Big Bang Theory Season 08 Ep. 27

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A week-end with Beverly, his sister and sister-in-law.
20.5k words

Part 80 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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After leaving Chicago on Tuesday evening, the train made several stops along the way and it finally pulled into the Trenton New Jersey station on Thursday afternoon. While Leonard rented a car, Sheldon called Beverly to inform her that both he and Leonard were on their way to her home.

Beverly let out a groan, "Oh no, don't tell me you have my son with you? Don't you think he'll put a damper on our sexual activities?"

Sheldon scoffed, "Oh no Beverly, as a matter of fact, he broke up with Penny and since then he's a totally different person. I told him that you are too, especially when not around my group back in Pasadena. He even took the class with me in Topeka and he has already perfected it on two female subjects while we were visiting Chicago. I wasn't as lucky, I only got to try it out once, but it worked like a charm."

"Well, okay, I'll do my best to lose my stuffiness around him, but it won't be easy. You have to hurry up and get here. Sally and Martha will be arriving tomorrow for the week-end. They told their husbands that they are having a week-end with me and they were more than happy to get them away for a few days. So I have you and Leonard for the rest of today, tonight and tomorrow morning. I expect you to show me how much you've learned in Topeka."

Leonard pulled up, "Listen Beverly, Leonard is here with the car; we'll see you soon."

"Don't let Leonard speed, but hurry up, bye."

Sheldon hopped in the car, he turned to Leonard, "Good news, we have your mother all to ourselves till tomorrow. Sally and Martha will be her guests for the week-end. By the time we leave Monday morning for New York, I think we're gonna need at least a day to recuperate before we meet up with Harris Faulkner from Fox News."

"Mmmm, I've always liked her. Is she as sex in person as she is on TV?"

Sheldon scoffed, "Are you kidding, she's incredible and she can suck and fuck like no one I've ever met."

Leonard chuckled, "It's just weird hearing you speak like that Sheldon. You are definitely a different person on the rails then you are at Cal Tech."

He nodded, "Have to be, there I'm a respected physicist and here, I'm just another Joe and I want to keep it that way."

"Don't worry Sheldon; your secret is safe with me."

Before long they were pulling up in front of Beverly's house. Leonard let out a grunt, "I'm having second thoughts about this Sheldon. Are you sure I can't just head out to New York, spend a few days sightseeing and you join me there Monday?"

He opened the door, "No, you have to face her and show her what a real man you are. Who knows, maybe she'll hypnotize you and give you a leg-up on the ladies like she did for me." He scoffed, "With her, I'm gonna need a couple legs up, not just one. Okay, let's get this over with."

Beverly peeked out the window and made a promise to herself that she was gonna give Leonard a shitload of attention and rain all sorts of affection on him. She was going to make up a lifetime of cruel behavior and give him the loving he deserves. She threw open the door and wrapped her arms around Sheldon and gave him a toe-curling kiss. It went on for nearly a minute. She pulled away and straightened her hair.

Leonard put out his hand to shake hers, but he was shocked when she took him in her arms and gave him the same kiss she just bestowed on Sheldon. When she pulled away; he was shocked and aroused at the same time, "Wow Mother that was some greeting, what's come over you?"

"Come on in and make yourself comfortable and I'll explain."

They dropped their bags at the foot of the stairs and followed her into the parlor. She sat across from them in a demure and fashionable skirt and blouse, "My dear son, I want us to be more than mother and son this week-end, same goes for you with your sister and sister-in-law. We want an open and loving relationship and I know it has to begin with me. I've been a horrible parent and now that you have a career of your own, and don't need a mother who doles out affection as a reward, we're going to try and give it out with love and hopefully it will be returned in the same manner."

Sheldon bounced up and down, "Yippy, I told you she changed Leonard."

Leonard sat back, but was skeptical, "Okay, I'll play along, but I can't see you changing a lifetime of cruel behavior overnight. I'm going to have to see it with actions and not just talk."

"Fine Leonard!" she turned to Sheldon, 'How about you, are you skeptical?"

He shook his head, "No, not at all, but I am hungry."

She hopped up, "Great idea, what do you say we head out and have a fine meal. I know an excellent steakhouse. We can't go wrong there, right Leonard?"

He stood, ""Sound fine to me, shall I drive?"

