Blessing of the Saint


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Cassie hesitantly stepped back and began to stand up. Nick held her steady until she had completely left the range of his embrace. He silently lamented that a single moment of weakness had probably cost him the trust of this beautiful woman, and therefore, any hope for a long-term future with her. It was an unbearable thought. Nick knew it was silly to feel this way, but he loved Cassie with all his heart and he was absolutely certain that she was the only woman for him.

First order of business for Cassie, once she was upright, was pulling her skirt back down so that it covered her thighs and naked womanhood. Then she hiked her half-removed jacket back up over her shoulders and tended to the loosened buttons at the top of her blouse. As she redressed, she nervously tried to toss a thick, bothersome lock of hair out of her face, eventually having to do it by hand. Once her outward appearance was more or less respectable, Cassie began briskly running her eye around the room, in search of her renegade panties, while mentally asking herself, "What the hell just happened?" over and over.

Oddly enough, despite the bizarre twist in their date, Cassie made no attempt to distance herself from Nick. In fact, she did just the opposite, making a point of remaining within one or two feet of him. It felt as if her entire world had gone crazy and Nick was the only reliable presence for her to anchor herself to in this time of confusion. She loved him and she knew that was ridiculous – far too ridiculous for a woman as intelligent and stable as she. But nonetheless, she loved him and trusted him, and that gave her a great deal of comfort in this uncomfortably mysterious situation.

Had she really been looking for them, Cassie would have noticed that her panties had landed on the floor, just behind a Polynesian totem near the corner of her office. But there was too much going on in her mind for her to see what was not in plain sight. As she gave up her search, Nick crammed his flaccid member back into his underwear and stood up, zipping his fly as he did so. He rebuckled his belt, but did not seem concerned about his untucked shirt. The trousers had been stained, right down the right side of the fly, by a trail of his lover's blood. There was also a small red stain upon the upholstery of the chair, which would cause Cassie some embarrassment in the days to come.

While Nick finished dressing, Cassie bent down and slipped her foot back into the shoe she had dropped earlier. Then she stood up and simply stared at the man who had taken her virginity, mirroring his look of bewilderment. Both seemed unsure of whether to step closer to their date, step away, or stay still. Eventually, Cassie broke the eerie silence. "We should go," she simply said. Nick nodded silently, with a look of unease. Nick left the office first. After collecting her handbag from the top of her desk, Cassie followed, turning off the light and closing the door as she left. She also turned off the hallway lights as they passed the switch, but neglected to turn off the coffee pot she had put to boil earlier. It was okay, though, because the machine had a cut-out switch that would spare the element if all the water boiled off.

The pair made their way back to Nick's rental car with no detours. Nick had chivalrously opened Cassie's car door for her after they'd left the restaurant, but forgot to do so this time. Cassie was too preoccupied to care. This time, he instinctively climbed into the driver's side, and Cassie, the passenger's. Nick had already started the engine and put the car into gear before he realized he had no idea where he was going.

"Do you want to go home?" he asked, being the first destination-oriented question that came to mind.

"Yes, please," Cassie replied, in an absent tone. The air circulation from the car's heater made her very aware that her privates were still naked beneath her skirt.

The journey back to the professor's two-story house was mostly silent. No conversation, no radio. Cassie spoke only to inform her suitor of an approaching turn, but apart from that, the only sound was the hum of the engine and the occasional swoosh of a passing car. After a short trip, Nick pulled over to the curb in front of a small, but pleasant-looking two-story home. With no further directions to give, Cassie sighed softly before saying her goodbyes.

"Well... I'm home now," she began, as she turned to look at him, "Thank you for everything..."

"Yeah," Nick replied in a distant tone, facing dead ahead.

"I mean... I mean... Dinner! Dinner!" Cassie promptly corrected herself.

"Yeah. Yeah," Nick continued to drone, repetitively.

"Thank you for dinner! And... the ride," Cassie remarked. "I MEAN... I MEAN... I mean... Uh... I don't mean... Not, you know... Not what we..." she stammered, becoming extremely flustered by her series of gaffes. "You brought me home! Thank you for bringing me home... in your car... was very nice of you, thank you."

