Billion Dollar Slaves 03 Ch. 07

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Interlewd Chapter 7 Submission.
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Part 21 of the 29 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 11/28/2007
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Dear Readers,

This is a short chapter done primarily to wrap up the last several chapters. Stories take on a life of their own and sometimes require finishing several story lines with explanations before venturing into the new and unknown. As always your votes and comments help make this a better story.

Thank you,

Dom Woolf


Mia was walking down the stairs headed for the kitchen when she saw her mother slip into Rick's office, a handful of papers clutched to her chest. Thinking it was probably just more of the endless legal crap her father's death had caused, she dismissed it from her mind returning instead to thoughts of food.

Ruth was having an attack of the nerves. She had never taken her fantasy this far. She was glad Rick wasn't in his office as she set the papers down that she had worked all night to complete. A list of all the things she had ever heard of in bondage groups or reading and researching that she would like to try. Ruth had been brutally honest with herself in making the list. She had revised it and gone back over the revisions until even she had to admit to herself; it was as complete as she could make it.

She set it on his desk, picked it back up to give it one final looking over. No! She slapped it down on the desk turned and walked out. Ruth started for the kitchen but changed her mind. She would wait for Rick's summons in her room. She ran up the stairs.

Mia was sitting on the floor in the kitchen, eating her breakfast with the twins, who were not allowed to sit at the kitchen table without permission. Mia could have but she always felt uncomfortable seated with just the twins present. Besides it was much easier to talk with everyone at the same level.

The girls gabbed all through breakfast and even though Mia protested Ruby or Emma jumped up to fetch her more coffee or jam or anything else she needed. They were the house slaves and Mia was a guest of the house.

Christy and Donna ducked into the kitchen returning their Masters breakfast trays and the girls all stood around talking. Mia discovered that Rick wasn't in his office, he hadn't even gotten out of bed so far this morning. Mia wondered what her mother was doing in the office without him. As Donna and her sister returned upstairs to their Masters rooms and the twins began their chores cleaning the kitchen, Mia decided to see what mom was up too.

She hesitated just outside the office door; during her week of slavery she had spent hours polishing the heavy dark wood door. This was the Masters office. Mia grinned and slipped inside.

She spotted the papers on the desk, but no sign of her mother. Crossing the room she picked up the paperwork and began to read. Mia read only the first few paragraphs before hurrying to the copy machine and feeding in the stack of papers. She stood nervously waiting as it slowly churned out the copies. Mia returned the originals exactly where she found them stuffed the copies into her pants and quietly opened the office door. When she was sure she was clear she slipped out, walked to the front door and left.

Mia walked a few blocks to a public park and found a quiet shaded spot under a tree to read. She read through the eight pages describing in intimate detail her mothers fantasies and desires. Some she giggled at and some such as golden showers she was shocked silly about but most of what her mother wanted to explore were things that made Mia tingle and grow wet. The more she read the more she wanted to try herself.

Mia sat back against the tree closing her eyes as she pictured in her mind Master Rick tying her arms behind her in a public place, a mall, no, a mall men's room. She could see him taking out a slender razor sharp knife and cutting away her clothes, ripping the tattered remains away from her naked body. She pictured the boys from her collage classes walking in and finding her bound, naked, and spread body. The stares and the touches, getting braver as she simply struggled but didn't scream; the hands, grasping her tits, twisting her nipples, probing into her warm wet holes. Then the cocks being freed from the confines of the boy's jeans, getting harder and longer, dripping with precum as they rubbed against her breast and cheeks and lips, forcing the hot hard meat into her mouth and cunt and asshole, fucking her, fucking her hard. Her mothers naked, bound body beside hers getting fucked and sprayed with piss and cum on the cold hard dirty tile floor.

(Holy Shit!) Mia snapped out of the fantasy and wrapped her arms around her knees. (Thinking of my mother being fucked, how sick is that?)

(And why not?) A part of her mind answered. (Is that so different then you frigging yourself to orgasms every night thinking of your daddy's dick in your mouth and ass and pussy? You little slut!)

Mia sat for a long time, rocking herself as tears streamed down her face, the pages of her mothers fantasy's clenched in her fist.

Rick spent several hours going over Ruth's written thoughts of what she wanted to experience and her limits. He drew up a contract outlining her thoughts and limitations, adding things she hadn't yet thought of and putting in start and ending dates so both sides would have a clear understanding of the contract.

He had Donna fetch Ruth when he was ready to discuss the contract.

Ruth spent the hours since she dropped off the pages in Rick's office, pacing around her room, lying on the bed, sitting back up, and pacing some more. Her thoughts kept going over the pages, marveling at the things she had written; worried that Rick would think she was some kind of freak. "My god!" she thought. "Did I really say I want to experience getting pissed on and whipped and ...Oh my god, the gang bang!" She blushed to herself. "Do I really want HIM to control me and force me to get in shape just so he can display me like some whore to... Jesus anyone He wants?"

