Big Tits, Tight Fit


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Five minutes later, I had tucked my cock back into my pants, and she had cleaned herself up and repaired her makeup. Checking herself in the mirror, she muttered out loud.

"Jesus, Kyle... I've never seen a man cum so much in my life," she said, glancing over at me as I shrugged my shoulders before returning her gaze to the mirror, checking over her face one last time, making sure it was completely clean. "At least it tastes good," she muttered as she tilted her head, eyes still on her own reflection as she applied some lip gloss. Finally, satisfied with what she saw, she turned to look at me for final approval. I gave her the thumbs up, and finally, after all the filth we had taken part in together, we stepped out of the car and headed towards the party.

When Dad saw us, he tried to maintain a cool head, but once he got close to us, his annoyance shined through.

"Kim, Kyle, where the hell were you?" He asked, upset.

"I told her it was seven," I interjected. "She said it was six, we had a big thing... it was my fault."

Dad glared at me for a moment as Mom smiled at me appreciatively.

"Just... go mingle. There's the kid's table over there," Dad said, sliding his hand around Mom's waist, guiding her towards his friends.

I rolled my eyes. Kid? I was 18, and I'm the guy that just banged your wife, Dad. I was the better man, and Mom had just confirmed it. I was the superior man and I would never forget it. And after what I had just done, I had certainly graduated from the kid's table.

I kept one eye on Mom as I mingled a bit. I watched her play the good corporate wife, but I knew this was an act. I had seen the true her. The hot, amazing slut beneath the veneer. Despite how spent I was, I stiffened up at this. She looked great, and I wasn't the only one to notice how great her ass looked, or how huge and bouncy her tits were. Other men were staring, but I was the one who had felt up those tits. I was the one who had blasted a load of jizz all over those fucking jugs. It was my cum that had filled up that pussy. I had had that body, and it filled me with pride.

I was reminded to check my phone for the first time since leaving the car, and I smiled when I saw the picture she had sent me. A picture of Mom's big, naked breasts, posed in her bedroom mirror, no doubt taken after she had jumped out of the shower. My cock pulsed again.

Bursting with confidence, I made myself quite sociable at the party. The people my age were pretty lame, so I found myself talking with some other people. And, feeling good, I approached a few women. Women who had a few years on me. Some of them were the younger law clerks at the firm, who were fresh out of college. Some of them were older, some were hot lawyers. Some were married. It seemed like they enjoyed my brash, teenage boldness, and even though I didn't get any numbers or anything, I could tell, that if we weren't around their coworkers, or husbands, I would have had a chance.

But whenever I talked to these other women, I would feel Mom's eyes on me, looking on with disapproval, or dare I say... jealousy. No, she said things were done, right? Things were over between us. Just a one day thing. We would never do it again...



So, that was two days ago. That was the day me and Mom had sex, and that was how we ended up there. But again, I just have to ask the question... what comes next? How do you move on from THAT?

For Mom, she mostly kept things normal. It was as if nothing had happened. It was as if we had never had sex. She was just as cheery as ever, making me dinner, washing my clothes, nagging me about cleaning my room, stuff like that. Even after what we had done, and what she had claimed she'd be thinking during these normal moments, I couldn't confirm if they were the truth. Other than a few vague glances, she gave little sign what she was truly thinking, if she was thinking of anything sexual. She hadn't teased me, and she hadn't said or done anything that gave any sign that she was thinking about what we had done. Could she truly have put that out of mind?

Impossible! For me, it would be something I'd never forget. I mean, on my list of lovers, the list of women I had hooked up with, she would always be there. It'd be, like, Tara the cheerleader, Tracy from Spanish class, Lana from that school across town, my friend's cousin Jess, Samantha the A-student, Lucy the lifeguard, Mom, followed by all the girls I'd meet this summer and in college. Mom was on the list. I had fucked my mom! It was crazy, and the heated, filthy lust of the encounter made it stand out as being the best. The most unforgettable fuck ever. I would never forget.

