Big Bang Theory - Penny Pays the Bill Pt. 04


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A tear rolled down Penny's cheek and she gushed, "no big one has ever done anything so thoughtful for me...ever. You are the sweetest man alive and if I weren't driving I would hug you so tight."

"We could always pull over," Leonard chuckled, and suddenly the car swerved to the curb. "I was just kidding."

"Well I wasn't," Penny turned to him, threw her arms around him and squeezed him tight. She was so soft, and smelled so wonderful that Leonard just closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment. He knew from watching her move that she was not wearing a bra and it just added to the excitement of the moment. "Thank you Leonard," she graciously stated and kissed him square on the lips. They were nearly in front of the restaurant and when Leonard seemed to be having difficulty getting out of the car, Penny realized that he was adjusting the tent that had formed in his pants. "You've still got it girl,' she congratulated herself.

On the drive home Leonard asked, "Penny do you remember when we went out for dinner and you mentioned something about ME asking YOU out sometime. Were you serious or just being nice?"

Smiling, Penny answered, "of course I meant it...I would love that. And just ask Sheldon...I'm not that nice."

"Oh he's insane," Leonard added, "I don't care what his mother says. Anyway...would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow night...if not, I understand."

"That would be perfect...I would absolutely love it," Penny declared without a second's hesitation, "it's just that I have a shift tomorrow, so I don't get out until about that too late?"

"That's perfect," he agreed, "pick you up at your apartment around ten."

"It's a date," she grinned.

"I like the sound of that," he thought as he slouched back in the seat and smiled contentedly, noticing how high her dress had ridden up her wonderful thighs.

"You know I'm glad you finally asked me out," Penny teased, "it's been so long since our last date that I was beginning to think you didn't like me."

"Like you," Leonard blurted out, "how could I not like the perfect girl."

Blushing, Penny responded, "that's a pretty high standard to live up to."

"As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing you could do to change my mind," he assured her.

The following morning, she got a call and a text from Mitchell Bros., Inc. informing her that shooting would begin the following week. She immediately texted back to confirm, and was pleasantly surprised to see that her checking account had already been credited with an automatic deposit from the production company. The rest of the day dragged on as she anticipated her date with Leonard. She had certainly dated enough men, but couldn't ever remember being this nervous. He had not given her any details about their destination so she wore a simple print sundress, pink thong and matching lace bra, and most importantly: flats. She knew Leonard was a little self-conscious about his height, so she didn't want to draw attention to it.

Precisely at 10:00 he knocked on her door, knock-knock-knock, "Penny," imitating his roommate's OCD habit.

She opened the door and smiled, "cute...but if I thought it was Sheldon, I wouldn't have this smile on my face."

Standing there grinning from ear to ear, he greeted her, "hello beautiful, are you ready to be swept off your feet?"

"Hello yourself handsome," she laughed, noticing he was wearing a nice sport coat, "I'm more than ready."

She looped her arm through his, but when he began to lead her UP the stairs, she hesitated, "where are you taking me?"

"You'll see," he grinned and they proceeded up to the building's roof. When they opened the access door, Leonard flipped a light switch and as if by magic the roof was illuminated by hundreds of tiny white twinkling lights.

"Oh my God, it's amazing," Penny exclaimed, "like some sort of fairy land." On one side of the roof there was a small table and two chairs; the table covered with a lace cloth and adorned with a small flower-filled vase and two battery-operated candles. "Leonard this must have taken you all day."

He ushered her to the table, pulled a chair out for her and replied, "anything for my princess...seriously though, there were a lot of trips up the stairs." Opening a huge styrofoam cooler, he informed her, "hope you don't mind I deviated from the usual Chinese or Thai takeout and decided on Italian."

"What, you mean you didn't cook," she teased.

"Believe me, no one wants that," he assured her, "it's from Giacomos." He proceeded to produce a green salad, still warm ziti, and Italian bread. "Sorry it's not real butter," he apologized, "but you know...lactose intolerant." An old-fashioned wicker picnic basket contained all the plates and silverware. Finally he pulled out two wine glasses and a bucket full of melting ice with a bottle of white wine.

"And here I thought you were different, but you're just another guy trying to get me drunk," she continued to tease.

