Bound to My Mate Ch. 19


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Before the wolf could grab me, I jumped. My feet hit the ground as Joel roared behind me. He had been right the day before, I was a tease. I knew a mock chase would make the wolf insane right now. It was impossible to resist.

I bolted toward the bedroom doors and turned to watch Joel. At this point I was absolutely positive he would break them down to get to me. His ire was up and he looked seriously irritated.

'The Alpha needs a reward right now, mate,' Joel sent into my mind as he stood beside the bed watching me.

I slowly moved a foot toward the main room and away from him. The resonating growl made my hair stand on end.

'Try it,' the Joel offered conversationally, 'you won't get far.'

I stood in the doorway and watched my mate. He stood tall and proud. The first rays of the sun gave a slight glow from behind him

"I don't want to get far," I purred enjoying the game. "I like it when you catch me. Come away from the bed and chase me."

Joel considered this new information and crossed his arms across his chest.

"Perhaps I'm not in the mood to chase you," he said moving to lean casually on the post at the foot of the bed. "I might be getting tired. At that point you could just go back to sleep, is that what you want, my love?"

With his peace said, Joel moved to sit and then lay on the bed. He stretched out on his side. Propping his head up on his hand he grinned and watched me.

He could scent me and my arousal, damn him. Joel knew I wanted him to chase me. If I ran out the door, he'd just stay in the bed and wait for me to crawl back to him. We both knew he would not have to wait long.

An idea struck me and I grinned, if he wanted me to beg him, I would. Let's just see how long he maintained his control. He'd come off the bed to get me before long.

Dropping to my knees I crawled back toward the bed. My tits hung down beneath me and I could see Joel was watching them sway.

"What exactly are you doing, mate?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

Telling him I wanted him off the bed would defeat the purpose. I wanted to see if I could make him to come and get me of his own accord.

"I'm sorry, my Alpha," I purred. "You deserve a reward. What do you want?"

I was less than ten feet from the bed now. Spreading my knees wide, I sat back on my heels. My fingertips ran from my knees up the play at the crease at my thighs. My sensitive ears heard Joel's breath hitch slightly.

The show was working so I kept going. Lightly, I tickled my belly and up my ribs. Bypassing my breasts, I ran my fingers along my collarbones and up my neck. To top off my show, I tilted my head back to display my neck submissively. I allowed my hands to fall back down and rest behind me while pressing my chest out.

Joel sat up and threw his legs off the bed. I grinned inwardly, it was a game in my mind and I was winning. He'd come off the bed and get me any minute.

"That's a pretty picture to put in front of me, my love," he said softly, "but I see the defiance in your eyes. You don't think you can fool me, do you? I know what it looks like when a wolf submits to me and you aren't."

Bastard. I dropped my head and leveled my gaze on him. Joel just sat on the bed watching me.

I wanted him. His tool was hard and still very ready; it drew my eyes. Inadvertently, I licked my lips watching it.

"Come and get me," I demanded and he laughed.

"You were thinking you could trick me into coming to you, into chasing you?" he asked.

The growl rose from deep down inside of me and he found that even funnier.

I was so frustrated I didn't see his quick movement off the bed. He was behind me in a flash, raising me with an arm around my middle. There wasn't time to struggle before the sheets were in my view. Joel dropped me stomach down on the bed and I struggled to turn and see where he was. The frustration was replaced by a slight wariness.

The wolf in my presence had just hunted and killed all night. He was a trained warrior and I was aggravating him for fun. Perhaps a little real submission would have been a better idea.

Just as I managed to turn over and get my bearings, Joel placed himself between my legs. He pushed me back against the mattress and towered over me, grinning ear to ear.

"I have waited a century for my mate, love. It doesn't bother me if I have to come and get you," he said lowering his lips to nibble at my neck.

When my head dropped back submissively this time, there was no falsehood in the gesture. My knees raised on either side of him, cradling him in my center. My hands softly stroked his shoulders down to his waist. I needed him badly.

"Please," I whispered, "please take me, Joel."

The thrust home was glorious and a long moan escaped my lips. Joel lowered himself further over me sliding his hands under my back to grip my shoulders. His teeth found his mark at the side of my neck and bit down hard on it. My moans got louder with each passing second.

Joel wasn't gentle. He rammed himself home each time and held me still in his grip. Lucky for him, I wasn't gentle either.

I tried to hold Joel's entire body to me. One of my hands grasped and grabbed at the flexing muscle of his buttocks. I drove my nails into his flesh spurring him faster and harder. The other hand wrapped in his hair pulling and twisting the locks viciously.

The wolf liked the aggression and I felt the shift as Joel started to change. He wrenched his head away to look down into my eyes. The gold glow told me who was in control now.

I got dizzy as Joel withdrew and flipped me on the bed. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head back so he could growl into my ear.

"Get on the floor by the bed and shift. I want my mate right now," he said in a low gravely voice.

