Billie's Bully

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Billie's "best friend" comes to visit him.
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Billy thought his life was just about perfect. As division manager for HI-Tech Computers, he had a good salary and a bright future having worked himself up to his current position in only 4 years out of college. He had also married his childhood sweetheart, well maybe not quite childhood; he did have a girlfriend in high school that he was in love with, but he had married his college sweetheart Amanda.

Come to think about it, both girls had a lot in common. They both had long chocolate brown hair, parted in the centre framing their pixie faces and pouty lips that looked soo kissable. Both had small sexy bodies that made you just want to hold them. Even their personalities were similar, kind of shy and reserved at times but other times teasing and perky.

So how come the good times don't last? That all changed when he got an e-mail from Frank, his high school bully. Frank had just got his discharge from the Marines after two tours of duty. He was heading to California to start his new life but since he would be passing through St. Louis he wanted to stop in and see his old high school buddy. Amanda had read the e-mail before Billy got home from work so she was all excited to tell Billie the good news. "Isn't that wonderful that you will get a chance to visit with your best friend from high school. I remember you mentioning his name several times."

"He was not my best friend, he used to push me around. One time he threaten to beat me up if I didn't do his homework."

"That's just what boys do sometimes; besides that was long ago so I'm sure if he did that he has outgrown all that by now. I would just love to have a reunion with my best friend from school."

"Besides he was a jerk. He was on the football team and a lot of silly girls used to chase after him so he felt he could fuck any girl he wanted. He stole my girlfriend from me, not because he wanted her, but because I did."

"Oh that sounds interesting, tell me more."

"He was an ass and that's all I'm saying about it."

"You know all about me and I know very little about you, so here's my chance to find out."

"But I know if he comes he will hit on you the same way as he did with my girlfriend in school."

"Does he know you're married?"

"No, I never told him."

"So, he's not coming to hit on me, he's just coming to visit his old friend. You have no real friends here so I'm surprised that you don't jump at the chance."

Billie thought maybe Amanda was right. It had been 6 years and he could have changed. Besides even though he was an ass they did have some fun times and it would be kind of nice to see him again. "OK I'll tell him he can come and e-mail our address but if he annoys you by trying to get fresh with you, I'll tell you; I told you so."

Ten days later Frank showed up at the door carrying a large duffle bag. "Hi old buddy," he said shaking Billie's hand; "It's nice to see you again." Then spotting Amanda he said, "Oh my, you are a hottie. Billie never told me he had a beautiful sexy wife." He said that as he gave her a hug and a kiss on her cheek with one hand drifting down to her ass. He held her tight against him much longer than he should have. Amanda looked at Billie and he smiled as much to say, I told you so.

Amanda got him settled in the spare bedroom and she had to admit she was impressed with his physic, winning smile and deep penetrating eyes that could melt you inside. She had felt his cock pressing against her when he had held her close, but she thought it's probably better not to mention that to Billie. She prepared dinner while they sat in the living room having a couple beers. She could hear them talking and some laughter so she was glad for Billie's sake that Frank had come.

At dinner while they all enjoyed a couple glasses of wine Frank talked mainly to Amanda, not Billie. He had her giggling a few times over what he was saying to her. At one point he asked her how a shrimp guy like Billie ever got her to marry him. He told her if she wanted to get married all she had to do is let men know and there would be a long lineup and he would be one of the guys in the front. Amanda liked that and she sometimes blushed at the crude words he used, but mostly she hung onto every word he said.

After dinner they sat in the living room and Frank told Amanda stories about Afghanistan. He told about one mission they were on and encountered a Taliban ambush. Two marines were killed and one was wounded. The sergeant told them to withdraw but he could not leave a wounded marine so he crawled out there, not knowing if he would get shot also, and brought the marine to safety. "Oh Frank, you're soo brave," Amanda said patting his leg as he was the one sitting beside her on the sofa. She didn't realize that her knee was touching his leg.

