Big Bang Theory - Penny's African Adventure

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Penny wins an African trip.
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(fictional story about fictional characters)


It was late afternoon and Leonard Hofstadter was in his apartment, sitting at his desk in front of his laptop. He wasn't working; merely absentmindedly playing a video game while waiting for his cherished wife, Penny, to return home from her job at Zangen Pharmaceuticals. He felt like a puppy waiting for his master to return home from school...ready to wag his tail when she came through the door. They had been married for a couple of years and sometimes he still couldn't believe how lucky he was. Deep in thought, he was actually startled when she opened the door and dropped her key-ring in the bowl. She was carrying the briefcase he had given her to celebrate her recent promotion and he thought she looked like a beautiful attorney from some television show.

"Hey gorgeous," he blurted out, "how is the most beautiful drug-pusher in California?" She was an absolute dream, dressed in her ankle-length gray pencil-skirt and a pale blue blouse with the sleeves rolled up.

A huge smile spread across her face and she replied, "just, I must really be slipping. Besides, you forget, I don't do that anymore...I'm a big-shot now."

"I said California because as the Beach Boys will tell you; or David Lee Roth, which ever rendition you prefer; the cutest girls in the world are California Girls," he responded.

"Is there any subject that you are not knowledgeable in," she asked, surprised at his musical reference.

"Well, I'm certainly no match for Sheldon and his eidetic memory," he assured her, "but according to him, he has no peers. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about your meteoric rise of the chain of command, Ms Assistant Director of Marketing. How was your day?"

Swiveling his chair, he graciously offered his lap for her to perch on; which she swiftly took advantage of. "You sure my weight isn't too much for you," she asked.

"Like a butterfly," he grinned, "you know I've been going to the gym at lunch time, and doing yoga with you."

"Have I told you lately how happy you make me," Penny softly said while putting her arms around him.

"I don't think so," he replied, "so...anything new at work?"

"Actually, yes," she perked up, "they announced that this years recognition banquet is being held in Los Angeles at the Radisson."

Every year Zangen hosted a dinner and reception to announce new products, new research, and to congratulate those that received promotion in the previous year. "The Los Angeles," chirped Leonard, "what happened to having the meeting in an exotic place; like last year's New Orleans."

"Well apparently the stockholders are not happy about the company spending money on extravagant trips and banquets, so the executives dialed it back. Of course the only ones who suffer are the peons. But, tying to make it up to us, the CEO, COO, and all the vice-presidents pooled some money and are offering really expensive gifts at a raffle during the meeting," she informed him. "Rumor is that a couple of the gifts are expensive trips."

When she told him the dates of the dinner, his face contorted in a frown and he told her, "oh no...that's the weekend Stephen Hawking is visiting Cal-Tech and all the tenured Physicists have to be there. Howard is the engineer-on-call for his wheelchair, so he won't be able to go with Bernadette either.

"Well that sucks," she also frowned, "a free hotel room and my little Ewok won't be there."

"Maybe you'll win one of the trips," he suggested with a smile while reaching up to rub her back.

"I doubt it," she pouted, "I've already been lucky once in my life...that would be pushing it." Illustrating her point, she let her hand drift down his body to his groin and was pleasantly surprised to find him already aroused. Leaning down to kiss him, they were interrupted by three quick knocks on the door, and Sheldon bursting into the apartment.

"We've got to start putting the chain on the door," Leonard remarked disappointedly, "when he moved out, I hoped we wouldn't have to worry any more about his interruptions."

Glancing at the couple sitting in the chair, Sheldon proclaimed: "oh good...I'm not interrupting anything important."

Exasperated with his former roommate, Leonard inquired: "so what's so important that it couldn't wait until lunch tomorrow?"

"We have to get started writing our "welcome" speech for Stephen Hawking," Sheldon excitedly informed him, while plopping down on "his spot" on the sofa.

"That's three weeks away, and no one has even asked us to write a speech," a frustrated Leonard told him.

"There's no sense wasting time on what is a certain eventuality," Sheldon replied; clearly oblivious to Leonard's impatience.

Three weeks later, Penny and Bernadette had checked into the Radisson and were impressed by its opulence. As they made their way to the conference room for the first day's meeting, Bernadette commented: "this place isn't half bad...there's a nice pool out back."

