Boarder Controls Family

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Hypnotist enslaves widow, adult children & friends.
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This is a different kind of story for me. I hope you like it. There is some incest. If you like it, vote. Fives are nice.

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I had come to town to check out the local university. I thought I might try to enroll to complete my PhD. It turned out to be a big deal that would take several weeks or longer. I looked in the collage paper for "room mates wanted." What I found was "roomer wanted in private home. Large bedroom with private bath. " No price was given and no other details. I called the telephone number provided.

"Hello, I am calling about your room."

"Tell me about yourself?"

"I'm a doctoral candidate at the university and I need a room for awhile."

"Thank you for the information. I am a young widow with two adult children and I have to be careful. Would you like to see the room? I am going to be very reasonable."

"Sure, give me the address."

The house was at the edge of town off the main highway down a dirt road. It was a very pretty house, I estimated about 3500 square feet. I rang the chimes. A very attractive woman who appeared to be about thirty five answered the door.

"You are the man who is the doctoral candidate?"

"Yes, that's me. I am Mike Sanders."

"Hello, I am Felicia Long." She extended her hand. We shook hands. The room was on the second floor and was very nice. Felicia lived with her eighteen year old twins, a daughter and a son. They had just started the university. They were both studying psychology.

I agreed to take the room and began planning how I could take Felicia and her daughter with my hypnosis. I was a master hypnotist and I loved the challenge of taking control of unsuspecting people and making them into my playthings. Felicia would be a fun adventure conquering her and her children.

After I agreed to take the room Felicia invited me for coffee in the kitchen. It was one of those very modern kitchens with all the gadgets. There was a built in booth where we sat and had our coffee.

Felicia's husband died in an automobile accident two years ago. She appeared to be financially secure. She had been married for sixteen years. She married young. She made a point of that. I asked her to show me around and she did. Her bedroom was down the hall from the kitchen and the twins had two rooms across from my room on the second floor.

I made up a story about myself. I did tell her that my training was in abnormal psychology. She seemed very interested. She told me that since her husband died she was sleeping less and napping every day at about three in the afternoon. I think she was looking for me to comment on that. I didn't. I filed the information in the back of my brain to use later. At about six o'clock the twins came home. The girl was Whitney and the boy was Walter. She was petite and very pretty, he was about five feet ten inches and very brawny. We all sat down in the den and talked.

The twins were very interested in my experience with abnormal psychology. They had just started psych and didn't know anything. I did not discuss hypnosis with them.

Felicia invited me to have dinner with them. I accepted and told her that if that gets to be a habit I should pay more. She just laughed. Dinner was grilled salmon, potatoes, salad and vegetables. A very full meal. Enough to get you sleepy.

"You know, a full meal like this can make you drowsy."

"Mike, you are right. Every night after Mom's dinners I feel sluggish" That from Walter.

"I do too, Walter." That was Whitney. We were having the conversation while Felicia was doing the dishes.

"You know guys, I can train your bodies to stay alert until you go to bed."

In unison. "How do you do that?"

"By applying principals of abnormal psychology To make the brain ignore the additional glucose and food digesting which is what causes the malaise."

Again in unison. "Could you show us?"

"Sure, come into my room later. I'm going to go up and read for awhile."

Forty five minutes later there was a knock on my door. "Now can you show us how we can stay alert?"

"Yep, you have to relax first and then you gain control of your mind and body. Come in and sit on the bed."

They came in and lounged on my king side bed. "We start with deep breathing exercises." The better to develop hyperventilation.

"Both of you take one hundred breaths as deep as you can."

I watched them take the deep breathes. It was effecting Whitney more than Walter. She looked like she was ready to faint. "Walter, concentrate on your breathing. Close your eyes and picture yourself weight lifting. I was certain he was a lifter. He closed his eyes. Now it was working on him also. Soon they both stopped deep breathing and laid on the bed with their eyes closed.

"Now both of you imagine yourselves running through the fields as fast as you can. When you feel totally exhausted raise your right hand." After about five minutes they both raised their arms. Their eyes were still closed. Now listen closely. After every meal you will have a moment when you feel like you are passing out. That will quickly pass and you will feel totally refreshed unless I tell you differently. When I tell you, you will open your eyes feeling totally refreshed. Open your eyes."

