Boston Bitch


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"Where are we?" She asked dumbly as we entered my room.

"You are in my room right now. We have to get you off the street, you are too easy to recognize right now." I answered although I doubt she really understood what I was saying.

"Those three men..." She was starting to remember but I'm not sure just how much.

"Don't worry about them, they won't bother you again." I hoped she would forget about it, but I didn't really think so. I'm not sure what her mental state was at the moment and really hoped she hadn't seen exactly what I had done, only the result. I'm sure if she thought about the event it wouldn't be hard to guess but knowing what happened and seeing it happen could be two entirely different experiences. Now that she was in my room and out of sight, I needed to come up with a plan that would enable us both to get out of the area without attracting undue attention.

"We have to get out of this town and we have to do it soon. You are too recognizable so I'm going to have to do something to alter your appearance." I informed her as she sat on the edge of the cot in the room. She seemed deep in thought and I assumed she was reliving the earlier events. I wasn't sure how to get out, but I started formulating a plan that would give us a good start. While Erica was musing I took her picture with a micro camera that was secreted in my wristwatch. She didn't realize what I had done but it was necessary to my plan. I also put together a short message and would need to go outside for a couple of minutes, the microburst transceiver that was also located in the wristwatch was going to be sending a message to a satellite that was in orbit several hundred miles above us.

"You stay here, I need to step out for a second to get some air. Don't go anywhere!" I warned her.

Erica looked up with a question on her face but did not say anything. I went out of the room and down the street until I came to a clear area where I could send the message I had recently composed. I also included Erica's picture, it would be necessary to my plans. In exactly 5 minutes as per my request, I received a microburst transmission from the satellite and went back to the room to decode it and determine my next step. Erica was sitting where I had left her, she still seemed as confused as before but was now looking around the room with more curiosity.

"Where did you go?" She wanted to know.

"I had something I needed to take care of, I will have to go out again later but for now we should stay here." I answered, although I didn't explain anything of what I had done or what I would be doing again shortly.

"I need to go back to my room and get my things." She said, I assume she was staying at the only hotel in town. My own room here was just that, a simple room I had rented from a local resident.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not?" She wondered aloud.

"The police are probably looking for you right now." I let her know.

"Why would they be looking for me? I didn't do anything."

"The police don't know that. I told you before, you are a stranger here and they are suspicious of strangers in this part of the country. One of the big drug cartel leaders was assassinated earlier today, it would not surprise me if they think you might have something to do with that."

"I didn't and I wouldn't ever do anything like that!" She said emphatically, she seemed to be getting angry.

"I didn't say you did. But, you are here in town asking questions and then something like this happens. Assassination is not unusual around here, it's a regular part of life for many of these people. However, if the police are under pressure to find out who did it, they may be looking for a scapegoat."

I think she was starting to understand what I was trying to tell her as my words began to placate her earlier anger. I'm not sure how long that would last but for now she wasn't going to press.

I needed to kill two hours before going out to pick up the items I would need. I had canceled the second attempt at picking me up tomorrow, I doubted I would be able to make it. I had originally thought that perhaps I could get Erica to the rendezvous and have her flown out and then I would find my own way, but I realized the pilot would never allow someone he didn't recognize to get onto the helicopter. He had his orders and I knew the consequences of my actions, stopping to help Erica had left me on my own. We made small talk for the next two hours, I tried to explain to her some of the politics of this part of the country and how things were done. I had tried to explain it all to her before but she had been too stubborn and pigheaded to listen to me. Now, however, she had seen firsthand some of the issues I had tried to warn her about.

"I have to go out for a while, again, stay here." I let Erica know shortly before the two hour window had passed.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"I have to get a few things, I shouldn't be too long." I said cryptically, I didn't want to explain all of the details to her.

"How long will you be gone?" She wanted to know more specifics, even though I had told her it would not be long.

"Maybe half an hour..."

I left the room and went back out onto the street, watching for increased activity to see what if anything might be happening because of my earlier actions. I did not go past the alley where the three bodies had been left lying, but as I walked close by I could see them being lifted into the back of a truck. There were more police around on the streets but the activity level wasn't anything that appeared frantic. They were watching and I saw two of them look at me as I passed, although they didn't seem to show any unusual interest in me. I just kept walking, I needed to get far enough out of town to pick up this latest airdrop. Yet again, the crew of the plane was right on, I was able to grab the small package out of the air before it even hit the ground the drop was so accurate. When I came back into town, the police had all disappeared and I assumed they weren't particularly interested in three dead cartel thugs. That indicated to me that the three probably did not work for one of the more influential drug dealers in the area, and likely would not result in a very serious investigation. Still, I knew just how influential Espinosa had been and I expected his death to result in much greater surveillance of anyone unfamiliar in this part of the country.

I got back to the room and came inside, I startled Erica as I walked in. She was up and moving around and examining various things although there really wasn't much in the room. I came in and closed the door behind me, there was no lock on the door but I had never had any problems in here up until now. I also checked to make certain that the tattered curtains covered as much of the window as possible, I didn't want anyone looking in to see us.