I loved it when Joel got all commanding and Alpha in the bedroom. Heading for the floor beside us, Joel smacked my ass.

"I like the other side of the bed," he said.

I turned to watch at him with a quizzical look on my face and Joel was grinning roguishly. His dark hair was tousled and messy. He looked playful.

"Move it, woman, or I might decide to spank you again. It was fun the first time," he growled pushing me the other way.

"Bossy," I grumbled crawling down to the floor.

Would it really have made a difference which side of the bed I chose?

Joel was on my back in an instant, seeking to crush me to the floor. We tussled and rolled, but he was stronger. The dominance was a real turn on and I started to lose control of my own shift. Besides that in wolf form I was faster and stronger. Let him subdue me that way, I thought.

Unfortunately for me, Joel was also faster and stronger in his wolf form. He pinned me to the floor and took the scruff of my neck between his powerful jaws. I felt him poised waiting to take me.

'You like it when I'm bossy,' he sent into my mind as his body entered mine again. 'You like toying with the Alpha male until I subdue you on the floor.'

It was a simple statement, sent into my mind without malice or judgement.

'I don't mind,' he said pumping in and out of my willing flesh.

I felt his large front paws wrapping around to hold me tight. My buttocks lifted in the air, seeking to give him easier access. As always, mating with Joel was an all encompassing experience.

The orgasm swept out of nowhere. I felt loved and protected. The current position of being completely at the mercy of this giant powerful beast was an aphrodisiac. My brain swam with pleasure, so I opened myself to Joel.

The wolf above me came with a long loud howl. Anyone in the den would have heard it and knew the Alpha male had claimed his mate. Odds are the rest of the mated warriors were doing the same thing right now.

I fell to the ground with Joel at my back. I was sated and sleepy, so I drifted off curled into the warm beast behind me.

I must have shifted back to a human form. At least when Joel removed himself from me later, I was human. We were also in bed. He must have moved us here.

"Good morning, love," Joel said kissing my neck. "Are you going to bolt for the shower and force me to restrain you?" he teased.

"Nope," I saucily replied. "I have a better idea. How about you clean me until I'm satisfied it's done right."

Joel grinned and went to work between my thighs.

"So we've learned to work together," I moaned as his tongue rasped against my sensitive clit.

"Mmm-hmm," Joel said from between my legs.

"The pack saw it, too," I whispered getting lost in his tongue snaking in and out.

"Mmm-hmm," Joel answered again, not pausing in his work.

"So now we can relax, right? No more death threats, no more potions, it's all back to normal?" I asked tilting my pelvis toward him.

Joel finally stopped licking and emerged from between my thighs with a big grin.

"If by normal you mean we now get to travel with our human guests to every pack I have contact with. Then yes, it's normal. We have to protect them, mate them if we can, or at least change them. It will be months before we get this mess sorted out. Every pack in the country will be doing the same thing. It is going to be an enormous hassle," he groaned looking down at my pussy longingly. "I'd much rather be doing this."

"April already found a mate," I said helpfully. "That's one down."

"Wonderful," Joel sighed stroking my hips, "now we just have to help her go through the change. After that it still leaves us four more in this pack and at least that many in seven other packs."

"I'll help you," I offered stroking his hair.

"Oh, mate, you will certainly help me," Joel nodded kissing my lower stomach. "If there is one thing all of this has taught me, it's that you are an Alpha. I no longer shoulder this burden alone. Welcome to my world, love," he finished placing his face back against my slick folds.

Joel was right, things weren't normal at all. The wolf packs were all planning visits so we could play match maker with our rescued humans. We were expected to be either playing host or traveling with the humans until it got sorted out. I found the entire thing draining.

It didn't take long to realize Emily found the intricate planning fun. She enjoyed setting up the visits. While I barely listened to Margaret discuss the menus we would have for our guests, Emily interjected ideas. When we went with the guest lists to discuss accommodations with the house officer, Emily took extensive notes on her PDA.

"You'll need to know exactly who is in which room, Madam Alpha," she told me briskly. "If you need to talk to someone, you don't need to be knocking on doors."

She was right, of course. The accuracy of the statement did not change the fact it bored me. It was annoying, time consuming, and not at all interesting to me. I'd rather be holed up in the infirmary taking care of my frequently injured pack.

"Emily," I finally told her, "I put you in charge of this. Its your baby, so to speak, make your Alphas proud."

She was ecstatic. The only thing she asked for was a PDA with more memory. I was more than happy to give it to her. I had the model she wanted shipped next day air. Emily was officially in charge of the match making and I escaped downstairs.

I had to admit Emily worked fast. We were ready for the first visit weeks before anyone else. The women coming were from Will's father's pack. They were being driven across the country caravan style. Their rooms were set up before they even left their den.

