Blood Servant Pt. 02


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The wide look in our eyes and locked gazes was more potent in that moment, as if something had been deepened by our verbal declarations and admittance of the love between us. Despite already feeling it in each other, it was like it made it more real, and the choice to say it out loud removed the restraints on it. It grew and flowered even deeper in that moment, as I was swept away by both my emotions and hers.

"My sexy fox," I said softly, but with an undeniable and confident finality in my voice that couldn't be argued with. All while I pinched and rolled her nipples, making her gasp and convulse wildly around me.

She said breathily, "Yours, very much yours. Your sexy and loving fox. Greg, I never... it's a complication I never imagined or envisioned, but I don't regret it now that it's here. You're the best man I've ever met. I've never felt so alive, so loved, so sexy, so cherished and owned, and never so safe and full of pleasure. What do we do?"

I shrugged, "I have no idea, but I'm going to love you and own you until you tell me I can't."

Her sex convulsed wildly around me, and she let out a gasp.

I smiled, "Like that? Being owned by me, while my fat cock owns your body and pleasure?"

She bit her lip, "Yes, very much yours, my love."

She smirked playfully right back, as her calling me her love had made my cock twitch and surge wildly deep inside her body.

She leaned forward and whispered into my ear sultrily, "Yours to fuck, to discipline, to love and cherish, to spend your lust inside at your merest whim. I am yours, Greg. My body for your pleasure, but my heart most of all."

She squeezed around me like a vise, and then rolled her hips sensually, which milked me hard as her breathy pants of pleasure warmed my ear and her hot breath warmed my neck. She was going to kill me, how wantonly and joyfully she was giving herself to me. All of her, mine.

I was a hell of a lot closer to the edge than I was a minute ago after her hot words, as our bodies continued to rock together lovingly, and far more intimately now with our torsos so flush together. The sensations on my cock were absolutely mind-blowing, while the slide of her silky smooth and supple skin against mine, and the hard-little points of her fat nipples digging into my chest also drove me crazy.

"Discipline?" I asked. That one stood out in her hot speech, and I wasn't sure where it fit, or what she'd meant by it.

She giggled naughtily, "Even good shifter girls need to be kept in line with a good hard rutting and claiming fuck, and a harsh spanking on occasion. We need to feel cherished and owned by our man, even more so than women of other races. Claimed and taken often, fiercely possessed, or we'll start to feel neglected, even if our sex lives are rich otherwise with a give and take. I need to be claimed with wild abandon, like earlier when you took your pleasure from me demandingly, and while you gave me so much pleasure at the same time."

Fuck me, I was right on the edge after that naughty little speech, and I know I'd have cum from that if she wasn't still making love to me with deliciously slow and loving movements. The sensations on my cock were so potent yet slow to ramp and build up. Each poignant explosion of pleasure on my sensitive nerves seemed independent and separate from the rest, and I was lost in her.

"You are mine," I said firmly.

She shivered, and then trembled against me as I ground up into her.

"Cum for me, love," I demanded in the most commanding tone I'd used on her yet.

She gasped in a shocked breath at that command, then immediately keened in rapturous ecstasy right in my ear, and then she ground down hard before panting out my name over and over again in a dreamy lost tone.

That pushed me over hard, the powerful milking sensations mixed with the wild surrender in her voice as she chanted my name. Not to mention the fact she'd just cum for me... on my order. That was hot as hell, and she was a hell of a woman.

The pleasure that washed over us both was masterful, as instead of sharing her orgasm we shared each other's, making the pleasure that much more mind-boggling as I emptied my potent seed into her womb for the second time that day.

It was a shame it couldn't take root, but only a shifter could knock up another shifter. Even then, only if she was in heat, and she wasn't in heat.

I couldn't be the mate that brought her children and family. But I'd love her deeply and deliriously for as long as she'd let me, and I'd be the man she needed me to be. It was a privilege to love and be loved by this amazing woman and sexy fox shifter. She didn't seem to be in a hurry to let me go either. I just wondered what her pack would think of it all. Then I decided I didn't give a fuck. As long as my mistress was happy for Cassidy and me, then that's all that mattered.