"Jeez no...I'm sorry...I swear that never even occurred to me," he immediately apologized, obviously flustered.

Penny put her hand on his forearm and calmed him, "sweetie I was just teasing. You poor scarred man...who is responsible for all the damage done to your confidence."

"Well, you've met Sheldon," he confirmed, "but really my mother is to blame for most of it I guess. She is a world renowned psychiatrist and I was her first guinea pig. She even wrote a book about all the behavior experiments she tried out on me...but let's eat."

All through dinner they chatted about their work-day, and the people they came into contact with; it was like they had known each other their entire lives. Penny didn't think she had ever felt so comfortable with a man in her life. When they were finished, Leonard stood up, rolled out a couple of exercise mats on the roof floor and covered them with an oversized blanket. Lastly he threw two giant pillows down and stated, "and now you will see why it was better that it was already dark when our date started."

Penny suddenly wondered, "holy shit did I misjudge him, what does he really have in mind."

Leonard offered his arm to her, led her over to the blanket and directed her, "if you will just lay down please."

Sitting on the surprisingly soft blanket covered mat, she said, "just another typical man trying to get me on my back."

"," Leonard pleaded with a hurt look crossing his face, "please trust me, that's not it at all."

"Leonard," she soothed him, "just teasing again."

He crossed to the door and flipped the light switch off, saying, "they're LED's you know...hardly any electricity". It was still surprisingly light, considering they were above the streetlights and he sat down near her, "now just lay back and look up at the sky," he instructed.

Laying her head on the comfy pillow, Penny looked up at the stars and shouted, "oh my God...that is so cool."

"That's the Perseid meteor shower," Leonard informed her, "do you like it."

"It's totally amazing," Penny smiled, "I've never seen anything like it. Does it do that in Nebraska?"

"Yeah, whole Northern Hemisphere," Leonard instructed, "the meteors are remnants of the tail of the comet Swift-Tuttle. There can be 60 to 100 meteors per hour."

"Hey scientist," she ordered, "don't take all the magic out of it. It looks like Tinkerbell waved her magic wand. Is this why you set this all up instead of going out somewhere?"

"Well, this, and I wasn't sure if you wanted any of your friends to see you with me," he mumbled.

She took his hand in hers, again feeling a tear roll down toward her ear, "you sweet man...of course I want my friends to see us together. You are the sweetest, most considerate person I have ever met and I want to show you off to the world. This is the nicest date I have ever been on." Turning to him, she could swear she could see his chest pump out. She inched over and snuggled up against him, "it's a little chilly...hope you don't mind if we share body heat." They remained mostly in silence, hand in hand, marveling at nature, only speaking when each tried to be the first to point out a really big meteor.

They were so comfortable next to each other that each began to doze off with Penny's head resting on Leonard's shoulder. Realizing that it was getting very late, Penny leaned over, planted her lips gently on his and kissed him passionately (for at least four Mississippi's); she even let her tongue sneak into his mouth to explore. She wanted so badly to go farther, but knew he might think she was going too fast. Noticing a very sizable tent in his trousers, she reluctantly stated, "well, we both have to work tomorrow so I think we should call it a night."

Without even realizing he was verbalizing it, Leonard blurted out, "I was hoping this night would never end."

"You are the sweetest too," Penny agreed, "but there will be many more...if I have anything to say about it." Now it was Leonard's turn to swiftly brush away a tear before she could see it, as Penny asked, "can I help you clean this all up?"

"No, you've had a long day," he resisted, "this is my gift to you. I'll walk you down and you get some sleep."

The next evening Penny and her co-workers were just finishing singing "Happy Birthday" to one of the customers when her fellow waitress April nudged her and warned, "oh, no, here comes crazy hamburger guy."

Penny immediately perked up because she knew April meant Sheldon...and where there was Sheldon, there usually was Leonard. "I'll take that table, you don't have to worry," she calmed April.

She approached their table smiling, "what brings you guys here's not your usual night?"

Leonard volunteered, "we're just a bunch of wild and crazy guys...this is anything-goes-Thursday and Sheldon wanted his usual."

"Ah yes," Penny wrote on her pad, "barbeque bacon cheeseburger with the barbeque, bacon and cheese on the side."

Sheldon being Sheldon remarked, "is all that singing and frivolity really necessary?"

