Book 03: A Match Made - Ch. 02


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She giggled when I pushed the strap off her shoulder and caressed her breast with my fingers. Her nipple had already hardened when I touched it. I smiled.

As you might imagine our Sunday was delayed by, um... a while. Several whiles actually. She's delicious. And beautiful. And totally, fabulously, gloriously MINE!

I can tell you what I'll never tell her. In private moments I cry bitter tears at how close I came to losing her. My selfish stupidity caused the one I love to tumble into an abyss that came perilously close to claiming her. It's during moments like these that I strive to let her know how precious she is to me. My perfect blonde imperfection. My heart. My Kara.

July 6th, 2014


We hadn't started spending extended time together yet, but since it was a holiday weekend I'd invited Kara to stay with me at the house. Even after an exhausting and pleasure filled night, blondie insisted we go to my club to work out. I bitched, of course, but we did. She attacks the machines with gusto and energy; I grumble. I was ready to head home when she said we had to run on their track.

"Don't look at me like that, baby. The fifteen minutes we spend jogging will help you after breakfast. What are we going to have anyway?" I smiled.

So we had finished showering. She'd left the bathroom before I did and wasn't in the bedroom when I came out. No biggie; I figured she'd headed to the kitchen to get things started. Wrong! She was on the couch, prone, and watched me come down the stairs.

Dressed in a plain white top and gray panties, she also wore a ridiculous thigh high cotton socks that were normally reserved for very cold winter days. I knew she was up to something; the smirk and smoldering eyes stopped me in my tracks. She pulled the tank up over her breasts, eyeing me. I felt my jaw drop and my heart began to beat a wee bit faster. She pushed her panties past her hips, and lay on her back, exposing her thin landing strip. She squirmed, never taking her eyes off me.

"I saw the smirk at the gym, Lissy, and figured maybe you had plans on having me for brekky." Damn her. How does she do that? Eyeing me, a floppy grin on her beautiful face, she said, her voice suddenly thick with lust, "Breakfast is served!"

"Damn, you're irresistible. I hate that you own me this way, and that I crave..." I paused, struggling to find the right words. "Oh fuck it. I can't get exactly the words I want." I shook my head. "You abuse yourself in the gym, Kara, and I know mostly it's for you. But when I look at you the way you are right now, I lose myself in you. God help me I do."

I knelt when I reached the couch, bent, and ran my tongue down the length of her, from the valley between her glories, over her tummy, past her pubic bone, and into the midst of her now-parted legs. I rolled her panties down her legs and let them drop to the ground.

Her hands no longer had anything specific to do, so she extended them, inviting me to kiss her. Which I did. She arched her back, inviting me to tease her. Nope! I heard the growl and responded by nipping her lower lip. Bitch had the nerve to smack the back of my head. Being blonde, she forgot who was on top. I leaned down and clamped my teeth on her nipple. Big mistake. She liked it! She responded by trying to pull me on top of her. This was not part of the plan. Well, it wouldn't have been if I'd had a plan. But since her seduction was unplanned... Well, you know.

"No, lover, I don't want that. You wanted to tease me, or some such thing as that. So I'm going to stay here, kneeling, and have my way with you. I don't want you touching me, either. Nor am I taking any of my clothes off. I want to play with you." I had a spark of a thought. "I may have you get yourself off, too." Gray eyes flashed. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Uh huh," thickly.

I smiled. "Good! Then let's start with that. I'll watch, you jill." By now, my panties were soaked; I was going to have to change them whenever we were done doing whatever it is we were gonna do.

She wasted no time. Her right hand slid between the folds. Her scent filled my nose. The soft, squishy sound her fingers made turned us both on. I knew by her eyes just how turned on she was. I had told her I wasn't going to touch her, but I couldn't help myself. I knew all of her hot spots, and bent to lick one of them - the soft skin just inside her hip bone. She moaned; I felt her hand on the back of my head.

I stopped long enough to say, "Don't! I'll kiss where I please. You pleasure yourself."

Her fingers went back to her left nipple. I sucked on the landing strip, nipping lightly with my teeth. She arched wildly, her entire back coming off the couch, silently begging my tongue to join her fingers in her kitty. It was wonderfully obscene, joyously intimate, and I knew I'd scream in orgasm at the slightest touch. My tongue lapped at the curve of her left hip. She had two fingers scissored in the squishy center that was her pussy, while her thumb teased her clit.

