Big Bang Theory Season 15 Ep. 03

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Porn party at Brandi's Mansion & Leonard settles things.
13.4k words

Part 143 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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Bernadette and Amy came down from their respective bedrooms naked. They were in the pool area and saw Stephanie running around frantic. Bernadette found Brandi, "What's her problem?"

Brandi rolled her eyes, "It seems Leonard ran out on her while she was sucking on Sean's cock. She was too far gone to stop him and along with Cory Chase, they fucked the hell out of him. She found out now that Leonard left, taking an Uber back to Stanford."

Amy and Bernadette hurried upstairs to dress and coming back down Bernadette ran into Dillion. Dillion told them both what she and Leonard did and she knew she could use this to reason with Leonard later on.

Amy found Stephanie out in the courtyard. She was gathering all of her group together. She was still upset, but knew she had to get back and talk to Leonard as soon as possible to diffuse the situation.

Bernie moved to a area of the bus where she could make a call in private. She called Leonard and she was glad he answered the phone, "Hey Leonard, you got everyone at the party looking for you. We heard you had an issue with Stephanie working on Sean Michaels and leaving you alone, is that right?"

He scoffed, "Yeah, that's about it in a nutshell. I can really pick them, can't I?"

She rolled her eyes and she was glad he couldn't see her, "Okay buster listen and listen good. What did you expect to happen? Did you think Stephanie would let you spend the entire afternoon sucking and fucking Dillion Harper and she was just going to sit back and act like nothing was going on? She didn't skip out on you the way you did on her. She made sure if she was gonna fuck someone, she wanted you there to share the experience with you. Now you go and run off like a pampered little shit and try and act all holier that thou?"

He let out a groan, knowing she was right, "Oh hell Bernadette, I really fucked up, didn't I? To top it off, I rushed off and made a fool of myself. I had a locksmith come and change the locks to my townhouse and when she comes here and finds out what I did, I'll be the tiny little man who couldn't accept for her to fuck someone else. At the same time, I spent the whole afternoon fucking a gorgeous porn star. I couldn't see what I was doing was so much worse than what she did. What can I do now Bernadette?"

She knew she had him exactly where she wanted him, but decided to let him off the hook. She let out a deep breath, "Okay, what you did, well as far as I know, Stephanie doesn't know anything about it. I spoke with Dillion while Stephanie was frantically running around looking for you. Maybe, if you want, at a later date you can come clean, but not now, that is for sure. She'll see it as a betrayal and see what a little shit you are."

He chuckled, "Yeah, I am, aren't I? Okay, but what do I do about changing the locks?"

Bernadette sighed, and thought for a moment, "Okay how about this, make a little mess and find a knife you don't mind messing up. Move some of the furniture around and break a couple things you don't mind ruining. You can tell her you had a break-in and decided that somehow the locks were never changed when you moved it. Just to be on the safe side, you called a locksmith and had all of the locks changed."

He scoffed, "My God Bernadette, remind me never to cross you. You have a devious mind and I suddenly feel sorry for all the crap you put Howard through."

She giggled, "Oh, you don't know half of the crap I pulled on him. I never did anything like what you did with Stephanie. Whenever we fucked around, we both were aware of it and took it on stride. Now what Penny did to you, now that was wrong and what you did was warranted."

"He let out a groan, "She must think I'm a real putz. Bernadette, thank you for all of your help. How can I ever repay you."

She gave him a wicked chuckle, "Oh don't you worry, I'll get payment from you, but not now. I gotta get back to the group before they wonder what I'm doing so long on the phone. If they ask, I'll tell them I was solving an issue at work. We'll see you soon, remember we're spending the night at your place and leaving tomorrow for Pasadena. You did miss a lot of fun in the bedrooms."

He chuckled, "Oh I had my fun, you have no idea how incredible Dillion was."

She laughed out loud, "Oh yeah I do, she told me how incredible you were." She whispered, they are looking at me now, this is for their sake. WHAT THE FUCK DAN, CAN'T I TAKE OFF ONE WEEK-END AND SPEND IT IN PEACE? I'LL TAKE CARE OF IT ON MONDAY, GOODBYE."

Leonard chuckled, "Sweet Bernie, see you soon, bye!"

