Born For It Ch. 03

Story Info
Kat brings a friend; Andre brings two.
7.4k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/20/2022
Created 05/27/2004
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*all characters in this story are 18 years of age or older*

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My body was weary but my soul was satisfied as I walked across the parking light on the warm spring night. In the gym I had just left the company of Andre and his friend Marquis, who had become my second black lover this weekend. It was Sunday night and I decided that this had been, without a doubt, the best weekend of my life. I felt liberated. I felt as if I was finally living in the world I had wanted to live in all of my life; to finally enjoy the pleasures of the world that my heart and soul most deeply desired.

I drove home with the music off. I felt reflective and deeply satisfied with the evening, and I envisioned the many more to come with anticipation and enthusiasm. Being taken by the two black men as an experience I had always longed for. Our bodies fit together so perfectly, in yin-yang symmetry of black and white; his glistening ebony cock buried in my dripping, tight pussy; His strong black hands gripping my firm, round breasts. Tasting their cum and feeling it deep inside my body, I knew that when I was fucking a fat black cock, I was answering to a higher calling.

I walked inside our cool, air-conditioned suburban Atlanta home at 11:45. My mom was asleep on the coach in front of the still playing television. She didn't wake as I walked through the living room and upstairs to my room. As I turned down the carpeted upstairs hallway, I heard my step-sisters door open behind me at the opposite end of the hallway.

"Have a good workout, sweetie?" her clear, sarcastic voice chimed out. Her name was Britney, and we did not really get along. She was 3 years older than me, the daughter of my mother's new husband. She was a waitress and extremely wild, having repeatedly failed out of school and lost jobs due to her excessive partying. I didn't really know her that well, and she was rarely home. God knows where she stayed when she wasn't here.

"Yeah, it was ok." I said off-handedly. For some reason, I could tell my sister knew something was up.

"You must have. You look super tired." She said, frowning in an overly concerned face, "You better go get a shower."

She giggled and turned and shut the door to her room. She was only wearing her cotton underwear and a bra, and down her back I spotted her extensive tattoo collection. She was still very beautiful though, with long auburn hair and dark brown eyes. Her body was slightly more mature than mine, with larger breasts and a rounder butt, but she was still in perfect shape. I have always wondered how she kept from getting a beer gut when she seemed to be drinking every night of the week. My mom didn't like Britney much either, and considered her spoiled little brat that had transformed into a typical Atlanta party girl.

I took a long warm shower and cleaned my sweaty, well-fucked body slowly and deliberately. My body was warmly satisfied after being so thoroughly and completely fucked. My senses were still washed over with the endorphins of multiple orgasms and sated by the satisfying taste of drink down sweet, hot cum. I stepped out of the tower and wrapped a towel around myself. I was going to sleep well tonight.

Back to School

I awoke on Monday morning at 7:30 to my beeping alarm clock. I had fallen asleep in the towel I had put on after showering. I had slept beautifully, and as I rose my body still glowed with the satisfaction of the previous evening's encounter. I looked forward to going to school today to see Andre and Marquis. I didn't really know what to expect. If they had told anyone about what had happened, which it didn't seem like an unlikely possibility. I did have faith in their discretion, and they had to realize that if they embarrassed me I wouldn't fuck them anymore. I had a feeling they would keep there little secret to themselves.

My fears were unfounded, as I arrived at school and everything was perfectly normal. No sidelong glances as I walked by or hushed whispers behind my back. It was just another day at my high school, and after my weekend, it was a little depressing to be in such a boring place. I was sitting in the lunchroom waiting for class to begin at the table of my friends. Most of them were typical snobby cheerleader types, and on this new morning, they seemed particularly bitchy and immature. They were still little girls, whereas I had realized what it means to be women.

"Did you have fun at the party on Friday, Kat?" My friend Brandy asked me.

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I got really drunk and my sister came and got me."

Brandy looked at me suspiciously. Brandy knew I had been hot for Andre for a long time, and as my best friend I wouldn't worry about confiding in her what had really happened but not in front of all of our snobby, judgmental friends.

As Brandy and I were walking to our lockers, she leaned in close and asked me in a low voice what really had happened.

I couldn't help but smiling; I was dying to tell someone about my new adventures.