Later he was telling her on the front line you never knew if you would be alive or dead the next day so when they were rotated back to a safe place for some R&R they wanted to have a good sleep, some good food, and sex. "There were lots of prostitutes who would spend the night with you for $5. They were young but not young and beautiful like you. Had you been there we would have gladly paid you 500 dollars."

Billie thought she should have been mad because he had as much as called her a prostitute but she wasn't mad. She blushed a little but she was pleased with what he said. "You guys are terrible to treat women that way."

"No, they liked it and getting paid five dollars was the same amount they would get for working in the fields for a week." Billie thought Frank was supposed to be visiting him, but he spent all his time talking to Amanda.

That night in bed Billie wanted to make love to his wife but she pushed him away. "We can't do that; these walls are paper thin and he could hear everything we do. He probably hasn't had sex in a while so it's not fair to him." She was thinking of his cock pressed against her when he hugged her. "Frank is a nice guy and just as I thought, he didn't bully you at all, did he?" Billie had to admit he didn't. "I'm feeling kind of horny so I want you to go down on me. You're so good with your tongue that I know you can get me off quickly and we can do that quietly." Billie did it but it brought back unpleasant memories of his high school days and his girlfriend Courtney. She wasn't interested in sex before marriage. She had been his girlfriend for about 4 months before she allowed him to suck her pussy and she would jerk him off. She had met Frank at a celebration party for winning the regional championship. Soon after that they were sleeping together and she broke it off with Billie. Frank rubbed it in by saying she was a hot fuck and did Billie enjoy fucking her. Courtney had told him she had never had sex with Billie.

The next morning Amanda got up at the same time Billie did and made his breakfast before he left for work. She was wearing her shorty nightie that showed more than it hid and a short bathrobe that didn't cover a whole lot more. "You should not be wearing something so revealing. It'll give Frank the wrong idea."

"I wear this every morning and you always said you like it, so what's the matter now?

"Because Frank might get the wrong idea. It's like you're teasing or flirting with him; that's not the way a wife should dress in front of a stranger."

"Why Billie I think your jealous."

Frank came downstairs putting an end to their discussion. He was wearing boxer type shorts and nothing else. Billie thought he doesn't even have the decency to cover himself with a bathrobe. "What a beautiful site to see in the morning," Frank said leaning over and giving Amanda a kiss on the cheek. "Now can you even leave such a gorgeous creature as this and go to work. She is sex and beauty all in one package."

Amanda knew he was laying it on way to thick, so how come she still liked it. "If I'm so wonderful, you can drive me to the grocery store this morning."

"Your wish is my command," Frank said. Oh come on, how corny can you get Billie thought. Surly his wife is not swallowing a line like that. However he was glad that this was Friday, his last day of work. After this he was going to make sure Amanda and Frank were not left alone. Frank planned on leaving Monday and Billie was going to make sure he did.

After Billie left for work, Frank said to Amanda, I'll drive you to the grocery store but it's going to cost you."

"And how much will that be?" she said with a slight grin.

"It will cost you 3 kisses."

"That seems like a pretty high price for just a ride to the grocery store. How about just one kiss?"

"OK, OK I'll settle for 2 kisses but that's my final offer. Now come here and pay up."

"You drive a hard bargain," but she got up and went to him and kissed him. He pulled her tight against him and she could feel his cock pressing against her much more than yesterday because he's in boxer shorts and she's wearing just a silk nightie and a cotton robe. He tried to force his tongue into her mouth but she kept her lips closed. For the second kiss he had somehow got her robe undone and when he grabbed her ass drawing her tight against him she could feel his bare cock pushing against her pussy with only her nightie in the way. That sent tingles through her body. This time she opened her mouth to him.

"I think you have been paid enough. It's time we both got dressed and got ready for the grocery store." He did as she asked and let her go, so how come she felt a little disappointed. They drove to the grocery store by a roundabout route so Amanda could show him some of the local sights. They passed a lookout point overlooking the valley. "This is a local make out place."

"Oh good let's stop here."