The Benson pack leader, Cedric, was accompanying them on this journey. He was excited to meet Dia. From what he had told Joel and I, he was thrilled his son's mate was a resourceful as she was. He appreciated her skills and was eager to see her.

Dia, it turned out, was not eager to meet Cedric. She heard Cedric was coming and tried to run. She thought he would be after retribution from the theft. Will had heard her plans through their bond.

With Dia flung over a shoulder, Will came to our rooms.

"Alpha Latro, I apologize for the inconvenience," Will said loudly and politely as Dia screamed, "Dia seems to want to get away from me by stealing one of your motorcycles. I've stopped her, but she's told me she's going to run again. I need to use the chain you had made for your mate."

Dia screamed a series of curse words I'm not sure I'd ever heard before. She became hysterical, kicking Will countless times in the stomach. One of the kicks landed below the belt of Will's jeans and he doubled over, dropping Dia.

Joel stepped away as Dia rolled into our rooms.

"Motherfucker!" she yelled pointing at Will as he tried to stand up. "Your father is going to kill me for stealing from him. Your reaction to that is to tie me up like a god damned dog?! Are you planning to help him? Is this mating shit a joke?"

She lashed out viciously at Will with her fists when she was done talking. He blocked her blows, but couldn't seem to find the words she would trust. They almost declared war in our sitting area before Joel spoke up.

"Dia you are in my territory and in my den. I swear I will protect you with my life. You are considered pack. Will's father, Cedric, will not harm you. I assure you, he has no thought of hurting you anyway," Joel said trying to soothe her.

At the time he had been barring the door to our suites so their battle didn't fall back out into the hall. Joel didn't want the rest of his pack to witness this particular incident. Will was still considered the heir to the Benson pack. This type of gossip would be embarrassing.

"I know about your promises," Dia hissed at Joel still crouched and focusing on Will.

I saw the look of hurt on Joel's face. She'd never know how deep that comment cut him, but the battle wasn't near over yet. It looked to me like she was going for the knife I was sure she kept in her boot. I knew she didn't want to hurt Will, but her drive for self preservation was going to come first.

"What about me," I said from the side. I moved slowly and with my palms opened outward. "You are pack to me, Dia, and a trusted friend. You and I have fought together. Would you trust me with your life a second time?"

Dia panted watching me. She still kept tabs on Will, though.

"I stole from Cedric. I know it embarrassed him. I've heard of what happens to thieves when the packs catch them," Dia said.

It was a good start. At least she didn't say she didn't trust me.

I spoke up with confidence now, "Katrina, the Beta with the short hair and the limitless energy, do you know her?" I asked.

"Hard to miss," Dia commented taking a less defensive posture.

"She was a thief. Katrina was caught stealing in the den many years ago. Saul recognized her as a mate and that was the end of it. She was forgiven and changed. Now she helps train us," I said and Joel nodded.

That had been the right thing to say.

"They will want payback," Dia said, but there wasn't conviction in it.

"I assure you," I said confidently. "The old Alpha will want a grandchild more than anything else. If you want to give back to the pack financially, it probably wouldn't be refused, but it isn't expected. No one is going to want to see you harmed in any way."

"Fine," Dia said placing her knife back in her boot, "but I'm not wearing some chain. You better get that out of your fucking skull right damned now," she finished pointing at Will.

"Baby, I just want to keep you safe," Will pleaded, his voice nearly breaking. "Don't run away from me, please. I couldn't bear it if you did. The pain of it unmans me."

Will looked like he was truly hurting. It seemed to affect Dia finally. She approached and wrapped her arms around him. I could hear her soft apologies for not listening to him. The giant man buried his face in her shoulder and I swear his body shuddered.

"Take a moment," Joel said motioning to me.

We left our own suites to go find sanity somewhere else in the den. These days that was hard to find. I'd be glad when all this mating business was done.

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MickeyKayMickeyKayabout 3 years ago

I Absolutely identify with Dia AND Elizabeth having to take care of myself my WHOLE LIFE it's an Impossible Mission to accept help not to mention trusting someone to protect and care for you when even those whose Responsibility it IS to love, care for and protect you FAILED MISERABLY!!! My biological father was a semi truck driver and I have Little to NO DOUBT had he and my mom not divorced when I was 2 I'd have followed in his footsteps I was a daddy's girl tomboy!!! You write WONDERFULLY!!!

Horseman68Horseman68almost 4 years ago
Amazing Talent.

Definitely a story for a future reread. Enough said.

JJMemaw0623JJMemaw0623over 5 years ago
No ZZChromosome!

I too wanted her chained to the bed while Will patiently explained during sex so she could hear him that his dad was gonna LOVE her! Please keep writing, I love this story!!!

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeabout 6 years ago
Am I a Bad Person?

Am I a bad person because I wanted to see Dia chained to Will's bed?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Hey hey

Im still hoping DW will write a sequel to the story of Elizabeth and Joel.

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