Breaking Clichés Ch. 10


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After sunset, back in the church, one of the regular priestesses invited us both to a small anti-chamber behind the main room. It clearly served as a sewing room with lots of unused costumes as well as assorted pieces of cloth, leather and plastic. Amara was a very cute young girl with wisps of red hair poking out from under her headdress. Not truly beautiful, but when she smiled her cuteness soared. She closed the door behind her and opened a small chest containing Scarlett's costume.

Amara didn't have anywhere near Scarlett's beauty and sex appeal and for a moment I was afraid that there would be some tension. But I was wrong. Amara was almost as thankful as the guys had been for Scarlett's presence here. She could see that she was great for the role and didn't seem to be bothered by her beauty. They both examined the costume for a few minutes and before Amara could leave to let Scarlett change, my fiancee untied the knot on her sash and let her robe fall to the ground. She was, of course, utterly naked.

I smiled. Amara gasped. We had been alone when they had given us our first costumes, and when I had seen Scarlett stripping down completely before donning her robe, I had simply smiled and shaken my head. I hadn't been surprised in the slightest. Amara had had no idea that Scarlett would switch from being fully clothed to fully naked in a blink of an eye. And, more importantly, she had been unprepared for my fiancee's beauty.

I watched, smiling, as Amara's eyes scanned Scarlett's body from head to toes. She hadn't even seen her full, luscious head of hair free before, and her eyes widened as Scarlett loosened them up after they tumbled from the loose knot she had made. Then her eyes fell to her breasts and her mouth opened slightly. Amara did what I was still doing when faced with Scarlett's remarkable breasts; she was gaping. She saw that her breasts were slightly too large for her frame and surging from her chest like two massive mounds of white flesh. Amara took a step back and reflexively placed her hand on her belly.

Looking lower, Amara's eyes followed the smooth curves from Scarlett's small waist and slightly flaring hips, pausing on her shaven pussy before going all the way down her round thighs and fine calves. Even though the long black rose tattoo on her calf was stunning, Amara didn't even seem to notice it. With Amara frozen in front of her, Scarlett started and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, are you a lesbian?"

"What?" Amara asked, clearly shaken. "No, no. Sadly... I mean no, I'm not. Damn! Did I say sadly out loud?" she laughed nervously.

After Scarlett smiled and nodded, Amara added, "Oh me and my big mouth. But damn!" she exclaimed again. "You are preposterously beautiful! I didn't quite believe what the guys were saying about you and was convinced that the pictures they had shown me of you as 2B had been doctored. The thick robe now feels like it was a setup to make me react like this... Crap!" she finished, laughing.

Amara took a deep breath and calmed herself. She then looked at me with an expression that said "Lucky man!" She was deeply flushed and was still breathing quickly and I briefly wondered if Amara was indeed a lesbian. Some women reacted vividly to Scarlett's beauty, but most of them were either bi or lesbians.

A minute later Scarlett had the skirt on and adjusted. Amara, slightly more at ease now, laughed and said, "You're really going to wear this without underwear?"

"Well I don't have much of a choice..." Scarlett replied. "Anything would stand out. I'm sure that the person who designed this skirt was well aware of that. Can I assume that I'm the first one willing to wear it?"

Amara blushed and nodded. The skirt, as in the image they had sent us, consisted essentially of two pieces of cloth, about ten inches wide and thirty inches long. They hung from a fine golden chain, one in front and one in the back. It was incredibly sexy and didn't hide much. Amara and I could both see her hips, as well as most of her thighs and buttocks.

For the top, Scarlett tried putting on what looked like a white bikini top but made from a very thin non-stretch fabric. It hung loosely over her breasts and had clearly not been designed for breasts as large as hers. When she put it on, both her nipples showing, it looked so naughty as to be funny. Amara laughed with me. "Well... Looks like we'll have to find something else!" she said.

"What about this?" Scarlett asked, pointing to a long veil hanging on the wall.

"Oh, good idea. We could certainly use it to make... But, it's slightly transparent."

"So?" Scarlett said simply.

Amara paused, then frowned, then laughed out loud. "Dear gods!" she exclaimed. "You just don't stop, do you? You are going to turn me into a lesbian!" she was still laughing. "I think we're going to be talking about this sacrifice for years to come... Are you sure about this?" Scarlett was. Amara shook her head, smiling. "I wish I was as confident as you..."

