Blind Date


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"That better? Feel a little more comfy now?" she asked smiling in my direction.

"Oh yes, much better, thank you," I said giving my cock one last simple adjustment as I settled back into my side of the couch, angling away from her, and as much as I hated admitting it, thus taking the fuller view of her nearly exposed breast out of direct line of sight.

"More wine?"

I looked at my glass, it was empty, as was hers. "Yes, please, you?" I asked reaching for the bottle.

"Please," she said locating her glass, leaning forward waiting for me to pour. I did. And as I did, she leaned forward even more than she had been. And as she leaned, I saw even more of her breast than I had before. This time, it fell nearly all the way out of her gown, her extended dark nipple tantalizingly close, perfectly revealed. It was a wonder I didn't spill the wine as I poured gazing at it briefly before averting my eyes once again leaning back against the couch effectively distancing that luscious looking nipple from view.

We sat in silence for a moment or two longer, sipping our wine together.

"Can I ask you something," she said.

"Sure, go ahead. Ask me anything you'd like."

"Well actually, its more of a request than a question really."

I nodded my head, felt stupid, and spoke. "Feel free."

"Would you mind if I felt your face? Suzanne told me what you look like of course, but I'd really like to get a better idea myself, but I can only do that by painting a picture of you with my fingers," she explained.

Suddenly I was really glad I'd shaved particularly close. "Ah sure," I half stammered. "Be my guest!"

Keri scooted closer to me on the couch, her hand gently reaching up towards my face. Seconds later she was etching the outline of my eyes, cheeks and nose with both hands as she drew them slowly down, sensually along the side of my head.

I was holding my breath. She laughed.

"Do I make you nervous?" she asked.

"Ah no, of course not!" I lied. Feeling my penis actually throb excitedly, yearningly. The touch of her hands on my face left tiny electrical imprints that seemed to super-sensitize my flesh, not to mention super-charging my straining erection.

When the tip of one finger actually began to caress my upper lip, I kissed it. More out of reflex action than anything else I suppose, but I was shocked that I had, embarrassed really that I'd done so without thinking. She smiled.

"You have nice lips," she said softly. Now it was my turn to laugh, doing so more out of nervousness and shyness, which really wasn't like me.

"Ah thanks...I guess," I said trying to make the moment less awkward than it had been.

"Close your eyes," she said.


"Close your eyes. I want to show you something."

I did. Keri took my hands within hers, placing them on her face. I opened my eyes.

"Keep them closed," she warned me. I closed them. "Now, go ahead and run just the tips of your fingers along the side of my face as though you were trying to draw the shape of my face on paper," she instructed.

I began to do so. It really was interesting. Just in the lightest of touches as I ran my hands down her face, then back to the top of her forehead, on down to her eyes and finally towards her nose. The sensation was not only incredibly sensual, but I learned from that simple exercise just how beautifully proportioned she really was. Though again, merely touching the softness of her skin had sensitized my own flesh towards the boiling point. Keri released my fingers having guided me through the process.

"Now, you do it," she told me. Once again, I repeated the process, arriving at her lips where I too traced her upper lip with the tip of my finger. She kissed it. My eyes popped open.

"Gotcha again," she said feeling my finger flinch in surprise. "Now that you know me a little better than you did, I want to show you something else."

"Ok, what?"

"Kiss me."

I sat looking at her, unsure that I'd just heard what I'd heard. She waited patiently just sitting there in silence. Finally, I leaned forward, my eyes still open expectantly searching out some sign of anticipation, curiosity perhaps, even surprise. Only when my lips finally descended upon hers did my eyes close once again, allowing myself to become fully absorbed in the sweet softness of them as gently, my upper lip found hers, meshing perfectly as our mouth's melded together in a tentative exploration.

The kiss lasted far briefer than I would have hoped, but far longer than I'd expected.

"That was nice," she breathed easily sitting up slightly. I hadn't meant to, but in pulling back from her I once again glanced towards the deep 'V' of her gown. It had parted even further than it had been, now one breast fully exposed, the other teetering on the edge of joining it.

"Keri? I can see your breasts," I told her, wishing I hadn't told her that, content to enjoy the sneaky peek for as long as possible, for as long as I had.