I wouldn't say I was hurt by her moving on. Offended, maybe, that my prowess hadn't made her come crawling back at the first opportunity. That she hadn't grabbed at my cock or shoved her tits in my face or at least offered a clean, fun blowjob. But nothing. Sure, it had only been a couple of days, but c'mon. I expected her to give in the first chance she got. But no. Apparently when she said it was a one-time thing, she meant it.

She had acted a bit different at times, to be fair. She treated Dad a bit differently, being a bit less interested in his stories, being a bit less affectionate and fun with him, which gave me some hope. She had maintained being aggressively normal with me, though, going out of her way to not change a thing. But... there were coincidences. Like, when I go out to work at the beach, or out to go hang with some friends, Mom just coincidentally had slipped on a bikini to tan outside, as if she didn't want me to forget about her hot body and huge tits. Maybe it was a coincidence, but maybe it wasn't. Maybe it was as though, when I would be at the beach looking at girls in bikinis, or hanging out with some of my female friends, she wanted to make sure I wouldn't forget about her. She wanted her hot body to be top of my mind. As if she wanted me to compare her with the other girls. As if she wanted to remind me she was superior.

Well, it worked.

Could we go on being a normal mother and son after this? Would she be able to keep this up? Would things just be an act between us from now on? Would there be hidden meanings behind everything? Would her maternal interactions with me be permanently changed?

Like, would her visiting me at college be a mask for her true intentions? Would her intentions be maternal... or carnal? Would she be checking in on her own son for pure reasons, or was she secretly visiting me to get some more dick? Would she be truly happy when I got another girlfriend, or would she fume with jealousy? The way she talked about the other girls I'd been with when we were fucking let me know that the jealousy might have been there already. When she'd see me in my swim trunks, would she take pride at her fit, handsome son, or would be thinking about sliding down my trunks to get at the goods?

She could try to act like things were normal, but they weren't. Everything had changed between us, and eventually, she would realize that. She would come to the same conclusion I did, and when that time came... who knew what would happen?

A couple days passed and things were still seemingly normal between us. Dad had come home from work for lunch, before taking off for a few days. He had a flight to catch as part of some big case, so he'd be gone for a couple days. Mom was the perfect doting wife, cooking her husband's meal, and the perfect doting Mom as she cleaned up after. She kissed Dad on the cheek as he drove off, and did nothing out of the ordinary once she sauntered back in, finishing cleaning up.

This was the first point where me and her would be alone for an extended period of time since... well, you know. I watched her clean up, checking out her round ass in her tight jeans, and staring at her big tits through her tight, thin t-shirt. When she was at the sink, her top lifted up slightly, exposing her midriff. I could never look past what had happened. Could she?

Mom finished up cleaning and shut the oven door. Finally, she sauntered towards the kitchen island, standing across from me, looking at me as I looked up at her. Her expression was vague as she held my gaze. Part of me was unsure what she was thinking, but part of me could guess EXACTLY what she was thinking. Me and her were alone and there was no chance of interruption. She remembered, just like I did, what happened the last time we were alone.

We looked at each other, in silence, both of us wondering the same exact thing. After what me and her did, after me and my mother had sex, would we be able to move on? Would we be able to forget and resume things all normal? Would we ever do it again? I looked at her, and she looked at me. We both knew this was an important moment, a moment that would decide our future. If things would carry on as normal, this is where that would start. But if we wanted to do it again, to fuck each others' brains out day after day, every chance we got, this would be the start of that. If we would spend each day flirting and fucking, and feeling each other up every chance we got, that would start right here. It would all be decided in the next few moments. It was time to answer that all important question.

What comes next?

"So..." Mom began. "I, uh... I went out shopping yesterday. I bought some stuff... I thought I'd try them on for you..." My eyes widened slightly. Was this happening? Was this going where I think it was?

"Why didn't you ask Dad while he was here?" I asked, impetuously, knowing the answer.

"Oh, I'd much rather get your opinion." she said, glancing away for a moment before looking back at me, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"What'd you buy?" I asked calmly, not intimidated, even though I sensed what was coming.

