, sticking obscenely up in the air. When he held his hands up to guide her to mount him Sue was surprised that the look she saw on her face was more apprehension than anticipation.

She had been there before and obviously knew the perils of accepting him inside her. No matter how many times she had done it, each new episode was always an adventure. He reached between her legs and started rubbing her as she began the mount, maybe trying to manufacture as much lubrication as possible.

Slowly, it all unfolded in front of the partially hidden Susan.

Bent on her knees, Debbie took it in her hand and guided it between her legs. A slow rocking session began, barely visible at first, as she readied herself for the entry. Keith was watching her face closely and with his left hand slowly motioned for Sue to open the door wider so he could see her. She did so, amazed that all this was coming so natural for her now, with all sense of being caught swept aside by her voyeuristic side. She watched as Debbie was sliding him up and down her wet channel, lubricating him to the max.

Finally, she poised for just a second as she guided him into her then slowly started pressing down, accepting the leading edge of the head into her. Sue was fascinated with the scene. Within minutes her mouth was open and her face becoming contorted. Her hands slowly went down, the left pulling up her skirt above her waist and her right finding her clit in all that slippery dew. Keith was sharing his attention between Debbie's face and her, evidently torn between what was hotter.

Susan's vote went to Debbie. By now she had accepted the head and was slowly moving down the shaft and her groans that were getting louder and, Sue realized, not particularly in pleasure. An occasional grimace on Deb's face told Susan this was uncomfortable if not without pain.

Her appreciation of both of them increased dramatically as she watched them work together. As she provided a side show for him, Keith started a slow upward movement with his hips, impaling Deb a little deeper than she would might have gone at the time. Each time he did it, they were rewarded with a low, almost painful groan from her. He would look at Sue as if to say, "I told you it would be exciting."

Her hands were moving with fast steady strokes by then, not paying any thought of getting caught. Her legs were becoming Jell-O, hardly able to hold the weight of her swaying body. Days, even hours, before she would have never thought voyeurism could be so provocative, so exciting. Before now, it had been a dirty word.

Their experience at working together started to show as Debbie's movements and sounds took on a different tone. The slow strokes started to pick up speed and a tiny smile started to creep onto her face. Sue could see there was a lot of him left for her to take, even from where she was watching, but Debbie was changing tactics and the rhythm picked up speed a she went down a little further each time.

Her groans turned to moans and he began to join her with his mutterings. Sue know that she was right there with them, having to suppress any noise but continuing with her busy fingers. She had to lean against lean against the doorframe to steady her quivering legs, undeterred by the fleeting thought that she was even more exposed to Debbie. She could have easily seen her.

But she didn't. Debbie was making sure of that. Just as with the few incidents in the past few days that had been staged, so was this show. This was no fluke. It was a well planned and executed demonstration to arouse the new bride to a fever pitch, to make her resolve so weak there was no possible way she would shun the advances that were sure to follow.

A hard driving cock brought Debbie's thoughts back to her own situation. Suddenly, with no visibly long build-up, she suddenly threw her head back, moaned real loud, and started to come. When she did, she threw herself without mercy on his cock, impaling it all the way to the hilt as she bounced on top, swinging her head about as she continued. It wasn't quick. She came for a long time. It became too much for Keith and when he came with a series of grunts it took Susan over, too, jerking around and sliding down and away from the door as her weak legs deserted her.

In the bedroom, Keith whispered his appreciation to Debbie as she slowed down and eventually came to a full stop. Recognizing their decline, Sue pulled the door nearly shut and stepped back, feeling the terror again of getting caught. Inside, the couple had began a quiet conversation. Susan didn't want to stick around.

She quickly went out by the pool. A few minutes later Keith found her, without hesitation gathering her in his arms and kissing her deeply. As he slid his hand between her legs, he let out an appreciative "wow' and simply said, "That was only an appetizer. The best is yet to come!"

Debbie came out twenty minutes later, walking gingerly out to the pool with a slight rolling of her hips broadcasting her recent sex. Any man would have picked up on it. Sue had a new appreciation for her and now wondered where she stood in comparison to her. They spoke for a short while before Debbie asked if Sue would be terribly upset if she had to leave for a while. She had a previously planned engagement that she had almost forgotten.

She was no sooner out the door when Keith asked the stunned Susan to go put on the green negligee that he had bought her in Paris.

It was time the to say "No."

This had gone way too far already and, wet pussy or not, it was up to her to put an end to it.

She would have, too, if she hadn't been so sexually saturated, so mesmerized by the days events that all thoughts were guided from between her legs.

And that cock! My god, she still couldn't completely comprehend that it was a reality.

In her frame of mind she made the only decision that seemed even remotely viable.

As soon as she stood up from the couch to give in to his request, Keith knew right then that he was in total control...that she would do anything he asked. Now, it was just a matter of how far reaching, how imaginative his actions could take them.

She had nodded numbly, went to their room , and dug it out from where she had hidden it and put it on. She had to admit his taste was good. It looked really nice, being a very thin, almost gauze like light green material that tied together several times down the front with some little ribbon ties. Underneath was a very abbreviated transparent bra and thong that was of a darker green color.

When she came out, his eyes told her all she needed to know about his approval. Leading her, he had her sit down at one end of a small couch and he took the other end.

