Blue Velvet Ch. 07

Story Info
Things heat up for him and Mom at the club.
5.8k words

Part 7 of the 11 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/11/2006
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We stepped inside the first door and the doorman said, "Hi Kenny, who's your date?"

"Hi Jack. This is Sarah, an old friend." I replied.

"She doesn't look old to me." He responded as her looked her up and down. "Can I see some ID young lady?' He asked officiously.

"Sure." Sarah gushed. "I love to show ID. It makes me feel so young when someone asks for it." She continued as she fished in her purse for her wallet.

Gazing at the drivers license Jack intoned, "And your name and address and birth date are?"

Mom happily gave out all the details, even some that Jack never asked. As Jack handed the drivers license he said apologetically, "Sorry, I didn't think that the ID was real. I figured from your looks that you were just some high school kid that Kenny picked up."

"Oooh, thank you!" Mom gushed as she planted a big red kiss on Jacks startled cheek.

Turning a shade of red almost as bright as the lipstick smear on his cheek Jack mumbled self-consciously, "No problem young lady. Just doing my job." Then he turned to me and said, "You better watch this lady Kenny."

As we walked through the inner door I said over my shoulder, "Oh I intend to, I intend to."

The inside was wall-to-wall people. The smoke was so thick that you couldn't even see the far wall and the noise level made conversation almost impossible. I leaned in toward Mom and yelled in her ear, "I've never seen this many people in here before."

She turned to me and said uncomprehendingly, "Huh?"

I laughed and stepped in front of Mom as I pushed through the crowd toward the bar. When we got to the bar I waved at Fred and made a sign for two drinks. Fred gave me thumbs up, put a drink on the bar for a patron and began to build our drinks.

Still trying to shield Mom from the crunch of the crowd I turned to watch the show on the dance floor. 'Looks like we will be lucky to get out there.' I thought to myself. I watched the female dancers crowded together on the floor, gyrating to 'That's The way I Like it' Some were dressed like Mom, but none filled out their dress the way she did.

I'm told that it's a male thing to compare your date to other available females when you are out on the town or at a party. I don't know if that is a female thing too but I hoped that if Mom were doing the same thing I would be judged favorably.

A hand on my shoulder startled me and I turned around to see that Fred had put our drinks on the bar. Mom was already drinking eagerly from hers and I looked at mine to make sure that I got the right drink tonight. Satisfied that everything was correct I put up both hands and made a writing movement to indicate that these were to go on my tab. Fred mouthed, "OK!" and left to tend to other patrons.

The song ended about that time and Mom leaned in toward me and said playfully, "On your tab huh? You must be important. I'm impressed."

Momentarily embarrassed I quickly recovered and said, "Yeah, if you ever want anything here, just have them put it on my tab."

"I'll have to remember that." She said with a smile.

I turned back to surveying the joint. As me gaze swept the dance area and the milling throng I caught the sight of Peggy sitting by Disco Bob and she was waving. When she saw that I had noticed her she motioned for me to come over.

I got Mom's attention and together we pushed through the mass of bodies toward the DJ's area. When we got there Peggy motioned drunkenly to a pair of chairs and slurred almost incomprehensively, "Been saving those for you, you don't know how hard that is to do tonight, now sit."

I pulled Mom's chair out and she sat down, then I sat down next to her and directly across from Peggy. As we sat down the sound of the gyrating disco beat turned to silence. I heard the crowd begin to grumble and Bob growl, "Oh fuck!" I looked over at the equipment and noticed that an album was turning silently on the turntable and Bob was working frantically on a tangle of wires coming from the back of what I surmised to be an amp. As I watched he critically inspected a connector, reached into his toolbox and retrieve a small pair of needle nose pliers and then proceeded to twist at the connector. Deciding that there was nothing that I could do to help him I picked up my drink and brought it to my lips and took a drink.

From behind the bar Fred fired up the jukebox. We sat there in silence while the jukebox played the old favorites and waited for Bob to start the show. I stretched my arm across the back of Mom's chair as my eyes moved slowly across the room and then back to the table.

Bob was getting increasingly frustrated with his equipment, I could almost see smoke coming from his ears. Suddenly he tossed his pliers into his toolbox and said peevishly, "I need a break! I think it's time to go to the john. Ya want to come with me Ken?"

Startled I replied, "I don't swing that way Bob."

