Boys Will Be Boys


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"You bastard!" She exclaimed.

"Tut-tut, language." Casey cheekily replied.

Splashing him again Holly poked her son in the stomach. His firm, taut stomach.

"You watch yourself mister or you'll have another reason to be upset you didn't get out of this house this weekend." She told him and Casey laughed softly.

It was a nice sound despite how playfully mad she was at him. It was nice to see him smiling despite what had happened this weekend for him. Even so, Holly was done being dunked in the water, and so wading over to the side of the pool she heaved herself up, dripping, onto the side of the pool. Casey waded over slowly and warily, stopping just short of having to put his arms on her legs to look up at her.

"You are a pain in my ass, mister." Holly said and smiled as Casey laughed once more.

"I don't mind being a pain in your ass mom. It only hurts till you get used to it." He joked, pushing further than he had before.

Normally Holly would have been shocked at him saying a joke like that but with the feel of his bulging shorts against her still so fresh in her mind Holly could only think that he really would be a pain in her ass until she got used to it. The thought suddenly made her cheeks heat and she tried to cover herself by standing up.

"Well you had your chance with the pool and you blew it." She said as if he hadn't made the joke, looking down at how soaked she was now.

"Aww, sorry mom. Come on, just a little longer." Casey replied but Holly was already heading toward the lounger once more.

"Maybe that will teach you to be nice to your mom." She called over her shoulder with a warm smile to take the edge off and Casey leaned against the side of the pool.

"I was being nice. Playful and fun." He replied and Holly gave him a look that made the young man laugh once more. "Well, I enjoyed it. And you did too. Come for a swim."

In response Holly just gave him a flat look that was only slightly ruined by the twitching of her lips. He really was as charming as his father. And no one that good looking should be that charming.

"Like I said, you blew it." She said as she sat down on the lounger and put her feet up, as if that were final.

She didn't hear what Casey had to say in response to that. Which was probably for the best given how he had mumbled about her blowing him. But Holly quickly went back to lying in the sun and after a few murmured pleas for her to join him again that faded away as he got no attention Casey swam a little before pulling himself out of the pool.

"Going inside for a bit if you want me." He announced as he walked passed her and flicked water on her as he did.

Swinging and missing him as he darted passed laughing Holly playfully growled before leaning back and ignoring the door as it shut behind him. Enjoying the sun the beautiful brunette lay back and relaxed, no longer thinking of how hot a guy her son had turned out to be. At least not at first. But then smiling amused memories of his behaviour in the swimming pool only brought back what she had forgotten, but being so relaxed after her massage, and having decided they were just parts of him she could objectively appreciate, she just let them be.

And so the 38-year-old mother smiled to herself as she soaked up the sun, never once thinking of how her world had already changed. And just how much more it could change because of it.

- - -

Casey Clarke headed straight for his room after walking into the house. Straight for it, closing the door behind him and throwing himself into his chair to think of how hot his mother had been. Fuck, but she had looked so hot in her bikini! And when she had let him massage her...oh fuck he had struggled to keep his hands from her tits. Oh god, fuck! And then there was how close they had gotten in the swimming had been so hard not to try to kiss her there as he pressed himself against her. Instead he had tried to flirt with her but it had backfired. Probably because she had had no idea he was trying to flirt with her -- why would she, after all!? -- but he had at least gotten close to her wet body in that bikini, and felt her soft yet firmness pressed against him as he hauled her into the water twice. Mmm.

Taking out his dick Casey began to massage the semi-hard length as he imagined his mother sitting outside on the lounger. Maybe letting him give her that full massage...and letting his hands swirl all over her...fuck! It didn't take long before his cock was as solid as a telephone pole and before long the eighteen-year-old was leaning his head back as pleasure surged through his dick while he played with himself.

