Blackmailing Lucinda Ch. 01


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She quickly found the PO box down a narrow hall. It was tiny--just large enough for a few letters. Inside was a letter addressed to her (no return address) and three paper tickets she needed to exchange at the counter for packages.

She handed them to the bored looking clerk who brought them to her from the back room. Two of them were about shoebox sized while the third was about the size of a countertop microwave.

She quickly put them in the trunk of her car and headed back to the office. She examined them more closely in the relative privacy of the parking garage.

The large package and one of the small ones were both addressed to her. But the third was addressed to "Bill Mitchell"--but with the same PO Box address.

"Hey! You on an early lunch?"

She jumped, half expecting the creeper to be waiting for her.

Thankfully, it was just Annette from work. The gang always went for lunch on Friday.

"No. Just had to pick some stuff up."

"We're all going to the diner if you're hungry?"

"Sure!" Something normal is exactly what she needed. She'd deal with the weird boxes later.

When she got home, she put the boxes in front of her on the coffee table. She was torn between opening them or waiting until the creep told her to.

She poured herself a glass of wine and sat on the couch in front of them.

She noticed the two boxes addressed to her had a 1 and 2 written after her name. The third box had an X in the same place after Mitchell.

Maybe she was overthinking, but she interpreted them as meaning she could open her boxes, but there was an opening order. But that she should leave the other box unopened. Why give me a box that I'm not supposed to open?

She didn't want to message the creep--he was leaving her mostly alone today and she didn't want any more demands from him.

After her third glass of wine, she had psyched herself up to act. She opened the small box addressed to her with the 1 on it.

Her heart sank when she opened it and a knot formed in her stomach. Inside was an assortment of sex toys including three butt plugs of various sizes, several vibrators and a mix of clamps. The creeper was about to escalate his demands.

Her mind began to race about the contents of the other box. What twisted stuff would she find in there?

Her phone chimed.

--Did you collect the packages?


-- Did you open any of them?

--Just the small one addressed to me.

--Good girl. I need you to deliver the package addressed to Mitchell. Take it to 721 Perriwinkle Lane, apartment 27. Be there at 11:30 tonight. Gate code 8965. Message me after you give it to him.

--Is that your house?

--No. It's a friend. He won't touch you. He only wants the package.


It was nearly 10 already, so she had plenty of time. She checked Google Maps and saw it was only about 15 minutes away.

She pulled it up on Streetview and it looked like a nice enough apartment complex. It should be a safe enough area. Strangely, she didn't think creeper was setting her up. He seemed to have other plans for her. Why send her the sex toys if he was going to have her killed or hurt? She didn't think this was dangerous, but it didn't really make sense.

She left the house just before 11 and arrived at the apartment complex early. She parked across the road from it to check it out. Everything was quiet and looked well maintained.

She drove to a gas station she'd spotted on the way over and bought a soda. She sat in the car for a few minutes so she could arrive at the apartment exactly on time.

What was she doing? Why would the creeper go to this much trouble to have her deliver a box? What was inside it? It was kind of heavy, but didn't rattle.

She drove to the complex and entered the code. The gate slowly opened and she drove in slowly, reading the signs to locate the right building and parked in front of it.

It was one of those complexes with lots of smaller buildings with just a few apartments on each floor. Each building had outdoor stairs leading up to the apartments.

The one she needed was on the second floor. She picked up the package and walked the short distance to the building.

The complex was well lit, but absolutely quiet with no one to be seen. You'd think on a Friday night at least one person would have music or something loud enough to escape outdoors. But here it was silent. Not even a breeze to rustle the foliage.

She walked up the stairs, making a far away echoey noise with each step despite trying to be quiet.

She knocked on the door. Waiting with trepidation at what would come next. She could just barely hear footsteps inside.

When the door finally opened, it was the smell that hit her first. Whoever lived here was a heavy marijuana smoker. The sickly sweet dank smell wafted out to her around the small, gaunt woman who opened the door.

The woman was thin and looked like she hadn't seen the sun or slept enough for some time.

"Hi. Is Bill Mitchell there?"

She laughed. "Yeah, sure. You got my package?"

"I have one for Bill."

She reached over to a small table near the door and grabbed several pieces of mail--all overdue bills by the look of things. All addressed to Bill Mitchell.

"He owns the place. I just crash here. But, I'm expecting a package for him."

Lucinda took in the apartment: bare minimum furniture with generic, ugly art on the walls. Smoke hung in the air and there were at least four bongs on the coffee table--one appeared to be lit.

She handed the package to the woman who invited her in.

"You want some?" She said, pointing to the bong. "Or like a drink or something. I got bourbon and cokes."

"I'm good, thanks."

Her new acquaintance grabbed a knife off the coffee table and carefully opened the package. The shoe box appeared to be full of weed separated into a number of smaller bags.

"Awesome. Let me text Bill to let him know you delivered."