Cassidy was mine, and I was hers. It was as simple as that. The taboo and social rules of our violent world be damned. She was my love, and so worthy of it that it was my honor to love her deliriously. That she returned it made my heart sing, and it sent a thrill through me.

After we came down from that life changing and earthshattering orgasm, I held her silently and stroked her back. Shifters not only needed what she said, which I hadn't known, but they also needed tactile contact even more than other woman including intimate cuddling after sex. I couldn't hold her as she went to sleep in her quarters, which frustrated me, but I had to get to my mistress.

Point being, I held her lovingly and gave her what she needed, which was a long cuddle session so she wouldn't feel abandoned, and not at all grudgingly. I enjoyed it too, and the crooning satisfied coos she made in my ears drove me nuts. That would have to tide us both over until tomorrow night. There was no other choice.

The soft doting and loving look in her eyes, as we kissed for the last time before she left, was quite bittersweet. But I'd see her again tomorrow.

I jumped in the shower, got dressed, and went to the club.

It must've been a Sunday night. The difference in the line outside was significant, and the place wasn't quite so packed in when I went into the doors. That night my gorgeous mate was already on the dance floor when I arrived instead of the booth, and I found her quickly and she was dancing closely with Alexa, Regina, and Calina.

Calina wasn't around as much, but she was fourth oldest and fourth in power, and kind of in the inner circle but to a lesser extent. She was also the fourth in line to take over based on age. She was another hot redhead, but I didn't know her very well at all. She had the same kind of busty and lush curves as Regina, but at four inches taller her body was less exaggerated of an hourglass.

I moved onto the dance floor, and my mistress shot me a warming smile, which the others tracked and gave me one of their own in greeting. That first half hour in the club there was no talking, as I danced with my mistress as well as the three others a little bit. It was a little amusing watching them shut out the other guys in the club, as on occasion the men valiantly tried to peel away one of them from the herd.

I was also a lot freer with touching Regina and Alexa than I had been in the past when all together on the dance floor, but not so much that I took liberties with their private areas. Nor did they notice the change, and they clearly enjoyed the contact and welcomed it.

Then we moved to the table.

Katrina smiled lightly, and had that regal thing going on, but I could read the loving amusement through the bond and see it in her dark chocolate eyes.

"Have fun with Cassidy tonight?"

I owned it, and nodded unashamedly, "You seemed to enjoy it."

She smiled a little wider, "I did," and then kissed me deeply, "I take joy in it, and a little bit of a thrill as well. It's... not something I knew about myself really."

Yeah, that she was a naughty voyeur, obviously so. Perhaps an exhibitionist as well, but we wouldn't know that until one of the other ladies watched us fuck.

I suddenly had a random thought, and I wondered if Regina and Alexa had been turned right after having their cherries popped like my mistress had. Would all three of them be virginally tight forever? It was a shallowly attractive thought that I pushed that out of my head. I would find out, or I wouldn't. In the end, it was shallow and unimportant anyway.

"It was a bit shocking perhaps?" I prompted.

She shook her head, "It's beautiful, and don't let anyone tell you different. Mages are kind of stuck up assholes, and they look down on shifters as animals, and use the excuse that they're biologically incompatible to lessen them. You won't face any judgement in this coven for loving her."

Oh, so not a general taboo as I'd been raised to believe, just a mage taboo... or prejudice. I wasn't that worried about it anymore. It'd felt too right giving into our feelings and potent loving connection, but it was good to know it wouldn't be a problem past me not being able to give her a family.

Regina said, "My idea last night, about half the clan are going for it, all in the two thirds that aren't looking for a love match. The other five weren't interested. Anyway, that should still net the clan over four million a year, minimum, at one date a week. Anyway, we're opening a business for it, and we can run it out of the mansion office to save money. We just need to hire a professional photographer and website designer to lure in the rich customers."

Katrina nodded, "You have my approval for that, make it happen."

Regina bounced in her seat excitedly, and then smirked at me playfully when my eyes were drawn to her wildly bouncing D cups. In my defense, they were wildly bouncing D cups. Regina also didn't mind in the least, and if anything bounced a few extra times for my enjoyment with twinkling cerulean eyes.