Her mouth fell open. "You slut!" She whispered. "I thought I saw you two go upstairs at about the same time!"

I nervously glanced around. No one was nearby or even paying us any attention. "Don't tell anyone. I'll tell you everything if you promise not to tell anyone." I said to hear in a low, serious tone. "It would be the end of everything if word got out."

She winked at me and pinched my arm. "You know you can trust me, Kat. I'm proud of you." As Brandy spoke to me I saw her notice something over my shoulder, behind me.

I instinctively turned my head to see what she was looking at, and much to my surprise, Andre, Marquis, and half the basketball team was walking down the hall, right towards me.

I was speechless as Andre and the rest of the boys stopped in front of mine and Brandy's locker. People were definitely taking notice now. The site of Andre, his dark powerful arms revealed from his sleeveless basketball jersey and his equally stimulating friends elicited from my body the response that they deserved. I wanted to protect my reputation, but once glance at these beautiful, powerful men reminded me that my first duty was to serve their magnificent black cocks that could bring me so much pleasure.

Brandy had enough sense to act casual as they stopped in front of us, and I quickly reminded myself that acting nervous would be a huge giveaway. I popped up my cheerleader smile and spoke unreservedly loud and clear to Andre.

"You guys ready for the pep-rally tomorrow?" I inquired. Perfectly legitimate school activities.

Most of the guys laughed and nodded, but it was clear Andre was the leader of the pack. "Yeah, I think so. We're more worried about the game against Troy afterwards though."

I kept on my fake and completely sustainable cheerleader face. I wanted nothing more than to drop to my knees, pull his pants down, and rub my tongue up and down the powerful cock that I knew was hiding just inches away in his baggy playing shorts.

"Well, we'll see you at practice this afternoon." I managed to force out and turned to my locker, making a show of searching intensely for my math book. I could hear Andre and the boys walking off, heading down the hall. I wondered if anyone had noticed or thought it odd that they would stop and talk to me like that. Doubtful, but it was still risky. When I shut my locker and turned around, Brandy was smiling at me with a gaze that saw right through me.

"Don't tell me you plan on taking all those guys for yourself, Kat." She said in a playful, accusatory tone.

I smiled at her "We'll see."


The rest of the day went smoothly and I had no reason to suspect that anyone knew anything. I began to relax and look forward to cheerleading practice this afternoon, as the basketball team would be there and we would be working on our routine for the pep-rally that would be held tomorrow afternoon.

Brandy and I met in the girl's locker room after classes were over to change for after-school cheerleading practice. The girl's locker was on the opposite side of the gym from the boys where I had been plowed by Andre the night before. Being back in the basement of the school brought back the feelings immediately. The boys were probably changing in there right now. Maybe some big black basketball player was using the very same changing room where Marquis had shot his load across my face and Andre had pumped me full of his hot, pussy-stretching black cock. My heart raced at the thought of it. I quickly pulled my cheerleading skirt up over my panties to hide the wet spot that I could feel growing between my legs.

Brandy was staring at me; I could feel her paying a great deal of attention to my every move. I knew she wanted the juicy details. While Brandy had known about my interest in Andre and black men in general, I wasn't sure how she felt about it. I had always sensed a great deal of interest when I had mentioned how hot Andre was, or how much I enjoyed watching hours and hours of BET, just to see sexy black rappers flaunt their power and physical domination on the airwaves of the nation. We had sat glued to the television for hours, savoring each rippling ebony abdomen that glistened with sweat, every tattooed, muscular black bicep, every strong, beautiful ebony chest. I knew she was interested in black men, but she had never gone as far as to openly admit it.

"So how was it?" She asked me quietly. She was staring directly into my eyes, her wavy black hair cascading down her dark, tanned cheeks. Brandy had long eyelashes and dark, sensuous lips that she had inherited from her gorgeous Brazilian mother. Brandy had dark skin and a body so thin she had a good chance of being a supermodel. Here in Atlanta, she was positively exotic looking and had never lacked attention from boys.

"It was amazing" I said simply, and she knew that I meant it. I looked into her eyes and I knew she understood just how much I meant it. I didn't have to describe the mind-blowing orgasms or the pleasure swallowing down as much of a big black dick as you could. With our eyes locked, she understood completely without having to say a word.

