Big Bang Theory - Penny Pays the Bill Pt. 01


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"I have no doubts whatsoever," Adrian assured her, "now we just need to sign some release forms giving me permission to show your pictures, and we can get started." After signing the necessary papers, Adrian showed Penny to an adjacent changing room, instructing her, "just change into the costume I selected for you and go through the door on the opposite side, it leads directly onto the S & M set. Don't worry if the outfit is a little's intended to be. I assumed you would be about the same size as Val, and I guessed right."

She had been impressed with how business-like Adrian was: he had not stared at her bare legs or her cleavage...she almost wondered if he were gay. There were plenty of hangers in the dressing room along with a couple quite comfortable looking chairs and, of course, a full length mirror. It was actually a full bathroom, complete with glass enclosed shower and a pile of towels folded on the sink. Laying on one of the chairs was her outfit. It consisted of a black leather bustier with cutouts that allowed her breasts to protrude through and hang on the outside. There was no panties, just a black leather garter-belt, but no stockings. Matching leather boots that came up nearly to her knees were included.

When she put the leather on, her ass, pubic area and breasts were fully exposed. A leather mask, which she thought made her look like the old TV character Zorro, was provided as was something she was not so sure of. It resembled a Whiffle golf ball with straps attached to the sides. Putting the mask on, she was pleased to see that even though she was virtually completely exposed, you would never be able to identify her. An accessory was also included: a black leather riding crop. "I'd like to take this to Howard," she thought, then changed her mind, "no, he would probably enjoy it." Looking in the mirror, she was intrigued by the way her breasts were squeezed through the holes in the bustier.

She gave her blond mane a final tousle, and went through the rear door, finding herself in a brightly lit least a room that resembled one. There were all sorts of apparatus and wall racks containing whips and undistinguishable devices. Large lights and reflectors were strategically place around the room, and Adrian was fidgeting with a camera on a tripod, another hanging from his neck. "Wow, this is amazing," Penny exclaimed, "I wasn't really sure what this was," she continued, indicating the ball device.

Adrian laughed heartily and explained, "that is what is called a ball gag. I guess you don't frequent porn shops. You see the ball goes in your mouth and it fastens behind your head. The holes in the ball allow you to breathe, but you really can't talk. Also, I don't know if you're concerned with anonymity, but the ball gag actually further obscures your face...although with a face like yours, it is a shame to hide it. You can put it on just before we begin shooting."

It was ironic, here she was dressed in such an absurd get-up, and he actually made her blush with his compliment. She thought she looked like she was getting ready for some role-playing Dungeons & Dragons...damn, there it was again...those nerds seemed to be affecting her mind. Before moving across from them, she had never even heard of Dungeons & Dragons. Penny was surprised at how comfortable she felt being virtually naked with a complete stranger; she guessed that was a testament to his skill as a photographer. She fastened the gag around her head and Adrian began to click pictures of her from all angles and poses. He was using the digital camera around his neck and it seemed like he took hundreds of photos. Sometimes he even lay on the floor and shot directly up between her legs, getting close-ups of her pussy.

There was a huge X-shaped frame in the room, big enough for a person to lay back against. It reminded Penny of the altar in the old King Kong movie, and sure enough Adrian had her lean back against it as he fastened Velcro straps around her wrists and ankles. "S & M enthusiasts love the helpless female look," Adrian told her as he photographed her naked body from every possible angle. Sometimes his camera lens was so close to her pussy that it almost touched, and Penny had to admit that she was becoming slightly aroused. When he released her from the frame, he had a suggestion, "listen Penny, I don't know how explicit you want to get, but if you are comfortable doing it, I would like to film you simulating masturbation with the end of the riding crop. I could video it and take some stills; hopefully one of the web site administrators will buy it."

Knowing that her face was obscured by the mask, and since she was already aroused, Penny agreed. In the corner of the room, a large brass-frame bed had been dressed in blood-red satin sheets, and Adrian had Penny lay back on it. "Oh that's great Penny," he admired her, "the contrast of your pale skin, blond hair, black leather, and red sheets is fantastic. Now please spread your legs as wide as you can...yeah that's great. Would you mind spreading your lips with your fingers...the red nail polish is perfect." Penny used her index and middle fingers to gently pry her puffy pussy lips far apart giving Adrian a view up her rosy pink cunt. Her mound was full and puffy, but the inner lips were layered and fleshy. She could feel the dampness oozing inside her as the air made contact with her flesh.