Alexa asked, "Should we scrap the other plans?"

Katrina shook her head, "No, well... the bar and billiard, or sport's bar, or second club, yes to scrapping those. We don't have enough people to run two nighttime businesses that need lots of bodies. However, other business opportunities without a storefront, or maybe those that need only one or two warm bodies to run it, we can and should diversify. Even if the escort idea pans out as well as we hope it will," she turned to Regina and asked with a questioning lilt, "Five turned it down?"

Vampire supermodel sex-starved nymphomaniac escort service, there was a joke in there somewhere.

Regina said, "Yes, but not on a moral stance. The unsocial ones, that just want blood and sex. Being an escort means being a vivacious and fake girlfriend for a night, including conversation and charming the human clientele. Forming temporary emotional connections, even if shallowly. They don't have the right personalities for that, and they know it, so they'll stick to the easy and low hanging fruit in this place when they have a need."

Katrina nodded, "Excellent point."

Alexa said, "Alright, I'll let them know to keep the ideas coming."

I cleared my throat, "I had kind of a crazy idea, to offset the imbalance thing a bit in the quest for mates. I've been thinking about it a lot actually, in my spare time."

I wasn't thrilled by the idea of giving myself competition for Regina and Alexa, but I didn't want them to choose me because they thought it was impossible to find love elsewhere. I didn't want to be the consolation prize for them, even if they would enjoy my cock and the relationship to a lesser extent. No more than they'd want to be for me, and like my mistress had already said she didn't want me using them for sex as fuck buddies. It was a love or bust kind of plan.

Either we loved each other deliriously like me and my mistress did, or I didn't want it. Of course, I was willing to extensively jump in with both feet for as long as it took to happen. Love couldn't be forced, after all, but at some point, it was either all in or all out. Assuming they'd even let me seduce them into trying it.

Alexa tilted her head, and asked almost dangerously, "Do tell?"

I ignored her flippantly sarcastic tone. I got that this was a touchy subject for them. They all wanted what me and Katrina had, after all. And they'd been unloved and alone for far too long. Well, all meaning the third that hadn't been fully broken, and still yearned for love, including Alexa and Regina.

"Well, vampire blood is powerful, regenerative, and heals the newly enthralled blood servants giving them perfect health. I imagine a man with a short life expectancy and degenerative disease would jump at the chance to serve one of you for a year, if it meant they'd be cured and get back the remainder of their human lifetime. That gratefulness for a fair trade would erase the imbalance, plus the rest of the situation, could all together see the ones looking to find a lifelong partner happy if it worked out. If not, release them in a year or sooner, and try again."

Regina nodded, "It would be a bit complicated to make happen, but more likely to succeed than pulling a successful and healthy person away from their life and expected future. We could even get to know them, then offer it, and compel them to forget if they say no."

Alexa said grudgingly, "Not a terrible idea, I'll pass it around."

My mistress kissed me passionately, and practically climbed into my lap. Damn, I'd have to come up with more good ideas that way, if she was going to react that way each time. I knew it wasn't just the idea of course, it was that my heart and mind felt compassion for her vampire clan and hoped for their happiness. That I was doing something about it of my own free will and volition, if only thinking about the problem from the other end, how the men would see it.

She smiled knowingly when the kiss broke, and she pasted her body to mine quite intimately.

I winked at Regina, who blushed and turned away. The busty blonde had been totally spacing out and staring at us both with a naked longing in her eyes. Not just the kiss, but the raw and wild intimacy that the gaze between me and my mistress had displayed. That's what Regina longed for, more than anything, despite her wild and flirty vivacious personality she may have been the most vulnerable of the three.

I was about to ask her to dance, in the hopes I could convince her to join me and Katrina when we went home, but once again life interceded on my seduction plans and derailed it. Even if a hasty plan, it annoyed me, and I suppressed that frustration.

Regardless, Calina showed up and leaned across me, and whispered in my mistress's ear, and Katrina's face drained of color.

Katrina said, "Defensive plan delta, with the club contingency. Get word out now."

"Defensive plan Delta?" I asked.

