Bill and Sally


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John stuck around long enough to help her remove all signs of their indiscretions except the soaked sofa. He suggested she waste a big glass of tea on it to explain the dampness to Bill. Then he left her with a brotherly kiss. He didn't reply to her question of when they could do it again.

Sally stood in the door, waving until his car turned onto US-17. Then the gravity of what she'd done hit her. Why? How? How could she be so stupid? Bill would be home soon, expecting a loving wife to tell a tale of an innocent fling. Could she keep her bargain to tell him about her experiences? If she just stopped at the oral part, Bill was going to be horny; what was going to happen when his normal dick literally fell into a pussy he usually had to work his way into?

Not telling him anything wouldn't work, he'd still expect sex. That's when she remembered Sarah's advice about alum. She was sure she had some left over from making pickles. Making a very strong solution, she went to the bathroom to douche with it. It burned just a little, but she could put up with anything if only Bill didn't find out what she'd done.

The alum worked like a charm. When Bill came home she decided not to say anything; he was still horny as she'd predicted. He wanted to take her on the sofa, so she explained away the dampness with the glass of tea story. Once on the bed, foreplay went as usual. When Bill started to unroll a condom, she caught his hand.

"We want a baby, remember?" She was sure a baby would help her resist the temptation to stray, even for something the size of John's.

The alum worked wonders. Bill didn't suspect a thing during foreplay and when she put both ankles on his shoulders, his favorite position, he commented on her seeming tighter than usual. Sally promised God she'd be good from now on just before they fell asleep in each other's arms.

John calmed down on his drive into Charleston. He fully realized how dangerous a plaything, who falls in love with a married man, could be. He decided he'd just drop Sally. He hadn't had Sarah for some time. She would be next on his list, hot, ready Sarah. Yeah, he's just stick with women who had sense enough not to fall in love. Girls like Sally were a nice diversion, but when they started falling in love with you—nothing but trouble. Yep, that's it, he'd call Sarah tomorrow; she was almost as good as Sally anyway.

Yes, John had good intentions, but the old cliché, "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions," was never truer than when John fell asleep beside Maggie.

John awoke before Maggie and lay there thinking. What would Sally be doing now? When he considered she could be screwing Bill, a pang of jealousy reminded him just how good it felt, when he entered Sally. Still thinking about Sally, he started stroking Maggie's almost naked body, waking her up.

Maggie was a willing partner as always. They performed the age-old dance of mankind and when he shrank so much he couldn't remain sheathed in her love channel, she snuggled beside him, sated and satisfied just to feel John beside her.

"For all his faults, I do love him." she thought. "Where else would I find a man, who could make me feel like this?"

John's resolve to stay away from Sally was rapidly fading. Yesterday got better with each passing minute; and he knew he had to have her again.

The ringing alarm brought both Bill and Sally out of a deep sleep. Since Bill was leaving on a week-long business trip, they took time for a quickie before Sally drove him to the Airport.

"I hope one of my little swimmers made it last night or this morning," Bill said while they walked to the gate area. "I'm dying to have a little Bill pattering around the house."

"Or a little Sally," she teased. She knew how badly Bill wanted a son. She suspected that was one of the reasons Bill had suggested they mess around. He had the foolish idea that if they had more sex she had more chance of pregnancy, therefore he'd do anything to increase her libido.

"Be good." Bill kissed her, before going through security.

"Always." She replied and left him still trying to get cleared by the scanner.

Sally spent the rest of the morning working. She finally stopped for lunch well after one; that's when she started thinking about John. She felt the old familiar stirring between her legs and used her fingers to massage the itch. Sarah called while she still had her hand down her shorts and of course the conservation was sex, sex, and nothing but sex. By the time Sally hung up, she'd forgotten all about her conservation with God. She wanted John.

A quick call to the office didn't get her anywhere. Nobody knew where the Boss was or when he'd be back.

"Damn!" She threw the phone down. "Just like a man, never around when you need him."

At that moment the doorbell rang. She pulled the door open; John stood there with a dozen roses. She jumped into his arms and they left a trail of clothes to the bedroom. Thus began the routine that continued for three months; Bill at work or out of town, and John made sure he was out of town often, John and Sally enjoying each other's charms.

At first Sally made sure Bill was supplied with pussy, but as the days flew by she wanted only John to touch her. She mostly stopped using the alum and kept Bill from finding out by limiting him to twice a month, just after her period. Two days before "The" day, she would tighten back up with alum, do her duty to her husband and then reserve herself for her lover. She justified her actions by reminding herself Bill had suggest she let other men play with her; okay she was just carrying things to their logical conclusion.

Bill had a lot on his mind that late summer afternoon. It was actually early fall, but, some years, in the Low-Country you could still swim comfortably in early October. This was one of those years, so he had to hurry home to maintain the pool. Sally stilled used it for exercise, they say swimming is great exercise, but Bill wouldn't know. He seldom indulged; he did, however notice Sally getting a little thicker around the middle, so he didn't want to do anything to discourage her.