"That's perfect Penny," Adrian encouraged her, "now with one of your hands, if you could just insert the handle of the riding crop a little ways." Penny grasped the riding crop in her right hand, and while twisting it, slowly slid it up into her hole. She was now so turned on that it took every bit of self control not to start jamming into herself and actually masturbating with it. "OK, now if you could just take your hands away, and just leave the crop sticking out of your vagina...perfect. Penny you are a natural...I'm sure you'll make some money with these. I think we're done. You can get dressed and if you want we can look at the pictures on my computer..I love digital."

He continued talking as Penny went into the bathroom/dressing room to change, "listen Penny, I don't know how badly you need some extra cash, but have you ever thought of setting up your own web site; you know with a live web cam. If you ever want to do that, just give me a call and I'll help's really easy and some of the girls I know make pretty good money doing it. Valerie does it sometimes. You're absolutely gorgeous and even if you choose not to show your face, your body is smokin' and you could definitely make some money."

"Well it's certainly worth thinking about, but I don't think I want to do that right now. Thank you though," Penny acknowledged his offer. Adrian inserted the SD card and they looked at the pictures he had taken. She had never seen naked pictures of herself before and had to admit she looked pretty damn good. It was actually arousing her to look at them. He paid her in cash, gave her his business card and assured her he would be in touch.

On the drive home, Penny reflected on her experience: she was surprised that she didn't feel embarrassed or ashamed, but she chalked that up to the fact that her face was obscured and only Adrian would know it was her. Actually the experience was kind of was as if she was an entirely different person when the mask was on,

releasing all her inhibitions. "And the best part," she thought, "is I can pay my rent on time this month. I would definitely do that again."

Penny's life went on normally for the next month. She went on several fruitless auditions; she even saw Valerie on one of them and they exchanged phone numbers in case either heard of any available work. One day when she was watching a "daytime drama," she answered the phone and it was finally Adrian, "hi Penny, sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner but things have been really slow. The problem is there is so much free porn on the net now, there hasn't been much demand for my work. The good news is that I have sold the video of you with the riding crop to a web site administrator for $200. I have your address here and I'm putting a check for $160 in the mail today, that's minus my percentage of course."

Penny responded, "that will certainly help, but are you sure you don't have anything else, I really need some cash...the acting biz is pretty cutthroat."

"Have you given the web cam suggestion any thought," Adrian asked, "if that doesn't sound like a solution, I do have one opportunity that just came up yesterday, but I hesitate to suggest it."

"Go ahead and suggest it," Penny pleaded, "I'm getting pretty desperate; besides the worst that can happen is that I refuse."

"Well, the web site administrator I sold your video to really liked your look and sometimes he holds S & M parties at his home for the group he belongs to," Adrian explained. "They like to hire a model or actress to perform for the group...and you must understand that by perform I mean take part in the S & M and have sex with the members. All of the S & M is simulated and the performer is not harmed in any way. If you are interested, I can give you his contact info."

"Have sex with them," Penny sat there stunned, "I don't think so." But apparently she was thinking about it because she asked, "how many members are there."

"I'm not positive," Adrian answered, "probably five or six. I think both male and female. If you are interested, you should talk to Valerie because I have referred her to similar groups. Did I mention that the figure he quoted me was $4000 for about four hours of work."

Penny nearly fell off the sofa when she heard that and shocked herself by blurting out, "I'm interested." Adrian gave her the number to call and again suggested she talk to Valerie. He also urged her to make a quick decision because the party was scheduled for that weekend.

As soon as she hung up with Adrian, Penny punched Valerie's number and was relieved when she answered, "hi Valerie, I hope you don't mind me calling, but Adrian just offered me an employment opportunity and he said you may be able to provide some info. It seems some S & M group is having a party and looking for someone to "entertain," if you know what I mean."