"It's someone's Birthday," Penny answered, "and by the way Leonard, will we be seeing you next Saturday for your free Birthday cheesecake."

"He can't eat cheesecake, he's lactose intolerant," Sheldon snorted.

"I know that," Penny retorted, "but he can have carrot cake instead."

Sheldon snapped, "what about the cream-cheese frosting?"

"He can scrape it off," Penny snapped back, and all the time she was talking, she was running her hand up Leonard's arm and massaging his neck. Howard and Raj kept nudging each other, noticing the intimate gesture.

"Forget about the cake," Leonard spoke up, "how did you know my Birthday was next Saturday?"

Penny reminded him, "I did your horoscope remember. I was going to do everyone's until Sheldon launched one of his typical psychotic rants. Seriously will you be here next Saturday?"

Leonard sighed, "I don't think so, I don't celebrate my Birthday"

"Shut up," Penny exclaimed, "sure you do."

"It's no big deal," Leonard explained, "it's just the way I was raised. My parents celebrated achievements and being expelled from a birth canal was not considered one of them."

"That's silly," Penny frowned.

"Actually it's a very sound theory," Sheldon informed her, "his world famous psychiatrist mother published a paper on it.."

"What was it called, I Hate My Son and That's Why He Can't Have Cake," Penny asked. "So you really never had a birthday party?"

Leonard answered, "no, but it was OK. Once when I came home from my cello lesson and saw all my relatives in the house and smelled German chocolate cake, my favorite, I thought there was a party...but it turned out my grandfather had died. It was kinda like a birthday party: I saw all my cousins...and there was cake."

"That's the saddest thing I've ever heard," Penny said.

"Enough chit chat," Sheldon proclaimed, "are you going to take our orders before we starve to death."

Writing on her pad, Penny mumbled, "extra spit on Sheldon's what would everyone else like this evening."

When she left the table, Howard demanded of Leonard, "what the Hell was all that arm rubbing."

Grinning like the Cheshire Cat, Leonard told him, "we had a date last night."

"What," Howard nearly shouted, "you mean another date...after the first one that we all assumed had been a disaster?"

"That's right," Leonard smugly admitted, "while you all were camping out in the desert to film the meteor shower, I was having dinner with a beautiful girl...and we had a great time."

"Why didn't you tell us," Howard urged, "I don't believe you."

"Well it's true," Leonard stated, "and a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell."

"Oooo, there was kissing," Raj asked.

"That's all I'm saying on the subject," Leonard grinned.

The next day, Penny was spying on apartment 4A through her peephole, and when she saw Leonard leave to pick up that day's meal, she hurried next door and knocked. Sheldon opened the door and immediately informed her, "Leonard's not home."

Pushing past him into his living room, Penny admitted, "I know...I wanted to talk to you."

"I can't think of anything we have in common to converse about, but OK," Sheldon closed the door.

Noting that Howard and Raj were both present as planned, Penny announced, "I have a great idea...we are going to throw Leonard a kick-ass Birthday party."

"I hardly think so," Sheldon rebutted, "Leonard made it clear he didn't want a party."

"He just doesn't know he wants one," Penny stated, "now here is how it's going down: if you don't agree, I am going into your room, take all your vintage comic books out of their wrappers, and on a random page inside one of them I am going to draw a little happy-face in ink. You won't know which one."

"But mint condition means no blemishes," Sheldon seemed puzzled.

"Do you understand the concept of blackmail," Penny asked.

"Of course...oh... I see," Sheldon finally understood and turned to Howard and Raj, "I have a great idea...let's throw Leonard a kick-ass Birthday party."

Monday morning Penny was busy trying to mentally plan her upcoming week as she dressed for her first day of filming. She knew it was going to be hectic, with the filming schedule, her Cheesecake Factory shifts and planning Leonard's party. Now that she knew what type of film it was, she wasn't nearly as careful about choosing her wardrobe...she knew her attire would be provided. She had meant to go online and check out the original "Behind the Green Door," but had not gotten around to it, so she was nearly clueless about what lay ahead. "Maybe I'm better off if it's a surprise," she thought as she hurried down the stairs. She and Leonard had exchanged keys the night before and he had asked her to drive carefully.

"And just for the record, it's not the car I care about," he had admitted.