"I know."

"Excuse me?"

"Don't you think I'm aware that you've been able to see them a little bit anyway?" she questioned.

I was speechless, not knowing what to say. So I didn't, continuing to sit in silence. Keri slowly reached for, closing the front of her gown briefly once again sitting up.

"What are you thinking?" she asked me point blank. "Tell me, say what you're thinking right now without trying to soften your thoughts just because of me."

I swallowed, took another sip of wine buying myself a second more of time to think, to digest what she'd said before answering her. Even then, I knew that the truth of my thoughts would be found out if I attempted to do anything more than tell her exactly what it was I was thinking.

"A test?" I asked coming up with the only real question I had.

"In a way, but not to the extent you might be thinking," she answered. "I'm sure Suzanne told you a little about me, what I've experienced, gone through. Just as she told me a little about you, what it's been like for you ever since your divorce."

I was nodding my head in agreement, but Keri continued before I realized my foolishness and answered.

"Believe it or not Dan, being blind has its advantages. It's allowed me to see people in an entirely different way that most others see. A lot of the men I've met have tried to take advantage of my handicap, something I no longer see as such. If anything, it's given me a greater insight into who a person really is. I knew you were perfectly able to sit and stare at my exposed breasts if you wanted to. But I could also tell from your subtle repositioning, that you'd purposely refrained from doing so more than what any normal human being would if given the opportunity. I'm not some kind of monster that I wouldn't expect you to look, especially afforded that. And...I'm sure you did. But my point being, you didn't take advantage of that fact more than I would have hoped or expected you to."

Once again I was speechless. It was obviously very true that Keri had sharper senses in other areas, certainly more than I could ever begin to understand.

"The fact that I could excite you, teasing you to a large extent, and yet have you still respect and not take advantage of me said a lot about your character, the person that you are."

"How'd you know that?" I blurted, once again shifting position as my "excitement" she'd mentioned had placed itself rather awkwardly once again.

Keri actually laughed out loud. "Several things, one...I can smell you. And don't take that as an insult Dan, there's just a particular arousal that naturally comes out in anyone when they are excited. And two? Your constant shifting and repositioning. Earlier, when I told you to make yourself comfortable as you tried to mask what you were obviously doing by removing your shoes simultaneously, hinted that you were attempting to make yourself comfortable in another way. And just so you know...the thought of that got me a little excited too!"

"Damn!" Was all I could think of to say. "You really are a remarkable woman!" I confessed boldly.

"Maybe, maybe not. You may very well decide to put your shoes back on an leave and never see me again," she stated still holding the front of her gown closed with one hand.

"I doubt that," I offered easily. "I enjoyed our dinner, I'm enjoying this..." I said waving my arm as though taking all this in, once again feeling silly, dropping it back towards my lap.

Suddenly Keri reached up and removed her sunglasses. I stared into her eyes, expecting some sort of obvious distance, some blank sort of look or stare as she sat across from me. What I saw confused me more than ever. She was looking at me!

"What the hell? I thought you were blind!" I stated actually beginning to feel angry.

"Technically, I still am," she responded, a somewhat worried look showing upon her face.

"Would you care to explain that?"

"If you'll give me the chance to," she added, continuing before I could respond. "You see...I gradually began losing my eye-sight when I was a child. By the time I'd reached my teens, I'd lost it entirely. A genetic defect the doctor's had called it, nothing they could do. Then, two years ago there was a break-through of sorts, and though considered experimental, I was given the option of trying it. After all, what did I have to lose?"

I pressed further back into the couch, noticing as I did that my earlier 'excitement' was no longer such. Still, I was now curious as to why she'd felt it necessary to lie to me, let alone deceive me about her ability to see. And...the fact that she was actually looking at me while she explained herself had thrown a bit of a wall up between us, something I could tell she knew easily enough by the expression on her face as she continued.

"Anyway, I had the surgery, and according to the doctors it was a partial success, though they considered it a remarkable success, and given time, may even prove to be more of one than it already is now. As I said, I'm still technically blind. I can't see well enough to drive, and trying to read is still too difficult a task for me to perform. That, and bright lights still bother me considerably. But...I can see your face. Clear enough at least to actually know what you look like. Things are still a bit fuzzy, slightly blurry, but I am noticing, have noticed a slow gradual improvement even on that ever since the surgery."