I knew she was really thinking about something. She was subdued throughout practice, though know one else seemed to notice it. I noticed her looking down in the basketball court, glancing at Andre, Marquis and the rest of them practicing down on the court. I noticed her looking because I couldn't help but looking myself. Frequently Andre would look back at me and smile and wink. I couldn't help but wondering when I would get to be with him again, or if he would even want to see me again after what had happened in the locker room last night. I was afraid that by sucking Marquis off, he might think I was some trashy slut and not want anything to do with me. I was worried for a moment that my fun might be over not long after it started, but it dawned on me that black dick was not in short supply around here. I could probably fuck the whole basketball team if I wanted to. I had a feeling none of them would turn me down, if I asked sweetly.

My body was getting wound up watching them play down on the court. The satisfaction and relief brought by last night's pounding was transforming into craving and lust. I couldn't believe how horny I felt, I had hoped that I would be able to control myself, but my body had been fucked twice by black dick in the past 3 days, and clearly it was starting to like it.

We practiced for hours and the intense physical exertion help to curb my increasing horniness. At 8:15, Coach Harmony decided we were ready for tomorrow's big pep rally.

"Alright girls, go home and rest up. We need to be fresh and ready to go tomorrow afternoon."

Brandy and I turned and began walking back to the lower level of the gym to the locker room. I noticed that the court was empty; the boys had probably been let go 10 minutes before. I saw some players milling around and heading outside to their cars. As we crossed the gym, Andre came trotting out of the opposite side of the gym. He had his book bag on, and behind him were Marquis and another basketball player named Jamal. Andre headed toward us and we slowed to talk to him. Ahead of us, Coach Harmony headed into the changing room without looking back. The door shut behind her. We were completely alone in the gym.

"What's up ladies? Ya'll have a good practice?" He asked casually, smiling confidently.

"Yeah, I think we are ready for tomorrow. How about you guys?" I replied.

Jamal and Marquis nodded. Andre replied "yeah. We gonna fuck them boys from Decatur up."

I laughed. I wanted to arrange something, but I really didn't know how to go about it, especially with Brandy standing next to me. "What are you guys up to now?" I asked innocently. I realized immediately that everyone present knew the question was anything but innocent.

Andre reached into his pocket and produced a large blunt cigar, filled with weed. "We gonna smoke this. Interested?"

I nodded immediately. I almost forgot about Brandy. I was sure she was going to back out. I realized what a slut I must look like to her, eagerly rushing off to get high with three giant black guys.

"Sounds good." Brandy replied. I turned to look at her and she smiled and winked at me. "I've never been high before." She said in her most innocent voice. I knew better than that.

"Meet us in the back parking lot when everyone leaves. We'll wait for ya." Andre said, and stepped towards the gym exit with Jamal and Marquis right behind him.

I wasn't sure what to think about Jamal. He was gorgeous in his own way, slightly leaner and taller than both Andre and Marquis, and he had a darkly confident that sacred and excited me every time I was around him. He played on the basketball team, but he was hardly a model student. He was always getting into trouble, fights, and confrontations with teachers and other students and came off as much more of a thuggish type than the other two. I was curious though, and I wasn't about to pass up a chance to sample another piece of prime black meat.

Brandy seemed eager too. As we changed in the locker room before heading out to meet them, she applied some pretty heavy makeup and painted her lips a dark, rich red. She pulled on some red jogging shorts and tight red workout top that looked beautiful against here tan almond skin. She pulled her long black hair back into a ponytail and gave me wink when she noticed me watching her.

Not to be outdone, I slid on a practice skirt from my cheerleading bag. It wasn't a proper cheerleading skirt with the school colors, but a simple white one we used for practice. After I pulled it up, I reached inside and gripped the seam of my panties and dropped them down to the floor. I didn't want anything to get in the way.

Brandy and I walked wordlessly out of the gym and into the parking lot, carrying our workout bags and trying to look casual. I spotted Andre's car on a far side of the student parking lot in a space right next to mine and Brandy's parked cars. As we approached the back door swung open and Marquis hopped out.

"You girls ready to smoke?" He said in disarmingly sweet voice. He might act nice, but I knew he was every inch a stud with a fat black cock to boot.

