Brad's Suggestion

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Student takes control of his professor and her husband.
6.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/04/2015
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What an amazing 48 hours this has been. And it is about to getter even better. Sara is in the red and black bra and panty set we picked out special for today and she is wearing seriously hot fuck me black pumps. She is sitting seductively on the granite kitchen countertop of our home waiting for her lover to arrive. We have been building to this moment since her lover Brad wrote her a note on his exam and launched this journey.

Sara and I are both professors at a flagship University in the Midwest. We are in our mid-forties and are both relatively fit and healthy. Sara is 5'2" and 115 pounds and has great tits and a lovely ass. We have been married for 22 years yet over the last 48 hours we have significantly altered our marriage covenant. She has made herself completely available to her former student and is looking forward a full day of fucking. We both have agreed that she deserves this and that our commitment to each other will continue to be tested but ultimately enhanced by Sara continuing as Brad's sexual partner. It isn't an equal partnership as Brad has made it clear since the beginning that he has complete control of the relationship. She is his sexual property and I fill the role of supportive cuckold.

He should arrive in the next five minutes, and I don't think I have ever seen Sara this excited. She has told me she doesn't want to hurt me, but ultimately my failure to be a good sexual partner and Brad's strength and allure has created a situation where she is completely willing and excited about being his property. She is nervous but committed to pleasing him in any and every way he asks. She is practically buzzing with excitement. Her nipples are as hard as I have ever seen them and are straining the sexy red and black fabric of her bra. The colors are Brad's favorite, and we made a special trip to our local lingerie store to get her outfit for today. I can only assume she is wet too, but I know her pussy is completely off limits to me, so I can only assume.

As the clock ticks towards Sara's pleasure and my continued humiliation I am reflecting on how innocently this began.

48 Hours Ago...

"I have a weird situation" Sara tells me as I am sitting on the couch watching football.

"What's that?"

"Well, I asked my students to offer feedback on the class at the end of their mid-term exam, and, well, I got an interesting response. I am not sure how to react."

"What did it say?"

"Here, read it."

She handed me the exam and on the last page the student had written some flattering things about the course and her teaching which was often the case when students give her feedback. Although in this case it continued on with a much more interesting and bolder bit of feedback.

"Not only is your class great, but each day I like coming to class because you look hot! The jeans and sweater you wore today might be why I missed a few questions on this exam. Although the best outfit this semester was the plaid schoolgirl skirt and those hot black boots you wore the first week. If you haven't picked out an outfit for Monday yet, I suggest that one. And as long as you're considering suggestions, when you do wear that, pair it with the white blouse you wore last week, and definitely be sure the extra button is undone like last week. I so look forward to walking into class on Monday and seeing you in this outfit. I know you like looking good and you will look sooooooo good and it will be so hot when you follow my suggestions. If you want to discuss or just chat my cell is 248-555-1212, it would be great to hear from you. Either way though, I will see you Monday!"

I finished reading and looked at her. All I could say is "wow!"

"Should I just ignore it? Should I report him? He's a good kid, but this is completely inappropriate. I really am at a loss."

"Who is the student?" I asked.

"A guy named Brad Mitchell. He is a bit older than the typical undergrad as he served 4 years in the military."

"Oh" was all I got out. All semester I have heard her speak fondly of "Brad" in her class. He is smart, more mature than the typical kids, he is funny, he is really fit, etc. etc. It seems a week hasn't gone by that she didn't say something positive about this guy. It is typical we discuss students, but it was obvious from the first week of the semester that this was a bit more. I even met the guy once and remember thinking that my wife was like a schoolgirl with a crush when we ran into him at a local restaurant and they talked for a while. So, this wasn't just any student, this was "BRAD."

I sat quietly, thought about the message, thought about the guy who wrote the message, thought about my wife, our relatively crappy sex life, and looked at her and said, "you could just wear the outfit."

"What? You can't be serious!"