In the party bus, Bernadette walked over to Stephanie and took a seat. I think when we return to Stanford, it may be best if Amy and I go and talk to Leonard first, you know, try and smooth things over."

Stephanie was looking very, very distressed. She looked up at Bernadette and nodded, "Okay, that may be best, but you have to call me as soon as you know how his demeanor is, okay?"

Bernadette still didn't like her, seeing she more or less stole Leonard from her, but she now had Raj, for better or worse and wanted what was best for Leonard. She hugged Stephanie and lightly stroked her hair, "I'll do that and I swear I'll contact you as soon as I'm sure he's calmed down."

When they arrived back at Stephanie and Alex's apartment, they all piled out and except for Amy and Bernadette, they all went inside.

Alex got everyone refreshments, but Penny, who was shook up by what happened, she left for her room. Alex, Stephanie, Raj and Bert sat around the living room, with nothing or very little to talk about."

Stephanie went to Penny's bedroom door and knocked, After being told to come in, she did, "Could you do Alex and me a favor and come out here. We have Raj and Bert here and don't have the foggiest idea of what to talk about."

Penny gave her a weak smile and nodded, "Yeah, I guess it's the least I could do seeing they are my friends and after all you and Alex have done for me. Just give me a minute or two to tidy up. I'm sorry, I should have been out there right from the start, but after seeing all of my old friends and new friends have sex and having a great time, well I was hiding out in the library trying to keep a low profile." She stood, "I'll be out in a couple."

Stephanie knew it was her cue to leave. She turned and left, not knowing what to say.

After a couple of minutes Penny came out and thinks were a lot lighter after that.

Over at Leonard's townhouse, Amy and Bernadette knocked on his door and he opened it almost immediately. His shoulders slumped when he saw Stephanie wasn't there, "What, what happened, where is Stephanie?"

Bernadette giggled, "Can we come in or do we have to do all of this on the front stoop?"

"Sorry, come on in, want a drink?"

Bernadette shook her head, "No, I wanna put this to bed and get some food in me. Listen, I couldn't tell Stephanie I spoke with you while on the bus. I told her we'd come over here and smooth things over. So I've changed my mind, got any wine?"

He groaned out and went and got them both some wine.

Amy looked at Leonard, "Why are you being such a douche? After what we heard what you did with that Dillion slut, how can you be so critical of Stephanie?"

He was pissed as soon as she spoke, "Listen Amy, Dillion is no slut. She is really a very, very nice woman. She does what she does because she had no skills and had to get out of Florida. She puts up a front, because that is what she needs to do. If she saves up enough, she wants out, but she's still working on it. Okay with that said, yeah, I fucked up. So as soon as we get my story straight, Stephanie can be called and have her come over. I surely don't want her taking any responsibility for what happened. I'll let her know that I snapped and wasn't thinking straight. To tell you the truth, it is sort of true. I keep thinking about what went of between Penny and me and I can't separate the two relationships." He looked from Amy and then to Bernadette, "To tell you the truth, I'm gonna tell her I need a break, not because of what happened, but I need the time to process my sanity. I have to think things through and make sure I'm capable of another serious relationship so soon."

Amy finished her wine, "You know Leonard, that may be wise. It doesn't mean you can't date either of them, but for your own peace of mind, take it slow, maybe even see other women and make sure you're not just jumping from one screwed up relationship into another one just as bad, or even worse."

He groaned, "No Amy, it can't be any worse than the last one, but I hear you and you might be right."

She chuckled, "Damn right, I'm right! I'm a Nobel prize winner."

He had Bernadette call, but had he ask them all out to dinner, his treat. They agreed, but Stephanie wasn't overly excited about meeting Leonard out in public, she wanted to discuss things in private, but seeing it was the last night with all of his friends in town, she relented and went along.

When they arrived, Leonard was seated at the end of the long table and had Amy and Bernadette seated on either side of him. Bert and Raj took seats beside their spouses and left Stephanie, Alex and Penny to sit the furthest from Leonard.

Leonard saw the worried look on Stephanie's face and his heart went out to her. He knew he was the cause of her anguish and he felt horrible. He wanted to take her in his arms and confess all that happened, but he knew if she knew the whole truth, he would be alone and he didn't want that.

As soon as everyone ordered drink and after they arrived, they placed their food orders. Leonard couldn't take it any longer and getting up, he moved over to Stephanie and leaned over, "Would you like to step outside for a few minutes before our food arrives?"

