Big Bang Theory - Penny Pays the Bill Pt. 08


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"Nerds just try harder," he gasped, nearly out of breath as he shoved his hard-on into her cunt and ground his pelvis against hers. He grasped her wonderful ass cheeks in his hands for leverage and shoved into her pussy even harder. He trapped her swollen clit between them and Penny could feel her body spasm out of control. "Ahhhhhhhh," she shrieked when he began nibbling on the side of her neck, a sensation that always drove her wild. "Fill me up baby," she demanded, "cum in me...I need to feel your hot seed inside me." Wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him closer, their two naked bodies made one mound of sweaty flesh. Suddenly it felt like he had literally erupted deep inside her cunt, and Penny could feel his hot stream of cum spurting into her belly. "Oh my God...I've never felt that before long have you been saving up for me."

"All my life," he blurted out, not making a conscious effort to sound romantic, it just came out that way. Leonard continued to pump his seed up into her pussy and Penny moaned, "holy shit...fill me baby...oh my God that feels good." When he was done, they were both completely spent; both from the physical exertion and the over-stimulation of their senses. Penny released her arms and legs and just sprawled out on her back in Leonard's bed. He kissed her tenderly and then rolled off to lay beside her, slipping his arm under her head. She could feel their combined fluids seeping out of her cunt and remarked, "wow, someone is going to have a big wet spot tonight...I'm glad it's you."

"Oh," he replied sounding disappointed, "I was hoping you would stay."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea...there is nothing I would rather do," Penny admitted, "but what about Sheldon."

"Well the one good thing about Sheldon is that he always knocks before entering a room," he teased her.

Knowing the dig was aimed at her, Penny playfully punched his left arm. Leonard drew back, pretending to be hurt: " that Nebraska farm girl strength." He rolled off the bed, hurried to the bathroom and returned with a nice fresh, thick bath towel. Penny rolled to the side and he placed it over the wet spot so they would be comfortable for the rest of the night. Jumping back into bed Leonard pulled Penny into his body; her back to his front, and they began to spoon...he kissing and nuzzling her swan-like neck.

"If you keep that up, you won't be relaxing for long," she suggestively teased. Just laying there enjoying each others company and making small talk about work, Penny could not resist questioning his motives for the incredible night: "sweetie, this whole night has been absolutely wonderful, but it was such a change for you. Up until tonight you have asked my permission to even touch my breasts...why the sudden change."

"I'm sorry...should I have asked you first," he apologized, "I knew it was too much...but I just hope you enjoyed yourself. Next time...hopefully there will be a next time...I'll ask for permission."

" was totally great," she assured him, "please don't stop trying to surprise me. You know I love you. I loved every minute, but it was just so You can tell me; we shouldn't have any secrets." She knew she was being a hypocrite; a word she never would have used a year ago; with all the secrets she had kept from him to avoid hurting his feelings.

Hesitantly, he admitted, "well, OK. It's just that you're going to be a big star, hanging out with a lot of rich, famous and handsome actors; and I'm Leonard the nerd scientist. I'm so afraid that you're going to realize that...let's face it, I don't have much to offer to compete."

Twisting in his arms to face him, she kissed his lips roughly, then replied, "you're not just Leonard the nerd're MY Leonard the mad scientist, who I'm in love with. Those other people are all so superficial and are the real deal...totally sincere and honest...and you're mine. I'm not going anywhere, sweetie." Their arms wrapped around each other, they kissed for what seemed like an eternity before beginning to doze off. Just before falling asleep, Penny vowed that she would cure him of the insecurity that had been instilled in him by his mother (and now Sheldon) for so many years. He had planned a really special night for her and she began to plan one for him. Of course their slumber was interrupted at 4 AM by a call from Sheldon needing a ride home from the University. Leonard apologized for his friend but Penny just brushed it off, "I should go across the hall anyway...I don't need a lecture from him in the morning...see you later sweetie."

A few days later she received a call that shooting had begun on the film and they were expecting her on set the next day. Penny was so excited that she not only bathed with her favorite bath oil and shaved everything that needed shaving (even though she knew she would be keeping her clothes on this time), but she even paid to have her nails manicured and pedicured. Knowing that she would be clothed by the Wardrobe Department, she even "dressed down" and wore her "skinny jeans." She didn't feel the need to impress anyone now that she had the part. Having exchanged keys with Leonard the night before she excitedly got into his car for the short trip to Compton.