She quickly keyed a message into the phone and waited for a reply.

All Lucinda wanted was to run out the door. While the cops didn't chase down small time users anymore, weed wasn't legal here. And there was no way this much weed would be ignored by the police.

The woman's phone beeped as she got a reply.

She quickly held up the phone and said "Smile!", taking a picture of Lucinda and sending it to Bill.

"What the fuck was that for?"

"Bill always wants a picture of the courier. He calls it insurance. In case you go to the cops. That way he can narc you if you talk."

Lucinda felt defeated. How much stuff did the creep have on her now? She felt like she was at the bottom of a very deep hole.

"Can I go now?"

"Sure. Thanks for the delivery, Lucy."

She froze as the stranger said her name. Then she turned and practically ran to her car.


--Good girl.

He sent the picture the woman had taken of her in the apartment as well as a shot from a doorbell cam of her holding the box and a third pic of the boxes' contents.

This was all a setup just to pull her in deeper.

--Go home and open the other package. You'll need it for tomorrow. Don't open the envelope inside until I tell you to tomorrow.


She cried as she drove home. The web was getting stickier and she was starting to fear the spider. The last thing in the world she wanted to do was open that box.

Ch 5: Preparation

As soon as she woke up, Lucinda sent a simple good morning to the creeper. He didn't reply.

Saturday started off to be a lovely day. It was a gorgeous, sunny day but not too hot. Running was her zen space. She slipped her mind to idle and just enjoyed the experience. She knew every inch of her run and knew exactly how long each leg of it took.

She let her mind wander during her runs, often turning over things at work or in her life and often finishing the run with some solutions or insights.

Recent events had brought rain clouds into her mind and yesterday's events kept playing like an old movie in her brain. But, this morning's good mood kept pushing them back. She wanted the sunshine to keep her personal clouds at bay.

She couldn't figure out who the creeper could be. She'd taken the money carefully from work and had used all of it to pay her grandmother's medical bills.

She didn't think anyone at the hospital would care where the money came from. People even crowdfunded bills, so they surely wouldn't take an interest?

Maybe someone at the bank figured it out? She'd skimmed money little and often so maybe someone spotted a pattern?

The accounts team at work was small and busy. Holly was the only person in the group who might have figured it out. But, if she did, would she have done this? Maybe she was working with her boss to set her up? Maybe. But if that was the case, they had the world's best poker faces.

Maybe the external auditors? There were maybe 10 of them who reviewed the books each year. But, they only looked at the summary numbers. They really didn't dig down unless someone noticed money missing. Did anyone notice what she'd taken?

She didn't like what she'd found in the second box. It contained some heavy looking bondage gear including a hood, wrist and ankle cuffs, some kind of chastity belt, padlocks and a gag. There was a note telling her to have everything ready for use Saturday at 11am. She'd laid everything out on the bed in the guest room, and tried to block it out of her mind.

It was almost 1am by the time she got to bed. All she could think about was the contents of those boxes. It looked like tomorrow was going to be the day he finally demanded sex from her. Whatever he had planned was going to be kinky.

She couldn't deny imagining the possibilities was making her wet. She'd always dated pretty vanilla guys, so hadn't tried much beyond a few different positions and a couple of toys. She wasn't naïve--she knew what everything was for--she just hadn't personally tried them out.

She slipped out of bed and went back to the guest room. She laid down on the bed with everything laid out around her. She grabbed one of the vibes and began to slowly tease her clit and labia with it. She rubbed it along the entrance to her pussy, gently bobbing the tip in and out, teasing herself. She wanted that gentle buzz, but wanted to drag it out before she came.

She picked up each item, turning it over in her hand. Feeling the weight and feel of each as she worked the vibe against her. The last item she picked up was the chastity belt. She began fucking herself hard, deep and fast with the vibe as she imagined herself wearing it, being denied. She came hard, moaning loudly into the silence of the house.

She slept in a bit later than usual, but still had plenty of time for her run and breakfast. She had the things laid out and the guest room tidied by 10:30.

She was trying to relax in the kitchen, sipping coffee and scrolling social media when her phone chimed.

--Is everything ready, Lucy?

--Yes. Everything is laid out for you in the guest room.

Ed hadn't expected her to be so compliant. The had expected stuff he'd sent to set off alarm bells. But her message looked positive.

--Good girl. Open the envelope and follow the instructions inside.

She tore it open and read it quickly then she got ready, doing exactly what he'd instructed.

Ch 6: the Visit

Ed parked his car a couple of blocks away from Lucinda's house and walked the short distance. He came down the alley behind her house, opened her back gate and strode up to her back door.

He leaned down and found a key under the mat--left for him as part of his instructions. He unlocked the back door and entered the house, locking it again behind him and setting the key on the kitchen counter.