I was still a little put off even knowing that what she'd said was most likely the truth. So technically speaking, she hadn't really lied to me, though I was also reconsidering sending Suzanne those flowers I'd thought about sending her earlier.

"Does Suzanne know you're not 'blind-blind'?" I emphasized.

"Yes, she knows. And she promised she wouldn't say anything to you as a favor to me. So please, don't be mad or hold her responsible for something I asked her to do. Dan...I'm sorry if you feel like I deceived you. But you have to know, I've met a number of men, all of which have tried to take advantage of this situation. In all that time, I've become a little bitter, a bit disillusioned that I might ever find anyone honest enough to respect me as a woman first. And not attempt to take advantage of me just because they felt like they could and get away with it. I had to know..." she left off saying.

I was starting to feel a tiny bit guilty at getting my dander up, especially as I had sat there on the couch earlier perfectly content to do just that by staring at her as she undressed in her bedroom.

"I'm not looking for anything permanent at the moment either," she emphasized. "But if it does turn into something long term, I'm not exactly against that either. I'd rather that my returning eyesight to come about naturally without any attempt to hurry it along. Hurry us along..."

I was feeling more and more sheepish by the minute, absentmindedly running my fingers through my hair as I sat looking at her. She giggled.

"Suzanne said she called you Mr. Every Hair in Place. I'm glad to see you're not quite as set in your ways as that. might be willing to forgive me my deception and give me another chance?" she wondered.

"I'd like that," I honestly admitted. "I really do like you. I haven't felt quite this comfortable around another woman in a long, long time."

"There's just one more thing I need to know first," Keri said suddenly standing up.

I followed her movement with my eyes, wondering what she was up to until I watched as the gown she'd been wearing suddenly slipped from her body to collapse in a heap about her feet on the floor. She stood entirely naked before me.

"And that is?" I asked in disbelief as I actually did sit staring at her. "Well, one thing more that Suzanne did tell me, was that it's been a while for you...just as it's been for me. And to be honest about it Dan, if...we're not sexually compatible for whatever reason, I don't want to get much closer to you than I'm already beginning to feel towards you already. I'd rather leave it as friends...good friends perhaps rather than get my hopes up...or yours."

"Like I said before Keri, you really are a remarkably interesting woman!"

Tossing her hair back away from her face, she laughed extending her hand towards me. "Would you mind catching the light first though? I'd really like to see you, learn about you with my fingers and hands before I actually do see you. Do you mind?"

"Not at all," I said turning off the table lamp, standing up to take her hand, turning off the wall switch as we headed towards her bedroom, the only source of light coming in through her window by the light of the night's barely half-moon.

"Dan? Are you willing to be patient with me? Just as I've been willing to be patient with the gradual return of my sight? Take things one step at a time, one day at a time until we actually do get to know one another better? And if its meant to be, accept whatever we do discover, or don't. No commitments unless and until we're ready?"

I had no problem with that. In fact, it was refreshing to hear her say it. "Teach me to see who you are," I said simply.

As she stood undressing me, I was nervous, giddy, excited all at once. I was trembling even as she placed my hands upon her near perfect breasts.

"You're stuttering," she whispered.


"Inside joke...your hands, you're trembling."

"Oh," I said catching on. "Yeah, guess I am at that."

"Come here," she said pulling me towards the large soft bed. "Time for you to get to know me better, read me. Discover for yourself who I am."

As I lay beside her, I began to experience perhaps for the first time in my entire life what it meant to see someone. Where I had been blind before to so many things, I learned so quickly what it was like to see again, to feel again. And it took a woman with more insight than I'd thought possible to show me that.

It turned out to be the best blind date I'd ever been on.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I was hoping for a quip about this date being a "double-blind experiment".

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I kow from personal experience that blind women do nof feel oyr face to see what you look like!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

well writen, nice plot, one of your best...............

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 1 year ago

I liked the story, just didn't like that it ended way too soon. Don't guess we'll ever know if they progress beyond this one blind date, but that's how it goes.

SatyrDickSatyrDickover 1 year ago


Tres Romantique!


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