A few hours later, not too far from her but still in the crowd, I watched Scarlett walking slowly towards the altar. It was fully night, and there were only four torches to light the scene. It was enough though... More than enough. I could see that just about every guy in the enclosure was staring at her. When she moved between me and a torch, I could see her breasts outlined as if she were naked. I could guess that many of the others around got the same treat. The long haired white wig, the same she had used for her 2B costume, had quite an effect on me, making her familiar body and face look brand new.

Scarlett was perfect in her role. She may claim that she's not into this type of roleplay, but I would confront her later about her obvious talent. Even when she said the ritual words in an invented language, she was flawless and her words tumbled out confidently. When she raised her retractable bladed dagger, her breasts shook and the crowd became even more silent. Timing her strike with a guy hidden behind the altar, she struck the peasant who had been chosen as sacrifice. The hidden guy squeezed a bag full of blood and it squirted all over the peasant. And Scarlett.

When Scarlett turned around, her face, veil and skirt covered with the fake blood, she opened her arms wide and threw her head back to chant a few more words. She also shook the hearts and lower bellies of most of the crowd, with the blood making the thin veil stick to her breasts. After a long pause the crowd erupted in cries, hoping that the ritual would appease the gods.

Someone then doused the four torches and the crowd slowly dispersed with Scarlett moving back behind the altar. After they all left I walked to her, anxious to learn how Scarlett had enjoyed her experience. To my surprise, she wasn't there. The sacrificed peasant was gone though, and a fake sword had been left in his place. Startled, I suddenly heard a big growl coming from deeper in the fake cave behind the altar. Laughing at myself, I found that I had reflexively gripped the sword.

Seconds later I was glad that I had. I heard someone bellowing a deep and rough "She's mine!" before charging me. It was a troll, or rather one of the guys costumed as one. We fought for a minute or two before I pummelled him enough so that he fled. I was breathing hard, adrenaline coursing through my veins. I knew that it was only a play fight, but still, it was exhilarating!

When I reached the end of the fake cavern, I could barely see Scarlett on the ground, her two hands chained to the wall. "Don't abuse me!" she cried. I growled, both at the thought that I could and also because I now understood one of the reasons she had agreed to do this. Scarlett still regularly tried to bring out the inner beast she saw in me. It was one of the constants of our relationship, had been from our very first meeting.

How long ago had she begun planning this? Had she planned on me being full of adrenaline, pumped up like an animal and unable to resist her body? Was that why the troll had been here? As she twisted on the floor, I saw her pale thighs shine on either side of the narrow skirt. My eyes were now adjusting to the moonlight and even though my heart was still pumping hard, my blood heated up at the sight. "Don't take me while I'm powerless!" she cried again. "You could do anything to me, but please don't!"

I almost laughed at her thinly veiled invitations. Then again, her thinly veiled breasts were heaving and moving around even more invitingly. I growled a deep "Shut up, damn bitch of a priestess." When I heard Scarlett unable to fully contain a moan of pleasure, I almost laughed again. My answer was my way of telling her that the game was on. I moved towards her and used my sword to move her skirt.

Scarlett cried and played her part well, but soon I had flipped the skirt sideways over her thigh and could see her bald pussy. Fuck! I was already hard in my trousers! I knelt on the floor and was glad to see that it was painted wood. Knowing that she wouldn't be hurt too badly, I grabbed both her feet and pulled her hard towards me. She gasped as she slid, her arms forced above then over her head by the chain. I pulled another time until it was taut and I sat on her ankles.

By now Scarlett was crying out and was feigning pain and outrage. "You're not going anywhere little priestess," I told her. "You're going to pay for what your brethren did to my family!" I said, inventing a simple story as I went along. She kept insulting me, promising god's wrath upon me if I raped her. I didn't mind. I grabbed the veil that was still covering her breasts and pulled it off. The simple knot gave and I threw the veil behind her.

Staring at the breasts I knew so well, with my hands on her naked thighs, I groaned in anticipated pleasure. Roughly, much rougher than I personally liked, I placed one of my hands over her pussy and pressed my thumb down between her closed thighs. A few second later I pushed my thumb against her clit and she cried out. A few more accusations of rape and other such awful things were thrown about, but I didn't care. Scarlett had managed to rile me up and I intended to give her what she wanted, a very rough ride.