She put her arm around his waist, "I would love that; let's be on our way."

They had a great meal and a bottle of wine and as always, Sheldon stayed clear of it. Leonard and Beverly finished the whole bottle off, along with a couple of cocktails."

During dinner Sheldon took Beverly's hands, "I'm glad we were able to come and visit you this trip. A lot has happened in the past week. Amy broke up with me. She told me I was cold and incapable of showing affection. She wanted a more physical relationship and while at Cal Tech, I'm not my fun loving jovial self."

She stroked his hand, "I understand, I find it hard to open up while I'm around Leonard here, just like you have a tough time at the university. We both need to work on that. She turned to Leonard, "Leonard, my son, I vow to change and show you a lot of affection during your stay here."

Sheldon interrupted her, "The real big news is that Leonard here broke up with Penny. That is the main reason he's here on this trek across America with me."

For once Beverly showed genuine concern for her son. She stood up and took a seat beside him. She drew him into her embrace and hugged him to her large bosom. "What happened dear, tell mommy all about it?"

He did open up and poured out his heart and to his surprise, she was concerned and felt sorry for him, "You know Leonard; she was never worth your love and affection. I've heard from several of your friends how badly she treated you and I was upset at you for allowing her to walk all over you. I know you did a lot of this because I failed to show you affection and you were starved for it, well no more. I'm going to pour out so much affection and sweetness; you just come down with diabetes." She chuckled, "Believe it or not, that was my way of trying to lighten the mood. What do you say we finish up here and head back to the house? I have an idea, seeing how well hypnosis worked with Sheldon, would you be opposed to me hypnotizing you and give you more confidence and maybe a catch phrase for you to release a few extra pheromones, just like I did for Sheldon?"

He stared at her, "You would do that for me? You always said that was the easy way out and I should earn it on my own."

She scoffed, "Well Leonard, look how well that worked out. What could it hurt?"

He shrugged, "Let me think about it, you know that therapy we went through in Topeka really heightened my confidence."

She nodded, "Yes, but remember, that will only work if you have the nerve and diligence to get the woman naked in your bed before you can try that out. Telling them you can make them squirt right off the bat may get you slapped or charged with sexual harassment. That is why I thought increasing your confidence could get you in the front door, so to speak."

"Thank you mother, let me think about it and I'll let you know. Come on let's get out of here."

They returned home and the three of them sat around the living room. Leonard could see Beverly was itching to get her hooks in Sheldon and he didn't want any part of that. He stood and came over to his mother. He leaned down and gave her a chaste kiss, "I think I'll head up to bed, I believe the two of you have some unfinished business you'd like to discuss without me around. I'll see you two in the morning."

Both Beverly and Sheldon tried to get him to stay, but he knew they were just trying to be polite. He headed upstairs and even before he closed the door to his bedroom, he heard Beverly giggle, "Oh Sheldon, at least wait till he gets upstairs." He closed and locked his bedroom door. The last thing he needed was either of them coming in tonight. He had a lot to think about and didn't want them busting in to muddle things up.

Downstairs, Sheldon quickly managed to strip Beverly naked and using all of the tricks he learned in Kansas, before they struggled up the stairs to her bedroom, he had her flat on the floor, squirting.

Beverly had enough sense to get off her expensive sofa. She didn't want to have to explain to anyone all of the stains on the sofa.

Weak-kneed and out of breath, Sheldon managed to guide Beverly up to her bedroom. They both were glad her bedroom was down the hall and out of ear-shot of Leonard's room and with the door closed, she could moan and groan all she wanted and Leonard wouldn't hear them.

Sheldon managed to get her to satisfy him orally and while she cleaned up in her private bathroom, he recuperated quickly enough to fuck her every way she wanted until she was worn out and exhausted. He ended up having her ride him cowgirl and as he filled her cunt with his cream, she rolled off of him, spooned Sheldon and the two of them fell asleep in each other's arms.

In the morning, Leonard was up first, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. He prepared the coffee and was in the process of making French toast when a worn out Beverly and Sheldon came stumbling into the kitchen for coffee and juice.

Sheldon grabbed a cup and turned to Leonard, "Please fill it up; I'm in desperate need of caffeine."

Leonard was floored, "Sheldon was a changed man, he never had coffee and he knew his mother wore him out last night. Even though her room was at the other end, he still heard loud groans and grunts coming from that portion of the house.