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah... Yeah," her date responded, seemingly lost for any other word. A few seconds after the clumsy pleasantries had been exchanged, Nick's wandering gaze locked on to his date. Her wide hazel eyes were so amazingly clear in the streetlight, so captivating. As he stared at her admiringly, he realized that he could not withhold his true feelings any longer.

"I don't want to go," he declared in a heartfelt voice.

"I don't want you to go," Cassie responded without missing a beat, shaking her head softly, her eyes almost tearing with emotion.

They each rapidly opened their doors and stepped outside, almost as if they had just noticed a time bomb in the back seat. After slamming his door, Nick excitedly leapt over the hood of the car and rushed over to the woman he loved. They pressed their lips together passionately as Cassie threw her arms around Nick and he grabbed her tightly by the waist.

Their lips rolled wildly against each other for at least a minute, while their tongues celebrated their newfound love with a spirited dance together. After that first long kiss, several others followed, much shorter in duration, but equally amorous. Then suddenly, Cassie pulled away, prompting a quizzical look from her gasping companion.

"I need my handbag," she explained, quickly ducking back into the car to collect the bag from the passenger's leg area. After swiftly closing the car door, she gave Nick a short kiss, before taking him by the hand and expeditiously leading him through her front gate and up the path to her house. The couple paused for a second while Cassie retrieved her keys from her handbag and unlocked the front door. She had left her porch light on, making the task quite simple. Once the door was open, Cassie grabbed Nick's hand once again and pulled him into her home with a mischievous smile. The instant she had closed the door behind him and set the lock, Nick whirled her around and pinned her against the door, kissing her with flagrant ardor while pressing his crotch firmly against her skirt. Cassie purred loudly as she eagerly drank every morsel of affection that her lover's lips offered.

Though she was tempted to stay put and bask in his enticing kisses, Cassie nimbly slipped out of the confining embrace the first chance she got. Still holding Nick's hand, she led him up the nearby staircase and down the hallway a short distance, to the master bedroom. Once inside, the couple resumed their kissing, as they began to rapidly undress each other. Two jackets, a shirt, a blouse, four shoes, two socks, a pair of pants, a skirt and a white cotton bra all went flying in random directions across the room within mere seconds of each other. Cassie's nether regions were roasting with renewed desire and the sensation of her hot skin pressing against his manhood sent the blood rushing to Nick's groin. The two lovers continued to kiss and explore each other's naked bodies for a while, before Cassie pulled away from the lively embrace. She stepped back a couple paces, to give her American stallion a complete (though poorly lit) view of her naked form, before climbing on to her bed and slipping under the covers, shooting him a come-hither look. Nick needed no further invitation.

He stepped briskly over to the bed and climbed under the covers with his English venus. He scootched over to her side and they both leaned forward to share a series of slow, tender kisses. Nick began to caress the curve of Cassie's waist, up and down, with the palm of his hand. Several enchanting kisses later, Nick strayed from Cassie's mouth and began to move his affectionate lips down over her body. He began by padding a soft, patient kiss upon her exposed shoulder, then upon the very top of her chest. As his head began to disappear beneath the covers, Nick turned his attention to Cassie's right breast.

Cassie's breasts were modest A-cups. Though they certainly weren't sizeable, they nonetheless covered her ribcage with yielding flesh and gave her chest a distinctly feminine curvature. Nick laid two kisses upon the top of the supple mound, before moving down to her nipple. As her lover adored and teased one of her erogenous hot spots, Cassie rolled on to her back and rested her head comfortably on her pillow, voicing her growing arousal with a soft sigh. Nick gently kissed, suckled and teased the nipple with his tongue until it was hard enough to juice an orange. Then his lips continued south, kissing his beloved on the base of her breast, and then down the left side of her belly. Meanwhile, Nick's hands were also busy; one was lightly stroking the inside of Cassie's upper thigh, while the other was randomly trailing across her body. Cassie began to writhe absently as Nick's erotic tour made her restless with anticipation.