I bent to heaven. She started to take her fingers out, which gave me what I wanted. I lapped at the dew that her body had produced.

"Dear god, woman. You're driving me mad with this teasing. Either let me do what I'm doing or you take control." I giggled. It was working. She was losing control, both from my teasing and her masturbation. I pushed her fingers back into the steamy swamp and kissed her pearl. She groaned again. "I so hate you." Not a chance, lover, not a chance.

I licked my way north, stopping to pay special attention to her belly button. Did you know it can take several minutes to get from a landing strip to a belly button if you pause long enough between kisses and licks? The combination of pauses and the other kept her skin thoroughly goose bumped, quivering occasionally as I teased her.

I could tell by her ragged, short breathing that she was close. I lifted to her mouth and whispered, "CUM for me, lover," and bent to kiss her parched lips. She screamed into our kiss as her body undulated. She tried to pull me off her lips with her free hand. I wouldn't be moved. I wanted so badly to climb on top of her and grind myself to her until I got the release my body craved, but I resisted the urge. She was howling, lost in the wonderful heat that was her blinding orgasm.

I finally relented and lifted from her mouth, only to hear her screamed obscenities. "Oh fuck. This is wonderful and I hate it. You won't touch me and I need you so goddamn bad. I'm gonna fuck you up so good, bitch."

I giggled through it all. The two of us had successfully turned her into a raving loon. I knew she wasn't kidding about what would be my 'reward' for this little caper, but I also knew she'd been the one to start it all. I mean, how can a girl resist when her girl teases her girl by showing off her body? I love this raving lunatic of a blonde. For so much more than her tantalizing femininity. But goddamn!! That body does things to me that... just yum!

** August 16th, 2014 **


Arlington Million Day was picture perfect. Not too hot, clear, not too humid. The trifecta, if you will, of good weather conditions. The girls were excited.

"This was so much fun last year, Mom. Junie and I have been looking forward to today since you mentioned it. Doesn't she look beautiful?" Kara rolled her eyes while a blushing "Junie" giggled.

I did my motherly duty by saying, "Yes, dear," in as sweet a voice as I could. Which, let me tell ya, took some effort.

"Do they get big crowds for this thing?" asked June.

"Yeah, it was pretty full last year, and it was just some Saturday," said my kid.

"I think I heard someone say they get as many as 50,000 people. I have no idea. This will be my first time here for this."

All this chatter (and tons more) was in the car. We parked, which was fun. NOT! Good thing I had heels on, cuz we found a spot real close to the entrance. Kara was looking over my shoulder as I typed that and laughed like a loon as she walked away. I knew better than to wear heels after last year. I think we were a good quarter of a mile from the front gate.

"Note to self. Next year, take the goddamn Metra." My response was a version of "Amen." Oh yeah, for those of you not in Chicago, Metra runs trains from downtown Chicago to the suburbs in all directions. Arlington Park actually has its own station. Duh me!

"What are we doing about lunch?" Go ahead and guess who said that. I've decided to protect the not-so-innocent. I had found dining selections on their website, some of which required reservations and some which were walk up (casual). I had thought about trying for reservations but it seemed I was too late. Late, at least, for the choices that looked interesting and didn't figure to be too snobby. I remembered seeing the Million on TV the year before. Major eyeroll. The attendees seemed to think they were at the damn Kentucky Derby or something. We were all casual. Dressed nicely but casual.

We tried the first place we saw but it seemed everybody else had the same thought. It was hopelessly crowded.

"What about that place we went to last year? The food was pretty good and served pretty quickly." My aching feet agreed.

"No, baby, let's try something different this time."

"Blondie, you're a pain in my ass." Everybody laughed but blondie. Question is: which one? Winkeroonies

"I so hate you!" More laughter, this time from all of us.

We all chimed in to my blushing daughter, "You so do not!!!"

"Mother! You are so not supposed to take their side. Sides. Whatever." Her bottom lip made an appearance. She giggled when June kissed her and made a point of nicking said lip with her teeth.

"Hopefully, that will shut you up, bratty panties."

"Will not!"

Yeah, this was gonna be some fun!

Lunch was good. Screw the details. This Saturday was about the racing. And it was mucho fun!!

Race One featured the hysterically named "Space Traveler," which I immediately said I was going to bet, in honor of Rachel and June's hysterical back and forth.

