Blood is Not Thicker Than Water

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Ava exposes cunning fraud perpetrated by her ruthless father.
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This story is for the Crime & Punishment 2023 Story Event

Thanks, and love to my sister for coauthoring with me!




Blood is Not Thicker Than Water



"An after-hours meeting makes me a little nervous, Larry," I admitted, my voice laced with a tinge of unease. ​

With a solemn expression, he placed a thick file on my desk, the weight of the truth it held echoed​ in the silence.

"It is, Ava," Larry responded, his voice carrying a somber undertone. "I discovered some troubling discrepancies in the specifications of six orders. The quality of our medical devices has been compromised. Only half as good as it should be. And, of course, the cost has been significantly reduced."

The file lay untouched before me as I rapidly tapped my nails on the desk, my heart heavy with the weight of the situation.

"And you're certain ​my father is aware?" I asked, the words slipping out almost reluctantly.

Larry nodded with a mixture of disappointment and anger.

"Victor signed off on each and every one of those orders," he confirmed, his voice tinged with a sense of betrayal. "To make matters worse, he deliberately misfiled them because he thought I wouldn't find them." The disappointment in Larry's eyes deepened. "The ramifications of compromised medical devices are grave, Ava. If this is just the tip of the iceberg, there is likely much more wrongdoing."

A hollow ache settled in my chest as I absorbed the gravity of the situation. By habit, I tapped my nails on my desk. "We can assume that there's more somewhere. Who knows what else. My father is capable of about anything."

"I'm sorry, Ava. You know I've never liked how your father has treated you. You should have my job and not be stuck down here. I would have quit if...." It was a discussion we had many times. Larry was my Dad's right-hand man and was slated for retirement soon. I wouldn't have wanted him to jeopardize his last few months with the company. "I'll keep an eye out for any red flags. You've been here long enough, Ava. You know where to look as well."

"Thanks for bringing this to me, Lar." I sighed. "And if you find anything more..."

Larry nodded, left the file on my desk, and quietly left.

I did know where and how to look. No one knew I worked part-time for a cybersecurity firm since I graduated. Their headhunters contacted me in college but had watched me since high school. They liked the aptitude I had for computers and technology. I use my ​skills to identify and expose vulnerabilities in computer systems with the consent of the system owners, primarily corporations.

I look for criminal activity as well as any holes in the systems. Unbeknownst to my father, I had kept Victor Corp buttoned up against outside intruders. Now it was time to look within the corporation.

For the last two years, there have been rumors about my father's business tactics, and as the owner's daughter, I'm always included. Rumors were not proof; no one had come to me with proof of any wrongdoing. Good employees have left because of his ruthless tactics, but I'm sure other employees are involved. My father was not doing this on his own. Of that, I was sure.



I inserted my key into the deadbolt of my condominium, twisting it until I heard a faint click. Placing my black leather computer case and bag on the small table near the entrance, I reached over and swiftly entered the code on the alarm system panel to deactivate it.

I acquired this two-story condo shortly after achieving summa cum laude honors in college ​when I was twenty. Thanks to my father's efforts, I was enrolled in an exclusive boarding high school and participated in early college entrance programs​. I hadn't resided at home, but a few summer breaks since I was 14 years old.

If I was home during summer vacations, my father made sure I didn't stay for long. He arranged for me to spend time with various relatives, family friends, or even the affluent parents of my classmates. ​Both of us preferred it that way​.

​After graduating, my father ​gave me a position at Victor Corporation. Although the compensation was generous, he ensured I was assigned to a​ ​department far removed from ​the​ executive office​s​​. It was just another means of conveniently keeping me out of his sight and mind.

"Hi baby, did you miss me?" Onyx, my twenty-pound black house panther, came galloping down the hall as I took my high heels off. "Are you hungry?" He meowed loudly in reply. "Okay, okay, let's see what we can find to eat." He walked next to me, continuing to low-key talk.

I fed myself and Onyx, grabbed the file Larry gave me out of my case, and sat in my reading chair. I usually kept the light off at night because I had a beautiful city view from the fourth floor. Tonight I turned the lamp on and flipped through the papers.