They did. "How do you feel?"

They spoke in unison "very refreshed."

"Do you guys always speak that way?"


"Well, I have to hit the sack, I'll see you tomorrow." They had no comment on my instructions.

I think it worked. Now I had to deal with Felicia.

The next day I made a point of being in the house when Felicia announced she was taking a nap. She went into her room and lay down. She did not close the door. I watched her. She was sleeping on her back. As luck would have it she snored. I walked into her room and put my mouth next to her right ear. "Felicia, stay sleep and deepen your sleep. Deeper and deeper. I spoke slowly and with my deepest voice. Your whole body is in a deep restful sleep. When you wake up you will feel very refreshed."

I watched her as her body relaxed. Her facial muscles became lax. "When ever you are around me you will go back to sleep if I tell you to sleep. You will now go into a deep sleep and wake in an hour feeling totally refreshed."

I left the room. In about an hour she came out of the room. I was sitting in the kitchen.

"I had the strangest dream. I dreamed you were talking to me. I don't remember what you said."

"That's strange. Maybe I said 'go to sleep'" She started to crumble. I had her. I picked her up and put her in one of the chairs.

"Go into a deep, deep, trance. Your whole body is relaxed ane your trance is very deep. I will count to one hundred and with each number your trance will get deeper. How do you feel?"

"Very relaxed." I did a couple more counting exercises and then told her to wake up at the count of three.

She opened her eyes and seemed confused. "I don't remember sitting here. I'm feeling funny. Did you do something?" She was looking at me with a quizzical expression.

"Sleep." She again became limp. She sprawled in the chair.

"When you wake you will feel comfortable, secure and wonderful. You will not think about how you got in the chair." When I woke her she looked much more secure.

"I'm feeling wonderful. Would you like to have dinner with us tonight?"

"Okay, but I have to pay if we keep this up." Felicia busied herself making another large dinner. This time lamb chops.

The twins came home at the same time and we ate at about seven o'clock. After we finished eating I watched them carefully. They both closed their eyes and started to slump in their seats.

I walked behind them and said: "go into a deep trance, let yourselves relax completely." They both slumped back into their seats. Felicia had been putting dishes into the sink. She returned just as the twins were slumping in their seats.

"Felicia sleep."

I caught her before she fell on the floor. "When I tell you, you will waken feeling wonderful. After the dishes are done you will suggest to the twins that we all have desert in the den. We will all gather in the den." I did not waken her.

I went to the twins. "Your trance is going deeper and deeper. You are now under my complete control. You will do everything I tell you and it will make you feel very good." I could do this with an eighteen year old. They are very suggestible. I wouldn't try it on an older person without a great deal more conditioning. The result is the same, it just takes more time and a"work around." I woke them all and we went into the den.

"Felicia, how are you feeling?"

"Fine, Mike why do you ask?"

"Just curious. Whitney and Walter have you learned anything about hypnosis in your psych class?"

Walter answered. "Nah, it's an introductory class. We don't get any interesting stuff like that. Do you know anything about hypnosis?"

"A little."

"I don't think anybody in my family could be hypnotized. We are too stubborn."

"I want all of you to sleep." All three of them slumped back.

"Whitney, are you a virgin?"


"How about you Walter, are you a virgin?"


"Do you want to stay a virgin?"


"Walter open your eyes and take your clothes off." He opened his eyes and took his jeans, shorts and shirt off. He was now nude.

"Walter, you will remain under my complete control, but you will wake up."

He looked around. "Do you still think your family cannot be hypnotized?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you always walk around naked?"

He looked down. He was very well hung. "How did you do that?"

"I'm very talented."

"Are you going to do it to them too?" Looking at his mother and sister.

"Yes. Why?"

"They are beautiful and I'm normal, I want to see their bodies."

"You don't see them around the house, naked?"

"Never. My sister and mother are very modest."

"Felicia, remain in a deep trance and take your clothes off."

She was wearing cotton shorts and a blouse. She had sandals on. She quickly took off the shorts and blouse. That left her with a very plain bra and panties that were full cut. She seemed to hesitate, then she took her bra off and slowly pushed her panties off. She stood in front of the chair, naked.