"Some new tops, some skirts... a couple new bikinis... and bras, some thongs, a few g-strings..." she trailed off as my cock stiffened. I glanced down at her top, even though she could easily see me stare, and I noticed her nipples throbbing under her top. The corner of her mouth turned up slightly as she stood up straight and slowly sauntered around the counter, her big tits jiggling with every step. I don't even think she was wearing a fucking bra. I sat in place as she walked up behind me and moved in close. I shivered as I felt her presence up close to me, and my dick pulsed in my pants as I felt her huge breasts slide against the back of my neck. "So go up to your room... and I'll join there soon..." she panted, with her lips next to my ear. She sauntered away, shaking her ass proudly, knowing I was watching.

This was the beginning of the summer of Mom.

It took two days to erase any indecision or doubts Mom had. She had fucked her own son, had some incredible sex with him, and it took a grand total two days for her to come to terms with it. She went from 'Maybe we shouldn't do this again,' to 'I NEED that big, fat COCK right NOW!' Any regrets she might have felt about the whole adultery and incest thing where quickly forgotten when compared to the mind-blowing sex I could offer her.

And trust me, the sex that ensued was mind-blowing.

Those first few days were insane. We went at it like animals. After just a couple days of trying to hold back, the levees were broken, and there was no stopping us. It was rough. It was nasty. It was amazing!

A few days later, Dad got home from his trip. He was greeted at the door by his wife. Dad no doubt looked at her and noticed her stunning beauty. He no doubt noticed her nice outfit, a simple but flattering ensemble, a slim yellow blouse and a flowy skirt, nothing too crazy. But what he didn't notice was the slight sheen of sweat coating her skin. And he certainly didn't notice the thick load of cum leaking out of her mature cunt, freshly pumped deep inside there by their studly teenage son. And he was certainly too distracted by his wife to hear their son upstairs quickly trying to clean up, to cover up any evidence of the illicit encounter that had just occurred there.

He would never notice.

This was the time I should be, you know... sowing my oats. Living it up, having the time of my life with my friends and chasing girls before heading off to college. Instead, I spent my summer pretty much obsessed with fucking my own mother. It sounded messed up, but it didn't really bother me in the slightest. I was surprised by how little the incest bothered me. I really wasn't hung up by it at all. The sex was way too good for me to care. And I was getting fucked way to often and way too well to really think twice.

Even though Mom had been the hesitant one in the equation, once she dove in, she dove in all the way. She was pretty much on my dick the whole summer. I'd been with some aggressive girls before, but Mom... she took the cake. I've never seen a girl or a woman as hungry for cock as Mom was. Morning, noon and night, as soon as the coast was clear, sex would ensue. I would be stirred awake by her swallowing my morning wood to the root, her plump lips forming a seal around my thick shaft in time to my eyes opening, meeting her wicked gaze. Or I'd be awoken to the sound of her clothes hitting the floor, and the silence of the morning would be pierced by her screams of pleasure.

Dad was a busy man, giving me and Mom plenty of time alone to indulge our new hobby. Mom was practically a whole new woman around me, traipsing around in her tiny, sexy underwear or miniscule, barely-there bikinis, thongs that let her ass just hang out, and tiny bras and bikini tops that barely contained her mammoth jugs. She was strutting around the place; shaking her ass and making her big tits jiggle for my amusement. To outsiders, she was the same nice, normal mom, but to me, she was a sex goddess. We spent a lot of summer in my bed, with her and me going at it like wild animals. We would also get it on in her room, on her and Dad's big bed, sometimes even spending the whole night going at it when Dad was out of town, but most of our encounters took place in my room, as my messy, teenage bedroom seemed like the perfect place for our illicit encounters.

Mom was as into it as I was, and whenever I was away from her, she would be blowing up my phone like jealous teenager. I'd be hanging out with some friends, including some girls and after, like, an hour she'd be sending me pictures of her cleavage, or a thong pulled up above the hem of her jeans. As the night would go on, she'd show off more and more skin, until I just had to rush home and take care of business, emptying my nuts in and on her. She wanted my sperm all to herself and she got her wish. By the end of the summer, my phone was full of dirty texts from her, and pictures of her hot naked body. And her phone was no doubt filled up by pictures of my big, meaty, throbbing cunt-destroyer, taken from all different angles, showcasing my impressive length and my large swollen nuts. Pictures that she would demand of me in the same way most mothers would demand their son to do their chores. I liked how demanding my mom was.