Amazingly enough I was. In the next 20 minutes I spoke more honestly than I had in years. I explained how I saw the situation. I loved her, I thought she was just as hot as the day I met her, I even totally agreed with Brad's outfit choice, it was one of my favorites too. But I was not a real lover for her. I had performance issues and they had taken their toll on our relationship. I explained I just wanted her to happy, to have some level of sexual fun, and if she wanted to wear a great outfit on Monday and enjoy the attention of a younger man, I encouraged her to do it. If it led to something else, we would deal with that. I told her it was entirely up to her and regardless of what she did I would love her as much as I always had.

She barely spoke while I talked. Then she sat quietly for a while and finally said "You're crazy. And I must be too because I am thinking about wearing his request."

We sat silently for a bit and then she asked, "How does that make you feel?"

"Nervous, excited, jealous, proud, all of those combined."

"Me too" she said, then after a bit more silence she asked me "do I call him?"

"You want to, don't you?"

"I guess I do. But it terrifies me. And I don't want you to be mad."

"You could text him." I suggested. "Be less pressure than an actual call."

"What would I say?' she said. I realized I was helping her plan a conversation with a guy who was hot for her. A guy who I could only assume wanted to fuck her. It was crazy, and yet I was getting excited and aroused.

"Just say, 'thanks for the kind words, and the suggestion' and leave it at that and see how he responds."

She looked at me, picked up her phone, typed for a moment and then looked at me, "last chance, tell me to ignore him, report him, whatever. But I think if I hit send, we are going down a totally new path and you might not like it."

"But you will" I said.

"Possibly. I know I my heart is beating a million miles an hour and I am probably blushing." Which she was. "Do I hit send?"

I thought for a second and then declared; "You don't need to ask me, don't need to tell me if he responds, this can be entirely between you and him. Do I want you to hit send? Yes. I think you deserve it. But what I want most is for you to be happy, for you to have some thrill in your life and for you to decide without any worry about my love for you which will not change. I would love to share in that and hear about it, but that's up to you. I love you regardless."

"You sound like if I hit send, I am automatically going to end up in bed with this guy. It's just a text, it's just an outfit. He probably just did it to be funny."

"We both know that you think highly of this guy. You have talked about him all semester. I think there is some mutual attraction going on, and since he had the guts to write that message, I have no doubt that if he gets a text from you, he will see it as a green light to keep pushing. So, I actually think the text is a big step, but again, I think you should go for it. Where it ends up will be up to you, but it starts with the text."

She looked at me. She looked at her phone. She looked at me, said "I love you," looked back at her phone and then hit send.

She looked at me and said, "Wow!"

Neither of us knew what to say, but the silence was short lived as her phone buzzed indicating a new message.

"Yikes!" she said as she stared at her phone indecisively. "You read it!" she suggested.

I held out my hand and she handed me the phone. I selected the message and read it.

Sara said, "well?"

I read it to her: "I meant the words and especially the suggestion. Will I be happy Monday?"

I handed her the phone back, she read the message and sat quietly. Then her fingers moved and she hit send.

I looked at her. I so wanted to ask her what she wrote. But I was honest when I told her I would let her decide how involved I would be.

Her phone buzzed. She looked at me, smiled, and read the message. She typed and hit send. I sat frozen. My heart raced and my cock started to grow. I was definitely getting excited. The back and forth went on for five more minutes. Finally, she looked up and said, "He has a question for you."

I just stared at her and after a pause she said, "You should read them."

"Do you want me to?"

"Actually yes. This is so crazy, I guess I need to share this with someone. I know it's weird that it would be you, but since you started us down this path, I guess I want us to do it together. Plus, he is waiting for your response."

I looked at her and held out my hand. She smiled, handed me the phone. I began to read.

I am leaning that way

You will look hot!

Flattery will get you ... actually it might work

In that case, then you are the hottest woman I know. Beautiful, smart, and sexy!

You're not so bad yourself. Maybe I will suggest what you should wear!

Suggest away!

You actually look good in just about anything. Did I just type that!? :)

Hmmm, does your husband know you are paying attention to what I wear? :)

Actually, he is the one who suggested I text you

Interesting. He OK with you wearing the outfit tomorrow?