"I'm so not talking to you for the rest of today, Mother!" I giggled as her blue eyes flashed at me.

"I like it, baby. I'll bet ten on the horse," said Kara, which earned her a kiss. Turns out my random selection was the favorite by a ton. Which meant, naturally, that the damn horse came in second. And not by a lot. A length and a quarter, whatever that is. Oh well.

The second race was stupid. The favorite lost again and the horse that won was nothing like the favorite. And was either second or first the whole time. And a winner had a stupid name - Selz.

The third race featured "Cougar Ridge." The hoots and hollers were hysterical. Everybody bet the horse and gave me major grief when the damn thing came in third. Second, third and fourth were photo finishes and it took a while to sort it out. We all lost money. Big deal.

The fourth race was where things got a little crazy. You know how Kara and I refer to our pussies as kitties right? Well, horse number nine was "Luck of the Kitten." And it led from the start to the finish. And we all bet it. And the damn thing was such a prohibitive favorite it paid a miserable four dollars for a two dollar bet. Poo!

"Well at least we made our money back on the races we lost." Junie got shouted down for that one, poor kid.

The fifth race presented something of a problem. Horse number seven was named "Annulment" which brought some giggles, mostly from Kara. Horse number two was named "High Wire Kitten." I didn't notice right away, focused as I was on "Annulment."

"Second race in a row there's a horse with kitten in it, baby," said my blondie.

"Hey, that's right. That's cool," was June's offering.

Rachel scrunched her eyebrows and said, "How do we bet two horses in the same race?" She is not my daughter, for the record.

"You can place more than one bet in a race, ya goof." June's head shook side-to-side as she spoke.

"Ask when you get to the window. The ticket dudes will know." I had no idea but had a pretty good idea I was right.

The race was super exciting. The horse that led for most of it got beat late. Second, third and fourth all were too close to call with Annulment declared the winner. Thank god! High Wire Kitten was a poo head and never was close. Annulment paid $26.80 for a two dollar bet, meaning I won $268.00 for my ten dollar bet. The "Exacta," as it's called, didn't pay at all cuz Kitten ran fifth.

"This sucks, Mom, said a mournful Rachel. "I lost cuz I bet the stupid Exacta thing."

I smiled and reminded her, "That's why it's called gambling, sweetie. We're here to have fun. Only bet what you can afford to lose."

"Can I borrow twenty bucks?" Kara and I laughed; June swatted her honey on the shoulder. "What! Mom won big on that. I just want to ask for a small piece of it. I'm her kid, after all."

"I'm telling your sibs for sure, you goof." I saw the twinkle in June's eyes.

"You goddamn well better not, if you know what's good for you."

"I'm what's good for you and don't you forget it, lover." I honest to god thought Rachel was gonna melt. Kara looked at me and smiled. I nodded.

Okay. Race six was pretty funny. Not the race; the names. "I Got It All" was Kara's favorite. I tried to swallow the boulder in my throat. Just sayin,' ya know? "Sultry Cat" got some giggles but no bets. "Puppy Manners" was probably the most hilarious name of the day. And it ran like it knew its name was silly. Rachel was scared off the Exacta from the last race but bet "I Got It All." We all did. Kara told us to. It wasn't the favorite; not even the second choice. It wasn't anywhere close on the other side of the track, but when the horses turned the last corner it bolted through an opening and ran like hell, winning by nearly two lengths!!! Yay us!!! $10.80 for a two dollar bet meant I won another $270 on my fifty dollar bet. I mean, I was playing with the house's money, right?

"I'm taking you out for a really nice dinner with the winnings, lover."

"You better!"

"Well we all won, right? It was your idea to bet the horse."

She looked at me with that smirk and said, "You're welcome." Brat, isn't she?

The seventh race was the first of the big money stakes races. A $400,000 purse meant the winning horse won $230,000. Not bad, not bad at all. More funny, silly names. "The Pizza Man" brought back memories of "Hill Street Blues," a favorite cop show from a while ago. Never mind how long ago!!! "Infinite Magic" got a few giggles from the four of us, but it was "Admiral Kitten" that got our attention. And our money, dammit!! There were ten horses in the race. "Admiral Kitten" was tenth in the super long race at one point and rallied for sixth. I didn't tell anybody I had bet ten bucks on "The Pizza Man" for old time's sake. Giggling. A payoff of $12.60 meant I was sixty three dollars richer.

I was roundly scorned for winning again... and for not telling anyone what I'd done.

