Blacks Beach


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Satisfied that everything was tidy and clean, she casually put away the wipes and settled back onto her towel with her knees raised.

'Sorry about that Col, he just got carried away a bit.'

She was actually apologising to him!

'Hey, no worries, that was amazing. I'm just disappointed you haven't visited the beach before'. In contrast to his previous cool demeanour, Col was visibly shocked by what he had just been allowed to witness, he was sweating slightly and his voice was shaking a little too obviously.

Veronica picked up on his discomfort, and to my surprise, patted him on the thigh as if to reassure him that everything was ok. She left her hand where it landed and lay back down with her eyes shielded behind sunglasses.

The significance of the casual hand resting gently on Cols thigh wasn't lost on either Col or myself, we both knew it wasn't left there by mistake. I knew Veronica was watching from behind her glasses, and, when I felt her other hand pat my own thigh, knew she had seen my frown. This too remained where it was. I looked at the scene before me; my gorgeous and always faithful wife was totally naked with two naked guys kneeling either side of her admiring the rise and fall of her breasts in the midday sun - one had just been given the best hand job he had ever received and the other was so hard his cock was pointing directly at the midday sun.

I'm not sure what prompted me to do what I did next, but I leant forward to reach for the bottle of sun tan lotion and squeezed a generous amount into my hand. Veronica moaned her approval when I began to gently apply it to her shoulders, I by-passed her breasts to begin applying lotion to her belly and detected a slight frown behind the glasses signifying her disappointment. When she felt my fingers brush fleetingly against the underside of her nipples, the frown disappeared and her tongue moistened her slightly parted lips, but I was shocked when this slightest of contact caused her to let her knees part almost indiscernibly exposing her most intimate parts to the breeze from the sea and the gazing eyes of her two admirers. I was even more shocked that I could see moistness between her legs in the short tiny pubic area that remained after her usual pre vacation waxing.

The slightly spread legs and rapid breathing made it clear to me that there was only one thing she wanted; I applied more lotion to her breasts and began a full on erotic massage, her nipples hardened before our eyes and Col let out a low whistle of admiration when she parted her legs fractionally more. Now there was no turning back, taking a deep breath, squeezed more lotion into my hands and started to massage her thighs. The result was instant, her legs parted several inches and she moaned out loud with no inhibitions at all, I knew she was way beyond caring about anything. As my fingers went to work I could feel my cock begin to stir, for some reason I couldn't take my eyes off of the cock on her right. It was huge - Veronica was right, as I knew she had been, when she said he was longer and thicker than me. The head was huge and so purple it looked as if it was about to explode, just inches away was the hand of my beautiful wife, resting where she had placed it when her massage had begun, it remained motionless but I could see what Col was thinking as clearly as if he had had a cartoon speech bubble above his head. He was willing the hand to move with every fibre in his body.

Although I couldn't see her eyes, I could feel Veronica watching me and felt her hand move on my thigh, using her long nails she began to caress my balls, I soon began to grow again, but this time much, much harder than previously – I was soon so hard that my cock actually ached with every pulse that pumped even more blood into the solid shaft, she moaned in approval when she wrapped her fingers tightly around me, at the same time she raised her hips to meet my fingers when they slicked against the moist opening of her sex. She moaned and gripped me harder to begin long slow strokes that soon had me breathing deeply and groaning in unison with her as we both slipped into sexual bliss.

I worked my fingers smoothly around the delicate skin of her moistness and watched as Col placed a hand on her knee. Veronica made no attempt to stop him when he pulled the knee towards him to open her sex wide, we both watched entranced as the hand began to slowly massage her inner thigh. I could tease her no longer, and with her legs now spread wide, her swollen lips parted to accept the first of two probing fingers, she gasped when I began to use my other hand to gently draw invisible circles in the wetness around her clit. She was now totally out of control, but all the time keeping a steady pace wanking me off for the second time in front of a virtual stranger.