She looked up at him with those sad eyes and nodded, "I would like that, yeah, sure."

They stepped outside and before he could say anything, Stephanie threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. She didn't try and kiss him, she just wanted to feel his body against him and just hug. She pulled back and stared at him, "I'm so, so very sorry Leonard! I didn't..."

Leonard placed a finger to his lips to stop her from talking. He shook his head, "No Stephanie it is all on me. We all went there know what was gonna happen, but when I saw you leave me and move over to the large black man, all I could see was Penny. I know you're not Penny and on the way home, it realized to me what I had done. I was way too far away to turn back and waited for you to return, and when I got home, I found my place broken into. I had to handle that first, got a locksmith, changed locks and the next thing I knew Amy and Bernadette were knocking on the door. They told me what happened and I couldn't face you alone. I saw how sad you looked sitting across the table and had to talk to you right away. I had to let you know, you didn't do anything wrong, I fucked up, not you."

She was crying now, tears were running down her cheeks and he swept them away with his thumbs as he cradled her face in his hands. He leaned in and kissed her gently and tenderly. She pulled back and gave him a weak smile, "Please tell me in the future that we'll talk before reacting so quickly."

He nodded, "We need to talk more, but we'll do that tomorrow after the group leaves, is that okay with you?" She nodded and hugged him, "All of a sudden, I'm starving, let's go eat."

They returned to their table and Amy and Bernadette could see Stephanie smiling and knew Leonard had just dodged a bullet.

The rest of the dinner went smoothly and afterwards, Stephanie, Alex and Penny returned to their apartment and the rest of them returned to Leonard's townhouse.

In the morning, after Bernadette made a hearty breakfast for the five of them. They lounged around for a couple of hours before saying their goodbyes and left for Pasadena.

They were glad they settled things with Penny, but were glad she was here and not back in their neck of the woods. They would always care for her, but were glad she wasn't in their day to day life any longer.

After they left, Leonard mulled around if he should call Stephanie or not. There was a knock on the door and she stood there in jean shorts and a plunging camisole. He knew she was gonna try and smooth things over with sex and that was the last thing he wanted right now. It wasn't he didn't want to have sex with her, but he knew if they did, he would immediately fall into the same rut and wouldn't be able to say no to a serious relationship.

He stepped aside and allowed her to come in and Stephanie immediately knew something was wrong. She sat down, legs together and her hands clutching her knees. She looked up at him, "Okay Leonard, I know what was said last night, but I can see that everything isn't back to normal, is it?"

He scoffed, "Normal, I don't know what normal is any longer. First of all, let me say, it isn't you Stephanie. I care deeply for you, but you have to give me some time. After what happened yesterday, I realized it wasn't you I saw with Sean Michaels, it was Penny and suddenly I had flashbacks of what happened months ago."

She sat back and it hit her. He wasn't blowing her off like she thought when he stared out saying it wasn't her. She knew it REALLY wasn't her. She sat up and looked to him, "Okay I can now see what you are talking about. What can I do to help you with this issue?"

He took her hands in his and scooted closer to her, "Just being here for me means the world to me. I know you aren't Penny, but you have to realize, she did a number on me and anything that remotely resembles anything that she did, suddenly I'm sucked back in and all I can see is her."

She bit her lip and fought back the tears that were forming. She threw her arms around his neck, "Oh my God, Leonard, I'm so, so sorry. If I would have known, I wouldn't have let her stay with me. Hurting you or causing any kind of pain, fuck, I'm sorry!" She hugged him hard and rained kisses all over his face and neck.

He had the urge to take her to bed, but he pushed them away and letting out a sigh, he pulled back, "Stephanie, the last thing I wanna do is hurt you. I really, really have feeling for you, and for Alex, but you have to give me time. The last thing I need right now is a steamy sexual relationship. I don't want to push you away, but you have to let me take it at my own pace. I've already began looking online for a therapist. I need to work out my relationship issues and you have to know, if we had sex now, there isn't any way I could stop and I'd never resolve my issues."

She smiled at him and shrugged, "I wouldn't mind it, but I understand. Luckily Penny is due for her final check-up later next week and I'm sure she'll be okay to leave. After that, she'll be heading for Nebraska for another month of recuperation and she'll be out of our lives. After that the healing can begin. Please, please let Alex and I know what you need, anything, just don't hesitate to ask, okay?"