Stopping halfway through, Casey wheeled himself over to his computer and booted up one of his unfinished stories. With one hand on his cock and the other on the keyboard the young man began to write a little more about his mother. This time she was wearing the bikini she had on today...and she definitely knew he was flirting with her in this world. And she loved it. Almost slathering as he worked his hand slowly on his dick Casey wrote about how his mother dropped to her knees outside by the pool and slobbered all over his big dick before the two of them, in the middle of the day where anyone could watch, slipped into the pool where Casey gave her every inch of his big cock and Holly loved it.

At one point Casey had to stop working his dick as it was too painfully solid with what he was writing. But he couldn't stop. Fuck the fantasy was just too burned into his mind. He had so many ideas for what he wanted to write about her. Shame he didn't have any pictures to go with this story like he did with some others, but taking photos of his mother in her bikini would surely have raised some uncomfortable questions.

Casey was so lost in writing his story, in fact, that it took him half an hour to realise he had messages on his phone. When he did, and he opened them up, the burning fantasies of the day could hardly keep up with the disappointment he felt. Here he was enjoying ideas of his mother which would never come true, the only real thing he had this weekend, and meanwhile his friends and brothers were having the time of their life. Pictures of sunbathing parties, half-naked women, people making out, people doing silly things, beer, and even one from Cristina Hodges saying she 'wished you were here' with a kiss. All of the things he had wanted and was missing out on while he just sat and fantasised about his mother, knowing that was all they were.

Quickly Casey felt his dick softening as disappointment and gloominess overtook the enjoyment he had had outside. And soon he was back to feeling glum as he read through the rest of the messages and saw more pictures, including some guys who were apparently getting a little too close to Cristina for Casey's comfort.

Feeling depressed, Casey put on some music and messaged everyone back, feeling like he was the biggest loser around not being at the summer's hottest party weekend. And so the time passed some more but Casey was too down to move far. At least until he walked out to grab himself a drink at the same time that his mother walked in from outside.

- - -

Holly stepped into the relative cool of the shade as she walked into the kitchen from outside and felt her skin pebble a little from the lack of direct heat she had gotten used to. As she did she wrapped her sarong around her waist and headed straight for the fridge. God she could do with some more lemonade! She had almost made it to the fridge when Casey came shambling in looking down once again. He had put on a t-shirt at some point but was still wearing his bathing shorts and flip flops.

"Hey, what's up?" Holly asked chirpily as she opened the fridge and eyed him up and down. His toned legs still looked stunning but Holly didn't notice anything more than how good-looking her son was this time.

"Oh nothing." He replied mopily, "Everyone just keeps messaging me about what a great time they're having and that they wish I was there."

Holly gave her son a sympathetic look as she closed the fridge, lemonade in hand.

"I'm sorry, honey. But at least they care enough to try to include you." She said consolingly.

"Yeah, that makes me feel so much better." Casey replied with sarcasm and Holly felt her heart go out to him.

"Well at least you're having fun here with me!" Holly said, trying to cheer him up, but all it earned her was a glance that said more than if Casey had sarcastically replied. She was hardly a fair recompense for an eighteen-year-old's summer party. "Well, look, why don't we do something today?"

"Like what?" Casey asked with barely any interest as he shuffled over to sit by the counter

"Like why don't we play some pool. Then we can watch a movie after?" She put out there, but the look she received said that was hardly going to make up for anything. "It's better than moping around. And you can even have some more beers." She added trying to entice him.

For a moment the 38-year-old mother thought that her son was going to gloomily reject the idea. But finally Casey nodded, albeit with no enthusiasm whatsoever.

"Great. Let's head downstairs then" She said sounding as positive as she could given the circumstances. She needed to try and sound upbeat for Casey. Anything to get him out of this mood.

And so the two of them headed toward the basement and down into what Chris had converted into a game room. The large pool table took up most of the room with some darts set up on another side, a large television with a gaming console on the other, and some couches on either side of the pool table ends. Holly smiled up at Casey excitedly as she walked over to grab one of the cues from the wall.

"I'll break." She announced before Casey could. But from the look of her son he hardly seemed interested enough to even play let alone jump ahead like she had.

Setting up the balls Casey didn't even bother to spin the eight ball as he leaned back against the wall and watched as Holly got herself set up for the first shot.