Bob chuckled and responded, "Hey, I just wanted to thank you for this afternoon. I figured we could talk in the bathroom." He made a sniffing noise and continued, "You know what I mean?"

Figuring it out quickly I replied, "Yeah I think I do. Let's go while we have the chance." We both rose from our seats and pushed our way toward the men's room.

Surprisingly the restroom was empty. Bob walked to the sink and reached inside his coat. When his hand reemerged it was holding what looked like a key fob shaped like a tube of lipstick. Bob turned the object upside down and turned it back up, placed it to his nostril and took a sniff. Then he pulled it away, shook it again and did his other nostril. He pulled it down again and sniffed several times before handing the object to me.

I took it from him and looked at it questioningly. The thing had a hole in the tip and it really resembled a Vicks inhaler more than anything else. "It's a bullet." Bob explained. "Tip it down and a dose of cocaine is measured into the tip, put it to your nose and snort it, that is if you do coke."

"Yeah I do it." I replied defensively. "I just never saw one of these before."

"Makes it easier to do in public." Bob explained. "People just think that I have a cold." He laughed at that and turned to wipe the excess powder from his nostril.

I did as Bob advised and got a good strong hit of coke in first one nostril and then the other. I could tell by the taste and feel that this was really primo stuff. My throat and tongue were numbed almost immediately.

"Good stuff huh?" Bob asked conversationally before adding, "It's straight off the boat. I get it uncut from one of my richer lovers. He likes how it makes me eager and hot."

I didn't hesitate in my agreement, "Yeah, I think this is the best that I've ever done."

"I bet it is." Bob chuckled in response. "You think your girlfriend would like some? If you like you can hold on to the bullet and let her have a snort."

Uneasy I replied, "I don't know if she even uses this stuff. Probably best to not push it. We haven't been going out very long."

"Too bad, she looks like she could be really hot, if you know what I mean." Bob stated lasciviously.

"Yeah, I know exactly what you mean." I replied softly.

Bob reached into his jacket pocket to put the bullet away and returned to sight holding a small baggie partly filled with white powder. "Here take this." He said lightly. "If you and her want to do some coke later you can have this."

I took the bag with some hesitation, and put it hastily in my pocket. "Thanks." I said simply.

"No problem-o. I get the stuff for free" Bob said as he turned toward the restroom door. He stopped just before he opened the door and said casually over his shoulder, "You know, if you want to give her some without her knowing about it, just to get her revved ya know, you could just slip some into her drink. Just put a little on a swizzle stick and stir it in and she won't even know what hit her."

"I'll keep that in mind." I said uncertainly as we stepped out of the relative quiet of the men's room and back into the smoke filled din of the bar.

We wound our way through a restive crowd back to our table. We sat down and Bob went back to work on his wiring. As soon as we were seated Mom said, "It's about time you got back. I need to take a trip to the can myself." She looked across the table at a nearly recumbent Peggy and asked, "You need to go?"

Blearily Peggy shook her head and replied, "Nope, all set. You go."

Mom lightly patted my knee as she rose from the table, "Don't go any where baby." Then she kissed me lightly on the forehead and walked across the crowded bar toward the girls room.

I watched her delicious ass swing from side to side as she made her way through the crowd and watched the leering glances from the other men in the room as she moved lithely passed them.

She was indeed a lovely and desirable woman, one that I dearly wanted at that moment, judging from the raging erection in my pants. Watching her disappear into the crowd removed any hesitation on my part to use the coke on her, to "rev her up" as Bob had phrased it, and I put my hand into my pocket to retrieve the coke.

Keeping the baggie beneath the tabletop I gingerly opened it, retrieved a swizzle stick from the tabletop, and put the stick into the bag. The plastic stirrer was slightly damp and picked up what I estimated to be the equivalent of a thick line of coke immediately. I pulled it out with the white clump attached and as unobtrusively as possible dipped it into Mom's drink. I stirred the drink to dissolve the powder and then put the swizzle into my drink.

"Pssst!" I heard, then it was repeated, "Pssst!" in a stage whisper.

I looked up startled and looked at Peggy. She smiled at me and said softly, "I could use some over here too."

Without looking up from his work Bob said, "You've already had enough."

Peggy replied in a hurt voice, "There is no such thing as enough toot."

