Blame It on Barbados


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We spotted Bob, who was sitting in one of four lounges he had managed to secure for us. There were three pina coladas on a small nearby table, one of which, his, was half finished. We walked over and greeted Bob. Stacey unfastened her beach robe, shrugged it off her shoulders and dropped it onto one of the lounges. I imagined that numerous pairs of eyes followed her movements, appreciating the view of the new arrival in her bikini. Stacey leaned over, another popular move I assumed, picked up one of the drinks, and took several large sips. She gave a contented sigh.

"Delicious, I needed that." She took another large swallow. That should get rid of the taste of cum, I thought. Stacey looked at Bob. "Where's Carol?"

Bob nodded toward the far side of the pool and we saw Carol sitting on the edge with her feet dangling in the water. Her bikini was orange and, from what we could see from that distance, she looked really good in it. She had her drink sitting beside her. Carol saw us look toward her and gave us a wave. Stacey waved back then announced "I'm going over to join her. Be sure to save us the lounges as we won't be long."

"I'm glad you enjoyed the drink, Stacey," Bob called after her as she walked away. "You owe me."

Stacey looked back over her shoulder as she walked, "No I don't."

Bob seemed a bit crestfallen at her curt answer. "Your wife's not too friendly today, is everything alright?"

"Yeah, she's fine. But she does need this vacation to unwind a bit."

"Talking about your vacation, how come it took you so long to get to the pool? You haven't started your honeymoon already, have you?"

"Look Bob, I've probably said too much already. I'm not giving you a running commentary about what Stacey and I are doing, or not doing. As I said on the plane, Stacey would be pissed off if she knew what I've told you, so let's just drop it, OK?"

"OK, I get it. I'll say no more. But you have a very satisfied look on your face, so I know that you've had a little bit of fun since we arrived. That's it, no more prying from me. But I'll say it again, you're a very lucky guy."

"And so are you," I replied. "Look over there. Our wives have got the attention of a couple of young studs."

As I spoke, I nodded toward where Stacey and Carol were sitting. Two younger, dark-haired men had swum over to them and were now trying to start a conversation. I watched for a couple of minutes and could see that our wives were not discouraging the two young hopefuls. All four were smiling about something. Stacey said something to one of them and held up her empty glass. The lad grabbed the glass and heaved himself out of the pool and practically ran to the poolside bar. Stacey had asked him to get her a fresh drink and he had been more than happy to oblige. Carol then did the same thing, and the other guy jumped out of the pool and ran to his buddy. Stacey and Carol were giggling to each other and whispering like confidantes. They were enjoying the attention of the young men, and were amused at their eagerness to please the two women.

"Those guys are hitting on our wives," grumbled Bob.

"They sure are, and I can't blame them," I replied. "Look around the pool. Most of the people are much older, and our wives are the closest in age to the guys, although I'd say that the gals are ten years older than they are."

"I still don't like it," mumbled Bob.

"I'll tell you again. Stacey and Carol are hot, and we're both very lucky to have them in our beds at night. Guys might be hitting on them the entire time we're here. Let them flirt a little. They can look after themselves."

With that, I settled back on my lounge and started to read the book I had brought with me. Bob grumbled a bit more, then lay back and closed his eyes. After reading for a while I looked back across the pool. The two wives were still sitting on the edge of the pool, their feet swinging playfully back and forward in the water. They were laughing and joking with the two guys, who had moved in much closer. The guys were resting their elbows on the pool deck, inches away from the women's bare legs. The guys were making no effort to hide their interest and the girls were clearly flirting with them. Suddenly one of them stood up in the pool, placed a hand on Stacey's thigh and made a comment. Stacey threw back her head and laughed, then casually reached down, picked up the guy's hand, and put it back on the deck. She and Carol were laughing and shaking their heads, then Carol pointed over to us. Both guys spun around and looked at me, and I gave them a friendly wave. Still smiling, Stacey said something else to them. At that point the guys began to swim backwards away from our wives. I heard Carol call 'Bye" to them, then she and Stacey got up and walked over to us. They sat down on their lounges, still giggling like naughty schoolgirls.

"What did those two jerks want?" growled Bob, still annoyed. He had only pretended to sleep while watching the whole episode.