When I was at work at the beach, she would always just happen to show up, rocking a skimpy bikini and drawing my eyes from all that exposed teenage skin to gaze upon her luscious, mature flesh. She would always chat me up, and she would never be satisfied till me and her snuck off and got it on, putting my lifeguard job and maybe even people's lives at risk just so I could get at her tight pussy, but it was so worth it. She wouldn't have been bothered too much if I got fired though. That would have meant more time at home for me, and more time spent in her waiting, ready cunt.

It wasn't anything beyond sex. Mind-blowing, amazing, world-shaking sex. It was a purely physical, lust-based relationship. We both like the sensation of my thick, bare, teenage cock buried up to the nuts inside of her hot body. We couldn't get enough.

By the end of the summer, we were pretty much full on addicted to each other. We had done so much together. We had fucked every chance we got, all over the house, a few times in public. We fucked in the pool. We fucked in the car. She sucked me off in a movie theatre. We hooked up in a public bathroom at the beach. She efficiently sucked me to full hardness and swallowed my load while we waited in the car when Dad ran into a store to grab us dinner. We fucked in my bed in the middle of the night while Dad was sound asleep.

I would probably never fuck this often again in my life, and I just couldn't stop. We participated in pure filth, and when things would begin to settle we would add something new to our encounters, capping it off near the end of the summer when she took the full length of my meaty prick up her ass. Her ASS! Whenever I mentioned doing that with any of the girls I had hooked up with before they had almost laughed in my face, telling me that it would NEVER happen. But out of all of them, my own mom was the only one willing to do it. My own MOM loved taking cock up her tight ass. It was unbelievable, and it felt so fucking good. There was a good week there where I did nothing but drill her tight ass, making her scream and moan as I filled her up with cum. It was incredible.

Whenever Dad was home, I realized that even though he was the breadwinner, I was the man of the house. He had to go to work every day, while I stayed home, barely lifting a finger, and drilled his hot wife, my mom. I didn't keep my room clean. I was lazy and I slept in a lot. I played games for hours on end, and was more willing to go party with my friends or go to the gym than do anything productive. But none of that really bothered Mom. My brash, teenage disobedience appealed to her, and she rewarded me for it by vigorously sucking my massive cock again and again. She should respect Dad for all his hard work and be a sweet, grateful wife, but she respected my big cock more. The pleasure my big cock brought her erased all other concerns. I was the king of the house, and every time Mom took a load of my cum in her pussy, or in her ass, or down her throat, or on her tits, she only further supplanted my father's place with me on the throne.

But like all good summer flings, it had to come to an end eventually. Mine ended with me going off to school, leaving Mom back home. We had spent all summer fucking and as the deadline approached we both got more desperate and horny, going at it like animals at every opportunity, knowing the fun was about to end. So when the time came for me to take off, I didn't know how either of us would deal with it. The sperm had been flowing from my cock at an excessive rate, and I doubted even the dirtiest college skank I could find would be able to keep up. And for Mom... I don't know how she could go back to just Dad after all the things we had done together. We'd both been changed by what we had done, and what was gonna happen next was a mystery.

So to go back to the beginning of this story to answer the question, what happens after a mother and son hook up for the first time? Well, let me tell you: Lots and lots of sex. Crazy amounts of hot sweaty fucking of the filthiest kind. Sex you can't forget.

But the question of what comes after that, after a mother and son spend an entire summer fucking each other's brains out. After a son gets better sex than what he could find elsewhere with his own mom, and a mom gets the sex of her life from her own son. When a studly son goes off to college, seemingly to move on to a new phase of life, leaving his horny, sexed-up mother behind. What comes after all that? Can either of them move on? Can they truly give this up? Can they actually move on in a healthy way, or did they fall too deep already? Was the siren's song of incest too tempting to resist? Could they just forget about it, or was the force drawing them back together far too strong to fight off?