"Felicia, you are getting very aroused, standing there naked." I watched as her nipples got hard. Walter's cock started to rise.

"Walter, you are getting aroused."

"She is a beautiful lady. I've thought about making love with my mother or sister all my life."

Felicia was a very attractive woman. I reached over and felt her cunt. It was wet.

"Felicia, how long is it since you have had sex?"

"Since before my husband died."

"Have you ever thought about making love with Walter?"

"I've thought of it, but it is a sin."

Walter was now fully erect. Pointing straight up his belly. He was very thick and about six inches long. He had a very hairy belly. "Felicia, Walter is going to put his penis into you. You will like it and you will not feel guilty. Can you still get pregnant?"

"No, I had my tubes tied many years ago."

"Walter, go and put your cock into your mother. Do it standing up."

Felicia was a very firm woman for her age. Her breasts were small and firm and she had very little fat. She was about five inches shorter than Walter. Walter went up to her and tried to push his cock into her. It really wasn't working.

"Felicia, lay back on the bed and guide him into you. Walter, when Felicia lays down you get between her legs and wait for her to grab your cock." I felt like I was training a basset to mate.

Walter climbed between her legs and Felicia grabbed his penis and guided it into her.

"Walter, you will not ejaculate until I tell you."

Nature took over and Walter started pumping.

"Felicia you can feel your orgasm building. Soon you will feel it happening."

She was matching his pumping. Her breath was becoming ragged. All of a sudden she screamed, "I'm cuming. I don't believe it, I am cuming."

"Walter, you can ejaculate." He immediately let go with his virgin blast, it seemed to go forever. If I hadn't controlled him he probably would have ejaculated in thirty seconds. As it is I had Walter go for three minutes. I looked over at Whitney. She was still limp.

"Walter, Felicia, sleep." They collapsed with Walter on top.

"Whitney, can you hear me?"


"You said you are a virgin. Do you want to stay a virgin?"

"No. I am just afraid."

"Do you still have your hymen?"

"No. I lost it horseback riding."

"Take all of your clothes off."

She, also was wearing shorts. She quickly stripped. Her body was a small version of her mother. She stood in front of the chair, naked. "Whitney, stay under my complete control and wake up."

She woke up and looked around. "How did you do this?"

"I am very talented. I am your master, do you understand?"


"You will do everything I tell you because you want to and it will make you feel good. But, you will not be able to refuse anything I tell you. You will call me Master when we are in this house.

Do you understand?" "Yes, Master."

"Do you like having a Master to tell you what to do?"

"Yes Master."

"Did Walter just make love with Mom?"

"Yes. Would you like him to do it to you?"

"I'm not sure. I think I would rather have you do it to me, Master."

"Stand there while I instruct Walter and your mother. Walter and Felicia when I tell you, you will wake up feeling very good. Both of you from now on will not be able to resist anything I tell you. I will be your Master and you will call me Master. You will only call me Master when there are no outsiders. Do you both understand?"

"Yes, Master." In unison, mother and son.

"You will not have sex with each other, again, unless I instruct you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master."

"Walter, pull out of Felicia and lie on your back, next to her." He pulled out with a plopping sound. Walter lay down next to his mother. His penis was partially erect. His eyes were closed.

"Felicia, suck on Walter's cock." She rolled over toward Walter and took his cock and put it in her mouth and sucked it. It grew in her mouth.

"Walter, do not ejaculate." Too bad Walter was not going to remember any of this. It was an experience like he would never have again. He got very firm as Felicia sucked.

"Felicia, that is enough. Go back to sleep." She collapsed with her mouth open. Walter's cock was still in her gaping mouth. His rod stayed stiff, fat and stiff.

"Whitney, I want you to sit on Walter and put his penis in your vagina."

"Yes, Master."

She straddled him and grabbed his penis and held it straight up. She then slowly sat on it.

"How does it feel?"

"It feels tight and good. What do I do now?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Move up and down."


"Walter, you are not to ejaculate."