"They weren't jerks, they were nice guys" laughed Carol. "They sure got a shock when Stacey told them that we were married and we're here with our husbands. They thought we were a couple of divorcees looking for some action."

"Nice guys, huh? I'll bet. There was only one thing they were interested in and you were sitting on it. Where were they from, anyway?" Bob was not going to be easily placated.

"Don't be so grumpy, Bob," chided Carol. "They were Tony and Frank, and they're from Newark. They're just university kids down here on vacation. Can't blame them for hitting on us as we're the only two women around here that are close to them in age, from what I can see."

I decided to get into the conversation before Bob said something that would upset Carol.

"I can't blame them either," I announced. "You two are smoking hot. What was all the laughing about at the end?"

It was Stacey, still smiling at the encounter, who answered me.

"They invited us back to their room for 'a smoke and some fun.' It's easy to guess what the 'fun' was going to be. Besides, Tony was starting to get a bit grabby, so I decided it was time to end the game. But they were cute young guys, and I was a bit tempted by the offer." She gave me a big wink as she said that last sentence.

"Good decision," I laughed, intent on keeping the conversation light-hearted. "I wouldn't want to get into a brawl defending my wife's honour, especially on our first day here."

"Blame it on Barbados, Honey," said Stacey. "I get the distinct feeling that this is a very romantic island. I can feel it already. Now, I see that the sun is getting low on the horizon. What do you say that we go back to our rooms, freshen up, then go for dinner? I believe that the resort has a couple of excellent restaurants. I want to try the local delicacy, flying fish. I'm told it is excellent."

And that's what we did. The flying fish was excellent, as was the salad made from locally-grown produce. Bob and I had a couple of Bank's beers while our wives had white wine. A local band was playing mostly calypso music, but some of it was easy to dance to. Stacey felt slim and gorgeous in my arms as we danced. Carol made sure I danced with her too, and she felt warm, soft, and snuggly. It was a great way to end the first day of our vacation.

Except it wasn't quite the end of the day.

When we got back to our room, Stacey announced that she was going to have a shower to get rid of the sunscreen lotion. She quickly stripped off and strolled into the bathroom. I noticed that parts of her skin were red from the strong Barbados sun. She would have to be careful tomorrow otherwise she'd get a burn and that could spoil her vacation. And mine too.

When she came out of the bathroom, she looked fresh and vibrant. I was already in bed waiting for her. I suspected that she wouldn't be ready to sleep quite yet. Still naked, she slipped under the sheets and snuggled up beside me.

"No pyjamas?" I asked, stating the obvious.

"I didn't bring any with me," she murmured. "What's the point in putting something on if it's just going to be removed a minute later?"

"Good thinking. I didn't bring any either."

She snuggled even closer and kissed me on the mouth. Her tongue darted between my lips and pushed against my own tongue. "So, it's just you and me with nothing to get in our way," she whispered.

I pushed my tongue into her mouth and let my hand drift down her body until I was slowly caressing the area around her navel. She responding by reaching down and grasping my cock. But I wasn't ready to fuck just yet. I had different ideas. Quite often during sex we engage in role-playing. We both find it a safe, harmless way to engage in our fantasies, and I figured that tonight would be a good time to go that route.

"Roll onto your back, Honey," I ordered, and without hesitation Stacey obeyed, closing her eyes. I reached further down and began combing my fingers through her blond pubic hair.

"Does that feel good?" Her reply was a soft, contented 'mmh'.

"You were very naughty at the pool today."

Stacey raised her eyebrows. "I was?"

"Yes. You were teasing that young man Tony. You let him think he was going to fuck you."

"Yes, that was bad of me. But he was cute and I wanted to give him happy thoughts."

"Would you like him to fuck you?"

Stacey recognised our role-playing routine and now she joined in.

"Yes, I'd like him to fuck me but you have to give me permission. He had a very interesting bulge in his swimming shorts. I'll bet he has a nice cock"

My hand was now down working on her pussy, paying specific attention to her clit. I stroked a finger up and down the folds of skin, occasionally dipping into her wet hole for some lubrication.

"Of course, I give you my permission. You're a good wife and you deserve to experience other cocks once in a while. Tony is waiting outside our door. Should I bring him in here to fuck you?"

"Are you sure you don't mind watching him fuck your wife?"

"I'm sure."

"If you're sure, them I'm sure. Yes, bring him in."