Sliding up to sit on her thighs now, my thumb still mauling her clit, I roughly grabbed one of her breasts. Even though this was just roleplay, I grabbed its flesh really hard and squeezed. I grinned in the dark when I heard Scarlett gasp in what seemed to be real surprise. "You're so fucking going to get it now, bitch!" And to my pleasure, even though I had probably hurt her slightly, I felt her pussy becoming hotter and wetter. "What's this now?" I asked. "You're liking this? Really?"

She cried out that she didn't, but when I rubbed my thumb in small circles, she moaned out loud. "Oh my dear... Oh such a naughty little priestess. You're in for a rough ride." Without leaving her enough time to react, I jumped away from her and twisted her around until she lay on her belly. After sitting on her thighs again, I removed my thick cape, my tabard and my shirt before unbuttoning my trousers. Awkwardly, I leaned forward and pushed them off. Scarlett tried to get away from me a couple of times during that process, but stopped when I reached under her for one of her breasts again, squeezing it hard.

I finally found myself naked with my cock pressed between her buttocks. She was now keeping her thighs clamped together and I had to press my cock very hard between them to reach her pussy. I spat on the little space between her buttocks and thighs where the tip of my cock was nestled and felt the lubricant spread over me. When I first pushed upwards, I slipped against her asshole and heard her gasp. "Not this! Not this you perverted animal!"

"Just for that," I replied, "you're certainly going to get it. Just wait for it, priestess. You're going to get sodomized soon."

I so dearly wanted to do it now, but roleplay or not, there wasn't enough lubricant on my cock. Looking up, I saw that her hands were still pulled over her head and that the position must be uncomfortable for her. Screw that! At this point all I wanted was her sweet pussy. And I got it. Scarlett was burning hot and more than lubed enough for me. I had expected to take her slowly to spread the lube but surprised myself by ramming myself into her.

Reflexively she opened her legs to try and escape, but that only allowed me to go deeper. She gasped and cried out as I pretty much bottomed out. I'm not huge, but I'm big enough to fill her and in a few positions I can actually go deep enough to hurt her. And that's what I wanted to do right now. Well, I didn't really want to hurt her, but Scarlett being Scarlett, I knew she would love being pushed to the edge of pain. Growling again as I bit into her shoulder, I reached for my clothing next to us and pulled it close.

I slipped out of her pussy and pulled her hips upwards. After pushing the thick clothing under her lower belly, I pushed her back down. The stack of clothing forced her ass upwards and I grinned as I knew that this was one of the positions where I could go too deep. "You know what's coming, don't you little priestess?"

"Shit!" she cried, and for a moment I hesitated. It didn't sound like a playful voice.

"What?" I asked. "You want me to take you roughly?"

Scarlett breathed hard a few times as she tried to reposition herself. But I was holding her down very firmly. "You're not going anywhere, and that not-quite-deep-enough pussy is going to get it..." She groaned again, half in anticipated pleasure, half in fear. When I mounted her again, she gasped. As soon as I felt my upper thighs slamming into her ass, my cock buried as deep as it could physically go, Scarlett cried out. In real pain.

I knew she would want me to pound into her despite the pain, would want me to take her as roughly as an angry farmer would take a chained and sexy priestess. Yet I was still me and I hesitated for a very brief moment. During those few seconds, Scarlett said something she hadn't said to me in a long while, "Don't hold back now, professor..." I growled as I remembered how often she'd had to tell me this during our first months together.

Scarlett liked things rough in bed. Not always, but often enough. As I was now figuring out that she had organized this little bondage thing with the D&D guys, I knew she wanted me to be rough. And so I was. I slipped one hand under her right breast and the other under her left armpit. After wrapping my fingers around her shoulder and holding on to it very firmly, I pushed myself up into her as hard as I could.

Scarlett cried again, much louder this time, and I grinned like a wolf when her cry turned into a low moan before she ran out of breath. But before she could breath again I pulled back and drove into her again and let my full weight press down on her. This time she gasped with what little air she'd had left in her lungs. I pounded into her her relentlessly and I felt her managing to take a ragged breath.