"You sleezeball, I knew it was a mistake to mention that as soon as I said it. Just keep driving." They arrived at the grocery store and Amanda found she was having fun doing the shopping. Frank was always trying to put stuff in her cart she didn't want and she was making him put it back on the shelf, or he would say something like, this looks good, how about buying this; and when she would ask him what the price was and he didn't know, she made him put that back too. It was fun telling him what to do and him doing it. At one point he said he liked pork chops. "You can't keep that physic of yours if you continue to eat stuff like that. Veal or chicken is much better for you." Then she wondered why she would even mention his physic or care what he ate.

By the time they finished shopping it was lunch time and Frank said he would take her to lunch to make up for his nonsense in the grocery store. She kind of liked his nonsense but she was not about to tell him that. He took her to a sports bar and they had hamburgers and fries and draft beer. When Billie took her to lunch, which wasn't often it was to a restaurant not even licensed. Frank was making her feel like a college student again having a beer and a burger in a sports bar. On the way home Frank asked her again if they could stop at that lookout point and she said no you sleaze, but she still kind of liked that he asked. When they got home the two of them watched a couple of Amanda's favorite TV shows, with Frank teasing her about what a waste of time that was. "There are much better things you could be doing."

"And I know exactly what you think that is," she said giving him a playful punch. "But forget it because it's not going to happen." Then it was time to shower and get ready for dinner because Frank had told Billie this morning that he was taking them out to dinner to say thanks for their hospitality. Frank took his shower first and this time he came out wearing Billie's bathrobe. Amanda had her shower next and she came out of the bathroom wearing the same robe she wore that morning and headed toward their bedroom. She was at the door when Frank came out of the spare bedroom across the hall. He pushed her through the open bedroom door and onto her back on the bed; her robe coming open as he pushed. He got on top of her sucking her breasts and rubbing her pussy.

"Frank stop it," she said but other than keeping her legs close together to deny him access, she did little to stop him. His lips on her breasts and fingers in her pussy was making her wet. When he moved up to kiss her and his cock brushed her pussy, she gave up all pretense of resistance and let her legs open. He wasted no time and thrust into her deep. He stayed motionless deep in her pussy until he felt her pussy start to pulse on his cock. Now he started to fuck her; long deep strokes gradually getting faster as he felt her excitement build. When he felt her cresting he went deep and held still feeling her pussy tighten on him as she had her orgasm. That made him cum in her at almost the same time. He did not pull out but lay on top of her keeping some of his weight supported by his arms as they laid still joined together in post orgasmic bliss. After a short while he could feel her hips start to gently buck against him. That horny bitch, he thought, she wants it again. She might be ready to go again but he wasn't, so he gently pulled out and lay beside her, holding her in his arms. Suddenly she sat up in bed saying, "Frank get up and get dressed; Billie could be home any minute."

"No he won't; he told me this morning he would not be home until six tonight and asked me to make the dinner reservations for 6:30. He gently lay her back down and pulled a blanket over them. "Just relax and let me hold you tight." She did relax and soon fell asleep in contentment. He had to wake her at a quarter to six. He was tempted to let her sleep and let Billie find them both nude in his bed. He could just picture Billie angry and spluttering, yet getting a hard on gazing on his wife's nude body. He did not really like Billie, never did, and what better way to humiliate him than to fuck his wife in his bed and let him catch them.

The dinner Frank took them to was at The Veterans Association Club. This was a private, members only club for members and their invited guests. During the dinner they announced that they were having a fund raising auction the following evening to raise money to help veterans readjust to civilian life. They said they had some innovating ways to do that but since the vast majority of members were male, they were looking for females from the invited guests to add beauty and charm by volunteering to be hostesses at the auction. Frank said he was going to attend and this would be a chance for Amanda to do her patriotic duty and help wounded veterans by volunteering to be one of the hostesses. Amanda agreed, but Billie was dead set against it. He said they would talk about it later at home.

After the dinner was over they all went to an adjoining room for dancing and drinks. Frank said, "I know Billie didn't know how to dance in college, has he learned anything since?"

"No," Amanda said, "he's still that way. He never does anything I like to do."

"That's not fair Amanda, you know I..."