"Dad, I think you've really done it now." Onyx thumped on my lap. I pulled the papers from underneath him, and he replied with a loud screech. "Your mom is talking to herself again," I said, laughing. "I need my chocolate fix," I said, and he mewed when he heard the familiar crinkle of the chocolate wrapper.

My head was spinning, but I had a list on a legal pad when I closed the file and went to bed. I would be working some late hours.



The next day I went down the roster of anyone assisting my father in any criminal activity. Indeed, his chief finance officer would have to be involved. I added three others to the list with my father since he started the business. At this point, it was guilty by association. I wanted to prove myself wrong because until now, I had a lot of respect for those people.

That evening after everyone left, I pulled out my personal laptop and set it up on my desk. I had long ago hacked into my father's computer, the corporation's CFO, and other pertinent characters. I had only done it to access the more relevant people in my father's business on a just-in-case basis and make sure there were no holes for hackers.

There were three more on my list from last night, and within an hour, I was in their business for my first pass. Getting an idea of their online presence, where, when and why. Reconnaissance.

It always amazed me how many personal things people would keep on their business computers. Some I understood because the rather risqué pictures on one's computer weren't of his wife. Nor were the private messaging. I didn't care, so I scrolled on.

I found a few red flags I would delve deeper into on my next pass-through.

I received a message from Larry on a closed server that I had set up just between us.

Larry: I triple-checked, and those products are being shipped out with substandard materials, creating a serious concern. It compromises the safety and effectiveness of the devices. Since it's deliberate, it could be considered corporate fraud.

Me: Okay, so we know it is currently being used as a replacement. I'm seeing no communication with the clients about any changes to their products.

Larry knew it was best not to ask how I knew what emails transpired between my father and his clients.

Larry: This isn't looking good already.

Me: I'm starting at the surface and digging my way down. This is going to take a while, I'm afraid.

Larry: Roger that. If there's anything I can do, let me know. I'll continue to look around as much as I can here. By the way, there is someone you can call for help, you know.

Me: Thanks, Larry

I know.


Later that night, with Onyx purring on my lap, I began to put things into perspective. I was close to this, too close. Larry was as well. I knew I needed someone to help, that I could trust. And I did trust him with my life. The problem I would have to work around was whether I could trust him with my heart.


Several days later, two hours after everyone had gone home, a tall figure filled the doorframe to my office. I didn't hear Max but wasn't surprised. I braced myself and looked up.

"God, Ava, it's so damn good to see you again," Max said, with his charismatic smile that could melt me immediately. "Come here. I know you need it."

I walked around my desk and let him hug me. He always knew what I needed. Seventeen years older than me and two inches above my five foot nine. Max was the love of my life, and I was his best friend's daughter.

I leaned back and looked at him. A few more strands of silver in his hair and beard, and a darker tan than I'd ever seen, which did help hide the tiny scar on his cheek. I averted my eyes from his steely blue gaze because it always seemed that he could read my soul.

"You're looking good, Max. Retirement on the lake agrees with you."

He held me at arm's length. "You get more gorgeous all the time," he said in a low voice, his eyes raking over me. "Your hair looks a lot longer, but still that killer auburn," he sighed.

Even though I knew he meant nothing intimate, I still felt tingling in my pussy when he looked at me like that.

"Thanks, Max. Been a few years since we've seen each other."

"Yeah," he said, releasing me and lowering himself into the chair across from my desk, "I hoped you might come to see me. Spend a weekend on Lake Erie. It's fun in the summer with the seasonals."

I dropped my eyes and nervously smoothed my black pencil skirt, glad I'd worn a suit I was most comfortable in. Walking around my desk, I said, "I planned on it, but time just slipped away."

I never planned on it. My heart couldn't take it. I don't remember a time that Max wasn't around because, at one time, he was my father's best friend. He was the one to visit me at boarding school, then at college. Max was the one that remembered my birthdays and Christmas when I was off staying with yet another family member, so my father didn't have to deal with me.

I went from loving Max to being in love with him. I don't know when that happened. In college, I realized the few guys I dated never measured up to Max.

And Max always looked at me as his friend's daughter.