Whitney moved up and down. She started going faster. Soon she was panting. All of a sudden she cried out, "It's happening, it's happening." She shook for a few moments and collapsed forward on Walter's body. He was still stiff and in her. I took my clothes off. I went to Whitney and pulled her off Walter and arranged her on the floor. I spread her legs.

"Whitney, I am going to fuck you. You will cum again. I entered her very moist cunt and pumped in the very tight pussy. It felt terrific. She began to move with me. Soon her vagina walls were contracting around my penis. I kept pumping when the contractions got faster and she screamed. "I did it again."

I pulled out and ejaculated on her body. "All of you, listen carefully. You will shower and get dressed. You will not notice that you all are naked. You will not remember anything that just happened, except that you will know that I am your master and you must do everything I say and that doing that will make you feel wonderful. You will not have any choice. When I tell you something you will have to do it. Do you all understand?"

In unison. "Yes Master."

"Take your showers now." They all got up and gathered their clothes. Felicia went to her room and Whitney went to the guest bathroom, downstairs. Walter went upstairs. Soon they were all dressed and wandering around the house.

"Hi Walter, how are you feeling?"

"Master, I am feeling strange. I'm feeling so horny. I've never felt this way."

"Walter, I'm sure the feeling will quickly go away."

"You were right, it went away."

"Walter go outside and urinate in the rose bush."

"Master, excuse me."

He went outside and urinated in the rose bush. He came right back.

Felicia was staying in her room. Whitney came down stairs. "Walter, Whitney, I want to talk to you."

They came close to me. "I want the two of you to keep your eyes open for women who you can bring home for me to hypnotize. Find women who need help studying, with weight or smoking or just like the idea of being hypnotized. Okay?"

"Sure Mike."

"Now you guys should go up and study. Get to bed at a proper time to keep up your stamina. I'll see you tomorrow." They went up stairs. I went into Felicia's room. She was sitting and reading.

"What are you reading?"

"A book on sex and the single woman."

"We should sleep together tonight."

"I'd like that."

"Felicia, come here?"

She walked over to me. I put my arms around her and she tilted her head to be kissed. I obliged her. I also reached under her sweater and undid her bra. I then took her nipples and rubbed them between my fingers. "That feels very good."

I pulled her sweater over her head. Her breasts were turgid. I took the waist of her pants and pulled her pants and panties down to her feet. She was now naked. "Did you read something we can apply tonight?"

"It said I shouldn't show if I am anxious to have sex. I guess I flunked. I want you inside of me."

"I can take care of that." I pulled her into the bed and rolled on top of her. We had very satisfactory sex. After we finished we were laying together. Felicia I want you to do me a favor. If you have any friends that would benefit from hypnosis, such as smoking or weight bring them home to me. Okay?"

"Okay." She looked a little sad.

"Felicia go to sleep. You feel terrific, you just had wonderful sex and you have companionship for the first time in several years." She brightened up.

When I woke up in the morning Felicia was not there. He was making breakfast. I put a robe on and went into the kitchen. My three playthings were there. "How are you all this nice morning?"

Felicia spoke first. "I am terrific. How about you?"

Walter was next. "I still feel funny. I can't figure out what it is."

"Well, I feel wonderful, Walter, I don't know why you feel funny." Whitney gave Walter a kiss on the cheek. I decided that I had done enough and didn't assert my powers over them. I preferred to wait to see who, if anyone they brought me.

That night everyone was late. I had a productive day at the university. It looked like I would get admitted and I needed to find an advisor. When I got to the house at six it was empty. At about seven o'clock Walter and Whitney drove up with a friend in tow. Very good. She was a plain looking, slightly plump women who looked to be about twenty years old.

"Hi kids, who is your friend?"

Whitney spoke. "Mike this is my friend, Sara. She would like to lose a little weight and she is very interested in hypnosis."

"Sara, what do you want to know about hypnosis?"

"I've studied it and seen demonstrations and I'm a little skeptical. I'm not sure it is real."

"Sara, what do I have to do to convince you?"

"I'm not sure. Hypnotize me, I guess."

"I'll do that. We'll start with a demonstration with the twins. Both of you watch my hand, as it gets closer to you, you will feel yourself going into a trance. When I touch you, your body will go completely limp."