Col made his move when he calculated we were both at our weakest to resist; he calmly took a hold of the wrist of the hand resting on his thigh, I couldn't react when he pulled the hand closer and closer to his intended target. Equally unable to resist, Roni spread the fingers of her hand and stretched to reach the huge hard cock even before Col had guided her that far. I watched as she simultaneously licked her lips and wrapped her tiny fingers around the magnificent flesh. By now I was beyond caring, I watched her reach further until at last her hand was smothering the huge purple head, lubricated by the first drips of pre cum that oozed into the glistening sunlight. She played with the smooth lubricated almost black head before beginning to wank Col in unison with me. It was all I could do to continue bringing her ever closer to her inevitable orgasm, both hands working furiously on her soaking cunt. She writhed beneath us as she pumped like a pro on two willing cocks.

Then it happened. Feeling bolder than ever, Col slid his hand further down her inner thigh straight towards her sex, Veronica almost screamed her encouragement when I removed my fingers from within her to allow him uninterrupted access. That was it, I had just handed my wife to a complete stranger on a public beach, deep inside I knew it was wrong but came as his fingers disappeared deep into her. A string of cum shot across her body and breasts. Her response was to almost immediately begin bucking with the first waves of an orgasm.

She looked like an animal as her hips rose and fell in manic passion. It was even possible to see juices begin to flow from her around the fingers now being roughly forced even deeper into her. Far from complain, Veronica writhed as she screamed her orgasm for anybody to hear. After what seemed an age, she finally came to a shuddering halt, twitching involuntarily as the last waves of pleasure flowed through her body.

At last it was over, I sat back to scan the beach around us, luckily there was nobody within 200 yards, and the cliff tops above didn't seem to be hiding any voyeurs with binoculars – it was a bit too late to worry about it now, but I had a sudden panic that what we had just done was seriously illegal!

Satisfied that the coast was clear, I looked back at Veronica, she was lying still in the sun and looked as though she had passed out, the only evidence that she hadn't was the firm grip she had maintained on Col's cock and the rapid breathing that was causing her breasts to rise and fall so quickly.

Then she spoke; 'Any more beers in that cooler of yours Col? I think we could all do with one.'

Col looked disappointed as he confirmed there were, presumably because it meant that the hand was about to let go, but Veronica had other ideas.

'Excellent. Off you go darling fetch a cool one for us all.'

She was speaking to me and Col brightened up instantly. When I didn't move she went on;

'Now would be nice.' She added sternly.

Dumbstruck, I silently obeyed and stood up. Looking down, Veronica looked like the cat that got the cream, he legs were still slightly apart, my cum was beginning to dry against her tanned belly and her right hand still had a vice like grip.

'Off you go then.'

I obeyed again and made my way to Col's cooler, knelt to open it and retrieved the required beers. For no real reason at all, I opened one and sat down on Col's beach chair.

I felt detached from my surroundings, a spare part to the attractive couple just feet away, and absolutely drained. I actually began to relax. I also knew what I really wanted to happen next, and took a gulp of the cool beer as I waited.

For at least two or three minutes nothing did happen, then Veronica's hand moved slightly, Col visibly jolted as if the movement had snapped him out of a dream.

The voice came from beside me;

'Wow, looks like Col's got a hot one!' I turned to see a naked cock to my left at eye level.

I didn't answer.

'Never fails to amaze me how he does it. I guess the ladies love the challenge of taking on a cock that size.'

'Challenge?' I asked.

'Sure, $100 says dollars she blows him. They always do, he always says he can see in their eyes how much they want it.'

That was $100 he was about to lose, no way would Veronica be blowing him. I was confident she would snap out of her apparent stupor any second, release him from her grasp and start making our excuses to leave. All the time I was thinking this Col was stroking her hair and looking down at his cock with the hand still wrapped around it.

'Not this one, she's about to disappoint hi......' I broke of mid sentence when the hand made its first move since taking hold of him. It didn't let go but began slow, deliberate strokes along the hard flesh.

''There you go, you'll be paying me $100 any time now.'

I looked at my new companion and fellow voyeur, he was stroking his own cock as he watched what was happening.

I looked back at Veronica, she was now steadily stroking Col and remained spread out before him, Col was still running his fingers through her hair, but had pushed his hips forward in his kneeling position so that she didn't have to reach too far.