When he reached the bottom of her belly, Nick made a ninety-degree turn and laid three soft kisses along the northern limits of her mons, brushing the hairs of his beard through her field of dark pubic hair as he moved. Having now crossed over to the left side of her body, he made his way down the outside of her womanly vee and padded his affection down the front of her left thigh, calf and foot. By now, his hands were meandering all over her legs, mons and belly. Once he had come to the end of her left foot, he gently grabbed her right ankle and pulled it over to his face. Then he began the return trip, tenderly kissing the top of her foot and then repeating the gesture many times as he moved up her leg. Cassie was moaning happily with nearly every breath. Her right breast was still buzzing with the excitement that Nick had stirred up within and her juices were flowing freely from her womanhood.

Once he had made his way to her right hip, Nick once again crossed the top of Cassie's mons with three prolonged kisses. But this time he sweetened the tease by slipping two fingers into her nether opening. Cassie shivered in delighted surprise. The fingers continued; deeper... and deeper... and deeper, until they would go no further. Then, without pause, Nick removed his digits at the same relaxed pace with which he'd inserted them. His fingertips left his lover's sex at the exact moment he finished the third kiss to her mons. During an apparent lapse of self-control, Nick firmly nuzzled Cassie's navel with his whole face, before continuing his trail of kisses along the left side of her belly.

When he reached her left breast he gave it the same treatment that it's partner had received; adoring her nipple exhaustively until it was rock hard. As an afterthought, Nick's lips briefly revisited her right nipple, to ensure it was still erect. Once all of Cassie's exciting bits had been explored, Nick kissed his way up his lover's chest and then gave her a passionate, open-mouthed kiss as he positioned his hips over hers and guided his rigid maleness into her waiting snatch.

"Oooo, yeah!" Nick whispered to himself, finally appeasing the carnal urge he had been suppressing throughout his entire exploration of Cassie's lovely body. Cassie moaned loudly as Nick's maleness filled her lusty fissure, inch by wonderful inch. He touched his forehead to Cassie's, his mouth hovering less than an inch from hers, as he began thrusting his hips. The two lovers were already breathing quite heavily.

As Nick's gyrations began to build momentum, the couple began to kiss once more, leisurely at first, then sincerely, and then passionately. Cassie began to run her finger's through Nick's hair with one hand, while the other held his body close to hers. She moaned appreciatively as her lover's manhood probed her deeply, raising her arousal with every sweet stroke and lifting her closer to the summit of physical delights.

Nick indulged in the taste of Cassie's soft lips, and the caress of her playful tongue, until the motions of his hips became quite vigorous. His cock had developed a strong appetite for her sexual flesh, and Nick was compelled to break loose from the professor's embrace, to allow his hips more freedom of movement. As he lifted his body off of hers, he also ceased their kisses. Cassie whimpered briefly in disappointment. However, her sound of protest was quickly eclipsed by a loud purr of satisfaction as the coital dance continued anon. She pressed her head back into her pillow as a blissful smile washed over her face.

With his body now lifted over the vocal brunette, Nick began humping her with greater force, but at the same moderate pace. His hips moved in broader strokes, withdrawing his member until only the head was inside of her, before pushing his entire length into her sensitive valley. "Ooooh... Ugghh... Nnnn... Aaahh..." he began to murmur, as the perfect caress of Cassie's womanhood goaded him towards climax. With nothing better to do, Cassie's arms began to squirm mindlessly over the mattress. A smooth flow of pleasure was radiating throughout her body, whilst a sense of unruly excitement grew within her loins. She was more than ready for orgasm – she was in need of it.

When Cassie hooked one of her legs around his, Nick took it as an encouraging sign. His hardened maleness had been seduced by the pleasures of her sex and yearned fiercely to fill it with his semen. But it would be a shame to leave the woman he adored unsatisfied on their first night together.

"Mmmm... Oh, Nick... I think I'm gonna come," Cassie moaned. Just the words he wanted to hear! "I'm gonna come! Oh, yes! Ooooh... Oh god, I love it!" She continued. By now her hands had stopped wandering and were clasping and pulling on the fitted sheet beneath her. The extreme arousal between her legs was nigh excruciating. How much more could she take?