She was not the best at pool. She didn't suck at it, but she was hardly the most skilled player. But even so she knew how to break and so leaning over the table she positioned herself ready to strike, not noticing the sudden gleam that came into her son's eyes as her large, bikini-clad breasts hung beneath her lusciously.

Slamming the cue into the ball Holly jumped up and down as the rest of the balls scattered, one even sinking into one of the corner pockets like a pro.

"Looks like you're going down, mister." The pretty brunette announced playfully, mistaking the look of interest on her son's face for him finally starting to enjoy himself rather than that he had been enjoying the way her breasts bounced as she did her victory dance.

"We'll see. It's early days yet. But you just keep dancing." He said and once more Holly misunderstood why he had said exactly that.

Feeling like she was finally getting through to him, Holly repositioned herself for the next shot. This time she was not far from where Casey stood and so as she leaned over the table this time her son got a perfect view of her tight, round ass. Not to mention the hot image of her being bent over the pool table in just a small bikini. Casey's eyes were fixed on her, wide and on target, but Holly was too busy with the shot to notice her son ogling her.

This time the shot missed the pocket and Holly almost stamped her foot in irritation before she walked back around the table and watched as Casey walked round to take his shot. However as she stood at the opposite end of the table from him Casey suddenly raised the cue over his shoulders, placing both of his arms on the cue as he studied his shot, and this time it was Holly's turn to have wide eyes. Suddenly she saw him again with no shirt on, looking all buff and toned, only this time she could see him through his t-shirt as he stood with his muscles tensed from the way his hands hung on the cue and she could see a little of his abs from how his t-shirt rose up.

Instantly Holly felt her cheeks heat as she once more realised how good-looking her son actually was. She wished he were someone else so she could enjoy what she saw, in fact! But she knew who he was and so at the same time as feeling flustered by what she saw she felt turned off by the fact that this was her son! It was a very confusing mix of emotions.

Fortunately Casey didn't take too long to contemplate what he was doing and so he was soon taking his shot...and potting a ball, much to Holly's great disappointment.

"Lucky shot!" She exclaimed and watched as Casey grinned at her for how competitive she was being.

"I'm just good at sinking balls." Casey replied innocently but Holly's mind instantly twisted what he had been saying as an image of his well-packed shorts flashed into her mind.

She bet he was good, with all that to his name. This Cristina Hodges was going to be a very lucky girl if they ever did get together, Holly thought before she could stop herself.

"Well you won't get the next one." She promised. Only he did, and the one after that. So Holly was standing there befuddled, and amazed at how good her son had gotten at pool. Before he had only been marginally better than she was.

"I guess I'm not the one going down, mom." Casey cheekily jibed, posing with his cue as if he had already won the game.

Holly opened her mouth to come back with a witty retort however all she could see once again was how well-defined Casey's shape was and how charmingly stunning he looked with that cheeky grin on his face. Instead Holly just waited and tried to ignore the thoughts in her mind as she waited for him to miss his next shot. Which fortunately he did.

"Ha!" She exclaimed, not being competitive at all, and felt a flutter pass through her at the amused smile that Casey gave her.

Setting herself up for her shot Holly was getting ready to take it when suddenly Casey jabbed her gently in the side, tickling her so that she jumped almost a thousand miles.

"Hey! Not fair!" She laughed.

"Just getting you back for laughing at me missing a shot." Casey teased as if that was the only reason he wanted to touch his mother's naked waist.

"Well you watch yourself, mister. I have a stick, and I'm not afraid to use it." She warned him jokingly as she held up the cue in front of her.

Stepping back with his hands raised Casey laughed softly, a sound that made Holly smile as she thought that she was once again getting him out of his melancholy.

"I've got no doubt you're good with a stick in your hands." He said innocently once more and Holly felt her cheeks redden slightly as her mind twisted what he had been saying.