On the seat she found a note written on his University stationery with the Dr. Leonard Hofstadter heading, that read "now that you're a star, you should look like one." Also on the seat was a small velvet bag tied with a drawstring that contained a fancy pair of RayBan sunglasses. Checking herself out in the rear-view mirror, she smiled and murmured to herself, "you dear sweet man." All the way to the set, she thought of the night she was planning for him.

Arriving at the sound-stage, Penny was ushered into the Wardrobe area where she was quickly fitted with an austere-looking gray skirt-suit. The skirt was calf-length, so even her long shapely legs were not as asset. Her hair was put up in a school-marm bun and even her makeup did not particularly flatter her. She had memorized her lines perfectly and was totally prepared when called to the set, which perfectly resembled the lobby of an upscale hotel. Jason Statham was on set and broke into a big smile upon seeing her, " glad to see you. I'm glad you were free for the part...I think you're my good luck charm. I knew Alisha would take care of you."

"Yeah right," Penny thought, but actually responded, "Mr. Statham...Jason...thanks so much for thinking of me. This is a big step for me. I'll do my best not to screw it up."

" know I like to wing-it anyway," he laughed. They rehearsed her first scene where she hands him a room card several times, then filmed it a couple more. Since her only other scene (along with a couple other actors) was on the same set and they wouldn't be using the set again after that, they prepared for the shoot-out scene next. Since the scene was supposedly on another day, Wardrobe had her change into a different color blouse and Jason changed ties while Makeup added some cuts and bruises to his face reflecting a fight which had supposedly taken place between scenes.

This scene included her handing Statham's character a set of car keys, and then two gunmen burst into the lobby for a gunfight scene. Everything was going smoothly until, once again, Statham decided to ad-lib the scene. He leaped over the counter, grabbed Penny around the waist and slammed her to the floor to shield her from the gunfire. This time was not as violent as the last and Penny didn't think she would even get any bruises out of it. Statham thanked her for doing such a great job (even though she really hadn't had any choice), and everyone on set seem to be thrilled with the scene. She would never forget his last words to her that day: "I really enjoy working with you Penny, I'm sure we'll see each other again. I'll put out the good word to other directors."

After making sure the take was perfect (and it was a good thing it was, considering how the set had been trashed), one of the director's assistants thanked her for coming and told her to make sure and take advantage of the free buffet. Changing back into her own clothes, Penny couldn't stop smiling at how well everything had gone. There was some traffic on the return trip and it took her nearly an hour to get back to Pasadena. Noticing the time of day, she didn't bother stopping for food, knowing she would be welcome to join the nerds for dinner (well, welcome by nearly everyone)...and she couldn't wait to tell Leonard all about her great day.

Standing outside 4A she knocked three times, then burst into the room and yelled, "Penny."

"Ha, ha," Sheldon sarcastically stated..."at least you knocked this time."

She had taken care to wear her new "shades" and when Leonard saw her her shouted, "the star is here...all hail Hollywood's newest superstar," and he feigned bowing at the waist in her direction.

Tipping her sunglasses down the bridge of her nose, she haughtily remarked, "no bowing necessary...a simple kiss of the hand will be sufficient."

"I'll kiss something," Howard remarked under his breath as Leonard scowled at him.

"Please tell us all about your day," Leonard encouraged as he fetched a plate from the kitchen area to share his Chinese take-out with her.

"It was fantastic...better than I expected," she gushed after kissing his cheek. "Jason Statham likes me."

"I'll bet he does," Howard smugly commented, "how many times."

"Howard," Leonard raised his voice, "stop being such an ass."

"Speaking of asses," Howard whispered to Raj as Penny bent over to pick up a napkin.

"I just meant he almost guaranteed me other parts in the future," Penny clarified her comment. "Even you can't spoil this day for me Howard," she reprimanded him. During dinner, she told them all about the film, the sets, the buffet...everything exciting. Leaning over she whispered to Leonard, "don't make any plans for Saturday night...I have plans for you." She wished she could have taken a picture of his smile.