I smiled at him. "Sure. Let us throw our bags in our cars and we'll ride with you guys."

"Aight. Brandy, you can ride shotgun." He replied. I guess that put me in the backseat.

After throwing my bag into my car, I slid past Marquis and into the middle of the large back seat in Andre's old Buick. The car was old but obviously he had put a lot of work into it. It was painted a dark, glossy black and the interior had been entirely redone with rich brown leather. Jamal was sitting next to the window on my right, and gave me a tight smile and a wassup nod as I slid in next to him. Andre, sitting in the driver's seat, turned back and smiled at me.

"Hows it goin baby." He asked in his deep, confident voice.

"Okay. Practice was pretty rough today. Harmony was being a real bitch and kept making us do the same shit over and over." I replied. As I was speaking, Brandy had come around and opened up the front passenger door and hopped in. All eyes went to her as she casually draped her slender, tanned arm across the front bench seat.

"Yeah. What a bitch." She continued my sentence. "Me and Kat really need to unwind."

Andre smiled and started up his car. "We can do that." He said, nodding his head and laughing suggestively.

"Hey dawg, cut that music back up." Jamal said. I looked over at him briefly and he met my eyes. His gaze sent a thrilling shiver of fear down my body. He was so lean and darkly powerful, so cold in his demeanor. Being near him filled me with sense thrilling sense of danger. I knew that he would not hesitate to take every advantage of me that he could, and that's exactly what I wanted.

The deep, rumbling bass from Andre's trunk speaker system filled the car. I wasn't sure where we going, but I figured it was someplace relatively private. My body was tense and I was somewhat nervous in the car full of all these people. Even though I had fucked Andre twice and blown Marquis, I could not suppress the anxious feelings of lust, nervousness, and the tremendous excitement that was building inside of me.

No one spoke as Andre drove the powerful car back around our high school and towards the baseball field. He pulled onto a small road that ran behind the field that led to the visiting team's dugout and changing room. He parked his car behind the low cement dugout, and we were completely hidden from the high school and anyone driving threw the parking lot. I began to relax.

Andre pulled the blunt from the glove box of his car. "Aight, let's smoke this shit."

"Fuck yeah man, light that bitch up." Marquis echoed from the back seat. He leaned forward and looked over at Brandy. "You sure you never smoked up before?"

She turned and looked at him and nodded, batting her dark, exotic eyes. "Never. I've always been too scared to try." She said in a subtly seductive voice.

Marquis laughed and leaned back, and I felt him lay his arm across the backseat that we were sharing. It lay just behind my head, and I could feel it brush against my hair as he leaned back and stretched out. I had to fight the instinct to close my eyes and breathe in his entrancing scent. Jamal also shifted in his seat, and his black denim jeans rubbed against my bare right leg and stayed there. He placed a hand on his knee that was also temptingly near. As the proximity to these powerful men began to awaken my senses, I felt my lust rise to a level that was almost painful. I really hoped those guys were up for some serious fucking. For a moment I worried that Brandy might chicken out and screw it up for everyone, but as I saw Andre lean over and place the just lit blunt in her hand, my fears vanished. I had always known Brandy was as hot for black guys as I was, and maybe she was finally ready to admit it.

She took the blunt in and took a large hit and held it in. Andre was smiling at her and watching her face expectantly. She smiled wickedly and exhaled the sizeable hit through her nostrils. Andre was obviously very into Brandy, but I didn't really feel any jealously towards her. Clearly if I wanted to have access to Andre's friends, he was going to have access to mine.

Brandy turned and passed the burning blunt to Jamal. He took a large hit and passed it to me, and I did the same. The blunt circled the group many times, and each passing hit seemed to relax everyone considerably. Brandy had stretched her legs onto Andre's lap, and leaned against the door. We all laughed and talked, and I began to realized how laid back the guys all really were. Their confidence in themselves was really very liberating, and even Jamal showed the selfless sense of humor and easy comfort that I find so appealing about strong black men. The music thumped in the background and we laughed and talked about school and everything else. Their laid-back confidence was contagious and Brandy and I were soon completely relaxed and having a really good time just hanging out with Andre and his friends.