Instead of touching her, she was taken by surprise when he began to just talk. But that was where the two of them were at the time. She was totally infatuated with the man. He knew it and was now wanting to dominate rather than just seduce.

This was going to be fun.

" I know that the past couple of weeks have taken you totally out of your known world, and that I have taken advantage of you. What you need to know is that you have telegraphed sensuality ever since we've met. I'm sure I'm not the only man to pick up on it and won't be the last. I'm just the one that took a chance and moved on it. You've proven to me that, without a doubt, I was right."

"Susan Rogers, you want my cock in the worse way."

Susan blanched under the bold statement. It was bad enough that it was stated so bluntly. It was even worse that it was true. And they both knew it.

"I wanted you to watch Debbie and I tonight to show you something."

He spoke. Susan listened.

"The reason that I wanted you to watch is to let you know that sex with me is not easy, but when it works it is something that you will never experience with another man, no matter how much you love or want him. The other reason is I wanted you to see how attracted I am to you and how much you excite me. I intentionally had Debbie drain me so that we can start new. It will allow me to stay hard for you for a long time."

There was a quiver between her legs as he spoke softly. She wasn't too sure if it was from his honest outpouring, anticipation, or fear!

What was she suppose to do? Nod in agreement? Say "wow?" She remained silent and stared straight at his eyes.

Then he just quietly looked at her and said, "So, are you willing? Do you want me as bad as I think you do and as badly as I want you? I don't want you to feel forced."

Her prolonged silence must have been answer enough.

He slid over next to her and started kissing her as his hands ran over her body. He made nice comments about how sexy she was in that outfit and it was too bad he would not get to see them all. He stood up and took off his clothes and sat back down on the other end of the couch, lifting his right leg up over the back of the couch and dropping his other on the floor, leaving him extremely exposed, his cock hanging like a huge hose between his legs.

He spoke to her like a teacher speaking to a student.

"The first thing I want is for you to know how much I want you and how excited I get by being with you. I want you to start touching yourself, starting high at first then follow your instincts. We won't touch each other during this time. I want you to watch what happens."

He casually lay back against the arm of the couch and waited. She had no idea that he was holding his breath, hoping that the assuring façade he openly presented was not giving away the frailness of it all. For all his confidence, this was a "make or break."

It was an extremely awkward moment. He held his breath, thinking he had taken it too far.

Susan hesitated. This was all so bazaar, so totally surreal. My God, she was a newlywed, barely out of the ceremony!

If she hadn't already been sexually saturated from the past weeks, hadn't been riding this sensuous crescent, there was no way she would have been able to comply. But that was not the case. The current atmosphere, her present frame of mind, wasn't Susan Rogers the dedicated newlywed. Instead, it was Susan Rogers the sexually saturated and anticipating woman.

She moved her hands to her breasts and slowly caressed her nipples.

Any inhibitions she should have had deserted her. She felt like she was in one of those strip clubs, doing a private dance for him with the anticipated payoff not being bills stuck in her thong, but that massive cock driving into her pussy. After a few minutes she felt herself moving with her own touch, closing her eyes at times and staring deep into his at others. He never took his eyes from her, appreciating every move. Her fingers went from swollen nipples to slowly untying the little ribbons in front. She seemed to be frozen in slow motion, feeling no desire to hurry her show. After about five minutes, she watched him slowly start to grow.

As if she weren't already totally saturated with her situation, what she was about to witness totally submersed her, body and soul.

He kept his hands behind his head at all times, never touching himself. His eyes were closed slightly and his breathing heavy as he watched her. Slowly, his penis started to move slightly as if coming out of a sleep. By then she had her top wide open, her rigid nipples protruding fully through the nothing bra, and her hands had began a southern migration down to the top of the transparent thong. As she watched him and started her delicious decent into depravity, she had no idea of the depths she would reach. If there had ever been a turning around point, she had obviously missed it. She was in an unintended sexual freefall with no desire to stop.

She also missed Debbie standing just outside the room, lurking quietly in the darkness as a witness to Susan's total debauchery. Tonight, she would stay a hidden witness. She knew full well that she would experience the same orgasms that they would enjoy. But mostly she was there to record the event.

Oh, yes, Susan. Both Keith and Debbie knew these would be Kodak moments. The two digital cameras with additional memory cards that were lying on the table beside Debbie would ensure that!

Inside, Susan watched in awe. Or fear. Or anticipation.

In slow motion, his cock slowly lumbered to life. He was not circumcised, so the head was still partly hooded as she could see it turn purple and start to swell. Her fingers slowly tantalized her clit as she observed this amazing development before her. His progress was as excruciatingly slow as it was erotic. Watching his face was almost as great a turn on as watching him get hard. She was moving fast and knew she was going to have an orgasm any time, possibly spoiling everything.

As if on cue, he quietly said with a raspy voice, "Take your panties off so I can see inside you."

What a request! He wanted to see up her exposed pussy?

It was so raw, so vulgar. So demanding.

So exciting!! It almost pushed her over the top.

Her thong was already down low from her invading hand, but she slipped them down and off, leaving them dangling on one foot. Her fingers migrated back to unfinished business, wanting to quench the fire. He froze her in place. He had no intention of hurrying this. It would most certainly be a one shot night.