Big Butt Chronicles Ch. 02: Latisha


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"Oh; so you do LIKE me!" She emphasized her words by humping back onto me with a little more force than I was expecting. The feeling of her thick butt was heaven and my cock responded with a steady pulse.

My mysterious beauty pulled one of my arms down across her pronounced chest and covertly tickled my forearm with the tip of her tongue. I buried my compromised face in her curly hair taking in the aroma of her shampoo. The dusky beauty began tracing the letters of the alphabet on my forearm with her tongue and before I knew it our bodies were that much closer together. The fact that we were humping one another in a sea of people was sexually intoxicating. I peered around and nobody seemed the wiser. Georgie was still sound asleep adorably cradling his toy. Maybe I couldn't see her big ass directly, but I could feel the sheer volume of it and it was amazing. My hand slid down her chest to her tummy drawing her in closer. Her earlobe became trapped between my lips and I hungrily suckled it tasting a bit of her. If things kept up in this manner we'd be doing it in front of all of the riders surrounding us.

"Ex-EXCUSE ME MISS!!" Someone's arm suddenly appeared tapping my princess on the shoulder. I was immediately incensed but kept my emotions in check. There was an elderly man leaning forward on his haunches from his seat adjacent to Georgie.

"Would you like a seat?" His eyes darted back and forth between us indicating that he was privy to our actions. This embarrassed me a little and I looked away.

"Thank you so much; you're a nice old man." The insult in her glib sounding voice was not lost on me as she tugged at my arm prompting me to sit in the offered seat. She planted her big, round ass directly over my crotch never breaking eye contact with the nosy senior.

"Wow mister you are such a gentleman; I really can't thank you enough for your generosity!" As she spoke I benefitted from her rotating hips bearing down on me. I was at full mast between her cheeks and it felt heavenly. She leaned forward continuing her meaningless chatter with the old man while grinding hard against my crotch. I timidly traced a few fingers lightly across her hip making a startling revelation.

This girl wasn't wearing any panties...

Greedy fingers dug into her round hips making sure I wasn't imagining things. Her hands covered mine pulling them forward into her lap as she continued talking with my unfortunate benefactor. My cock which had been wedged into her crack slid directly against her sex with a counter clockwise roll of her hips. I was sweating bullets peering around to see if anybody was the wiser for our actions. I noticed more than a few errant stares in our direction and a group of male students were snickering. Even though we were compromised, there was no way I was going to give up this sensation.

"Young woman you should cease this shameful display immediately!" The old man had seen enough and made no pretense of his distaste.

"What are you talking about sir?" She didn't miss a beat Folding her arms over my hands and obscuring his view with her purse. I could feel the undersides of her large breasts although I was disappointed that she was wearing a bra. The elderly man mumbled some incoherent curses as he pushed through a few people towards the middle of the bus. In moments another good Samaritan had offered him a seat.

"What are you doing?" She looked over her right shoulder at me with a smirk.


"Yeah right; doesn't feel like nothing." She chuckled rolling her hips for emphasis and letting her full weight mash into my pelvis. I was so horny that I would have fucked her right there on that bus if it were possible. Her narrow eyes squinted as I was scrutinized further. At this point I was fully feeling her up cupping the undersides of her breasts with authority.

"Want me to stop?" I challenged with a smile of my own. She responded by grasping my thumbs and drawing my hands into her crotch. I could feel the heat between her thick thighs as she flexed her cheeks around my length. This was almost too much for me as I began to go into the throws of an impending climax. I panicked not wanting to soil my jeans in front of so many witnesses who were actively watching our antics with vested interest. I tried to draw my hands away several times but she held fast.

"What's the matter; why are you trying to get away?" She knew full well what was about to occur.

"Ah come on princess!" I begged.

"What-you gotta problem baby boy?" She began rolling her hips in a wide arc making me squirm in my seat. Laughter filled the back of the bus as I attempted to move in either direction failing miserably.

"You aren't going anywhere until I let you!" She knew I was close quickly bending over to touch her sandaled feet. I found her huge rear end buried in my chest as she completed three huge bouncing repetitions.