Why did her mind constantly do that? Just because she had noticed he was attractive? So her mind was in natural flirt mode? Really? He was her son, not some random guy she had seen who she liked. And she loved Chris besides! Ok, so she didn't go blind when she got married but still, she was no schoolgirl to be getting this flustered over an attractive guy!

Trying to ignore her cheeks Holly tried her best to keep her mind where it should be.

"Yeah, you've been warned." She advised him as she walked back to where she needed to be for her shot.

Taking it she sank the next ball, only to miss her next. Fortunately Casey missed his also but then so did Holly. And it wasn't, at least this time, because she was flustered by how her son looked. At least not all of the time. There were a couple of times when he would stretch or lean his muscular arms on the table edge that she had to refocus on what she was doing. But still, she was fine. Really.

Finally after Casey had taken his shots, right up until he was on the eight ball, Holly lined up with the three other balls she had to sink in order to catch up to him. And she was not at a good angle at all.

Leaning over the table her breasts gently rubbed the felt as she positioned herself and got ready to strike. One...two...thr...

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Casey asked calmly and Holly glanced up at him curiously and cautiously.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I?" She asked in return, eyeing him suspiciously.

"The angle's wrong. You'll bounce that ball off the cushion before it goes into the pocket." Her son replied in what seemed like genuine advice.

For a moment Holly looked at the ball and then back at him. Was this some kind of ploy so that she wouldn't take the shot and he would win? Holly's competitive nature flared up at that but then her more rational side thankfully took over. Why would he do that, he was already on the eight ball anyway? What did he have to lose by her sinking one of her three remaining balls?

Finally her rational side won over her suspicious side and Holly leaned back up.

"Do you have any better advice?" She asked as if having it dragged out of her. She didn't like admitting that she wasn't as good as him.

Smiling broadly Casey walked over behind her and took one end of the cue.

"Lean down." He almost commanded and Holly only glanced at him before bending over the table with the cue in her hands.

It turned out that Casey wanted to show her the right angle for the shot, and so he leaned over her from behind her and helped her position the cue just right so that she could see where she needed to hit the ball in order to get it in the pocket. Stretching over her Casey moved her hands and adjusted the cue as he pressed himself against her from behind. All of it was very platonic and Casey did nothing other than show her how to hold the cue and where to strike best as he leaned closer to her to whisper into her ear, only Holly could barely pay attention.

Feeling him this close to her, knowing just how hot he was, and feeling his bulging bathing shorts pressing firmly into her from behind as all she wore was a bikini and a sarong, Holly's mind ran rampant. Her cheeks turned a dark crimson at the thoughts and she could barely understand anything Casey was saying as she was just all too aware of his defined body pressing against her and his well-endowed crotch pressing firmly into her ass.

Finally he moved, leaning back up and squeezing her waist before he moved to stand beside the table. Only Holly couldn't do more than just hold her position perfectly still as her heart raced in her chest and her hands wanted to shake.

"You should get it now." Casey said and Holly had to think twice before she could do more than stare wildly at the ball in front of her.

When her mind finally cleared Holly took a deep, calming breath before taking the shot...and WAM! the ball went straight into the pocket, just as Casey had said.

Standing up straight Holly felt her legs wobble a little from how nervous she felt inside -- what was wrong with her! Anyone would think she had never seen an attractive guy before! -- but soon enough she was secure enough to smile at potting the ball.

"Perfect!" Casey announced and clapped his hands, which made Holly grin like an idiot.

"Thank you." She said, taking the compliment. "And for the help."

"Anytime." Casey replied and Holly smiled impishly at him.

"Anytime? Even for this next shot?" She asked with amused curiosity and Casey grinned and nodded. Not one to miss out on being that close to his mother again.

"I'll do that any time you want, mom." He answered with suave confidence and Holly smiled as she leaned down to get ready to take her next shot.

It turned out that she really could have used his help on the next shot as this time she missed, allowing Casey to sink the black before she could take her next turn. Celebrating the good game with him, and the fact that he seemed to be in a little happier mood now that she had taken his mind off what his friends and brothers were doing, Holly racked the balls up for another game.