Penny worked a long shift of Friday at the Cheesecake Factory so she would have all day Saturday to spend on preparations for Leonard's big surprise. When he came through the door of her apartment that night he already had a grin from ear to ear in anticipation. "Guaranteed no interruption from Sheldon," he sighed..."how often do I get to say that. This night is all ours." On the coffee table, he spied a bowl of lime wedges, a salt shaker, a bottle of tequila in a bowl of ice, and two shot glasses. When Penny came out of her bedroom he saw she was dressed in you short pink terrycloth robe, which showed off her incredible legs to perfection. He whistled when he saw her, his breath actually coming in short gasps. "I'm sorry...I know that was completely's just that know...WOW." Even from across the room he could smell her strawberry scented bath oil.

"You charmer," she teased him, "don't ever apologize for that kind of reaction...what did you think I was going for. Now, you are way overdressed for a night of watching the movie I picked up with your girlfriend...go get into your PJ's." He actually ran across the hall, donned the Star Wars jammies that Penny had given him for Christmas and ran back. He couldn't remember the last time he had run that far. When he returned, she was curled up on the sofa, her bare legs tucked under her, waiting for him to nestle in beside her. She turned on the DVD player and the movie "Striptease" flashed on the TV. "Have you seen this movie," she asked.

"Every red-blooded American male saw this movie when it came out," Leonard stated, "even nerds... it's an erotic classic. Demi Moore was so hot."

"Well, my sweet little horn-dog," she teased, "tonight we are going to play a little drinking game while watching the movie, and then I have a big surprise for you. Every time we see Demi's breasts we take a shot of tequila. Let's have one now to get things rolling." And they did. By the time the film was half way over, they were drinking shots if there was even a hint of a breast. They went from licking their wrists to wet them, sprinkling the salt there and then licking it off after the shot; to Penny wetting her neck and sprinkling the salt there so Leonard could lick her soft flesh. When the credits began to roll, they were both totally wasted, their words beginning to slur. The tequila bottle was nearly empty so Penny opened another and put it on the coffee table. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him hungrily, her tongue probing his mouth, which tasted like lime.

"And now for your big surprise," she announced as she carefully made her way into the bedroom, "be right back...don't go anywhere."

"I wouldn't leave this spot right now if we were under attack by the evil empire," Leonard thought, fidgeting on the sofa with anticipation. When she came out of the bedroom, Penny was dressed like Demi Moore in the first strip scene of the movie: dark skort, white long-sleeved dress shirt with long tails, one of Leonard's ties (he recognized it from their special night in his room), dark blazer and to top it off: a men's fedora that she had picked up at a thrift shop that week just for this occasion...and, of course, black five-inch heels. He began to clap, but when he tried to rise to greet her, she roughly shoved him back down just like Demi Moore had with her customers.

"You just relax and enjoy the show," she instructed him, "you earned it." She retrieved the tequila from the table before shoving it aside, took a long swig and then licked her fingers. She transferred the saliva to her neck, sprinkled salt on the spot and bent over so Leonard could lick it off. When he did, she handed him the tequila and after he took a swallow, she took a lime wedge in her mouth and transferred it into Leonard's. She could see his pajamas already "tenting" as she put a CD on of the soundtrack from the movie and began to dance where the coffee table had been. They were both totally inebriated and had long since lost all inhibitions as Penny began to bump and grind; throwing her wide hips back and forth and thrusting her pelvis in his direction. She got a chair from her small table and used it in her dance; leaning on it and prancing around it.

Suddenly the door flew open and the equally drunk duo of Howard and Raj burst in. They had been at a Goth bar and were dressed in black: Howard wearing "tattoo sleeves and black eye make-up. "Is Sheldon here...we tried the apartment," Howard slurred, "we wanted to bug him the way he does us. Oh, damn...looking good Penny." When Leonard had gone to change into his PJ's, he had neglected to lock the door.

"Oh... oh," Raj stammered, "she looks like Mrs. Bruce Willis from that one know the one." Since he was completely drunk, Raj didn't think twice about talking in front of Penny.