"Damn those kids!" When he entered the toolshed, he saw that his skill saw and a sander were missing. "Every time Sally takes a trip they steal something. She's due to leave again tomorrow. This time I'm going to catch their asses."

Sally left to catch an early flight, giving Bill time to set his trap. First he parked his car down a dirt road where it couldn't be seen. Then he lugged a folding chair, a cooler of drinks, binoculars and finally his camera with its telephoto lens and long distance recording attachment out to the Chinaberry tree. Here he could sit in wait for the vandals. If they didn't show up he could add to his collection of bird pictures. If they did, he'd take their pictures and if the parents didn't replace his stuff, he'd turn the pictures over to the sheriff.

Ten o'clock and nothing had happened. He was beginning to give up hope, when the privacy fence gate opened and a red Camaro pulled through. It was Sally; something must have gone wrong, why would she park behind the fence, and why was she still holding the gate open?

Before he could stand to see what was wrong a BMW pulled in behind her car, and his Boss crawled out. Sally ran to him and they locked in a long passionate kiss. Bill settled back and reached for his camera. With his telephoto lens, it was just like he was right beside them.

"Just right." He heard John say, when he knelt to check the water's temperature with his hand. "No telling how much longer it'll be warm enough to swim, so let's do it while we can." They removed their clothes.

Sally looked so good naked that Bill forgot to get pictures until she dropped to her knees in front of John, using a blow-up raft for a cushion. She then took John's dick in her mouth, and delivered, what looked like to Bill, a first class blow job.

"How can she get all that in her mouth?" Bill wondered. John had his hands behind her head, trying to get even more of his dick in her mouth. "Okay," Bill thought, "that's still oral and I did say oral was okay."

His world was destroyed seconds later when Sally got on all fours with her ass in the air. John moved in behind, bent his knees enough to get to the proper level, and guided his monster to her hairy opening. Bill's camera captured the moment perfectly, when John pushed forward, Sally humped back and the monster disappeared to the hilt.

When Bill saw how easily John entered her, he knew this wasn't the first time. No wonder she seemed so loose, when she did let him screw her. The big ear attachment Bill had for the camera allowed him to hear and record every grunt and groan the couple made.

"Aaarrrhh!" John was in a final frenzy; he held her bottom tight against him. "I'm coming! He moaned.

"Nooo, I'm almost there, don't you dare leave me now!" She mewed like a cat, as she topped the mountain of climax and coasted down.

"Can't help it." He wouldn't let her move; he just held her tight and pumped his seed into her well used pussy. His limp shaft slipped out and white gobs of cum followed, and then it slowly finished dribbling out.

"I've got something to tell you John, something very important." They were sitting side by side, watching the fountain on the other side of the pool; it made a soothing gurgling sound while running

"What's wrong Baby? You finally got enough of Bill's pitifully little dick?"

"No, and Bill isn't that little, but he has nothing to do with this." She hesitated, trying to build her courage. Finally she dropped the bombshell. "I'm going to have your baby."

"Don't pull that shit on me, you dumb bimbo. If you got yourself pregnant it's your fault. Besides, how do you know it's not your husband's?"

"Simple, since right after you and I got together I've only let him have it twice a month; right after my period. This is your baby, so what are you going to do about it?"

"I suppose you think I'm going to divorce Maggie and marry you, so we can live happily ever after. Forget that shit, ain't going to happen." John started pulling on his clothes.

"No, I don't want you to marry me, but you will damn sure take care of this baby."

"Like hell! You got yourself knocked up—you handle it."

"Suit yourself. I'll just visit your customers once I start showing a little more. and How many do you think will stick with the company after I give them my sad story and they see pitiful little me?"

"Look, Sally, just convince that wimpy husband of yours the baby is his. He'll never know different and that will solve everything."

"Why you miserable son-of-a-bitch! What did I ever see in you? If Bill was in your position, you wouldn't find him cutting and running."

"Screw Bill, he's not even man enough to keep his wife." John seemed in deep thought. "Look Baby," he finally said, "you have a point about the customers. Tell you what; I have a rental cottage that's empty right now. I'll clean it up and you can move in tomorrow. That's the best I can do."

Neither of them saw Bill approach. When he stepped from behind a shrub Sally was looking right at him.

"Bill," she gasped, her hand flying to her mouth, a look of horror on her face.

"I told you to forget that piss-ant."

That was as far as he had gotten when Bill tapped him on the shoulder.

"I quit, Boss, or is it still John?" Bill hadn't been a Recon-Marine for nothing. He might not have been in the shape he once was, but he was still in good enough shape to beat John mercilessly without leaving a mark on his face. He then dragged him to the pool, threw him in and pulled him out. The cold water revived him enough to drive. Bill walked him to the car.

"I'll sue you for everything you have. I'll...I'll own this house, you'll see." He looked at Sally. "You're my witness; you can tell them what happened. If you do, I'll divorce Maggie and we can live here."

"I saw you fall over the wheel barrel." Sally walked away from him, disgusted.