"I've got some clothes here for you, you'll need to change out of the ones that you're wearing now." I said to Erica as she looked at me and then at the package I had been carrying.

"What's wrong with these clothes?" She said, I could sense her defiance was returning.

I told you earlier, they are totally out of place here and will make you very recognizable to anyone who might be looking for you. I have some clothes here that are what the local people where. It won't make you totally invisible, but you will blend in a lot better." I tried explaining to her.

I took the clothes out and handed her a well-worn blouse and skirt, clothing exactly like what most women I had seen in town were wearing. Erica took the blouse and held it up, examining it before throwing it onto the bed.

"I'm not wearing that garbage!" She exclaimed.

Her words didn't surprise me, I think she was starting to calm from the earlier incident and her personality was again showing itself. The privileged rich bitch was bound and determined that no one could tell her what to do. She would find out shortly just how wrong she was.

"Look Erica, if you want to get out of here you're going to have to do what I tell you. The police are out there and they are looking for whoever killed the drug dealer. Not just the police, but the drug dealers bodyguards and friends are also scouring the country to avenge the death. Whether you had anything to do with it or not matters little to them. They have no qualms about killing you and moving on."

"I told you, I didn't do anything! If they're looking for anyone they will be looking for you. You are just as much a stranger here as I am." She tried, but she was wrong. Yes I was a stranger here, but I was the type of stranger they expected to find here. She wasn't but she still had no clue about how things were done in this part of the world.

"Just put on the clothes, we need to make you less noticeable. Once we get you out of the country you can put your old clothes back on and do all the exploring you want. Right now, I'm trying to save your life." I tried explaining to her but she didn't want to understand.

"I said I'm not putting that garbage on. Do you understand, not!"

I wasn't going to put up with a tantrum from this young woman, regardless of how special she thought herself to be. I took a step closer in and before she realized what I was doing I had grabbed her shirt by the collar and pulled apart, tearing all the buttons off and exposing the Lacy bra underneath, little flowers embroidered into it. She looked at me in shocked surprise and was about to say something as I took the switchblade out and flicked it open. She watched as the blade glinted in the low light, not saying a word as I moved in closer to her and then slid it up between her breasts and sliced the bra between them. The cups fell away from her breasts and exposed her light pink nipples and small areole. She looked at me with defiance in her eyes and pushed her chest out, not trying to do anything to cover up her bare breasts. She was going to show me she wasn't afraid of me. She had no need to fear me, but I wasn't going to allow her to do anything that would put either of us in harms way.

"That Bra cost me $120!" She said, still looking me in the face and still as defiant as ever.

"So you'll get yourself another one when you get home." Was my answer to her.

She stared at me for several seconds more without saying anything and I could see the anger in her face. I picked up the blouse she had thrown onto the bed and handed it back to her, along with a very plain and functional bra, something women around here would normally wear. Erica looked at the items I had in my hands and then back at me, then grudgingly took them from me. She slipped off the shirt with no buttons and the bra that no longer covered her breasts, now standing in front of me topless and once again staring at me defiantly, refusing to turn away and cover up.

She put on the bra and tried to get it to fit her medium sized breasts, but after several attempts to adjust straps and have it settle comfortably, she took it off and threw it onto the floor

"This is a piece of crap!"

She put on the blouse without bra, apparently she wasn't going to wear something she didn't find comfortable. Fine with me, it was her life and if she wanted to give the locals another reason to look at her, then I guess those bouncing breasts would do just that. After she buttoned up the blouse I handed her a skirt and some functional panties, again exactly what the local women wore. She took them from me without looking, then pulled down the shorts she had been wearing followed soon by the bikini panties, now standing before me with nothing on below the waist and again daring me not to look. She was going to prove to me who was in charge here. She might think she was in control but I knew better. I did take a good look at her bare pussy, she had a light covering of fine blonde hair which was just as light as the hair on her head. She saw me looking and took her time in putting on the panties, she was telling me she wasn't embarrassed to be naked in front of me. Had this been another time and place I might have found her attractive and she definitely was, but her personality had a way of making any physical attraction move far to the back of my mind.

"Are you happy now?" She literally spat at me.

"It isn't a question of me being happy, it's a matter of you being able to get out of this country alive." I replied.

"You keep telling me that, but I really don't believe you."

"You can believe me or not, it really doesn't matter to me. I made the effort to save you from three men who were going to rape you and in doing so I gave up my chance to get back home. I have no doubt I can find my way out of this country. Without my help you will likely be here for a long time."

"Why will I be here for a long time? I can leave any time I want." She shot back.

This was getting old, I was tired of trying to explain to her but I decided I had better give it one more try.

"You are a white woman and an attractive one. I'm sure you remember the two men who were talking about you when we first met. Those men were at the bottom of the local food chain, they likely work for one of the drug lords. If you are out and about I don't think it's going to be long before someone grabs you and you will find yourself a sex slave to one of those cartel leaders. He will rape you every day until he gets tired of you and finds someone else. When he does that, he will pass you to his lieutenants who will share you and you will find yourself gang raped over and over. If you survive that, they might let you take care of their favored customers, or they might ransom you back to your family or they might just kill you because you're no longer attractive to them."