"Come on guys," Leonard whined, "you know he's in Texas for his Meemaw's 70th birthday party...I drove him to the airport this afternoon. We discussed this." The odd part was, Penny never stopped dancing. Howard and Raj slid onto the sofa beside Leonard, each taking a swallow from the bottle and watched the blonde goddess of their wet-dreams strutting her stuff. "You guys have to go," Leonard told them.

"No, wait," Penny objected, "don't you think this is exciting. Did you guys bring bills...I work for tips you know." It must have been the actress in her (or the exhibitionist), because she was really enjoying showing off in front of Leonard's friends...of course the tequila didn't hurt. While Howard and Raj fumbled in their pockets, Penny took off her hat and held it out. Howard folded two dollar bills lengthwise and dropped them in the hat while Raj did the same with a ten. She dumped the money on the floor and threw the hat into the corner, hearing a crash as it apparently knocked something to the floor. Squatting down, she shoved the skort down to her ankles, then stood up and kicked it into another corner of the room, revealing a tiny black thong.

All the while swaying to the music, she lowered the jacket off one shoulder and then the other, finally letting it slide down her arms where she twirled it over her head and let it fly. She deliberately unknotted the tie, took it off and passed it between her marvelous legs. Dipping and gyrating, the beautiful blond used the tie as if it were dental floss and she was flossing the gap between her thighs, running it back and forth through her crotch. "You are one lucky bastard Leonard," Howard told him as he slapped his back. Penny tossed the tie and then used the chair to perform one of Demi's famous moves from the movie. Standing behind it she proceeded to do a sort of somersault over the chair, stopping with her head resting on the seat and her endlessly long legs pointed straight up toward the ceiling.

Slowly, she parted her legs until they were horizontal to the floor, in a complete split, her thong disappearing into her slit. Pausing to let them get the full effect, she continued over the back of the chair and ended up sitting, facing them. All three, who had been rubbing their groins, applauded and Howard and Raj leaned forward to stuff folded bills into the waist of her thong. They began to whistle and holler, encouraging her to continue. Winking at Leonard, she stood and strutted in front of them, thrusting her shapely hips from side to side. Once again squatting to the floor, she slid her thong down her legs before kicking it off to the side. When she stood up, her shirttails hid her now exposed treasure and she sat back down in the chair facing them. Keeping to the beat of the song, she abruptly spread her legs wide giving them an unobstructed view of her totally bald mound.

Quickly she closed her legs, teasing them in the most literal sense. "Oh my God did you see that," Raj yelled, at no one in particular, "you ARE one lucky bastard Leonard." Despite his reservations about his friends seeing his girlfriend exposed, Leonard could not help but feel proud of their envy...and, of course, completely turned on. Penny stood and very slowly unbuttoned the bright white shirt until it was completely open. Turning her back to them, she let it slip off her shoulders and down her arms, before removing it and twirling it over her head. Her bare back revealed that she was not wearing a bra. She tossed the shirt aside and turned to face them with her arms folded over her chest. Hips gyrating suggestively, she raised her arms over her head allowing her perfect breasts to flop down against her chest.

She was now completely naked, except for the heels, and she was magnificent. Her shoes made her leg muscles even more taut and they seemed to be endlessly long. Howard actually slid off the sofa in his excitement and all three males were unconsciously rubbing their groins. "Holy shit," Raj exclaimed as Penny continued to bump and grind her nude body in front of them, pirouetting so they got the full effect of her incredible shape. All three men passed the bottle back and forth, taking long swallows (although they didn't need it).

"Hey, what about me," Penny pouted. Leonard took a huge swig of tequila, stood up in front of her, pressed his lips firmly against hers and let the liquid drain into her mouth. "Ahhh," she moaned pressing her nude body into him, "that was sooo sexy." He sat back down between his friends while Penny resumed her dance. At one point she dropped to her knees between Leonard's legs, reached out and began to caress his crotch. "It seems like someone is enjoying the show," she grinned. And then shocking them and reaching to either side of him, she started to fondle the groins of Raj and Howard. "It seems everyone is enjoying the show," she winked at Leonard, "but I think everyone but me is don't want me feeling self-conscious do you?"