Katrina nodded, with a small worried crack in her regal confidence, "A retreat plan that involves scattering in small groups and going to ground. The contingency is a skeleton crew will run this place with human help. We have a few bartenders and waitresses we keep an eye on, that will work for us on their off-nights if asked. A different set for each day."

Damn, they really did plan for everything.

Alexa asked, "What's going on?"

She sighed, "Miyashita Clan mages and Song Clan vampires are mobilizing this way. I'm going to kill that bitch Jia for this, for siding with Miyashita. Kaori as well, but I can't believe they found a clan to support them after what happened last week."

Regina tilted her head, suddenly all badass and business, "Maybe that's why it took a week for Miyashita to commit. The Song Clan will probably shield the mages from our fast physical attacks, while the mages roast us in fire or other spells. Are you sure they're not going to destroy the whole clan and go after the rest?"

Katrina shook her head, "I was sure, but not anymore. It looks like she's going to do it despite the risks. I can't imagine they'd need two clans just to assassinate me and Gregory. That's why plan D. If they go to ground and we split apart in eight different directions, they should chase after the four of us in plain sight while the rest of the clan hides. Save two which will only come out long enough to open the doors and close them and do the books after hours. This should all be over within a few days, one way or another."

Alexa asked, "Plain sight?"

Katrina nodded, "They have to have watchers here, so the four of us are about to go get in a car and head west on interstate forty away from the coast. We'll also use my credit card for gas and Gregory's meals. If that isn't enough, we'll leave our cell phones on to be tracked. The rest of the clan needs to disappear into safehouse locations, taking out the spies if they have to first.

"We'll kite them, and when the first team of vampires and mages get close, we'll turn on them before they can converge together. Two can play at their game, Greg can shield all four of us from magic, and we'll tear them apart. He can also let us act in daylight, so we won't get cornered in a hotel room or something."

She grabbed her purse and pulled out her phone and made a phone call, while steaming pissed off below her hard yet still regal walls. To be clear, there was no real outward evidence of her bubbling anger, just what I felt in the back of my head directly connected to her emotions.

She said, "Jia, what the hell are you doing working with that psychopath?"

I didn't enhance my hearing often, letting the ladies whisper privately at times, but this was one conversation I wanted to hear badly enough to pump some magic into my sense of hearing. Enhanced enough to even hear the other side of the conversation coming out of the small phone speaker.

Jia replied, "You should've killed your blood servant while you had the chance. He can't be allowed to live, and it's your own fault for breaking faith with Kaori, no matter what technicalities you want to throw in her face you broke the spirit of her bargain and didn't make amends."

"What are your people's intentions, are you planning to wipe out clan Chevalier?"

Jia snorted, "No. You, the Kotch mage, and your inner circle. But only if your people don't try to bar our way."

"Why does he have to die? His magic? What are you eastern clans hiding from the rest of us, what hasn't Kaori told me? You call them technicalities, but she dishonored herself with her actions, you can't deny that. She lied and misrepresented the original deal with my old master, I know she did, otherwise this insanity makes no sense."

Jia said, "I'm sorry, it's truly a shame to kill you right after you found freedom from that bastard after twenty-seven decades of slavery. But it's your fault."

"Tell me why he has to die," Katrina demanded.

Jia said, "I cannot. Clan secrecy, you understand."

"And you should understand my decisions are based on what I know, not what you or Kaori know. I know this, our clans are now at war. At the end of this either I'm dead, or you and Kaori are dead. There will be no forgiveness for this treachery, no matter how necessary you find it, I am on the side of honor. I don't care what the deal is with Gregory, or why you two feel it's worth pissing on your own honor, it's about your treatment of me. I will give you my word however, that I will only kill your clan members in self-defense. You are my only target, as is your heir, as long as the reverse stays true."

Jia said coldly, "Very well."

She shook her head in disgust as she hung up, "Let's get moving. If we can swing it, I want them adjusting their course to catch us, long before they get close to our territory and where our clan is in hiding."

Alexa said, "Jia is thousands of years old. We can't even come close to her power. Kaori will also be a pain in the ass to kill, with her rare and powerful void magic."