Sliding into the seat, she had to get back out when she noticed a long-stemmed red rose tucked under the wiper blade. "How did I get so lucky," she whispered aloud as she held the flower under her nose and inhaled.

Half an hour later Penny was pulling into the parking lot of the sound stage. Jim had texted her the address and with Leonard's GPS, she had no trouble finding it. It turns out that the address was only about two blocks from his office. Upon entering, Penny could see that inside the massive warehouse, there were actually several complete sets. Jim was there talking with several other people and promptly greeted Penny with a wide smile. He introduced her to the three cameramen and the grips and technical advisors. He explained that in a production such as this, many of the behind-the-scenes people would actually double as "extras" in the film.

There were seven other females present and Jim introduced them all, indicating that they would all have scenes together that day. A very attractive brunette named Sally, who Penny guessed to be in her thirties, was introduced as the only woman who would have a speaking part in the day's shooting schedule. Sally whisked Penny away to the dressing room and she changed into a pants suit, a long coat and a knit hat. When she returned to the meeting room, Jim explained that the first scene was of her having a drink in an outdoor cafe after checking into a hotel; then it would jump ahead several hours and she would be "abducted" while leaving the premises to catch a cab. He explained that a friend of his had agreed to lend the use of his hotel as long as they didn't disturb any customers.

"That's the beauty of digital recording," Jim admitted, "no lengthy set-ups; and the camera can be carried on our shoulders." They all piled into a couple vans and the trip to the hotel took only a few minutes.

For the first shot, all Penny had to do was sit at a table, enjoy the fresh air and have a drink. Sally told her the drink was just sparkling water, but truthfully it contained a mild sedative to assure Penny was relaxed. For the next scene, as the sun was setting, Penny changed clothes in the hotel Restroom and now wore an elegant sleeveless black gown. She had been instructed to not wear a bra under the gown for this scene, just the tiny black thong which she was already wearing. They had given her black heels to wear and they were a little tight, but she really didn't have far to walk. As she was descending some outdoor stairs, two other actors "abducted" her, tied her hands in front of her, and placed a black blindfold over her eyes. They drove immediately back to the warehouse for the next scene.

Penny could not believe how mellow and relaxed she felt, "must be all the yoga finally paying off," she thought. Jim explained that in this scene she would be led into a room, laid down on a bed (which was actually a medical office examination table covered in a sheet), and Sally would talk to her and give her a brief massage...all meant to relax her character Gloria.

Still blindfolded, she was carefully led down a hallway and into a room where Sally removed her blindfold and instructed the men to untie Penny and leave. She spoke in a very comforting voice, insuring Penny that no harm would come to her and that she should just do her best to relax. Urging Penny to sit and then lay back on the bed, Sally gently removed Penny's heels and began to rub and massage her bare feet. Slowly she advanced up Penny's legs to her calves and knees, speaking in such a soothing voice that Penny felt almost like she were being hypnotized. She hardly even noticed the cameraman and he remained mostly out of her sight, choosing to film from above her head. Sally gently pushed her dress up until it was bunched around her waist, exposing her thong and began to caress and massage her smooth thighs.

Penny could feel herself becoming damp between her legs as Sally neared her crotch...and then Sally stopped and began to massage her shoulders, all the while talking to her in her soothing tone. She slid the shoulder straps down Penny's arms so slowly that when her breasts were uncovered, they seemed to jump free of the dress. Flattening out on her chest as she lay on the bed, Penny's breasts were perfection. Sally massaged then, traced circles around her rosy areola, never actually touching her gumdrop sized nipples. Penny knew that her panties were soaking wet and began to twitch under Sally's touch.

And then suddenly Jim yelled, "cut," and Sally just walked away, leaving Penny craving more. "Time for a wardrobe change," Jim explained, "now in the next scene Penny, you will be led through the infamous Greed Door and the other six women you met will proceed to massage you...just go with the flow; you are doing great. You will notice that there are empty seats in front of the stage, I figured you would be more comfortable without an audience. That is the beauty of this digital photography; we can just film and edit an audience in later." Sally held up a sheet for a curtain and Penny quickly changed into a pure white, long-sleeved full-length gown, after removing her panties. The other six women were in long dark gowns, making Penny seem even more prominent.