"I know, right," agreed Penny, "did you see that exercise room and spa." They had both dressed to impress; wearing their best business conservative clothing; but still remembered to highlight their best features. Penny's tight skirt had a very daring slit up the side, and Bernadette's blouse revealed a vast expanse of cleavage.

One of the first things on the agenda was to recognize the past year's promotions and accomplishments. When it was Penny's turn to be introduced, Henry Kimball, the Vice President of Product Development announced that there was a special guest to introduce her. When Shaquille O'Neal took the stage, the room exploded in applause. Penny had convinced O'Neal to endorse Zangen's new anti-inflammatory cream and it turned into their best selling product. Shaking hands with the basketball legend, Penny had almost forgotten what a giant of a man he was. Seven feet tall and three hundred pounds definitely qualified as a giant in her book.

When she returned to her table, Shaq joined her and Bernadette for the meal. As he and Penny conversed like old friends, Bernadette just sat there with an astonished look on her face. Shaq excused himself to visit the Restroom and Bernadette implored Penny: "what the Hell...since when did you get to be so chummy with this guy?" She knew Penny had recruited him for the advertising campaign, but assumed it was purely a business relationship.

Smiling slyly, Penny told her: "when we were discussing his endorsement, we became quite close. He's really a nice guy." She, of course, did not tell Bernadette the extent of their encounter. When Shaq returned to the table, he smiled and had a proposition for the two blondes: "listen, I am staying right next door in the Hilton penthouse. Some of the more influential Lakers supporters are throwing a dinner to recognize the 2002 Championship. It starts tomorrow, but tonight I'm hosting a little get-together for some of my former teammates. Robert Horry, Rick Fox, and Derek Fisher will be there. It would be great if you could come Penny; and bring Bernadette...I think she would fit right in."

Remembering what had transpired at their last meeting, and feeling incredibly horny without Leonard there to satisfy her, Penny hesitated just momentarily and then agreed: "that would be great, but I don't know about Bernie. We'll have to discuss it."

"No discussion," Bernadette nearly shouted; eager at the opportunity to party with this legend; "I'll be there."

"Great...great," Shaq grinned and surreptitiously rubbing his groin, "I'm looking forward to it."

"I'll just bet you are," Penny thought, remembering the fourteen inch anaconda between his legs.

After the meal, Zangen's COO announced it was time to award the special prizes. Upon entering the banquet room, everyone had been given a numbered wristband that corresponded with numbered strips of paper that were now in a large clear glass bowl on the raised stage. Looking around the room and spying Shaq was still there, he asked: since Mr. O'Neal is still gracing our presence, would he be so kind to select the winning numbers? These prizes were paid for by your executive team and include some fascinating trips and, of course, a couple pairs of Lakers tickets." Penny later found out that the Lakers tickets were actually a tax write-off because the company used a season box for business purposes.

One of the trips was to Catalina Island for a weekend, and Penny hoped she could win that for her and Leonard...but didn't. The most extravagant trip was to the Sabi Sands Game Preserve on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia and was all-inclusive. She nearly fainted when Shaq called her number and jumped up waving her wristband. "Woo-hoo," she shouted and raced to the stage to retrieve her envelope. Sitting back down, she perused the itinerary and saw that it was reservations for four. Noting the glower on Bernadette's face for not winning anything; and knowing Bernadette still felt Penny owed her for her original job at Zangen, she graciously offered: "why don't you and Howard come with'll be great."

Bernadette's demeanor immediately changed and she actually hugged Penny. "Thank if we can just convince the guys to do something outdoors," Bernie admitted. They arranged when to meet up with Shaq and went up to their rooms to change.

Penny immediately called Leonard with the news of her big prize and his response was: "that is sooo wonderful. You do mean a real Africa...not just like Safari village at the San Diego Zoo; right?"

Knowing his aversion of the outdoors, she assured him: " Africa...outdoors. Are you OK with that?"

"Are you kidding," he confessed, "a vacation with the girl of my dreams...and no Sheldon. It couldn't be more perfect...I'm all in. I'm already on the laptop, looking up what inoculations we need." Penny couldn't have been more surprised, or cajoling; no trade-offs of accompanying him to a comic-con. She smiled as she was reminded of how much she loved her little Ewok. After hanging up, she quickly changed her clothes and went to meet Bernadette. Opening the door to Bernadette's room, they both laughed when they looked at each other's attire.