Ruth went and took a shower, debating with herself wither or not to shave her pussy. Decided against it then shaved it anyway. She dug through the few clothes she had left after the fire, mostly things the other women had given her and the few things she had gone and bought herself. "Christ, I really need to shop. I don't have a damn thing left that's fit to wear. Damn Gregory." Ruth laughed at herself. "If he accepts me I probably won't need clothes other than a collar and slave bracelets." She finally settled on a nice pair of shorts and a light blue tee shirt that was a little snug.

She found herself putting on and taking off her bra several times before deciding to leave it off. "It's not like he hasn't seen my boobs already. My god I haven't been with another man in 25 years. Not since Greg and I got married. I don't think I can do this. I'm not ready."

Donna knocked on her door and walked in as she was brushing her hair for the forth time. "Master would like to see you in his office." Ruth stood up, her body beginning to tremble. Donna hugged her. "Relax, Ruth, he doesn't bite. Not too hard anyway." They grinned at each other like conspiring school girls.

Ruth knocked on door to the office and was bid to enter. She closed the door behind her and walked over to the desk. Rick looked up and smiled. "Take a seat. This is the contract I have drawn up, look it over, address any concerns, and when it's agreeable to us both, sign it.

Ruth sat in the client chair, picked up the paperwork lying on the desk and began to read. "My god, am I really going to do this?"

Mia wandered around for most of the day without any clear thought of where she was or where she was headed until she found herself staring at the remains of the only place she had ever called home.

The back of the house was still standing, charred and smoke covered, the paint colors changed by the heat of the fire that had consumed the front of the house. Debris was everywhere across the yard and here and there Mia could see dirty, torn, and burned pieces of items she recognized from her life. Books, pictures, odd items of wet, filthy and ruined clothes or furniture, it was all there and it was all destroyed.

Something broke in Mia as she stood looking at the ruins of her family's life. She fumbled out her cell phone and called her mother. She was still sobbing and explaining about the rape, the dreams, her unending nightmares, when the black SUV pulled in and her mother was running across the chewed up remains of the front lawn and had her in her arms.

Several hours later Mia was safely tucked in bed, one of Doc's tranquilizers putting her out for the next 12 hrs and Christy watching over her as she slept. Rick had ordered all the women to take turns watching Mia, for the next couple of days she would never be alone.

Rick, Lisa, Donna, and Ruth were sitting around the kitchen table discussing Mia's revelations and what should be done next. Rick had just ushered Doc out and returned to the kitchen. "I have a friend from back in my cop days that is a family rape and incest psychologist. She's familiar with both rape and incest and is bdsm knowledgeable. A kink friendly shrink will be able to both help Mia and not get crazy about the family situation." Rick bowed his head towards Ruth. "I know that sounds a little self serving but I am trying to both help Mia and protect the family. If you have someone else in mind let me know and don't worry about the bills that's covered!"

Ruth looked up at this man she hardly knew, he had helped her when she needed it, rescued herself and her daughter, provided them with a place to stay and had asked nothing from them. He had been good to her oldest daughter for two years even protecting her from her own father and now was offering to expose his entire family to legal problems just to help Mia.

"I trust you to pick the best help for Mia, Rick. I wouldn't want to cause the family any problems, if we can get Mia the help she needs without exposing the rest of you, please do what you think is best."

Rick nodded. "I'll make some calls." He strode from the room and moments later the door to his office slammed.

Lisa looked up at the sound. "He is pissed. If he had known what Gregory had done the night we were there, he would have shot him then and there. Hell, if I had known I would have."

Ruth said quietly. "I am so glad he is dead. I just wish I could have stopped it before he hurt Mia." She sat crying with her head in her hands.

Lisa and Donna held her and let her cry.

Dr. Sarah Kellerman spoke with Rick and Ruth in his office after spending a long afternoon with Mia two days later. "She has issues to deal with; the rape, the feelings of abandonment, the whole daddy's little girl incest thing, his death and her belief that she was the cause." She paused. "Most of which we can deal with through simple therapy."

"I would like to see her for two sessions a week for the next few months. We can reevaluate her condition at that time. Unlike a lot of my colleges I don't believe in long term sessions delving through her entire life. I focus on the problem at hand, deal with it, and allow the patient to get on with their life."

Ruth and Rick spoke with her about the family's usual lifestyle and the effect it might have on Mia as well as what things would help or hinder her recovery for several hours and developed a consensus of how things would best be handled.