As soon as she did, she moaned and cried out in pure pleasure despite the pain she was surely feeling. Into her ear, I growled "You're fucking mine, priestess... You're my fucktoy!"

Surprising me, Scarlett said "Forget the roleplay... Say my name."

"You're my very own personal fucktoy Scarlett..." I groaned, breathing hard. I could feel her squirming beneath me as I did and was surprised to feel her starting to spasm. She was close to climaxing already!

I renewed my assault on her pussy. Even if it lessened my leverage, I slipped my other hand to her left breast and mauled her breasts. She was now moaning and mumbling things incoherently, and the only word I could make out were "Again..."

And so I let my inner alpha male emerge and said "You like being my little slut, don't you? All your convictions and arguments about being a proud feminist... All bull! You're nothing more than a cock-slave! My cock-slave!"

I had to focus not to laugh as I was saying such crazy things. Yet in this fantasy, despite the fact that she had asked me to use her own name, Scarlett was turned on by this raw, alpha-male rubbish. She wasn't a hypocritical feminist; Scarlett truly believed all those things about equality and the mistreatment of women in our society at all levels. But when she was very excited, she also wanted to be taken like a sex doll. It was a paradox I was still working on wrapping my head around.

But right now it was working for her. Soon I felt like I was riding an angry bull as her pleasure exploded. Taking her by surprise, I pushed us forward to get some slack in the chain. Then, as she was still puzzled about this move, I shifted my weight backwards and pulled her up with me. We were both kneeling now as I kept fucking her, and when I slipped my hands from her breasts to her neck, I heard her gasping. Scarlett liked to be dominated and her neck was highly erogenous zone.

I grabbed it forcefully, using my thumbs to pull her head back. Her back was arched as far as it would go as I pulled her head backwards until she could look into my eyes. Her breasts were pushed forward lewdly and I saw her body shake and arch even more as I pounded into her in this strange position. She truly was at my mercy and her moans transformed into guttural groans of pleasure.

When I saw her eyes rolling up into her head, I knew her climax was fully blooming. She stopped breathing for a long moment as she arched her body even further, trembling all over. She then took a deep breath and surged upwards, freeing herself from my tight grip. I heard her trying to control her cries of pleasure, and failing miserably.

I pushed her forward and she fell back onto the heap of clothing on the ground. She cried out when I slammed myself back into her, pushing even more pleasure and a trace of pain out of her sweat covered and panting body. Abandoning any attempt at remaining silent, Scarlett was now screaming her climax for everybody to hear. In the corner of my mind, I was glad to hear that it really sounded like a girl climaxing. I hoped that the others would recognize it as well; I didn't feel like seeing a horde of warriors rushing to her aid with foam swords right now.

I think Scarlett broke her record for the longest climax ever. She seemed to be completely overwhelmed with her pleasure and she was trashing beneath me. I tried matching my thrusts wth her body movements and tonight it worked better than most times. My hands were still back around her shoulders and I was driving my cock as hard into her as I could every chance I got. I say every chance because sometimes Scarlett was moving so much that all I could do was hang onto her!

Before her climax waned, Scarlett froze for a long moment before stretching her body slowly in perfect silence. She gasped very loudly after that, trembling and moaning as she fully relaxed beneath me. I pulled out of her pussy gently and knelt next to her. Scarlett turned on her back. Breaking out of character, she was looking at me with a soft smile, still trying to regain control of her breathing. She was panting, sweaty and grinning.

But I wasn't done. I was sitting on my feet and rose up on my knees. My still hard cock, glistening with her juices, was about a foot from her face. The message was unmistakable. Her eyes opened wider for a moment a she remembered that I hadn't climaxed. Before she could do anything about it, I reached her knees and pulled her chain taut one more time. Standing right next to her face, my cock right above it, I said "I told you earlier priestess... You're going to get sodomized. But right now my cock isn't wet enough, so..."

When I squatted over her head and knelt down, she gasped out loud and tried moving. I was above her, over the chain, and could see her perfect body laid before me. We both knew that all she had to do was say our safe word, "Love", and everything would be over. She didn't. "Tilt your head back, priestess, I'm going to teach you something your god never has..." I grinned when I saw her tilting her head backwards.