"I guess great minds think alike," Penny chuckled because they had both gone the LBD route.

"At least sluts do," Bernadette laughed.

"Hey, the Little Black Dress never goes out of style," Penny grinned as she twirled to give Bernie the full effect. Bernie did the same and Penny thought it was the first time she had ever seen Bernadette not wearing her ubiquitous tights or leggings. It was also obvious that Bernie was not wearing a bra, as her pendulous breasts swayed inside her dress. Penny, too, had neglected to put on a bra, but she reasoned that it was because her dress was strapless and the bra straps would show. Penny had not confessed to Bernadette about her last encounter with Shaq, but she obviously was expecting more than Champaign and appetizers.

Both their dresses were thigh-high, and combined with four-inch heels; they resembled hookers as they made their way next door to the Hilton. Shaq had left a key-card at the Front Desk for them so they could access the Penthouse elevator. Stepping off the elevator directly into the Penthouse suite the girls saw that Shaq and his three former teammates were standing around the bar with drinks in their hands. Whistles and exclamations greeted them and they twirled around to give the four huge black men the full effect. Shaq stepped forward and introduced Penny to his friends, "this is Penny, the one I told you about." Penny noticed the winks being exchanged as they eyed her up and down.

"And this is her friend Bernadette; who I'm sure will be a lot of fun," Shaq finished the introductions and offered the girls a glass of champagne. "To celebrate Penny's big promotion, and to new friends," he toasted and they all clinked glasses. It reminded Penny of Sheldon's ban on "clinking of glasses after nine PM."

"I know everyone has already had dinner, so I just had them send up a tray of cheese and crackers, and a tray of sliced fruit," Shaq graciously offered. Everyone just stood around the bar casually conversing, snacking and finishing off the champagne. Shaq quickly whipped up a pitcher of margaritas from the built-in bar and flicked on the surround-sound stereo in the living room area. Penny felt like she was in a forest of trees as the former Lakers began to sway to the music around her. Shaq was, of course, over seven feet tall, and Horry was only about three inches shorter. Rick Fox was a couple inches shorter than Horry, and Derek Fisher was the runt of the bunch at just over six feet.

The drinks began to flow and the dancing became more sensuous as the girls bumped and grinded against the athletes. Bernadette was grinding up against Rick Fox, who was a foot and a half taller, and he just casually slipped the straps of her dress of her shoulders. She had been wasted two margaritas ago and when the straps slid down her arms, she took the next step and pulled the top of the dress down over her mammoth breasts. They were 34 D, and on her tiny body they seemed gigantic. When they flopped out on her chest, the whistles were long and loud.

Penny sidled over to her friend and whispered: "I hope you know what you're doing; I have a feeling these guys are large..if you know what I mean."

"I'm no stranger to black cock," Bernadette responded, louder than Penny had wished, "remember Glen?" Penny had forgotten that before Howard, Bernadette had dated a large black man. Penny had met him once at a Physics symposium that she had reluctantly attended with the rest of the gang. Now that she thought about it; Glen had actually resembled Rick Fox. As Bernadette continued to dance, Robert Horry came up behind her, grasped the top of her dangling dress and began to peel it down her petite body. As he nudged it down over her round butt, it became apparent that Bernadette was indeed a slut...she had gone completely commando.

"Whoa," Horry exclaimed, "this little pixie means business." Watching her step clear of her dress, he put his hands around her and began to knead her huge breasts like mounds of bread dough. Although massive, her tits were merely hands full in his giant mitts. Her hips were still gyrating when Fox kneeled in front of her and began to run his hands up and down her short legs.

"She really IS a slut," Fox proclaimed to the room, "look here...a pussy ring." Penny leaned closer and saw that Bernadette had large, droopy labia and, sure enough, the right lip had been pierced and there hung a tiny gold ring. Rick grasped the ring and pulled it out, extending her already glistening lip. Bernadette had the biggest grin on her face and Penny just nodded back at her.

Itching to advance the proceedings, Bernadette stated: "well...I showed you mine; when am I going to see what you're packin'." Fox stood up and swiftly shed his clothes, revealing an ample nine inch prick that was already erect. Penny couldn't help but note with pride that Leonard's was just as long and actually much fatter. Horry followed him and quickly unveiled an impressive eleven inch pepperoni. "Oooo, I can't wait to feel that in my ass," Bernadette cooed.