Ed had a rough idea how the house was laid out. He'd told her to wait for him in her bedroom upstairs, so he walked gingerly across the kitchen to the stairs. The wooden floorboards creaked softly as he walked, so he did his best to be quiet.

He crept up the stairs and looked quickly at the five doors. Two were open on the right, so he stepped towards them, spotting her sitting in a chair in the middle of her room near the bed.

She had followed his instructions exactly. She was wearing the collar and lingerie he'd given her. She had a leather hood on her head with her eyes and mouth covered. She was effectively blind and her hearing was diminished by the hood.

Three of her wrists and ankles were locked to the chair using leather cuffs. She had a cuff on the free hand she had to use to bind herself.

He stepped over and took her free wrist in his hand. She jerked her hand in surprise at his touch, then went limp. He gently but firmly put the cuff next to the chain she'd attached on the chair leg and locked her wrist in place, leaving her immobile and locked to the chair.

He stood in front of her and untied the laces on her top. He pulled the lacy fabric gently aside, exposing her breasts and already hard nipples. She inhaled and held her breath as he cupped her breasts, gently teasing her nipples with his thumbs.

He reached between her legs, teasing her through the thin fabric, running his fingertips along her opening. Her breathing quickened under the hood as she pressed herself against his fingers.

He pulled at the material at her crotch, separating the snaps and exposing her. Ed slid a finger inside her, feeling her wetness. She was definitely enjoying this...

He stepped across the hall to the guest room and returned with a few items. He cupped her ass and gently pushed her upwards. She took the hint and raised herself slightly off the chair--only able to move a couple of inches because of the bonds.

He lubed up his finger and teased her ass with his fingertip. She jumped, her anus clenching automatically in response. She relaxed and he pressed inside.

She gasped. She hadn't done much anal, but she liked it if it was gentle. He slid his finger in and out a few times, then replaced it with the smallest of the butt plugs he'd sent her. He eased it in past the bulge, letting her butt relax around it.

Next her turned on one of the vibes and put it directly on her clit. She pressed against it. All of this intense foreplay had left her body craving an orgasm. She ground herself against the vibe as her moved it in the smallest of circles on her.

She bit into the gag in the hood, the pleasure on her clit slowly radiating across her body. She felt her orgasm coming on and continued pressing against the vibe as she came, her moan muffled by the gag.

Ed pulled back the vibe when her orgasm subsided and sat on her bed, smiling like the cat who got the canary. He waited until her breathing was back to normal, then he decided to go for broke.

Ed took several pictures of her making sure some recognisable items in her room were in the background.

Then leaned over, putting his mouth close to her hooded ear so she could hear him. In a loud whisper, he said, "I want you to suck my cock now. If you're willing to do it, nod and I'll ungag you."

She nodded once and he whispered, "good girl. When I cum, hold it on your tongue until you show it to me. Then swallow. Nod if you understand."

She nodded again.

He stood up straight and unzipped the mouth covering on the hood, freeing her mouth from the gag.

Ed took his time and removed his shoes, pants and underwear. He wanted her to wait, building up her uncertainty around what he was doing next.

He stepped towards her, putting the tip of his cock against her lips. She parted them, opening her mouth to take his cock and extended her tongue to lick him.

He slowly eased himself into her mouth. Lucinda had always enjoyed giving blow jobs and hard worked to get good at it for her previous boyfriends.

She took most of his length easily. She expertly used her lips and tongue to tease him as she moved her head back and forth in rhythm with him as he moved his hips in steady strokes.

He pulled his cock back as he came so she could catch it on her tongue. He pulled out and whispered, "show me."

She pushed out her tongue, holding a pool of his cum.

"Swallow and show me again."

She pulled in her tongue, swallowed his cum then stuck it out again, showing him that it was gone.

"Good girl."

"Thank you," she said breathlessly.


He put the gag back into place and zipped it into place.

"I'm going to unlock your wrists and ankles and free your right hand. I'm setting the timer on your Alexa for 5 minutes--don't move until it goes off. I'll be gone when you're free. But, I'll be in touch soon. Understand?"

She nodded.

"Good girl."

He set the timer on her bedside assistant and partially freed her as he'd said. Then he quickly and quietly left the house and drove home.

She waited until the alarm went off--a small eternity with her senses muted and knowing she was free. Lucinda half thought he might be testing her--waiting in the room or in the house somewhere looking for an excuse for her to fall.

When Alexa's alarm went off, she freed herself and saw he'd left another envelope which read "open Sunday."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Excellent next part please

SubmissiveCelesteSubmissiveCelestealmost 2 years ago

Enjoyed it. Like to see where you go with it. Proof read so that errors don’t distract.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I think this is Hot. Very creative. I enjoy the slow burn with lots of character and scene build up. Great work - Hope to see more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Fantastic start! Looking forward to reading more

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Saw that you somehow managed to spell 2/5 tag words incorrectly and decided not to bother.

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