"Oh hi Penny," Valerie responded, and Penny could hear a smile in her voice, "no, I'm glad you called. He must mean Andre. As a matter of fact I was supposed to perform at that party but my mother is having surgery in Seattle that morning and there is no way I could make it back in time. Yeah I've worked for Andre before. The group is actually more into bondage than S & M, and they're completely harmless: they are really all show, not hardcore S & M and into pain. I have never left there with a single mark on me. Actually if you like sex, it isn't like work at all. Did he tell you what they pay; I really hate to miss it."

"Yeah, he told me," Penny answered, "and to be honest that's the only reason I'm considering it. That's more than I made in the last three months."

"And don't be surprised if it's actually more," Valerie encouraged her, "they usually throw in a tip. Money is nothing to these guys, it flows through their hands like water. Andre is a big computer nerd who invested his money wisely. Actually except for Frank they are all computer nerds. Frank used to play football and used his money to buy a software company where he hired the computer nerds ; oh and I happen to know Frank has a thing for blondes. Honestly Penny, it's a sweet gig."

"It seems like nerds are taking over the world. Adrian mentioned that there would probably be women there too," Penny inquired, "to be honest I've never had any sexual contact with a woman...any advice? How many are in the group?"

"Really, never Penny, I'm surprised. Hell, I'm attracted to you," Valerie admitted. "As far as women go, it's a piece of cake. Just follow their lead and think of what you like having done to you. The last time I performed there were six members, of course the group may have changed since then. They only do this two or three times a year, that's why I hate to miss it. There was Andre and his girlfriend Lisa; Frank of course; Henry and his wife Lucy; and Dan. Like I said, it could be different now. There really is nothing to it; you should go for it Penny, seriously just let yourself go and enjoy it. And don't worry about what to wear because they provide a costume. I'll call you when I get back to see how it went."

"Thank you so much Valerie," Penny said graciously, "good luck to your mother, I hope everything goes OK."

When Penny hung up she realized her heart was racing with excitement. She sat there compiling a mental list of the "pros" and "cons", and she kept coming back to two "pros:" it was a private party and no one she knew would ever find out; and the money...the unbelievable money. After a large glass of wine, Penny called Andre's number and judging from the answering machine message, she guessed it was his home number. As soon as she had identified herself and mentioned she was referred by Adrian, a man picked up the phone, "hi this is Andre. Sorry about that but I admit I was letting the machine screen my calls; it seems like this is donation-begging season, even with an unlisted number. Penny I saw your video and all the pictures Adrian shot and I would very much like you to attend our function. I assume Adrian mentioned the monetary details, I hope it is sufficient."

Trying not to seem too eager, Penny answered, "yes Adrian gave me the basics. I've decided to entertain at your party, I just need the details: the when and where." She actually felt self conscious talking to him knowing he had seen every intimate detail of her body and began to have doubts about her decision..but then she remembered the money. Andre gave her the address and asked her to be there at 7:00 on Saturday. She knew she would have to get someone to cover her shift at the Cheesecake Factory, but that wouldn't be a problem, so she quickly agreed.

The next couple days seemed to go by in a blur. One night she joined the nerds for Thai takeout where Leonard eagerly split his order of cashew chicken with her. Sheldon spent nearly twenty minutes complaining that his Mee Krob tasted funny. Penny had an ulterior motive for joining them: she knew that in order for her to go through with her plans to entertain at the party, she would have to fortify herself with alcohol and she wanted to pick the nerds' brains about recovery time since she didn't want to drive drunk. She had already planned to go to the function on an empty stomach so that the drinks she consumed in her car would almost immediately be absorbed into her blood stream. "Hey guys," she queried, "how long does it take for alcohol to lose it's affect in the body."

"That's an unusual question," Leonard stated, "why do you ask."

"Oh, you know," Penny replied, "customers are always asking at the Cheesecake Factory how long they should wait before they drive home after a couple drinks and I just wanted to be able to give them educated information; that's all."

"Wow, that's very responsible of you Penny," Leonard praised her.