At that Bob reached into his pocket and retrieved his bullet. "Here use this, Kenny just has enough for his date. Just be careful and don't let any body see you using it."

Peggy took the bullet and as inconspicuously as any drunk can do anything filled both nostrils with nose candy. She then returned the bullet to Bob and resumed her semi reclined stance.

About that time I was startled by Mom's hand on my shoulder. "Whew, I feel better now." She said into my ear as she reached for her margarita. She picked up the drink and nearly drained its contents in a big swig.

She put the glass back on the table and said, "This drink tasted so good I think I could use another." She looked meaningfully at me and said sweetly, " I could use a refill baby, would you get me one please?"

"Sure baby." I replied as I reached for her glass.

"Let me finish this one first." She said as our hands touched.

"Sure baby." I said with a catch in my throat.

She put the glass to her lips and drained it completely. She put it down on the table and I picked it up. As I rose to go to the bar she put her fingers lightly on my hand and mouthed, "Thank you." Before puckering her lips in an air kiss.

With rubbery legs I walked to the bar. "Give me four more Fred." I yelled over the din of the crowd.

Fred said, "Sure thing Kenny." And he picked up the glass Mom had just used.

He was about to toss the ice when I said., "Just build it over the old Ice."

Fred looked at me quizzically but just said, "Sure, anything you say Kenny."

I took the four fresh drinks back to the table and sat down again. Mom took a tentative sip from hers and pronounced it good and we all settled into silence waiting for Bob to get his sounds flowing again.

The coke was starting to kick in and my mind was moving into erotic places I rarely visited when I felt something brush against my leg. I leaned back slightly and looked down at my lap to discover that Peggy's bare foot was moving up my leg. Brushing lightly and sensuously along my pants leg. I was almost to my knees and as I watched it crept higher until it was pushing my legs apart.

I looked across the table and Peggy was smiling lasciviously at me as her foot continued to rub against my pants legs until it was stroking the inner part of my thighs. I spread my legs unresistingly and Peggy slid down in her chair as she pushed her foot all the way up to my crotch and she slowly rubbed her foot against my hardening cock.

Mom startled me about this time by leaning over and asking, "What are you drinking?"

I sputtered in reply, "Cuervo Gold on the rocks with a twist of lime."

She responded, "Let me try it." And she lifted my glass to her lips and took a small sip. Grimacing she said, "Whew, that's strong! I think that I'll stick to margaritas."

I said, "Works for me."

Mom replied, "I bet it does." and she playfully slapped my thigh beneath the table. Her fingers came into contact with Peggy's foot and she hastily pulled her hand away and looked across the table at Peggy.

Peggy just continued to stroke my crotch and smiled challengingly at Mom. Mom started to turn away but I put my arm around her and pulled her close. Then for some reason I reached under the table and gently pushed Peggy's foot from my genitals, while simultaneously turning Mom toward me and planting a warm wet kiss on her crimson lips.

As we kissed Mom's lips parted slightly and my tongue slipped between her unresisting lips. For a few seconds my tongue explored the velvet flesh of her warm mouth tasting the bitter sweetness of her margarita before retreating. Our lips remained pressed together for a few more seconds before I pulled back from her and our lips separated.

We looked into each other's eyes for a second. There was confusion in her eyes as I looked into them. I could tell from her willingness to kiss me that she was intrigued, even interested and into the moment of our role-playing. But I could also see in her gaze that she was troubled by where things seemed to be going.

But I could also see that the coke was kicking in with her too. Beneath the mildly confused emotions in her eyes was an only slightly veiled look of wantonness. It wasn't the look of a mother toward her son, but the look of a sexually aroused woman toward her date.

Sarah leaned in toward me, put her lips to mine and kissed me lightly, softly. Her lips were hot and soft, her breath on my upper lip scalding. She pulled back and looked intensely into my eyes once more before her gaze traveled toward Peggy.

I turned my head to follow her gaze. I looked at Peggy and saw her smiling broadly and challenging at my mother. Then Peggy extended her tongue and ran it wantonly, sensuously across her lips.

Sarah smiled back at Peggy before turning back to face me. I didn't know where this war of women was going. In the back of my mind I heard the words of our last conversation before entering the bar, 'I don't want to get in your way' she had said.