Beverly came up behind Leonard and gave him a big hug. She lovingly nuzzled his neck and even though it freaked him out, he found it rather soothing and enjoyable. He was finally seeing Beverly in a totally different light.

He made them all French toast and Beverly and Sheldon headed up to shower and dress. Leonard already showered and he headed up to change and wait for the arrival of his sister and sister-in-law.

Beverly and Sheldon finally made their way downstairs, all flushed and damp from a shower where they did more than just wash-up.

Luckily it was Friday and Martha got out of her office early. She picked up Sally and she looked amazing, dressed in a lightweight pearly white wrap-around dress. Her large breasts were trying to burst free. When she slipped into the car, her dress parted and showed a great expanse of her lush, bare thighs. The two of them raced over to Beverly's house as fast as they could.

Sally chuckled, "When was the last time we were in a hurry to get to Beverly's house?"

Martha snickers, "Aw, like never! Luckily Sheldon is going to be there. I know he wanted to see the babies, maybe next time. That way we can be sure he'll return. Mom said something about my brother being there."

Sally stared at her, "No, my husband and your husband are staying home and watching the babies. What are you talking about?"

Martha stopped at a red light and reached up and unpinned her long, glossy raven locks. She shook her head and combed her fingers through it. Her tight bun came down and was a mass of tight curls from being up all day. Unlike Sally, she was dressed in a two piece business, skirt suit. Beneath the jacket was a dark blue silky blouse and she removed the matching scarf and unbuttoned the two three buttons, exposing her large cleavage and lacy black bra holding them in place. She turned to Sally, "Not that brother, Sheldon's roommate and my other brother, Leonard, Leonard Hofstadter."

Sally's face turned white, "Aw, are you sure? I can't see him, he might find out."

Martha turned to her, "What the hell are you talking about? You look as white as a ghost."

Sally shook her head, "No, forget about it. Nothing, come on, let's get there I can't wait to see if Sheldon learned how to make a woman squirt."

Martha chuckled, "I call dibs; I'm first."

"Aw come on, that isn't fair, we'll flip for it. Who know, maybe your brother learned how to also. I'd love to see you with your brother; that would be so hot."

Martha blushed and giggled, "Yeah, that would be something or seeing Leonard with Beverly, either way, I'd like that!"

They pulled up and jumped out, each carrying an overnight bag. Martha burst through the front door and seeing Sheldon, she dropped her bag and rushed to him. She planted a hot kiss on his lips and pulling back, she saw Leonard standing up. She moved over to him and placed her hands on his chest, "Hi baby brother, got a hug and a kiss for your big sister?"

Before Leonard could react, she planted a hot, smoldering kiss on his lips. He pulled back, 'Who are you, and what did you do with my stuffy sister?" He stared into her gorgeous green eyes, "You know something Martha? For the first time in like...forever, when I look at you I see your name doesn't match the person. All the time growing up, you were always so prim and proper, somewhat stuffy and I always thought you matched your name. Now it doesn't do you justice. You should be named Mindy, Mandy or Missy, definitely not Martha."

She giggled, but Sheldon interrupted him, "So you think your sister reminds you of a Missy, huh? Sorta like my sister you had sex with a few years back?"

Leonard beamed at him, "Yes Sheldon, exactly, but at least when I had sex with your sister, I didn't get her pregnant, like you did mine."

Sally stepped in-between the two of them, "Alright, enough strutting your peacock feathers, both of you." She looked to Beverly and Martha, "I think there are enough of us to go around and assure you both a sexually satisfying week-end; don't you agree Bev?"

Beverly chuckled, "So now I'm Bev, and not Beverly." She chuckled, "I like it and maybe we should call Martha, Mandy or whatever Leonard sees fit."

Leonard came over to Sally and took her hand in his, "You are without a doubt a Doppelganger for my ex-fiancée."

Sally stared at him and licked her lips, "Whatever are you talking about, Leonard?"

He chuckled, "I think you can dispense with all of the charades Sally. I have a few questions to ask you and at the end of them, I'll tell you if you are telling the truth, or making up stories about your past."

She stepped back and took a seat beside Beverly and turning to her, "I really don't know where this is leading Beverly, but I'm becoming rather uncomfortable."