I guess we can ask him ...

Hey Sara's husband, you OK if your wife dresses hot for me?

I looked up at her. She had a sly smile on her face and said, "Your call. I will do what you tell him. Go ahead and type."

I was so nervous I almost couldn't type, but finally I did and hit send.

She looked at me. I looked at the phone. It buzzed back. I read Brad's response. My heart raced and I handed Sara's phone back to her and said "I can do it, if they need pressing."

She looked at me not understanding, then read the texts.

Yes, and you are right, she will look hot!

Yes, she will. Be sure to iron her skirt and blouse for me.

Sara looked at me, smiled, and said, "I think I will text in private for a while." She looked at me and I got the message. "Oh, ok, I will walk the dog."

"Might want to make it a long one." She winked at me and started typing.

I left and made the dog happy. He loves long walks. I was erect most of the walk. My wife is texting with another man, and I encouraged her to do it. She is going to wear a sexy outfit for him, and again I encouraged her to do it. This all should have been making me mad, or sad, but instead I was aroused and excited. It was crazy.

When I returned, she was sitting on the couch looking at her phone but not typing. She looked up and said, "He had to go to work, but he wanted me to do him a favor."

"What's that?" I asked with a bit of trepidation.

"Well we friended each other on Facebook and he wanted me to post a photo of you ironing my outfit. He said it would be a fun post but have an inside meaning to us. I told him I would do it."

"So, I get to be humiliated and he gets a good laugh?" I asked a bit upset.

"Actually, yes. See I am having a really hard time saying no to Brad and he asked, so I said yes. Plus, you are the one who started this, so you really can't complain."

I sat defeated and acknowledged her point. After a moment I went and got the ironing board and set it up, found the iron and as I was ready to go, she appeared with her skirt and white blouse. In a funny twist, I am actually good with an iron as I was always too cheap to get my shirts done so in the years before non-iron fabric I did a lot of ironing. I got right to work and soon I was engulfed in the task, both wanting to do a good job and obsessing over how hot Sara was going to dress for Brad. I was broken out of my trance by the sound of Sara's iPhone taking a photo. She laughed, typed, and uploaded a photo.

"When you have finished, please hang them carefully in the bathroom. After that you can see the post. Give me your phone, you can have it to look when you are done. I am going to read for a bit in bed." I handed her my phone.

Sara went upstairs and I finished my task leaving the skirt and blouse nearly perfect. When she wears these with the great high leather boots she got in NYC she really does look hot. I laughed that Brad must have good taste as he not only is hot on my wife but suggested one of her hottest outfits. I took the clothes up to the bathroom and stopped for a moment. Already hung on the hook was one of her sexiest grey bras and the matching panties. These were hot all on their own, but then thinking that the grey bra would be visible under the white blouse really meant that Sara was getting into the idea of dressing for Brad. At this point I was pretty hard.

I hung her outfit up and went into the bedroom. Sara was in one of her sexier night shirts that really supported and basically displayed her breasts. She wasn't reading but texting again. She continued a bit and then put the phone down. "Brad was on break at work, He is paying for school with the GI bill but pays his living expenses by bartending. His last message to me was 'I am looking forward to our date tomorrow, wink, wink' and its funny but that is kinda how I feel about it. It is going to be hard to teach knowing he is checking me out the whole time."

She handed me my phone and waited as I checked Facebook. There was a photo of me ironing that Sara captioned "My hubby making sure I look good tomorrow!" And sure enough the first "like" was Brad Mitchell. A few of her girlfriends liked it too and one of my friends commented "He is whipped!". Sara commented back, "You have no idea!" and Brad had liked that too.

I looked at her and she laughed. "Oh come on, only we know the underlying humor in it. Plus, Brad says you probably like the humiliation a bit, it probably even turns you on. Is that true? Do you like that you were preparing my outfit for him? And that the proof is published on Facebook?"