"I'll get you too!" John yelled back as he drove away.

Bill's heart was breaking. It took several minutes for him to regain control of his emotions enough to trust himself to speak. He had loved this woman; he realized he still loved this woman; he just couldn't dismiss her treating him like she did—maybe later, but not now.

"Thanks Sally, for standing up for me like you did." He was thinking not only of her refusing to testify, but the conservation earlier, when she had no idea he could hear."

"Bill, please...This isn't what you think; I can explain everything..."

Bill signaled for her to stop. Without a word, he took her hand and led her to the Chinaberry tree where he'd left the camera. Once there, he hit playback and didn't say a word. As she watched, her fist went to her mouth and tears streamed down her face.

"What now?" she finally asked.

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to stay here with you and forget about this shit of playing around with others."

"Yeah, that was one stupid ass idea I had, wasn't it?" Bill took a long time before speaking again. "You know, I might go along with that, except for you carrying his baby. I don't think I could stand looking at his kid day in and day out without hating it."

"I know-I'm sorry—sorry about everything. I'll get my things and leave." She slowly walked toward the house.

"Are you sure it couldn't be mine?" Bill had caught up and was walking beside her.

"I'm sorry, Bill. I suppose it's possible, since my periods are always so sporadic, but I'd say there's no more than one chance in thirty the child is yours. She went in the bedroom to pack, while Bill went into the den to think.

"Can I see you in here a second, Sally," he called, when he heard her suitcase's wheels squeaking as she pulled it to the door.

"Look," he said when she sat down, "This isn't entirely your fault. I'm the stupid ass who started the ball rolling. You want to hear something funny? I didn't touch another woman during the entire time, and you didn't even give me as much pussy as you normally would have." He shook his head, disgusted with himself.

"A stupid loser—that's me." He took a deep breath and fought not to lose control; tears were welling just beneath the surface. "I don't have to always remain a loser, do I?" He walked to her chair, and tried his best to smile as he looked down at her.

"Here's what I'd like to do. First, as soon as we can, we'll both have the babe tested to see if it's mine." He handed her a check. "If it isn't, there will be one of these coming each month until the child is eighteen. Of course after the birth and you're able to go back to work, it'll probably be a little smaller."

"If it happens to be mine, I would like you to move back here and forget this entire summer. We'll live together and hopefully this will be the first of the big family we once dreamed would roam this old house." At this point they both lost it. They stood, locked together in a platonic embrace, sobbing and apologizing, until finally, Bill regained control.

"One other thing, If the baby isn't mine and I even hear of you having anything to do with John—I'm out—you're on your own. If the baby is mine and you come back—if you ever touch another man sexually again, I'm going to give you an ass whipping you'll never forget."

"Agreed, honey," she said. Then she kissed him on the cheek and he walked her to the car.

"Damn! Damn! Damn! Was all Bill could say as he waved to her while she drove away.


Epilogue (eight years later)

"Billy, you just wait till your Daddy gets home! If you don't stop picking at your brothers, I don't know what I'll do." Sally stood in the door, baby Susan on her hip, while she tried to keep an eye on Billy, who was supposed to be watching his twin brothers playing in the sand box.

"Thank God," she said when she saw Bill's BMW coming up the driveway.

The last eight years had been better than Bill would have ever dreamed. After he'd found out the baby was indeed his, he and his camera had a long talk with Maggie. The camera's evidence was the last straw. Maggie had tossed John out on his ass, with only the clothes on his back and ten one hundred dollar bills to carry him over.

"That's more than you had when you came to me," she shouted when he protested. She then called Bill and asked him to be CEO of Lover Enterprises, a job he still held; but now he owned forty nine per cent of the company.

The last anyone had heard of John, he was feeding that big cock to a famous Hollywood actress, but there was a rumor around town some teenage boys had spotted him in a porn movie.


Authors note:

Thank you for reading my story. Please don't forget to rate it and to comment. If you enjoyed this story, more of my work can be found in Amazon's Kindle store under the pen name Lucy Bell. Should you choose to read those, please leave a review; they are the lifeblood of e-book publishing.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

That's the trouble when you play with fire and brimstone you are gonna get burnt. Size does matter....the size of your heart.

Harvey8910Harvey89104 months ago

This was a great story. The ending was a huge surprise. Sally was an idiot and she is lucky that she is married to Bill. He forgave her for fucking John several times and her plotting to have John impregnate her. I am not sure I could have done that. But Bill was given the CEO job at Lover Industries after Maggie divorced John. The evidence that Bill collected was useful in her getting that divorce. Bil and Sally have four kids and they are happy. Great story. Five stars!!!!

lujon2019lujon20196 months ago

dont like cuck stories, but you were honest about that so I wont give the auto one star for cucks


however you started the story by saying the husband encouraged the wife to fuck around so how is it cheating or adultery?


so, one star for multiple lying tags

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

As the anon from a year previous said. This size queen isn't going to settle for small fry especially after she's been stretched by multiple births.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


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