"Hey Shaq," Robert Horry asked, "do you have any lube."

"No self-respecting black man travels without some," Shaq responded and headed into the bedroom.

Returning, he tossed the bottle to Horry, who was now sitting on one of the pure white leather sofas. Horry drizzled the lubricant around his purple crown and Bernadette backed up to the couch between his stocky legs. She reached behind her to spread her ample cheeks apart and he nudged his head against her sphincter ring. Penny cringed at the sight of such a giant tool about to spear her friend's asshole; not being fond of anal sex herself. Horry grasped Bernadette by the waist and lifted her up as if she weighed no more than a pillow. Slowly he sat her down on his lap, watching his long pole disappearing up into her ass.

"Oh shit yeah," Bernadette squealed so shrilly that Penny was surprised the glassware didn't explode, "I love a cock in my ass." It looked like one of Howard's magic tricks as all eleven inches was sucked up into her ass.

"Well, if you liked that... just wait until you feel this," Fox told her as he stepped between their legs with his prick in his hand. Bending his knees, he rubbed his crown against her plump lips and began to push forward. He couldn't resist reaching down and pinching her lips between his fingers and pulling them wide; especially the ring pierced right one. Looking down, Bernadette watched as her lips parted and his black penis began to penetrate her pussy. She could feel their shafts rubbing against each other, separated by a thin membrane, as Fox kept pushing forward until all nine inches were buried inside her.

"Fuck yeah...nothing beats black cock," Bernadette screeched as they began to fuck her; sliding their cocks in and out of her holes. Penny thought that she looked like a midget sandwiched between their huge black bodies. Her massive tits were flopping up and down against her chest, making "slapping" sounds. As she leaned back against Horry's broad chest, Fox began to pound into her pussy and Bernadette squealed, "yesss...stretch my holes...fuck me harder."

Looking at Shaq and Penny, Derek Fisher inquired: "are we just spectators at this party, or what?"

"That's up to my good friend Penny," Shaq answered.

Her head spinning from more margaritas than she was used to since marrying Leonard, Penny smiled broadly and began to sway her wide hips to-and-fro. Eyeing the grins on her admirers faces, she reached up to her bodice and teasingly flipped the top of her dress under her impressive breasts so that they were now wobbling and bouncing against the fabric. "Now that's what I'm talking about," Derek stated, "that is a set of tits." They truly were magnificent: 35 C with nary a sag and perfectly round. Large pink elliptical areola that were topped by darker pink gumdrop sized nipples just begged to be sucked.

Spurred on by his praise, Penny continued with the strip show by pushing the tight dress down over her tummy and past her swaying hips. It was like a museum unveiling a masterpiece as her body was revealed. Proving she wasn't the slut that Bernadette was, she was still clothed in a tiny pink lace thong, which she promptly slid down her endlessly long legs. A perfect thigh gap let them see her puffy camel-toe which surrounded her damp visible slit. "Holy shit Shaq, you weren't kidding," praised Fisher as he advanced and began to fondle Penny's soft, firm breasts.

"I CAN pick 'em," Shaq proudly admitted as he began to disrobe. Fisher cupped Penny's supple tits and rolled her erect nipples between his fingers, before leaning down and sucking her warm flesh into his mouth. When she looked over at the other matching sofa, Shaq had shed his clothes and was sitting there stroking the tree-trunk between his legs. Penny remembered what a truly dangerous weapon his hard prick appeared to be. It resembled a caveman's club from the old Saturday morning cartoons. She had estimated it was a full fourteen inches long and as thick as her forearm...and it made her wet just looking at it.

Shaq crooked his finger, inviting Penny over: "come on Penny, let's show your friend that she's not the only one who knows how to handle black cock." As she casually walked over to where Shaq was sitting, Derek swiftly lost his clothes and uncovered a nine inch sausage with a large crown. Standing naked in front of Shaq, Penny closed her eyes as he ran his giant hands up and down her smooth body, caressing her wonderful cheeks and incredible breasts. She had always been so proud of her ample tits, but they seemed like no more than nubs in his huge hands. "You are a beautiful woman," he praised her.