"You have the magic touch today, Lissy," was what June said. It was silly but whatever. I know nothing about how to bet. I go strictly on girly stuff like knowing that was what the girl friend of the top cop on the show called her honey.

The eighth race was another biggie. Just under $300,000 to the winner, who turned out to be an Irish horse who ran an exciting, close race. "Adelaide" is a gorgeous name and the horse was just as pretty. She was close, too, and just kept coming, winning by more than a length. I didn't make a bet; the horse was a pretty big favorite. It was really exciting.

The ninth race was even bigger money. A $750,000 purse meant the winner took home $427,500!!! Nice, huh??

"Stephanie's Kitten" continued the run of kitten names. Bitch got my money, too. Oh well. Damn thing was last for most of the race and wound up a kinda close second. There were three more horses from overseas. The winner, "Euro Charline," came from England. The horses that were leading for most of the race were nowhere near the lead at the end.

Anyway, the next race was the reason we were all here. "Magician" and "Side Glance" were from Ireland and England respectively. They both ran superbly, going first and second for most of the race, losing in the last few strides to "Hardest Core" at the end. It was a huge upset. "Magician" was the betting favorite. Another horse, the second favorite, came in last. But the winner was the best horse at the end and that's all that matters. None of us had the winner and I'm not sure many who bet did either, as the horse was the sixth betting favorite in a field of seven. It was hugely entertaining, which is why we were there. I bet "Finnegan's Wake" cuz it was so Irish! I know, right!!

None of us wanted to stay for the last two races, so we had a drink, celebrated our winnings, and made fun of me. Sheesh. We left, but I wanted to share a little oddity I found in the program thingie they hand out with all the race details for the day. In the race right after The Million, at a distance of a mile and one sixteenth, the track record had been set in May of 2012 by... "The Pizza Man"! How's that for coincidence!! As a three year old, he set the track record and won on Million Day!! I'm tellin' ya, do NOT bet against "The Pizza Man," Frank Furillo!! I know; I'm such a dork for remembering.

We had dinner at the Gale Street Inn on Milwaukee Avenue and made pigs of ourselves on baby back ribs, that were, as advertised, fall-off-the-bone delicious. All of us split a calamari appetizer. June refused, opting for french onion soup.

We may have to go back. They also had Jambalaya and London Broil on the menu. Yummy!! I want it on the record I was sorely tempted to have the Jambalaya and ribs combo!! You already know what I slut I am about some foods!!

Anyway, by popular 'demand' I paid for dinner. And did my best to be gracious about it. I'm kidding. What the hell, it was a really fun day, not including being the big, runaway winner for the day. We all won, thanks to the surprise winner. It was a helluva fun afternoon, and the love my honey and I made for a very late, very romantic, extremely erotic night. And I'm not tellin'. So there.

<i>Lissy's note: I'm not sure exactly when Kara wrote this. I found it in what I believe is her diary. It was on the shelf of her nightstand next to our bed. It was hardly the only entry and it's kinda wild, but I thought you'd enjoy reading it.</i>

Dear diary...

After today I question my sanity. I worry that I've lost my ability to think rationally. How does she do it to me when she's not even with me? Oh don't play stupid, you know exactly who I'm talking about.

I sat in a full parking lot at the grocery store and decided it would be fun to unbutton the top THREE buttons of my blouse and mosey on in. I told myself: Don't you dare look around. Hold your head up and pretend there isn't a thing amiss.

I'm making it sound easy... umm, NOT! As I walked in the sliding doors, the air conditioning poured out and seemed focused on the girls. Of course mrs. and mrs. nippy woke up. Standing proud, we walked through the produce aisle. In my condition, I found myself wondering if every grocery store had secretly been conspiring against me. Knowing that one day I'd turn into a loon and walk in horny and exposed.

I swear, don't laugh, but the cucumbers were eyeing me! I pretended to look at the apples... do I need apples, I wondered. Then me and puppy number one met. Not really! But I felt his eyes on me. It was exhilarating. I put a couple fuji's in a bag and dropped them in my cart.

What did Lissy ask me to get? For the life of me I can't remember. Not entirely sure I could tell you my name at that moment. I did know however, that my face was volcano red. The heat pulsed up and down my body as I walked aimlessly. Eyes were everywhere, watching... it was as if each pair was stripping away a little more... exposing me. Oh god, I'm getting hot again.