She blushed at his compliment and then Sheldon, as usual, took over: "that's a very inexact science since you must take into account an individual's weight, fat density, frequency of the drinks, among other factors; but the generally accepted formula is one hour for each drink. One drink consists of one shot glass full of eighty proof alcohol, a shot meaning one-thirtieth of a standard three-quarters liter bottle; or one-half imperial pint of beer; or a standard five ounce glass of wine. Of course level of physical activity would affect the metabolism and you would have to accurately measure the blood-alcohol content to be certain."

Seeing that Penny's lower jaw had dropped slightly, Leonard translated, " hour per drink."

"Thanks," Penny offered, smiling at Leonard, and thinking: "what a sweetie."

Saturday afternoon, Penny took a nice long bubble bath making sure to add extra strawberry/vanilla bath oil to the water. She carefully shaved her pubic area and underarms so that they were perfectly smooth, and when she had finished toweling off, she massaged baby oil all around her prominent mound. "I still can't believe I'm doing this," she mumbled to herself as she selected a tiny black thong. Since she knew she didn't have to dress to impress, she just put on her tightest jeans and a loose-fitting blouse; deciding once again to go braless. "Let's let the sisters swing freely," she mused as she admired herself in the mirror. She had not eaten anything since the night before and felt hungry as she poured five shots of tequila into a plastic cup and fastened the lid.

It was a quick, uneventful drive to Alhambra, where she easily found Andre's impressive house in an exclusive neighborhood. Talking to herself out loud, "well it's now or never Penny," she downed the tequila in one swig and felt it burn all the way down her throat. She decided to take her clutch-purse in with her and was later glad she did when Andre asked to see her driver's license to verify her age. She used both the large door-knocker and the bell just in case Andre was too far from the door to hear the knock. The front double-doors were made of wood and massive in size; she thought to herself that he could fit a car through them. A tall, slender man, he must have been six foot two at least, with short perfectly combed hair answered the door and immediately broke into a wide smile when he saw the beautiful blonde standing there. For some reason Penny thought, "that's the same way Leonard looks when I answer the door."

"Hello," he greeted her, "you're Penny; I recognize you from your pictures. I'm Andre...please come in," and he extended his hand to shake.

Embarrassed when she realized which pictures he meant, Penny took his hand, stepped into the entrance-way and replied, "that's me...glad to meet you." Quickly looking him up and down as he closed the door, Penny assessed he was probably in his late thirties, dressed in black leather pants and a matching shirt or shoes.

"If you will just follow me, we can get started. I hope you won't mind signing a release form stating that whatever transpires here tonight is of your own free will, and not coerced in any way...except of course by voluntary monetary compensation," and Andre laughed a very pleasant, non-threatening laugh.

"That's fine," Penny agreed as she took in the expensive appearing furnishings as they proceeded through the house and eventually down a carpeted flight of stairs. At the bottom of the stairs there was a large metal-plated door, over which a sign lettered in script read, "abandon all hope ye who enter here."

Seeing that Penny's expression had changed, Andre again laughed and said, "welcome to the dungeon. The sign was Dan's idea...I'm sure you recognize the quote from Dante's Inferno. Honestly Penny, this is all in fun...nobody gets harmed. Now let's meet the others."

His laugh did indeed put her at ease as they stepped through the door and into what really did look like a dungeon. Of course it reminded her of the set in Adrian's studio, various nasty looking devices around the room, and torture tools and chains hanging on the walls. It was ominous and like something out of a horror movie. Quickly scanning the room, she spotted several surveillance cameras in the corners. He led her over to a group of five people, all dressed in some sort of black leather gear, most with lots of zippers. Contradictory to their surroundings, they all displayed wide smiles as Andre introduced them.

Shaking hands with a tall redhead wearing the same type of outfit Penny had worn at Adrian's, Andre said, "this is Lisa, a very successful wed designer." From her conversation with Valerie, Penny knew this was Andre's girlfriend. "This is Henry and his wife Lucy. Henry and I founded a software company together, and Lucy is a dermatologist. She is the one who administers our monthly blood tests to make sure we're clean...just to put your mind at ease." Henry was about average height with very pale skin (Penny guessed his wife kept him out of the harmful rays of the sun). Lucy was obviously of Asian descent with wide oval shaped eyes and long silky black hair, a very stunning woman with long slender legs.