Apparently, only a few more seconds worth. Every muscle in her attractive young body tensed as she cried out, almost at the top of her lungs. The noise was unmistakable; it was the sound of a woman in her sexual prime coming, hard. As soon as Nick heard it, he pressed his groin firmly against Cassie's labia and loosed his eager sperm upon her most inviting flesh.

"OOOOOOOOHHHHHH!!! OH MY GOD, NICK!!!!" Cassie shouted, as her womanhood clenched tightly upon the long shaft of masculinity that had whipped it into an elating frenzy.

"UNGH!! UNGH!! Oh, Fuck!" Nick grunted, as he surrendered his seed with mighty ejaculations that rattled his bones and blew his mind. The young couple held their missionary pose as they shared in the spectacular culmination of their lovemaking. A flood of sheer ecstasy rushed through their bodies, and did not abate for several seconds. Then it faded, faded, faded, leaving them both thoroughly exhausted, but profoundly satisfied. Nick slowly lowered himself on to Cassie's body as his spent cock throbbed inside her luscious snatch with waning vigor. Cassie wrapped her arms around her gasping companion as squeezed gently, as she reflected on the sublime experience they had just shared.

Once Nick had caught his own breath a couple minutes later, he began to stir. He lifted his head to seek out the other pillow, then pulled it over so that it partially overlapped Cassie's. Then he shifted over so that he was still very close to the lovely brunette, but was no longer resting his weight upon her. As he moved over, his maleness retreated from her womanhood, coated in a thick layer of her juices.

Cassie rolled on to her side, to face her beloved. One of her arms had broken off it's embrace when Nick moved, but the other was still upon his upper back. It slowly coursed it's way on to his shoulder, then down his arm. He was gently caressing her thigh when their hands finally met. Resting upon Cassie's leg, the two hands intertwined their fingers and squeezed each other affectionately with what little strength they had left.

As she basked in a mix of post-coital bliss and personal contentment, the young Cambridge professor gazed into her Nick's eyes and smiled. Her bed was filled with love and so was her womb, and it felt so wonderful.

"I love you, Professor Marsh," Nick whispered.

"I love you, too, Nick," Cassie replied. She still had no idea why their date had taken such a sudden, erotic turn, but it didn't really matter. She knew that they were in love and that it was right for them to be together. For Cassie, that was enough.

She watched over her lover until her eyelids became to heavy to keep open. Then she drifted off to sleep by his side.

The End

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Too many adjectives! Some were cliches but most just inappropriate to the point of having little meaning. They got in the way of the story. The underlying story was fine, if a bit short and padded out with too much sex scene (yawn).

SampkyangSampkyangabout 8 years ago
Very nice but

not a romance. erotic coupling more like.

bowlerhatbowlerhatalmost 12 years ago
Nit piccking

I don't think you can carbon date inorganic objects

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
With a little reservation, pretty good!

Just something to bear in mind in future - "its" is the possessive form of "it", "it's" means "it is". When you use the wrong one, it jars badly. ("it performed its magic" - if you use "it's" here, it mangles the sense of the sentence entirely)

In some of the lovemaking, you sound a little like you swallowed a thesaurus. I'm not convinced, for example, that multiple uses of "fornicated" as a synonym for "made love" works at all, and it certainly feels out of place in a story trying to be romantic. If you want to be a bit more down and dirty, fucked, shagged - there are loads of words. Fornicated makes you sound a bit literotica-cum-Jane-Austen, and also a little disapproving of your characters' sex drives. Similarly, sometimes you used excessively floral words to describe your two protagonists' anatomies, and it comes off a tad Mills and Boon.

Overall, though, I liked the story, plenty of intriguing off stage detail, interesting characters, and so on.

humminbeanhumminbeanover 15 years ago
Nerd love!

When someone with that much intensity and focus puts it all into physical affection, things can get pretty special. Nicely captured, and with a touch of magic. Well done!

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