"How do you know I won't enjoy something like that?" She said smugly.

"I can guarantee you won't. I don't know what you might find enjoyable, and I really don't care. These men will be totally brutal! Their only concern is their own enjoyment. They will beat you and force you to do things you can't even imagine and once they've used you up, you'll be kicked to the curb just like hundreds of women before you have been. As for ransoming you back to your family, I don't know how your family feels about you but after seeing what has been done to you, they probably won't want you back!" I let her know, I'm not sure how much shock value I could instill in her but I thought I should try.

"I don't believe a word of that." She insisted.

"Suit yourself. Regardless of what you believe, I'm going to do my best to get you out of here. You are going to have to do what I tell you. Once you get back to Boston you can do whatever you want."

"How do you know I come from Boston?" She demanded.

"It isn't hard to tell, the attitude and the accent are all I need. What school did you go to, Harvard or UMass?"

"Wellesley!" She shot back vehemently.

"I should've known..."

I wasn't going to argue with her anymore, it was time that we got things into motion here. I took out a passport and handed it to her, it had been in the package I got with the airdrop. It was German and had Erica's picture on it, although in the picture she had dark hair. That would be remedied shortly and I'm sure she would have something to say about the need to change her hair color.

"Here's your passport, hang on to it." I said, handing it to Erica.

She looked at me with curiosity, then took the passport and gingerly opened the cover.

"What is this? Where did you get this?" She wanted to know.

"Like I said, it's your new passport. It's going to help you get out of the country."

"But it says I'm German. And this picture, who is this picture of?" She wanted to know.

"It's a picture of you. The people here will be much less suspicious of a German woman than they would be of an American." I informed her.

"I'm an American and I can go wherever and whenever I want to." I had heard her say this before and I knew she was still defiant, still clueless about what could possibly happen.

"We're going to have to get rid of the blonde hair, it makes you stand out too much." I tried changing the subject, but I knew she would have something to say about that too.

"What do you mean color my hair?" She demanded, still looking at the picture and then at me.

"Exactly what I said. With dark hair you won't look out of place as much."

"I'm not going to color my hair!" Erica insisted, throwing the passport onto the floor.

"You're going to if you want to get out of here alive."

"Like hell I am!" She insisted, folding her arms across her chest and daring me to tell her differently.

"You can either do this willingly or I can tie you up and take care of it myself. It's your choice Erica, you let me know what you prefer."

She started to say something, but then stopped. Her eyes were blazing with anger as she considered what to do, I'm sure some of her thoughts had to do with causing me physical harm. It didn't really matter to me, one way or another I was going to do my part to save her despite the thoughts that had started to form in my mind that I would be a heck of a lot better off just leaving her to her own devices.

Erica still looked as defiant as ever, but I think she realized I had been serious. It's a good thing, it would not have taken much for me to tie her hands behind her back and shove her head into a bucket to color her hair dark. Now, she could do the work herself and make the experience somewhat less unpleasant. I handed her a bottle of dye, it would turn her hair dark and she would look much more like a local than she did now. Erica took it from me grudgingly. Once she had it and decided it was the only course of action, she used the contents and soon she looked a lot less like she had several minutes earlier.

"Put some on your eyebrows, they're too light." I instructed after she had finished with the rest of her hair. There wasn't much I could do about the eyelashes but at least the eyebrows would match the hair on her head.

"So now what?" She demanded after she had finished dying her hair.

"We wait until morning and then we catch the bus and head toward the border. Once we get across the border it should be a lot easier to move around and we can get back to the states." I let her know.

"I thought you were Canadian?" She said eyeing me suspiciously.

"I'm going to get you back to Boston and then I'm going back to my own home." I let her know, not specifying where my own home really was.

Erica didn't respond, just looking at me with the anger and defiance she had been showing for the past hour.

"We'll leave in the morning, we need to get some sleep tonight. You can sleep on the bed and I'll take the floor."

"This isn't a bed." She said as she lay down on the thin mattress.

"It's as close as they get around here." I said, now tiring of her attitude.

"How do you expect me to get any sleep?" She wondered aloud.

I really didn't care, I can sleep anywhere and anytime and whether she did or not was up to her. I left her question hanging in the air, I was already starting to drift off.


Erica apparently didn't get much sleep last night based on the tossing and turning I heard from her as well as her grunts and moans as she tried to find a comfortable position on the old cot. I was used to sleeping whenever and wherever I could find a time and place, so had managed to get a few hours in but at the same time I had slept lightly, wondering if Erica might try to sneak out during the night. Fortunately she didn't and we could catch the bus out of town, there was only one per day.

"I should've slept back in my room, at least the bed there is halfway decent." Erica said as she slowly sat up and started rubbing her sore muscles.

"The bus leaves about 9 o'clock. We're going to be on it so I suggest you get ready for a long ride."