"AWWWW COME ON!!" It was too late as the thick halves of her voluptuous cheeks perfectly sandwiched my tortured member in a delectable friction. My jeans became soiled in spectacular fashion as three huge bursts of cum exploded out of me. I could feel the cum pooling in my underwear initially before beginning a slow descent down my left pants leg. The only thing I could see for seconds was stars and little bursts of light as my eyes rolled up into my head. The simultaneous laughter was almost deafening as I realized all eyes were on me in the worst way. Even my curvy angel was laughing uncontrollably while her big butt continued to jiggle in my lap. I leaned forward hiding my face in the back of her sundress.

"Did "something" happen?" She yelled out eliciting more laughter from a majority of the patrons. I closed my eyes tightly and shook my head afraid to look.

"Too much for you honey; I'm sorry." She half turned and cupped the underside of my chin rewarding me with a light kiss while everyone staring applauded. Little Georgie was awakened by all of the ruckus looking around with wide, curious eyes.

"Why is everyone clapping?" He innocently asked.

"Don't worry about that; get your things because our stop is next." The kid obeyed without a word as I pondered asking if Georgie was her child. It was hard because even after spending a day together I still was unaware of what subjects were off limits and still didn't have her actual name. Luckily the t-shirt I was wearing was long enough to hide my crotch.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to walk you home."

I attempted to stand but she placed a hand on my chest. She gathered Georgie up in her arms with a smile and moved to the rear exit. I couldn't tell you what I was thinking at that moment. My eyes naturally shifted to her bottom noticing the deep wedgie in the material of her sun dress. It was perfectly molded to her backside affording me the briefest of glances at just how big her ass was before she reached back straightening the material.

"We'll be okay; thanks for showing us a good time. I really need to get Georgie home because its his bed time and I could get in a lot of trouble for keeping him out so late. I know you're a gentleman; it's a hunch I have that you will stay here and not try follow me." Georgie waved as he was ushered to the rear exit.

"Still not going to give me your name huh?"

"I already have."

She blew a kiss and waved clearing the door as I sat flabbergasted. It appeared that the wondrous day I'd shared with her was about to be a bust. I started to stand but attention was drawn to the obvious wet spot on my crotch. Some old lady shrieked and I noticed some older looking guys staring me down forcing me back into my seat. I looked out the window finding my unnamed angel standing hand-in-hand with Georgie waving in my direction. I waved back never taking my eyes from them as the bus pulled off. Hours later I was walking home frustrated with soiled underwear beating myself up over what I should have done instead of sitting there like some sort of clueless gimp. My mother was still out probably for the night. A found something as I fished around in my pocket looking for my door keys. was a note wrapped around a little piece of hard candy.

NOTE: (xxx)-xxx-xxxx

"Don't make me wait."-Latisha XOXO


Sept. 10, 1983

"Come on, watch the movie."

"I'd rather watch you...undress." She giggled as I inadvertently tickled her neck with the tip of my tongue.

"I really want to see this movie." My fingers pinched at the abundant baby fat on her waist and she squirmed under my touch. It had taken me almost a week to see Latisha again and the other times that we'd met, her young chaperone Georgie always shadowed her. I hadn't waited one moment immediately calling her less than five minutes after I'd arrived home and getting a busy signal for the following hour before I went to bed frustrated. We were talking twenty-four hours later and seemed to be hitting it off, but Latisha played dumb whenever I tried to follow up on that fateful bus ride. The promise of more to come lingered but she always danced just out of my reach.

"You can take the video tape home; come on baby...please?" I was frustrated and she appeared perpetually glib snagging my hand before it could rest on the crotch of her faded jeans.

"So you just wanted me to come over here so that you could jump me huh?" There was an underlying edge to her question that I immediately picked up. She was affectionate enough this evening but sort of distant at the same time.

"Well, I really don't know how to answer that question." I replied making it sound like a joke unwilling to rock the boat.

"Yeah, right."