Once Dr. Kellerman had left, Ruth asked for a drink and sat with Rick, she seemed to relax for the first time since receiving Mia's phone call. "I feel real good about her. She seems to want the best for Mia and I like that she is confidant that Mia will be able to recover from this mess that Gregory caused."

Rick sipped at his drink. "She's unconventional, but she has a very good success rate. Most of her patients are a lot more messed up than Mia. By that I mean she deals with a lot of long term incest and rape patients."

"Thank you again, Rick. I seem to be thanking you a lot lately."

"Ruth you don't need to thank me, you're family."

A week later life had settled down to a more normal routine, Mia was in therapy, Ruth and her daughters spent a lot of time together talking and basically getting to know each other all over again. Thanks to Dr. Kellerman the three opened up about their feelings and the hidden problems in their family.

Christy admitted that Gregory had constantly spied on her in the bath or when she was sleeping and several times had caught her naked and taken the opportunity to run his hands over her tits and ass and had once fingered her to orgasm. He had tried to make her play with his exposed cock but Christy had always resisted.

Ruth told both her daughters about Gregory's filming Mia in the bath tub and how she had used that evidence to divorce her ex. She hadn't known about Christy. Mia admitted that she knew her dad was spying on her and had encouraged it. She also had let him play with her tits and pussy several times when she was wearing shorts and a swim suit top. It was part of the reason she felt so guilty.

They all went to Mia's next session with Dr. Kellerman and were still deep in discussion when they came home and retreated to the entertainment room. The twins delivered sandwiches, chips and drinks several times as the discussion went on deep into the night.

Christy told of her last couple of years as Mistress Lisa's submissive, Ruth admitted her fantasies, and how she and Master Rick were planning to let her experience them. Mia told Ruth about her week as a sex slave and why she wanted more. She explained about the armless submissive she had met and how she had come to understand about consensual and nonconsensual submission.

Late the next morning in Rick's office Donna, Ruth and Rick were finishing up on some of the legal matters from Greg's death when Ruth filled them in on the shrink session and the night's discussion.

'So," Ruth concluded after all the talk and apologies and the tears and the hugging; I am beginning to think that we may all come through this and maybe even be closer than we have been in a long while."

"That's the best news we have had around here in a month!" Rick said looking relieved. "I was beginning to have my doubts that it would get better. For awhile there every time we turned around something else went wrong."

"That's why I wanted to talk to you." Ruth smiled. She pulled the contract Rick had designed out of an envelope. "I talked it over with the girls and we all read it. I made a few changes but nothing that I think you will object to too much. If it meets with your approval, well, I'll be waiting upstairs"

Ruth set the papers down on the desk and walked out. Rick picked up the documents and began reading. "I'll be damned." Rick sat there amazed at what he was reading. He began handing the pages one by one to Donna, who read them and set them back on the desk. "What do you think of that?"

Donna read the last page, shaking her head. "I thought life was weird before, this is beyond anything I ever thought would happen."

She stood trembling slightly as a man she barely knew cut her clothes off her. The light glistened off the razor sharp blade as it sliced up the middle of her tight tee shirt parting it between her breasts. His hands spread the ruined cloth, exposing her breasts and pulled the remains down her arms, dropping the rags on the floor behind her. His hand pulled the front of her shorts away from her body as the knife sliced through the waist band. The loose shorts fell to the floor without the elastic to hold them up and pooled around her ankles. She felt the cold steel scrape her skin as he cut the sides of her panties and pulled them from between her legs. She stepped out of the pile of fabric, his hand grasping her hair and forcing her to her knees. A strong finger under her chin forced her to look up into his face and at the collar he held. She watched as it was lowered level with her throat and wrapped her neck. The click of the lock was the final note, signaling the start of her year of submission.

She stayed kneeling, looking at the floor in front of her. She could see the cuffs attached to her wrists and feel the ones on her ankles. Her peripheral vision allowed her to see the young girl next to her as her clothes were also cut away and a collar placed around her slender neck.

Others knelt just outside her field of vision but she knew they were there kneeling where they had been placed as the young mistress had led her and her daughter to the place where they would begin the collaring ceremony. He had stood in front of the kneeling and naked women he owned and asked them both one last time if they agreed to all the terms of the contract they had signed. When both assured Him that they had read and agreed with the terms, he produced the largest most polished knife she had ever seen and now it was done; for the next year, she, Ruth Carter, divorced and widowed mother of five and her youngest daughter were the total and complete slaves of Master Rick and Mistress Lisa.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Been reading from the gitgo! Amazing ! Great work! 2xBJE

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

No sex, per se, but I am hard in anticipation. These three series have been the hottest things I have read on this site. Thanks Keep it up. No pun intended, but gratefully accepted.

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