But she was not getting in my way, at this moment the only woman I wanted to be with was Sarah, and I only hoped that she realized that. Sarah continued to look into my eyes for what seemed like a lifetime but I knew was really only a few seconds.

Then somewhat to my surprise she slowly raised her hands to my face, ran them slowly and sensuously across my cheeks, through my hair, to the back of my head and then she pulled me gently but insistently toward her.

Our lips met and mine immediately separated as she forcefully pushed her tongue deep into my mouth. She pulled our heads together and our lips squirmed together like lust filled lovers as our tongues jousted for supremacy.

First her tongue captured and explored my mouth, and then it retreated behind the onslaught of my tongue. I stroked her tongue as she eagerly sucked on my tongue for a few seconds. Then her tongue pushed back into my mouth where I sucked on it eagerly, nipping at it hungrily with my teeth.

I heard her moan into my mouth as we kissed and she smashed her lips to mine desperately. At the onset of our passionate kiss I had forgotten who was in my arms. So far as my body was concerned, she was just another sexy woman with her arms around my neck and her lips pressed passionately to mine.

The kiss became hotter with each second and I heard Sarah gasp and groan into my mouth. "Oomph, mmmmmph, ungh." She moaned.

The sound of her gasps drove me higher, "mmmmmph" she moaned again, and I reflexively reached for and began to massage her breast.

As my hand made contact with Sarah's firm mammary, she seemed to thrust her chest toward me, making her massive mounds even more accessible to my fondling. My fingers caressed her breast, sliding up the fabric of her dress to gently stroke the exposed skin above the neckline. I felt the gooseflesh form on her smooth skin and I was in the process of pulling the dress down so that I could stroke her erect nipple when I heard her moan again into my mouth.

"Mmmnnnngh." She gasped gutturally as she pressed her mouth even more tightly against mine.

It was at that time that I remembered that the woman in my arms was the one that had given birth to me and I pulled my fingers from inside her dress as I decreased the pressure of my lips against hers. I know that it sounds odd, but despite the fact that I had slipped the lovely lady coke in an attempt to 'rev her up', I still felt an innate respect for her and I reluctantly pulled my hand from her now heaving bosom.

I could have sworn that I heard a plaintive and disappointed, "Mmmm?" as I released my grip on her breast but I was probably mistaken.

I pulled my head back and said appreciatively, "Whew doll. That was one hell of a hot kiss."

She responded with a vague breathless stage whisper, "Mmmm hmmm, and there's more of that for you later too." And she leaned in to plant another warm wet kiss on my lips.

I looked over at Peggy and she was still looking at me with a very sexual look on her face, and her foot retraced its path back up my leg until her toes were once more stroking the hardened length of my willing cock. If she kept that up much longer I would probably cum in my pants.

I put my drink to my lips and took a nervous sip. When I pulled the glass away there was lipstick on the side where my mouth had been. I picked up a napkin and wiped the red lipstick from my face. I looked over at Peggy while I wiped and when I pulled the napkin away she mouthed, "Ya got it."

I looked over at Mom and I saw that she was downing her margarita in one very long sip. She put the glass on the table and sighed appreciatively. "I could use another, if you don't mind." She said sweetly when she saw me watching her.

"Ok doll." I responded. I drained my own drink, rose from my seat and pushed through the gathered throng to the bar.

It took me just a second to get Fred's attention at the bar. He simply looked at me and I yelled over the noise of the bar, "A fresh one for all four of us." I stopped for a second and then amended, "Make that two fresh ones for each of us." Fred nodded and got to work on the drinks.

Once finished mixing the drinks Fred brought them to me along with a tray, "Bring the tray back." He yelled and then he walked away.

I took the drinks to the table, served everybody, returned the tray to Fred and returned to the table to resume my seat. I picked up my drink and once I was sure I had everyone's attention and had his or her drinks up ready for a toast I said, "Huzzah!" They all looked at me like I was crazy but they followed my lead and yelled, "Huzzah!" And took a drink of their beverages.

Mom put her margarita down on the table and leaned in close to me putting her bare shoulder against my chest. I ran my hand around her shoulders and pulled her in close, idly stroking her warm skin with the tips of my fingers.

Peggy once more ran her foot up my leg, casually stroking my thigh with her toes while she smiled at me wantonly. I lifted my drink and took a very large sip. "This is going to be an interesting night." I thought to myself as my body tingled beneath Peggy's touch.