He hugged her again, "How about a nice dinner date, just you and I. Baby steps, I want you so bad right now, but..."

She chuckled, "Oh I'm gonna be strong for you too, so hands off buster." She hugged him again, "I know I can't wear this type of clothes on a date, or anywhere around you."

He laughed out loud, "Oh, you are so right, I'm not of the group of looking without touching and right now, I wanna touch you all over."

She hopped up, pulled him to his feet and pulled away, "Pick me up at six and we'll go anywhere you want for dinner."

He shook his head, "No, I better not see Penny. How about you come here and I'll drive from here."

She scoffed, ""What happened to the man chasing the woman. Just kidding, I'll be here and we can go from here, take care Leonard, see you later."

He was glad she was so understanding and knew she was what he wanted and needed, but he needed to clear things up and having Penny leave later this week, that would be the first giant step on cleaning up his life.

Monday, Leonard made an appointment with a therapist and after work he was there. He had a very productive session and immediately made more appointments for the rest of the week and upcoming weeks too.

Stephanie contacted him and she was happy to hear that there was progress already. She kept her distance, but reached out to him daily just to let know she was there for him.

By Friday, Leonard was feeling a lot better and just knowing that Penny would be gone by the weekend.

Friday, late in the afternoon, Penny visited Stephanie's office for her final check-up. As Penny entered her examination room, Stephanie released the remainder of her personnel for the rest of the week, wishing them a good weekend.

Stephanie came into the room and she was wearing her long white lab coat. She guided Penny to the table and removing her sandals, she helped her place her feet in the stirrups. She drew in a deep breath as she stared at the lovely tanned legs spreading out before her.

She turned and picked up the instrument to part Penny's vagina and spread her inner walls so she could examine her.

Penny was blushing, something she rarely did when it came to sex and her sexual organs. She licked her lips, "Don't think I came here without panties. I slipped them off just before entering this room." She opened her clutch purse and showed them to Stephanie.

Stephanie patted her knee, "Not to worry, it just made it easier to do especially after already having your feet in the stirrups." She tried to warm the chrome plated instrument before sliding it into Penny. She grabbed a tube of lube and spread it over the tubular instrument and patting Penny's thick outer lips. She slowly entered her inner walls and it slid in deeper and deeper. She pressed the one side and it caused her vagina it spread open even more.

Penny let out a tiny moan and her breathing grew heavier. She released a gasp and her hand tightened on Stephanie's forearm. She bit her lower lip and stared up into Stephanie's eyes and she arched her ass off the table, "Oh Stephanie, I sure hope everything is okay, because I am so in need of a release."

Stephanie let out a gasp, "Penny, I can now tell you, you are over the hump and as long as you stay away from vigorous penetration for the next month, you should be good to go. Are you still going to Nebraska?"

She nodded and licked her lips, "Yeah, I figured if I went home for a month, it would keep me from being tempted, just like I am now, with you."

Stephanie licked her parched lips and shook her head, "Sorry Penny, but that would be unethical and I couldn't do that."

Penny stared at her rich red lips and saw how they were glistening from licking them, "You know Stephanie, now that I got a clean bill of health from you, I have something to say. I'm firing you as my physician. With that being said, you are no longer my doctor, what does that do to your ethics?"

Stephanie put the chrome instrument on the tray, picked up Penny's chart and signed it after noting her progress and her recommendations. She handed Penny the paper and Penny saw it was dated and a time was noted on it, it was a minute ago.

Penny looked at her and watched as Stephanie removed her white coat, "I'm officially off the clock and no longer your physician. Are you ready to test out that healed pussy of yours?"

Penny chuckled, "Oh you know I am, and you know why? Because you didn't call it a vagina, as a doctor would. So with that being said, how about getting down there and giving my cunt a thorough examination, the kind a sexy woman would do, not as a doctor."

Stephanie licked her lips and as she lowered her head, her lips pressed against the soft skin of Penny's inner thighs. She licked, and nipped at the sensitive flesh and she inhaled the intoxicating scent. Her hands were warm and experienced in the pleasures of another woman's pussy. She gained her experiences with Alex and was happy to drive Penny to heights she didn't realize she could.