Frank cut him off. I like to dance also Amanda, so suppose we dance and Billie can pay for our drinks and guard our table." So that's how the rest of the evening went. They would come back laughing and talking and join Billie at the table to drink the cocktails he bought for them. At one point Billie said, "This is no fun for me so let's go home Amanda. Frank has his own car so he can come anytime he wants to."

"But I'm having fun dancing. Why don't you go home and I'll come home with Frank later."

"No, you're my wife and you're coming with me."

"He is such a party pooper," Amanda said to Frank.

At home they discussed the auction tomorrow. Billie said, "I don't like it. Why would they need outsiders for their fundraising? I saw a couple women there, so let them use their own women if they want."

"Can't do that because their women will be taking part in the bidding too, "Frank said," so they can't be used as entertainment, I mean as hostess, and take part in the auction also."

"Billie I want to do this," Amanda said. "I want to do what I can to make wounded soldiers feel better." Billie knew he wasn't going to win this so he reluctantly said OK.

The next day Billie made sure he was always with Amanda and if Frank wanted to say anything to her, it was with Billie standing right there. That evening arriving at the club, one or the women veterans said to the 3 women volunteers, You 3 are so beautiful that it would make our wounded soldiers feel so much better if you would take off your clothes and wear one of these short slips. After years in Afghanistan it would mean so much to them if they could see 3 beautiful women like you dressed in a sexy outfit." After looking at each other and a few blushes they agreed. They entered the main room and were escorted to the bar were vodka and orange juice drinks were waiting for them. That was one of Amanda's favorites but this one had kind of a bitter taste to it. The second cocktail tasted a little better and the third tasted good but it was making her feel funny. In fact after 3 of these drinks she was feeling relaxed and a little horny also.

"OK, to get the party started we are going to have a lezzie show. One of our volunteers, Sandra is going to pleasure Sgt. Ruth Anders. If you want to stay and watch it will cost you 25 dollars; if not you can go into the next room and watch a porno movie for free." Very few left the room. "The other 2 hostesses will serve you drinks if you want and for an extra 25 dollars you can have one of them sit with you and jerk you off, but no blowjobs that will come later. Amanda thought she should be angry but she wasn't; more like relaxed and horny. After Sgt. Ruth had an orgasm on Sandra's face, the few that left the room returned to the main room.

The host then said, "OK, we are going to start the auction. Who wants their cock sucked?" To a chorus of yaah's, he said, "Here's how it's going to work. I'll start the bidding at one hundred; you have to increase the bidding by at least twenty dollars when you bid. Whoever bids the highest gets his choice of who he wants to suck his cock, then the second and so on. We have 3 private rooms were you can take your purchase and enjoy her. Her job is to please you any way you want with her mouth, not her pussy. You have twenty minutes to enjoy your purchase and then you must return to the main room.

Amanda wondered if she had been drugged because she was willing to go along with whatever they wanted her to do. After about a half hour they were all back. The announcer said, "And now for the highlight of the evening we have the "fuck a slut auction." I am going to start the bidding at $200 under the same rules as before. Now I'm going to auction them off twice, but if you don't want sloppy seconds I suggest you bid high the first time."

Even Frank was surprised how docile the 3 of them were. The auctioneer made them dance while the bidding was going on. He wasn't going to bid but he was going to fuck her on the way home. The top bidders were told, "OK, the 3 rooms are ready for you. There is a magnum of champagne in each room and Viagra pills if any of you need them. As you can see the girls are very submissive and obedient so you can do pretty much whatever you want. Just remember you have to give them 5 minutes to clean up before the hour is up so that they are ready for the second auction. The 2nd auction brought in even more money than the first. Frank guessed the men realized that this was their last chance to fuck a beautiful women who would not say no to them.

After the second round the women were allowed to get dressed and everyone assembled in the main room. The MC said the auction had been a wonderful success and he thanked the 3 hostesses for doing a great job.

Frank had Amanda in the car headed toward home when he said, "I am so horny after watching all of that. We'll stop in a motel on the way home so that I can get my rocks off too in your juicy pussy."