I was torn between throwing the beers to the floor and demanding that we leave now, or waiting until Veronica would surely snap out of it when she realised what she was doing, disgusted at how far she had descended into depravity. The longer I hesitated, the faster her strokes became and the more Col jutted his manhood into the air in front of him. In this position, he was HUGE, the head was like a purple balloon, even I thought it looked like it was waiting to be licked, I could only imagine what Veronica was thinking! His balls hung low and swung in their smoothly shaved sac with each downward thrust of Veronica's fist. It was then that I realised I had subconsciously taken hold of my own cock, the blood was beginning to course through it and it began to swell into my fist – I was even stroking in rhythm with my fellow voyeur.

My head spun as I took in all the emotions conflicting within me; Veronica had to be stopped before she went too far, I had to save her from her self, I had to stop my wife from being unfaithful right in front of me, I had to scream at her that she was just the latest victim of this serial womaniser who prowled the beach looking for any woman that would go down on his cock. These and a million other thoughts raced through my mind as Col leaned forward to brush his fingers through her hair to reach the back of her head. Inevitably, the hand began to lift her head towards him, just as inevitably Veronica didn't try to resist, she moved into position directly beneath him and began licking his balls, tentatively at first as though she was testing the flavour of a new ice cream, then, when she was satisfied she liked what was being offered she began to give them long firm licks from underneath right up to the bottom of at least 9" of hard flesh.

I watched transfixed with my hand pumping furiously on my third hard on in less than an hour – what an incredible hour!

Next to me my companion was also pumping his own flesh, I could even hear the slapping of skin on skin as be bashed against his own balls. He groaned aloud, lost in his world of pleasure as he watched his friend perform in front of him.

Finally, after what seemed an age of licking his balls, and I guessed playing her favourite game of sucking them into her mouth one at a time, Col could not wait any longer, he placed a hand on either side of Veronicas head and raised her higher, I hoped she would resist but knew I was lying to myself, a part of my subconscious that I didn't know had existed was willing her to go on.

From the view I had, I could only see the back of her head as it covered the view of Col's cock, I could only imagine the view he was getting at that point; she would have licked his entire length before opening wide ready to take him into her beautiful mouth, eventually, he would gently push her down. I could picture her lips stretching wide as the purple head pressed between them before it began to disappear....

Without warning, it was over. She freed her head from Col's firm grasp and pulled away.

That was it, game over, I would collect the $10 and buy her a cocktail to wash the taste of salty balls from her mouth before I kissed her later to 'reclaim' her mouth as my own. What a relief! What a disappointment! My cock ached, but my fellow voyeur was still banging away;

'Here we go! ' he grunted between deep breaths.

Err, no here we don't go I thought, and watched as Veronica sat up to move away from Col. Wow, we were going to have some great sex later when she told me all the details of sucking his balls and wanking him off, I couldn't wait to get her back to the hotel.

I was confused about what was happening at first, but then realised Veronica had taken the initiative, she had moved from her beach towel only to vacate it for Col to use! She was guiding him to lay down, not surprisingly, he was in position like a shot, stretched out naked with his cock rigid and shining from Veronicas tongue lashing.

When he was virtually begging her to get on with it, Veronica paused to look straight at me, the expression on her face was that of an unspoken question; 'Is this OK?', to which she could already see the answer.

She raised her eyebrows in surprise when she saw that I was slowly stroking my own cock, and immediately knew she should carry on.

Facing me with Col laying between us, she licked her lips, brushed her hair back from her face and began to lower herself, at that point I realised why she had switched positions, she wanted this to be real show, she was so turned on that she had lost every inhibition and was going for the 'big holiday dare' that we had always promised ourselves. My dares envisaged her blowing me in front of a stranger who might be watching from an adjoining balcony, maybe fucking in a hotel with the lights on and being watched from a distant window, even my most depraved imaginations would only see a stranger being lucky enough to have his balls stroked on a nudist beach, but this was scary.

Slowly, the show began. She reached out to take hold of Col with her left hand and cupped his balls with her right. She continued to lower her mouth as she pulled down hard on his shaft to expose the purple head, I watched in awe as her tongue swirled in circular motions causing the skin to glisten in the sunlight as she lubricated it ready for the treat that was to come next, her lips finally made contact and spread around the flesh until at last she had encircled him, savouring the moment, she didn't hurry and I'm sure there was an audible 'plop' as the bulbous head disappeared from view. Her concave cheeks revealed the vacuum of her sucking mouth and she began to engulf the shaft inch by long inch toward the base.