"You filled me in on a few things, and it sounded pretty bad, Ava," he said gravely.

My father was angry when Max wanted to retire and coldly dismissed him as a friend when he did. They have had very little communication, I knew.

I shoved a file across the desk. "This is just the tip of it, Max. Larry has been helping as much as he can, but neither trust anyone else in the company. Not at this point, anyhow." He nodded in agreement. "I'm drilling down through the computers of the four executives at the top and haven't found anything incriminating yet." I laughed. "Well, not business-wise, anyhow."

He laughed. "I can imagine." He flipped through some of the pages. "I'd like a copy of all this. I drove straight here and need to grab a hotel room yet."

Before I could even think about the implications of what I was saying, I murmured, "You can stay at the condo if you'd like." I was not one to blurt before thinking. In fact, I never did until now.

He looked at me momentarily, then said, "I'd like that. It would make working on this much easier, but more so, I'd love to spend time with you. I've missed you, Ava."

"I've missed you too," I said. I shuffled some papers, tapped my nails on the desk, and then topped immediately to inspect my new manicure's damage.

He chuckled. "You haven't changed, my dear."


He met me at my condo. As I opened the door, Onyx came thundering down the hall.

"Holy crap is that a dog?" he laughed, bending over to scratch the cat's silky chin, which he willingly offered anyone for as long as they wanted.

"You'll be sorry. He'll have you there for an hour doing that," I laughed, dropping my case and purse on the table. I resisted kicking my heels off like I usually would.

I went into the kitchen and pulled out a couple of beers. "I hope you're still drinking?" He came around the corner holding, Onyx, and I laughed. "He's a load and rarely lets anyone pick him up. He likes you."

"I'm in love," he said as my cat looked at him with moon eyes, purring loud enough for the neighbors to hear. Onyx snuggled into his neck, and Max took a pull of his beer.

"Not going to give up the beer. It goes with fishing. Can't give that up either." I laughed.

"I made a casserole this morning for the oven. I usually make a lot of something to heat and eat for a few days."

I pulled a can of cat food out of the cupboard, enough for my cat to deftly climb onto Max's shoulder and launch himself to the floor.

"Wow, that's got his attention!"

I put it into the oven and set the timer. "I'll show you your room. I will change, and dinner will be ready when we return."

I went into my bedroom, then went back to close the door. I carefully hung up my suit, peeled my hose off, and took my bra off. I turned to pick up my shorts and T-shirt and remembered Max was there. Going braless might be too much. Unsupported thirty-four Ds weren't for the faint of heart.

He met me in the kitchen wearing shorts and a T-shirt. "Now that we're both comfortable," I laughed.

We ate and caught each other up on our lives. I shouldn't have been, but I was happy Max wasn't seriously dating anyone. I told him the same, and he seemed pleased about that. Or it was just my hopeful imagination.

I placed the folder on my reading chair by the lamp and curled up on the sofa with my laptop. Before dismissing them today, I'd uncovered a few things I wanted to go back over.

We read in comfortable silence with Onyx on Max's lap, purring at a volume fit for a rock concert while he absently scratched her.

"This is pretty damning evidence so far, Ava," he said gravely.

I nodded. "I'm sure there's more too."

"I agree. Your father wouldn't stop at just making a little money by saving on components. There is definitely more." He thought for a moment. "So what do you plan to do once you've found everything?"

"I hadn't gotten that far, but generally, give it to a lawyer specializing in corporate law. I'm going to keep our names out of it. Anyone that helps on this," I said.

He nodded. "Good move. I used to network with one in town if you need a lawyer. He's great."

"Okay, that's your job then," I grinned, and he laughed.

"I'll handle it."

I looked at Onyx curled up on his lap. "You'd best close your bedroom door tonight, or else you'll have a sleeping companion," I laughed.

"I wish!" he said ambiguously.


It wouldn't do to have Max in the building during the day, so he stayed at the condo going over the file and anything else I fed him during the day. He also contacted the corporate attorney and scheduled a meeting.