I play-acted getting out of the bed, walking over to the door, opening it briefly then closing it again.

"OK Stacey, Tony is here now. He's naked too and he has a big stiff cock just like you thought. I'll sit over here in the corner and watch him fuck you. OK?"

"OK, Stan. I love you," Stacey said softly.

"Tony is getting on the bed beside you now." I walked over and lay down beside my wife. I noticed that her mouth was slightly open and she was breathing heavier than normal. She was getting into the role-playing nicely. I began to stroke her pussy again, and she gave a slight twitch at my first touch. I disguised my voice when I spoke to her, using what I thought was a New Jersey accent.

"Hi lady from New York. Do you remember me?"

"Yes, Tony. It was bad of me to tease you today, so now I'm going to give you what you want."

"Your husband says that you want me to fuck you, but I want to hear you say it."

"I want you to fuck me, Tony. I want to feel your hard, young cock inside me."

"OK, lady, I'm going to fuck you hard, but I want to taste your pussy first. That OK with you?"

"Yes, Tony, I want you to eat my pussy. I want to feel your tongue inside me too."

"Here I go then." I slid down Stacey's body, trailing a wet tongue from her mouth to her pussy, pushing her legs wide apart as I went down. I could tell that she was really getting into her fantasy, and my cock was stiffening up nicely. When I closed my mouth on her clit, she jumped noticeably, and gave a loud gasp.

I began moving my tongue up and down her slit, emulating a thrusting cock, then I slipped two fingers into her wet hole. She groaned again.

"Yes, Tony, that's it. Eat my pussy. Fuck me with your fingers" she cried.

Then she groaned again and her hips went into thrusting overdrive as she orgasmed.

"Oh, fuck, yes. Harder. Harder."

I was close to orgasm myself so I pulled my mouth off her thrusting body and lay down on top of her. Stacey reached down and guided my cock to her dripping vagina. With her own juices flowing, and my saliva, she was perfectly lubricated and I slipped into her completely, our pubic bones pressing against each other.

"Oh, that feels so good. Your young cock is all the way inside me. Fuck me, Tony, fuck me hard."

I gave her everything I have, as hard as I could, as deep as I could, as fast as I could. She was twisting and thrashing on the bed, crying and whimpering, her vagina muscles holding my cock in their firm grasp. She was having one orgasm after the other, and I shot my load deep inside her body. When I pushed my tongue inside her wide-open mouth she was so far gone in ecstasy that I thought she was going to bite it off. We thrust against each other for another couple of minutes as our orgasms subsided, then I rolled off her and we both collapsed in sweaty exhaustion.

The fantasy with Tony was over. After a few silent minutes I leaned across and kissed her gently.

"How was that, Honey?"

"Unbelievable. You're a wonderful lover. I'm shattered."

"Time to sleep?"

"Oh yes," she whispered sleepily kissing me lightly on the mouth. "I'm going to sleep like a log."

Our first day in Barbados was over.

Stacey was awake bright and early next morning. She was cheerful and bright as we got ready for breakfast. She had put on yet another eye-catching bikini, this one burgundy and white, and looked great, as always. She donned her robe again, to maintain a little decorum in the restaurant.

"Thanks for a great day yesterday, lover," she announced. "I hope that was a sign of things to come over the next two weeks."

"Me too," I replied, and gave her a friendly pat on the bottom.

Bob and Carol were at a table waiting for us. They had picked a table on an open deck, and we enjoyed eating outside. The wind was calm and the temperature perfect. The sky was bright blue with only a few puffy clouds drifting slowly along. Mourning doves were cooing gently nearby. In the distance was the ever-present sound of the surf. It was an ideal morning.

"And how are you folks this morning?" inquired Stacey cheerfully.

"Good," both of them answered almost simultaneously, but there was little conviction in their voices.

"As are we," said Stacey and she leaned over and squeezed my hand. "Yesterday was a perfect start to our vacation. After breakfast, who's up for a walk along the beach? I want to see how far those golden sands go in each direction."

Both Carol and I gave an immediate positive answer, but Bob wasn't interested. "I think I'll just hang around the pool this morning. Maybe go for that walk in the afternoon."

Stacey tried briefly to get him to change his mind, but he just shook his head. When we had finished eating, we walked to the pool area where Bob plopped down onto one of the lounges.