With over half the length still exposed she seemed to falter and quickly raised herself, not quite high enough to reveal the head, but enough for her to regain her composure, from the slight frown it was clear that she knew this was going to take some serious attention and concentration if she was going to be able achieve her goal! I knew from experience that Veronica could deep throat my cock but this was a whole new challenge, not only was the shaft so long, but the size of the head would fill her throat entirely.

She began again, her head dropped lower, again each inch of the cock began to disappear between her sunken cheeks, my companion groaned and his pumping fist became a blur, I was much more controlled having shot my load twice already, I wasn't going to ruin the show by shooting my load before I was ready.

By now she was 7" down the shaft, but at least another 3" remained – could he really have got that much bigger? Convinced she would be beaten again I waited for her to raise up, instead she jolted down hard to take in another portion, I guessed the head was now deep in her throat and was amazed at the sight of such a huge organ being devoured in such a small space. It seemed physically impossible to fit as much as she had taken in already, there seemed no way she would get the last couple of inches in but with one more determined jerk of her head the entire shaft disappeared!

'Oh fuck! ', grunted my fellow voyeur, 'she's the first to ever do that!' the first jet of his cum shot onto the sand next to me, 'What a fucking pro!' When the final spurt of white fluid had drizzled from his cock, he sat on his haunches next to me. 'He is one lucky bastard, and she is an absolute fucking cock sucking whore'.

Ordinarily I would have been at his throat, demanding an apology on behalf of my offended wife but he was right. What a cock sucking fucking pro she was.

Veronica immediately lifted her herself from the monster cock, gulping fresh air and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. She looked pleased with herself and looked at me with watering eyes. I had no idea how she had managed it, but manage it she had. And she wasn't finished, she began to use her hand to pump up and down 10" of thick flesh as her lips and tongue went to work on the head. My companion may have been spent but I was feeling every stroke of her tongue and every pump of her wrist as I kept pace with the firm strokes. I looked down at my own throbbing cock just as the first string of thick cum shot from it towards Veronica, at exactly the same moment she wrenched her fist hard down on Col for the last time, she pulled hard on the shaft as her other hand almost pulled his balls off when the first shot flew onto her breasts, followed by several thick spurts of the salty liquid, Col growled with a mixture of pain and ecstacy, his balls were at least four inches from the base of his cock as she forced the last of the sticky fluid from him. What exquisite pain he must have been feeling when she finally released him, he didn't move at all when she climbed to her feet and walked away.

All three of us watched her almost stagger toward the surf, none of us spoke when she stumbled into the cool ocean to clean what must have been a huge amount of cum from her body. When she finally retuned, she looked exhausted, I guessed her mouth ached as much as her arms, she had been through one hell of a workout. Amazingly, she and Col engaged in yet more casual conversation as we packed up to go.

On the way back up the steep path I had to explain why I had just handed a complete stranger $100. That made her giggle.

I stopped in my tracks when she said 'Perhaps we should come back tomorrow to see if you can lose even more money! No doubt Col will be here, or you could just charge his friend $100 for a go too, I reckon I could take anyone on after that monster.'

She said it with a smile on her face, but I wasn't sure she was joking!

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norcal62norcal62about 3 years ago

Why can't an author make the male an equal in this kind of activity? Only one or two authors do. TonyTony3 is the best.

26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

This just sucks, even more than the cheating whore.

AnnetteBishopAnnetteBishopabout 6 years ago
I love Blacks Beach

I have had more than a few great times on Blacks beach xoxoxoxo Annette

impo_58impo_58almost 10 years ago
No comments....

Difficult to comment this....

looking4itlooking4italmost 10 years ago

Hot for awhile but her dismissive attitude and ultimate adultery dropped it from hot to not. Since tomorrow she'll be doing it for money, it will move her from slut to whore. This didn't seem like something he put her up to so I didn't understand her attitude. At any rate he showed her exactly what their relationship is now and it won't be the last dick he gets to watch. For me, this was non-consent on his part. Stroking yourself is not consent, trying to mentally and emotionally handle something you never could fathom or imagine happening is not implying consent, and looking for approval after the act has begun is not looking for consent.

BTW: On a technicality, I do not believe he actually lost the bet...just saying said cock did not enter said mouth. I think she owes hubby $100 (which I'm sure she'd gladly pay for her slut time).

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