I didn't answer, but the answers were yes, it was turning me on. Sara padded the bed next to her and I laid down on the bed. She leaned over and kissed me, and her hand found my crotch and she squeezed my rock hard cock. "It seems we finally found something that makes you hard!" she said as my hands found her breasts. I started to caress her breasts as she squeezed my cock. "Do you think knowing that I will be dressed hot for Brad tomorrow is enough to keep you hard enough to fuck me?" I responded, "I hope so." It was the only answer I could give as I had such frequent performance issues that I was often unable to finish what we started.

We quickly undressed each other and as my hand found her pussy it was soaking wet. I was going to position myself to fuck her when she instead pushed my head down between her legs and told me "I need it for sure, please use your tongue." I couldn't really argue as my cock was hard, but it often started that way and then faded. So, I dove in and started to eat her out. I like doing this and in the last few years it was the only way I had been able to give her good orgasms. As I was really giving it my best, I heard her phone buzz. Amazingly enough she picked it up and then laughed.

"Brad was wondering what I am doing right now. Should I tell him?" I paused my work to formulate an answer and she grabbed my head and pushed me back in moaning "don't stop!" I returned to pleasing her and she simultaneously enjoyed my work and her text conversation with Brad. She was moaning and squirming as I was getting her closer to a climax. She was also laughing over her text exchange.

A minute or so later she started to really squirm, and she exploded into an orgasm. I kept pleasuring her until she finally pulled me back up and my head collapsed onto her breasts. She held me there and we just both let our breathing slow down. She stroked my hair and said "you're so good to me." I felt great.

After a minute I was almost asleep but once again I heard her texting. She continued to text and occasionally giggled. She made no effort to include me or tell me what was being said. Once again, I was reacting to my wife obviously having a private and maybe even intimate conversation with Brad by getting aroused. She looked at me and said, "Brad just asked if this whole thing was making you crazy, jealous or horny, and I told him 'yes'" Her hand reached down and started rubbing me again and she continued to talk to me, "Do I tell him how hard you are? Do I tell him you just ate me out? Is this making you horny?"

"Very" was all I could get out. She had a firm grasp on my cock now and with a few good pulls I started to cum furiously. She kept stroking me as her hand and my cock were covered with about the biggest load I had shot in years. The sensation was outrageously strong. I was totally squirming from the almost tickling feeling.

She laughed, gave my cock one last strong, long stroke and kissed me on my head and said, "while you go clean up, I am going to say goodnight to Brad. Maybe I will tell him that you owe him a thanks for arousing you so strongly!" She laughed, pushed me out of bed and started to text with Brad.

I went and cleaned up and when I got back, she was finishing up her texts. She kissed me goodnight, said "he says you're welcome." And rolled over to go to sleep. I was left to wonder if she really told him. To this day I don't know.

The next morning arrived, and Sara was up early as usual getting our daughter off to school. She spent some extra time in the bathroom getting ready. Her phone was still in the bedroom, and I heard it buzz a couple times. I went to the bathroom door and told her, and she said, "I am curling my hair, can you read them to me."

I was excited to get a chance to be involved.

Hope you are having a great morning. I am excited about seeing you today, you are going to look so hot! Any chance I can get a preview photo.

Sara laughed from the other side of the door, then the door opened and she was standing just in her bra and panties and she said, "Tell him I am not completely in my outfit yet." I texted that and almost immediately Brad's response came in: Even Better!

Sara looked at me, looked at her phone and said, "This is probably a mistake, but take one for me!" I was stunned. I reminded her that it wasn't a good idea, but she just told me to stay out of it. She posed with one leg out and her one hand under her breasts slightly pushing up her breasts. I snapped the photo and we looked at it. She looked awesome.

"Hit send for me." I did as I was told. There was a relatively short pause and then her phone buzzed. "Read it for me!" she said with the excitement of a schoolgirl.

Awesome! Look forward to seeing you in that outfit too! Perhaps after class?

She laughed a nervous laugh and told me what to type.

Hate to disappoint, but it's not really appropriate attire for work!

His response came quickly...