Stacey gave it one last try. "Are you sure you don't want to join us? I feel bad about leaving you here alone."

"I'll be fine. There are lots of people around for me to talk to if I feel like it."

"OK." And the three of us headed toward the beach. Sitting at the exit from the pool to the beach were the two young admirers from Newark. They barely looked up as we approached.

"Good morning," called Stacey to them cheerily, flashing her dazzling smile.

The one called Tony gave a flat 'Hi' in reply then looked away.

As we stepped onto the beach Stacey whispered to me in a confidential manner, "If he only knew!" and laughed. I laughed too, thinking of our bedroom role-playing the previous evening.

"Yes. If he only knew."

Carol was puzzled. "If he only knew what? You guys have lost me."

"Sorry, Honey, I can't say any more. What happens in Barbados stays in Barbados. Maybe one day, OK?" Stacey leaned over and gave Carol a friendly kiss on the cheek.

We were on a long beach, at least a mile in each direction. We didn't stay together all the time we walked, but one or other of us would go down to the water and wade through the warm Caribbean. And there were unusual plants at the edge of the beach, usually with colorful blossoms. One of the times I was in the water, leaving the two wives alone for a bit, and they seemed to be deep in conversation. After an hour or so of walking, we were back at the resort so decided to get some refreshments. Bob was not in the place that we left him, but we saw him sitting at the bar chatting with some people. When he saw us walking in from the beach he gave us a wave. We sat down on the same lounges and I dragged over a large umbrella for some shade. The sun was hot. Shortly afterwards, Bob came over and dropped three bottles of Banks beer on the table.

"Here you are folks. I figured you'd be thirsty after that long walk."

"Thanks, Bob," I said, "but aren't you joining us?"

"In a minute. Just let me wrap up my conversation with the people at the bar." And he walked away again.

I picked up one of the bottles. "Walking on the beach has built up a thirst. This beer looks good. Drink up, ladies, and I'll get us some more." I took a hefty swig or two and the women did the same.

"You're right, Stan," said Carol. "This beer is delicious."

All three of us were very dry, and finished our beers quickly. As Stacey sprawled out on one of the lounges and Carol on another, I went to the bar to get refills. Bob was sitting at the bar chatting animatedly to a couple of women I hadn't seen before. He was so engrossed in the conversation that he didn't notice me. I picked up the beers and headed back to the wives.

"Here you go ladies," I announced as I dropped the beer on the table.

Stacey was lying face down on the lounge. She turned her face toward me.

"OK, handsome, make yourself useful. Put some sunscreen on my back." She reached behind with both hands and unfastened her bra, letting the straps fall to the side.

"Good idea, Stacey," said Carol. "Even 'though we're under an umbrella we can still get burned in this strong sun." She too lay face down on her lounge and unfastened her bra straps.

I pulled my chair over beside Stacey so that I could apply the lotion while seated. I squirted a generous amount of lotion on her back then began to smooth it out over her shoulders, arms and back. I know that Stacey loves a massage, so I worked her muscles gently in my hands. I knew she'd like that. I worked my way down her back, even rubbing some lotion under the waistband of her bikini. Around the edges of swimwear is where people are most vulnerable to sunburn, for whatever reason.

"mmh," she murmured. "That feels good. My legs too, please."

I never turn down a chance to put my hands on my wife, so I squirted some lotion on each calf and began rubbing it in, working my way slowly up her legs. I applied more lotion to the backs of her thighs, continuing to smooth it on, continuing to work my way slowly upwards.

Stacey was making small contented sounds. I looked over at Carol and noticed that she was watching us intently while lying on her stomach with her head resting on her folded arms. I moved my hands closer to Stacey's crotch and she moved her legs apart a little more. It was like an unspoken invitation to touch her intimately. Once again, I worked my fingers slightly under her bikini, this time rubbing the lotion on the bottom of her butt cheeks. Although Stacey didn't react to my fingers inside her bikini, I figured that was as far as I should go. I didn't want to get arrested for public indecency as I'd heard that Barbados was quite a conservative society in that regard. I gave Stacey a friendly pat on the bum.

"There you go, young lady," I quipped. "That's all your getting from me today. You can do the front yourself."

"That was great, lover. I'm putty in your hands when you massage me like that."

Carol lifted her head up and looked straight at me. "My turn," she said bluntly.