Beverly patted her on the knee and felt the warmth of her bare skin beneath her hand, "Just hear him out Sally. He isn't here to embarrass you; he just wants to find out the truth, as do I."

Leonard stood before her and reaching back, grabbed a chair and pulled it before her. ""Sally, did you come here to New York to try and break onto Broadway?"

She bit her lower lip and nodded, "Everyone knows that is where I met your brother Michael."

He nodded, "Did you come here from Nebraska, right out of high school, trying to follow in the steps of your older sister, Penny?"

She sat back and crossed her legs, hoping her long bare legs would distract him; it did to a point, but knew this was the exact tactic her sister always used on him. She looked to her sister-in-law and to Sheldon and knew she had to tell the truth. She nodded slowly and in barely a whisper replied, "Yes, yes I did, so what?"

Leonard slid forward in his chair and reaching out took her hands in his, "As far as I'm concerned, there isn't a problem at all. All I wanted was to make sure I did have my facts straight. You see Sally, Penny and I were to be married a week or so ago, but she couldn't tell the truth and I didn't want to get mixed up with you if you were the same as your lying sister. You're parents are Wyatt and Susan, am I correct?"

She drew in a deep breath and looked at everyone in the room, "Yes, yes they are. I just didn't want all of these kind people to think I was some kind of a hick from Nebraska and wouldn't accept me into their family."

Beverly hugged her and stroked her blonde head, "How could you ever think that? I have to confess, I didn't care for Penny at first, but because Leonard loved her, I learned to like her too. You are no different, Michael loves you, even though he's a cold person, I must fault myself for that attribute, but I've changed and as you can see, so has Martha, or Molly or whatever she would like to be called."

Sally giggled, "She does resemble a Mandy more than a Martha."

Martha slapped her playfully on the arm, "Hey, I resent that, but at the same time agree with the whole bunch of you guys." She hugged Sally, "How could you believe we wouldn't accept you? Michael saw something loveable in you and it plainly shows through to us too."

Leonard got her attention, "You know, your mother is worried sick about you. She hasn't heard from you ever since you left for New York. She wonders if you are okay, or if you're even alive. I think you should call her and let her know, at least that you are okay."

She nodded, "I'm so ashamed of myself. Just seeing how all of you are so understanding, I was such a fool. She hopped up and jumped up into Leonard's lap and wrapping her arms around his neck, she planted a hot searing kiss on his lips, "Thank you for exposing my deceit and I promise not to hide anything else." She pulled back, "I can't believe, my sister and I almost married brothers and to find out that the two of you are on completely opposite sides of the country. You have to tell me what my slutty sister did to make you break-up with her."

Beverly stood up and looked down at her son, "You know Leonard, I suddenly realized, I'm very, very proud of you. You may not have achieved a lot in your field, but you have a good heart and deserve love, hopefully with Penny, but if not her, someone else."

Both Sally and Leonard stood and hugged Beverly. Leonard looked behind his mother and saw Martha and Sheldon locked in a very passionate kiss.

He cleared his throat and Sheldon broke the kiss, "What, you three were hugging it out and I realized Martha was sitting here all alone. You know something, Leonard? You were absolutely correct; Martha here is the spittin' image of Megan Fox."

Martha stared up at her younger brother, and in barely a whisper she replied, "You said that Leonard? Wow, that has to be one of the best compliments I've ever received. I'm going to repay you for that, but I can see you and Sally have a lot to discuss." She stood up and grabbed Sheldon and Beverly's hand, "Come on you two, let's find a bedroom where Sheldon can show me what he has learned at that sex compound. I think we should leave these two alone to talk and...well whatever else develops." She giggled and tugging at their arms, led them out of the living room and up the stairs to Beverly's large master bedroom.

Sally turned and looked to Leonard, "Shall we sit and catch up, or would you rather follow them up to your bedroom?"

He smiled at her, "I can see you and your sister have a lot in common, but I can also see a glaring difference too. She wouldn't ever propose sitting and talking. Talking isn't one of her strong-suits. She goes more for the physical side of relationships. I think that is where everything went wrong with us. Excuse my language, but Penny would rather fuck and keep it bottled up rather than admit she did something wrong like she did over and over and over again."

She chuckled, "Oh that sounds exactly like the Penny I knew. So let's sit and tell me what happened?"