I saved my father's computer for one of the last two. Although he was a lousy father, I didn't want to find any more wrongdoing. I hoped the product quality issues were it. But Victor was far from computer savvy, and as I drilled down through directories that appeared that they tried to hide by odd names, files were there that anyone could have found. I copied everything I needed and moved to the chief financial officer's computer.

James was more savvy computer-wise. He had hidden files that might have been tough for others to find, but since I made part of my living going through people's computers, they were easy to dig up.

I copied everything to my laptop and funneled it through a private network directly to Max.

​So far, I've seen ​manipulation​ of​ financial records ​and both ​siphoning funds ​to various bank accounts. My father was doing insider trading by information in his networks and logs. I'd let the lawyer wade through all this, but it also seems he would be deceiving consumers of the corporation's products by making false claims.

A text came through from Max.

Max: Wow. This is big time.

Me: I feel sick to my stomach.

Max: Come home. You've done enough for the day.

I looked at the clock.

Me: I will be home soon.

I made excuses to several people in my department, but since I was only leaving a few hours early, it didn't raise any red flags.

On the short drive, I thought of how nice it was to have someone waiting for me at home. And best of all, it was Max. I decided to enjoy it while he was here and then return to reality when he left.

I walked into the air filled with spaghetti sauce and garlic, but no Onyx to greet me. I rounded the corner to my kitchen to see Onyx sitting on a counter stool while Max talked to him. A bottle of red wine and two glasses were ready.

"Ava," he said, rounding the island and taking me into his arms. "You had a rough day, baby." Baby. He had no idea how much that affected me. I stood there, melting in his arms, until Onyx jumped three chairs and nudged me, and we laughed. "Before we eat, you have a job, though."

He held my hand and led me into my bathroom, but I could smell the steamy lavender scent before we even got there. The water was colored the same lavender.

"Oh, Max," I said, tears in my eyes. No one had ever done anything like this for me. Ever.

"Oh, don't cry," he said, putting his arm around my shoulders. "Get undressed and get in before the water cools off, and I've spent all this time preparing it for nothing." I laughed, sniffed, and nodded. "I'll close my eyes and bring you a glass of wine later."

I looked at him and smiled, then kissed him on the cheek. "You have no idea how much you mean to me."

He opened his mouth to say something but hesitated and said, "Okay, enough of that. For now. Get in, and I'll be back with your wine."

I was already relaxed from the day just by being with Max. I needed his touch and presence, but I undressed and slid into the silky-scented water up to my chin. I was so tall my knees broke the water's surface, but I was submerged enough for me. I let the warmth of the water take away everything but the moment.

"I have your wine. I'll cover my eyes," Max said through the crack in the door.

"We're all adults here. I'm sure you've seen naked women before," I chuckled, feeling just a flash of jealousy over the women he had seen naked. I pushed until my tits were half bare, floating on the water's surface. "C'mon in."

"Are you enjoying it," he asked, crouching beside the tub. I swallowed the wine and handed him the empty glass back. He laughed heartily. "I guess the wine did it."

I rolled my head and looked at him. "You did it, Max." His eyes darkened. "Just you being here with me. Your presence. That you're here waiting for me at the end of the day. That you're the first thing I see in the morning."

"Oh baby," he whispered. Swallowing hard, he tucked a strand of my hair back.

I lifted a hand out of the water and wrapped my hand around the back of his neck. I don't know who moved first, but our lips pressed together, soft and searching. I teased my tongue at his lips, and he opened it. I swept in, and he moaned, opening his mouth wider so we were hungrily eating at each other's mouths.

His beard was soft yet prickly against my fingertips, and I threaded my fingers through his hair, longer than he used to wear it. Strange that I just now noticed it. We parted, gasping. He trailed his fingers over my face like a blind man learning.

"Max," I breathed, searching his eyes for the next step. Wondering where we would go from here

? He gave me a quick soft kiss and rested his forehead on mine. "I've wanted to do this for so long, Ava. I've fantasized how your lips would feel, how you would taste." He swallowed hard. "This just isn't the time. You're vulnerable, and I'm here to support and help you."

Much as I wanted to argue and disagree, I knew in my heart he was right. We didn't need the distraction of a relationship. I didn't like the issues with my father to darken what Max and I had.