Her narrow eyes returned to the screen on our floor model television. I got her to visit when I mentioned a video cassette of Close Encounters of the Third Kind. She seemed genuinely excited to see the movie and I felt sorry about my behavior. It was the first time she was visiting my house and my mother was pulling a double shift Closing the deal had been all that permeated my thoughts for hours before she showed up on my doorstep dressed to kill in a long flowery peasant blouse and some extremely tight faded jeans. My gaze lingered on her pretty feet noticing a toe ring catching the light of the television.

Latisha's profile told the tale of her looks with her honey-dipped olive skin and slanted eyes enhanced by heavy eyeliner. There was a subtle roundness to her face framed by her shoulder length brunette locks and bangs. Admittedly it was hard for me to even believe this attractive woman was sitting in my living room. She noticed me looking and flashed her pearly whites.

"Are you just gonna stare at me all night long?"

"Yeah." I answered stupidly without thinking clapping my hand over my mouth a bit too late.

"You're cute." She snatched up the remote pausing the movie and turned towards me. My heart instantly started thumping hard in my chest as she leaned in cupping my chin. It was our first kiss after so much build up and longing particularly on my part. It was a simple peck on the lips but just touching her sent a powerful jolt coursing through me. One of my hands instinctively shot up cupping the underside of her breast. It was heavy to the touch, soft and firm with just the right amount of bounce. Latisha's eyes rested on the probing actions of my fingers. Her nipple became erect against my palm and I focused my attention on it pinching and rolling it with a child's curiosity.

I shifted over to her other breast repeating my actions under her silent gaze. I didn't know what to make of the wistful expression on face. The beauty had one hell of a poker face often confusing me in matters of etiquette and conversation. Latisha seemed to delight in the fact that I was often wrong about her motivations, but I'd decided to just let things kind of flow and she what transpired. My hand massaged and rolled her large breast dancing around the top of her off the shoulder garment.

"Took you long enough." She replied as one of my fingers dipped into her deep cleavage reveling in humidity and moisture found there. The rest of my hand followed at an uncomfortable angle finding dancing across the lacy material covering her bosom. I shifted onto my knees facing the back of the love seat in order to get a better handle on things.

"You're weird."

"What; why are you saying that?"

"I'm just watching and noticing how you always seem to find the most awkward way of doing things. Why don't you just get down here between my legs?" Again I felt like a jackass as Latisha motioned for me to get down on the carpet.

"Sorry." She face-palmed with a silly smile before gesturing towards her chest with her eyes. We both watched my hands draw her peasant's blouse down until her large breasts popped into view. Her deep cleavage presented itself as a single line down the center of her chest. Latisha was wearing a white strapless brassiere that had me wondering how it kept her large boobs covered considering their sheer size. The honey colored beauty deftly slipped the cups down without me realizing it revealing herself to me with a self-aware half smile.

"Shit, I mean fuck, uhm-WOW!!" She looked away chuckling into her hand. Her impressive cleavage emerged from her torso in spectacular mind-blowing fashion appearing better than all of the wet dreams that taunted me in the prelude to this historic moment in my youth. Her sloping torpedoes pointed down and outward capped with medium sized areolas. Her nipples were erect and perfect little nubs surrounded by a smattering of slight bumps.

She looked on approvingly as I reveled in their spongy nature lightly pinching the nipples before taking them into my mouth. I could taste the sweet scent of her perfume mixed with the light saltiness of her sweat. Latisha Cupped the back of my head lovingly as I nursed on her tits opening her legs to accommodate my other probing hand. She pressed both of her breasts together so that I could suck hard on both of her nipples.

"That feels so good; I like the way you touch me." I was stroking the crotch of her jeans pressing against the area where I thought her slit might be as she arched up against palm.

I varied my movements becoming fascinated by her facial reactions and the jiggle of her meaty breasts. She was breathing heavy and I could see the sweat beading up on her forehead. I pushed four of my fingers directly into her jean covered slit making her cry out and scoot to the edge of the couch cushion.

"COME HERE!!" She yanked on my t-shirt pulling me between her thick, curvy legs. I tried to tug my zipper down but Latisha locked her powerful calves into the small of my back. I found myself wedged against her sex with my pants half opened.

"Fuck-Come on baby-DO IT!!" She huskily demanded apparently wanting me to dry hump her luscious body. She had me trapped and there really wasn't much I could do but go with the flow so I pushed hard against her sex. She responded lustily matching my cadence with her own frenzied movements. I reached down grabbing at her rounded hips searching for top of her pants and sinking my fingers inside for a luxurious feel of her pillow soft flesh. Latisha responded by increasing the undulations of her hips.

"Wait; what are you doing?!!" I'd managed to snap the clasp on her jeans and pull the opposing sides apart only to have my hand roughly grabbed.

"I-I was trying to get these off."

"We're just fooling around; not FUCKING alright?!!" She sat up on her elbows visibly agitated.

"I'm sorry, I just thought-."

"Look I think things are getting a little out of control; maybe I should go home." She pushed against my chest sitting up and putting away her breasts. I mumbled more apologies worried that she wouldn't see me again.

"I'll take you home if that's what you want, but I'm really sorry about what happened." She had reached into her purse and was combing her dark locks barely acknowledging my existence.

"No, I'll call a cab." I was beating myself up for misreading her intentions when I should have just gone with the flow. Silence fell over the darkened living room and I sat looking at the paused movie with dead eyes. Latisha was touching up her makeup facing the opposite direction. There was nothing else for me to do but switch the movie back on.

She was gone before the film ended...I wish I could say that I didn't jerk off that night but that would be lying.


Sept. 24, 1983

I was still beside myself with grief at the fact that my relationship with Latisha had ended so abruptly. She taken my phone calls twice and we'd spoke about everything but that night. Things had kind of fallen into a lull between us and before I knew it we hadn't interacted in weeks. Ironically I found myself back at my cousin's house where the whole thing had begun more or less. His mother had taken ill and we (My mother and I) were conducting a house call. My cousin was on vacation with his father in the south so I found myself stuck amongst adults once more. More relatives started to show up at the house turning the affair into an impromptu get together. I was happy when one of my uncles sent to the liquor store for some soda and a little alcohol if I could wing it.

I'd copped booze for my friends before and didn't feel it would be a problem so I picked up a bottle of Canadian Mist and some J&B for good measure. My uncle Jerry had given my permission to get a snack so I grabbed a huge bag of nacho cheese flavored Cheetos. The temporary brand was all the rage during that time and I was smitten with the tangy flavor. It was very hot that day and there was a bit of a line at the counter. One of the middle eastern storekeepers sat off to the side on this kind of high chair that gave him a view over the four aisles that made up the store's interior. It was offensive and insulting but I had my walking orders from the expectant adults back at the house.

"You always play games to get free stuff?"

"Only when its somebody that I like; you have a problem paying for a can of pop?"

"Of course not baby, you know how I roll." The exchange sounded familiar and I looked finding my view obscured by other patrons. There was a couple three people in front of me and I leaned to the side finding an unintended karmic shock as Georgie ran up some pretty boy with a shoulder length jerry-curl with a large bag of candy.

"You can't have all that candy." A familiar voice scolded making my stomach drop. I leaned over to the other side gaze downward as a queasy feeling overcame me. The guy had way more than a handful of Latisha's big, round bottom. He didn't seem to have any qualms about feeling her up in public and I felt like a world class shmuck. My heart thumped uncontrollably in my chest as I inadvertently compared myself to the other guy with failing results.

"It's cool, I got you little man." He took the bag from the kid and placed on the counter. I watched the happy couple share a light peck on the lips while Georgie rummaged through the bottom shelf looking for something else to beg for. I'd already started rationalizing the time I'd spent with Latisha guessing that I was little more than an amusement for the attractive sister. My eyes traveled back down to the hand that continually groped and slapped her big, fat ass letting the spectre of bitterness overtake me. Not gonna lie, I felt like planting my foot squarely in that guy's ass. I was mad that I wasn't good enough for this girl who'd invaded my life on a day when I'd been pining for the girl that took my virginity.

"Cut it out." She finally reached back gingerly grabbing his wrist and pulling his hand away.

Georgie ran up to the counter placing a rubber batman doll on the counter. Pretty boy pulled a thick wad of cash from his pocket without pause never taking his eyes off of Latisha. I was livid as the little group walked towards the door with her never realizing how close I'd been.